Kino suggestions for non touchy feely guys


Don Juan
Nov 25, 2005
Reaction score
Hood Hopping...
Ive been in the game for like 8 months now. Im trying to learn from mistakes and see where i could improve. I think people say that im a very cold person like im too detached(like indifference), and not touchy feely. I dont really like to be touched.

Plus David D. said its good to take a chick and chill and have a good time, dont try to get your hands on her. So because David D. said that, i stay in my confort zone.

Another problem, i never started to make a habit of waking off. (tried it on a couple times, for like 4-5 times, that made it worse) so i have riduculous amount of desire. That **** doesnt kick in until you start getting around girls. It makes me wanna grab them sexually, but if girls touch me, that feels awkward where im screaming on the inside "get the f off me please." So i try to suppress that desire, but it comes across outta my control, when i spend a little too much time, or my face gets real red, or i get nervous and start fidgeting. (Those things are liable to happen, not always though)

So those are the reasons why i do hands off. Even though, i could make them laugh and play them out (being a challenge to them treating them like youre ok, but ive seen better, so you have to bring more to the table than your looks) they get too confortable around me so it starts to look like friends.

I need help on how to advance physically. For me, saying 'escalate the kino' or 'move things along' doesnt help me. all it does is help me to have a goal or something. wanting and trying to do something is different than that thing getting done. afcs wanna and try to get girls so they keep volunteering to do ***t for them and trying to be real nice to her. They have the want to when it comes to getting ass from a female, but they dont have the how to, so they continue volunteering a ridiculous amount of attention to a chick, trying to impress her.

so with that being said, i need more of the how to with this subject. try to be specific as possible please. b/c when ive only had the want to and ive tried it comes across like weird and like i dont know what im doing, so they lose interest. any help apreciated. one


Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
Kingston, Can-a-duh
Ever hold a girl's hand? One of the simpliest KINO techniques in the book, and absurdly easy to do.

If she's into you (I have no doubts in my mind here), ask her to take a walk, go to the store and grab some chips and pop even. She says 'yes', grab her hand and off you go! Try to force yourself to keep your hand there, if she's not resisting, she's totally alright with it (so don't you dare think of it).

Go to the story, grab your stuff and head back home. Set up the DVD player with a semi-relaxing movie, pick her up, prop yourself on the arm/back of the couch and put her beside you, head resting on your chest/shoulders. Sit back, relax and enjoy a hour and a half of comfort.

I will honestly tell you that it feels good, and it warms you up to her at the same time.

-This isn't related to picking up girls, it is about building KINO confidence. Take it as such.

(PM me if you got any more problems ^^,)
