Kino- best and worst


Don Juan
Jul 8, 2004
Reaction score
I have been talking about kino techniques alot tonight so I decided to start a kino post entitled:

The Best and Worst of Attempted Kino

Have an uncommon situation where you kino'ed up a woman? SHARE IT WITH US! :D

Unique, funny, shut-down, miraculous, favorite moves, etc. are all welcome!

Tell us how kino has affected your DJing!


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Someone posted this same sh*t a couple of days ago. :rolleyes:

Kino is NOT an "event". If you're sexually interested in a girl you should be touching her right off the bat. Not groping, but hand on the arm, small of the back, shoulder, friendly guy-girl stuff like that.

If you make a big deal out of it, acting like touching a girl is some Jedi mind-trick to make girls fall in love with you, then it's going to come off just like that: awkward and contrived. And that creeps girls out.

If you use physical contact right from the start, girls think you're naturally a "touchy-feely" person and as long as you don't violate their comfort zone with too much touch too soon, touching you will be natural for them.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 4, 2004
Reaction score
manila, philippines
Originally posted by squirrels
Someone posted this same sh*t a couple of days ago. :rolleyes:

Kino is NOT an "event". If you're sexually interested in a girl you should be touching her right off the bat. Not groping, but hand on the arm, small of the back, shoulder, friendly guy-girl stuff like that.

If you make a big deal out of it, acting like touching a girl is some Jedi mind-trick to make girls fall in love with you, then it's going to come off just like that: awkward and contrived. And that creeps girls out.

If you use physical contact right from the start, girls think you're naturally a "touchy-feely" person and as long as you don't violate their comfort zone with too much touch too soon, touching you will be natural for them.
but it does seem akward some of the time. i dont know, it just does'nt seem natural on some girls.. any ideas?


Don Juan
May 10, 2003
Reaction score
South coast
I know a guy who thinks touching is some kind of Jedi masters trick that he and only he can do, that it will automatically make the girl for him. I've seen him screw it up so bad it's hillarious. He tried to touch some girl on the head who he'd been talking to (or rather, at, in a 5/95 kinda split of being about her or about him) and she freaked.

Kino, in my opinion, must be done naturally to be natural. If you act like you are going to turn lead into gold with it, then the girl can sense it. Female intuition, communcition 90% of the time is non-verbal, this is a terribly revealing combination of truths. She will sense you are trying to convert her. If you just touch them as a matter of habit (drinking is natural, but you still have to go and actively do it) then they will be at ease with it.

It's good for the girl to be used to you touching her. Otherwise she just knows that when you touch her it's for one reason only (no girl wants to feel like a toy) and worse yet like you think her response should by some kind of rights be automatic (no girls wants to feel like a toy with a switch).

That's my opinion and experience anyway. As for my personal best and worst of kino...

BEST: A girl was really up herself b*tch shield style although she didn't try to cut my hand off or anything for the few times I tapped her arm assuringly. Anyway so I asked her to not move for a moment and then slowly (not creepily slow, just enough to let her know it was coming) brought my index finger on her nose and wiggled it with an encouraging smirk before retorting... "I figured that might be the off button for your b*tch shield." It worked. I kissed her fifteen minutes later (on her demand, but I had to 'think about it' first).

WORST: I kissed a girl on the cheek at the end of a few hours as I was leaving, then went for her other cheek and she obliged (returned each kiss as well), and then I went for the lips to just kiss her there - no tongue - because if a girl lets any kind of lip on lip at all take place it's a damn good sign. But as I went for it I realised my lips were somewhat dry from planting on both cheeks. So I went to quickly moisten my lips as I went in, but she came forward just as she had when she was offering her other cheek. Result? My tongue went straight between her lips. A girl wants warning before your tongue tries to meet her tonsils so the demand from her was to go away.

Anyway, in closing on kino, it's an appetiser not a dessert.

REMEMBER: Kino is not an event. It is the advertising for the event. You!