Kinda mad

Mar 31, 2004
Reaction score
Well, it happened again. Everytime it's something new. I have been pursuing this girl in my class who is highly sought after in our grade (By far the best looking and is one of the smartest people in our grade surprisingly). Well, she hit me with the whopper today when in conversation she found it necessary to tell that she had found a guy one week ago (showed me pictures and everything), and even worse, the guy is a complete loser, "pretty boy", eminem wannabee punk-*******. It's not surprising considering she is popular and into the party scene that she would be interested in one of the popular thugs. And I also do realize it's time to move on, but I'm pissed that for all her "smarts" she has the social skills of a sped and dates some loser who is a complete prick.

AFK Protector

Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
United States of America
It's not your fault. Be mad for tonight and move on. She's not being "wasted" in any way, shape, or form. That's her own choice. Whatever happens to her has nothing to do with you. Don't think you're a hero that's going to save her from this "eminem wannabee punk-*******." I made that mistake, and once you do, it's hard to become unattached. Just try your best to find another girl and get her out of your mind.

Good luck


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
hyphy bay area, ca
Don't hate the player... after all, he gots the girl and you don't.

Think what you want about him, but he's the one hittin that. Needa step up game. What I did was this dude who i thought was a queer was goin out with this fine ass girl, and I started talkin to her. She had been havin sex and all that. I talked to her, and made myself seem all great and stuff. I was like "I aint tryin to diss, but you can't do no better? Haha just kidding" when she showed me his picture. Got her thinking. And guess what? She bit the bait.

We went to the movies and made out.

If you got game, then you got everything you need to succeed. Go and be a man.


Don Juan
Nov 26, 2004
Reaction score
Hey, it's me SoFarSoGoodSoWhat, just forgot my password so I had to make a new account.

I'm not as mad now, I'm over it for the most part. I have two girls I know who already like me and all that, but, I just decided to go for a challenge in her. It's my fault in a way because I've talked to her for a while now and never really pressed the questions or anything, but that's not really my gripe and why I'm mad. My gripe is that girls just seem to go for anything with a ****, even if the dude is a complete loser. If it were some other guy, I probably wouldn't even be cared, but because the guy happens to be a ****, that has done it. I guess I just thought she was different, considering she is supposed to be this big brainiac and ****, but alas I was wrong. I know it's common girls go for these guys and I aint taking anything from the guy, I'm sure he's smooth with the ladies, but, he's an idiot. He has nothing to offer and I can't wait in a few years when he makes sure the pizza gets to my house warm.

There is really nothing I like about him that I would give an arm for to be honest. I am content with myself, I consider myself "attractive" I guess, I mean, I've had girls come up and tell me they had crush's on me before and their friends come and tell me so and so likes me, so that really isn't a problem. It's just stupid how girls are attracted to the losers, especially one's that should know better, but alas, this has been a recurring theme throughout time.


Don Juan
Nov 24, 2004
Reaction score
Colorado, USA
Ok, how many times do you have to be told, it doesn't matter what you look like, all that matters is how sharp your game is. I'm good-looking, and back when I had no game, I couldn't get chicks. Now, these days, I've made some friends, who, I hate to say, look better than me, and strange girls often say hi to them more often. However, their game is by far NOT as sharp as mine. So, I get more chicks. This eminem wannabe looser is "tappin dat sheeyat", so learn what you can from him. His game is probably 100x as sharp as yours. Especially since he CAN make a move, and you're contemplating on it.

Go and make your move. Would you rather talk to her and check her out for a year, or start "tappin dat sheeyat"?