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Solja J

Senior Don Juan
Jul 8, 2003
Reaction score
Seek and you shall find!
I seeked help for my lack of confidence and I found it through this website and other books...which also inspired me to look inside myself for the power I already possesed.

Negative Earlier Experiences
1. I seeked for an excuse not to approach girls.
2. I seeked for an excuse not to take great risks.
3. I seeked for a fault with every single girl I thought about approaching.
4. I seeked for an excuse not to do my Research Paper earlier.
5. I seeked for an excuse to be an AFC even though I had no clue what the acro.. stood for at the time.
6. I seeked for the approval of others to determine how I acted.

I found it and it held me back led to a procrastination attitude instead of a (TNT) Today Not Tommorow attitude.

NDE (Near Death Experience)

Funny about two years later I thought about the experience.
My freshman year on the second day of school I came home and something happened. I was in the backyard playing with my dog.
I was running away from him so I could try to beat him in the house. I ran hard as I could ...reached for the door knob and missed it by like an inch, but thats all it took. My hand pierced through the glass door. As you could imagined I was in a very shocked state. I could see my flesh and I was in pain. The shock was greater than the pain and I couldn't feel it. My mom comes to the back to see what happned and tells me to come around the front. As I approached the door blood is running like water out of my arm. My mom tells me to wait, so I wont spill blood all over her carpet. WTF? my unconscious mind tells me go in their and grab the biggest towel you can find. I grab it and she calls my dad...I'm still in shock..I keep shouting I'm going to die....We arrive at the hospital and the doctor keeps me calm. He said I was lucky that I didn't hit an artery or blood vessel. My arm was cut in 3 different places.

Trust me guys tommorow is never promising! Take risks for you might not ever be able to take them again!

Positivity "My step toward Rebirth"
1. I seek for an excuse to approach girls.
2. I seek for an excuse to take great risks.
3. I seek for a attractive and unique feature with every single girl I think about approaching.
4. I will seek for an excuse to do my Research Paper earlier.
5. I now seek for an excuse not to be an afc (found already in books and this great site!
6. I seek for the approval of myself to determine how I act.
Most I've found already here!

Seek and ye shall find

Once you seek and find the answer you are almost there. Rememeber you must act on the reason or reasons you have found. ACTION is a very important step!

Until next time!
Apr 18, 2003
Reaction score
Fayetteville, Arkansas
Yeah, I also had a NDE! that changed my life like yours.

I was going to a park about 20 minutes from where I live and as I was with my friend who was driving, she fainted and we went head on, full speed down a ditch....My mind then took over and it knew that something terrible was about to occur, and so all I remember was me in the car going down fixing to crash into a bunch of trees and instead of screaming and what not I CALMED DOWN and went into like a dream state as we approached my possible fate. It was weird, because next thing I know, I wake up and I see that we have crashed, I start screaming, cussing, and punching the doors around me and getting mad because I wished I would have died right there, since my life sucked back then......and then I see my friend next to me unconcious and f*cked up, she reminded me of a horror movie, since she had blood all over her face and blood on me from her. It was pretty brutal!!!! They say the passenger has a greater risk of dying during an accident, well I was the passenger and it wasn't my turn to die! I saw the pictures of the vehicle the next day..TOTALED!! It didn't even look like a car, just crushed aluminum......I was surprised and in AWE, it has helped me realize to seize the f*cking day, because you never know.....

Sometimes it takes an unfortunate event to make a change in your life...

Solja J

Senior Don Juan
Jul 8, 2003
Reaction score
Did the girl live?
Apr 18, 2003
Reaction score
Fayetteville, Arkansas
yeah!She was in the hospital for about 2 weeks, I was in for about 2 hours... And for some reason I didn't want anything to do with her afterwards, I guess because of the experience and not because of her.....I feel bad about it sometimes, and she wrote me a couple of times to see how I am doing...but I don't have any future plans to do anything with this person.......

It's a brutal thing man..

Solja J

Senior Don Juan
Jul 8, 2003
Reaction score
ahh ok


Don Juan
Mar 15, 2003
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
Damn NDE are exactly what makes you realize what's important... and that's living everyday to the fullest. I had one 3 weeks ago. I was driving down the road doing like 60, and i was about to miss my turn so me being dumb, slammed my brakes on and turned.......... m ycar tipped on 2 wheels and i literally turned 2 inches away from a big ass brick wall at 40 mph. I would have been done if I flipped over because it is an old car. Luckily I got it under control and I was shaking like hell for the rest of the day. I never told anyone about except my friends who were in the car behind scared to death that I was gonna die. So anyways... now I drive slower around turns and do whatever I feel I need to to get with the women I want.

Solja J

Senior Don Juan
Jul 8, 2003
Reaction score

Solja J

Senior Don Juan
Jul 8, 2003
Reaction score
Yea! well it just wasn't his time!