Keep it natural.


Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
Going back to school never ceases to amaze me. Day after day people making the same mistakes and just ruining great times to be had! Man, just today I saw the saddest thing ever. This gorgeous chick goes and sits down next to a chump and does her best to get conversation going. She started initiating Kino, trying to hold long eye contact etc... And guess what buddy did? Heh. Nothing.

Alas, Don Juans, we know better. But we don't always know how to use our information. Brainstorming is today's mistake that we must correct.

When you're trying to hit it off with a chick, it's very difficult to make things run smooth. Honestly, sometimes even I find myself sitting there going "uh... what next?" . For quite a bit I was doing the usual thing but I lost some qualities. I started brainstorming, trying to stir up interesting conversation. But it never worked. And I just sat there going in circles, talking about movies (what the ****?) and various other popular activities. I lost touch with what made me so interesting a person, what made me stand out from the crowd; I wasn't prepared and I wasn't in the moment.

First and foremost, you do not seduce a chick on the spot as you're going on a walk. Seduction starts way earlier. I found myself walking the other day with a fine new piece of ass and realised that I had not put any cologne on that day. I didn't even have any gum to cleanse my breathe. I was walking next to her and felt completly inadequate. Seduction starts at home boys. Never forget that. Make yourself stand out. That means dress to impress, smell good, have clean teeth. I like it when a chick walks by and I catch a whiff of that perfume or tropical shampoo. I assure you, they like it too.

Now that you're ready to go, it's important that you carry that atittude. You can't act like a slob or just a typical male and then flip a switch when you're in direct contact with your target. They are watching, always watching. And if you're looking to score, it's important that they are watching you. I get into the social environment and start lighting up the conversation early. Get a few chuckles in and get things rolling. That's the image I want to give off. I want them to know I'm constantly having fun and that if they want some real fun, they better ditch their "friends" and come by me. I can't stand being considered "just another guy". It kills me. I know I'm better than that. And if you're on this site, it probably kills you too!

Conversation needs to roll. Things need to happen. No one was ever seduced by listening to another ramble about the weather. Speak with energy and say what you have to say with some feeling! God, it's so boring listening to some people speak. Especially people that are doing something they don't want to. I'm looking at you gentlemen. The ones out there that get all stressed out when she approaches. If you're not ready to have some fun, then don't even try to fake it. She's looking for a good time, and if you can't offer that, you're out!

Pay attention to what's going on. What are people currently talking about? At what part did she smile? Oh, that's where the conversation needs to go next. You can't jump around subjects, it's not harmonious and it gets boring fast (For those of you who are new, boring is no recipe for p*ssy). Most importantly, relax. Don't be intimidated by the conversation and spend 0 time thinking about what to say next. You've got plenty of stories to tell, trust me. It's just a question of which ones to let out when. Word of advice, if you're thinking of boning her, there's little else that's going to come out of your mouth. Think with the right head at the right time.

Be prepared Gentlemen, tomorrow is another day. Walk to your bus stop ready to be the sh!t. Don't slug down there, dont have half your shirt tucked in and the other half out. Now is the time to get ready. Not tomorrow and certainly not when you're in a challenging situation. Prepare yourself as you would imagine king pimp would prepare himself before he sets out into the world. It's the only way you'll become king pimp.

Bring out the best in others by bringing the best out of yourself. It works, but don't take my word for it. Try it yourself.


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2005
Reaction score
Nice job man, especially the "Seduction starts at home" part. I've always had that feeling of being inadequate, whether it being worried that my breath smells (cuz I just ate) or whatever, but I never really put 2 and 2 together. I'd call this bible material :D

Quick tip (might already be known to some people) - Try to keep gum on you at all times, it sucks when a HB approaches you right after you ate and you still have those school chicken nuggets on your breath.
Jun 10, 2005
Reaction score
Nice putting it! hmm, a B for the effort, two thumbs up for motivating post. Nicely done.


Don Juan
Jan 8, 2005
Reaction score
Isn't it better to try with bad breath and no deoderant than to just let her go forever?


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by tyciol
Isn't it better to try with bad breath and no deoderant than to just let her go forever?
If it doesnt bother you i guess. When i catch a whiff of myself smelling on the bad side id rather pass than have her wonder what smells like cheese.


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
Great work man, good to see you around. I was going to add my own 2 cents but you envoked enough thought within me to make a new post, check it out.