Hello Friend,

If this is your first visit to SoSuave, I would advise you to START HERE.

It will be the most efficient use of your time.

And you will learn everything you need to know to become a huge success with women.

Thank you for visiting and have a great day!

Just want to say Have a great day and Keep fighting the Good Fight!

Travel memoir21

Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2020
Reaction score
Rio Grande Valley, Texas
Okay guys, Just spreading some Positivity in this forum. It’s 5:26 am here where Im at, just took my morning walk and Yoga session and Im probably gonna read a book while I wait for breakfast.

Just wanna say have a Great day! Take some time around and look at some of the things in your life that your grateful for. Yes, always try to improve but look at some of the positive aspects in your life and be thankful for them.

Just wanna say have fun and reward yourself for a task accomplished. It’s called delayed gratification and gratitude. Practice that. Also practice semen retention by smart fasting and not eating later than 5 pm.

So have a Great day, hit the gym…if you can’t hit the gym, get dumbbells, calisthenics and do yoga at home.
