Just met a girl in Florida... I need advice!


Don Juan
Aug 10, 2004
Reaction score
ok well i just got back from Florida a couple of days ago. There really weren't many girls down there and all of the ones that i talked to were under 16 (im 21). i didn't really feel like going out to any clubs because my brother was here with his girlfriend and they didn't really want to go and i sure as hell wasn't going to go by myself. so i stayed on the beach most of the time chillin with a bunch of other guys and the young girls that were trying to score alchohol. how fun...right?

well thursday night i do the same thing that i had been doing all week....sat out on the beach drinking and bull****ting. then one guy says that he met this older girl earlier that day and she said that she would be out at the pool at her condo that night. so i went with him to see her. we came up from behind them and as soon as i got a look at her face i could tell that there was something about her that i had never seen in a girl before. she was attractive as well... 24 years old, 5'5 110, brunette with short hair, a great tan and a perfect smile. there were already 2 guys there with her and she was sitting close to one of them so i figured that they were together.

well were all just sitting in a circle, bull****ting around and drinking, and i find out that she lives about 40 minutes away from me and just graduated from LSU for massage therapy. during this teim i wasn't really talking much and most of the time when i did open my mouth i was teasing Carla (the girl) and flirting hardcore with her. all of a sudden the 2 guys that were there before we showed up decided that it was late and they were going to drive back to their condo. i expected her to leave with the one guy that she was sitting next to but when they got up she didnt even flinch. the guy bent down to give her a hug asked her for her number and she put it in his cell phone. they took off and left just us 3 there.

i decided that iwas going to go jump in the pool so i take off my shirt (more so to show off my abs than to go swimming) and jump in. Carla said that she would go swimming as well if she had a swimsuit on. I took this statement as her saying,"i want to go swimming but i dont have my swimsuit and i dont want to be responsible for getting my clothes all wet". so i jump out of pool, pick her up then jump in with her in my arms. she pushed me down to the bottom of the pool ( we were in the 8 feet) and when i got up she started splashing me, jumped on my back and we horseplayed for a good 10 minutes in the pool. all of a sudden she stops, takes a little breather then looks at me and tells me that i am sexy. i get that confused look on my face and before i could react she's kissing me. i pulled away, look her in the eyes then tell her that she's in trouble now.

we both got out of the pool and sat in the lawn chairs again and started bull****ting around. by this time a couple of more guys showed up and started trying to flirt with her and get her to pay attention to them, but i was her eye candy for the rest of the night. we were out of alchohol and i had mentioned earlier that i had an ice chest full of beer and a bottle of grey goose that i was going to give to my brother since i was leaving the next day. by this time its about 2 am and i've got to get up at 8 to leave the next morning to go running before i leave, so i tell everyone that i am going to walk back to my condo and get to sleep, but if anyone wanted to come pick up the beer they were more than welcome to do it.

before anyone else had a chance to react Carla was already grabbing her keys and saying that she would do it. the guy that introduced me to her asked if he could come and she said that she didn't have room because she only has a 2 door vehicle (which turns out to be a jeep) we get to my condo and i tell her that ill just run up to get the ice chest and ill be right back down, but she disagree's and says that she'll come up and get it so i dont have to come back down. as soon as i open the door to my room and walk through, she slams it closed, pushes me down on the bed and starts going wild. we roll around on the bed for an hour, a little bit of foreplay and then when i go to take off her bra she stops me and tells me that nothing is going to happen tonight. keyword...tonight. at about 7 am i walked her out to her car and gave her my number then she tells me that she put her number in my phone as she's driving away.

fast forward to yesterday. im laying out by the pool and get a call from her saying that she's back in baton rouge and wants to see me. fortunately my brother and his girlfriend got back yesterday as well and i had to drive them to their apartment in where else but baton rouge. i told her that i'd call her once i had dropped him off to get directions. so i arrive there, and unfortunatly her apartment got struck by lighting while she was in florida and her TV in the living room got fried, so we end up in her bed room watching TV. She tells me that the blood god visited her today, which didn't really bother my because at this point sex was not my top priority...i actually found a girl that i like for her mind, and she is obsessed with me. how great is that? she asks me if i've ever had a full body massage and im thinking...oh joy. so i get one. we kiss, roll around etc. and i tell her that nothing is going to happen between us that night, we kiss for a little longer then i just lay back and relax. she starts kissing up and down my stomach and chest and starts rubbing me, ends up going down on me... then we call it a night after some small talk and cuddling.

well thats my story of the past week, i just had to get it out and tell someone. i am in such a great mood right now. she left for work about 3 hours ago and told me to lock up her apartment before i leave. so im sitting here right now, feeling kind of wierd having this girl totally obsessed with me and having spent less than 10 hours with her. am i just being paranoid or do these things happen? I really do like her, a lot but when im around her it just feels like something i've never felt before. It's just a good feeling, like all of my problems no longer exist in my mind. I know this sounds on the verge of me giving her too much attention. I know all of the rules and know about giving her a few days to think about me between interaction and I dont plan on breaking these rules.

thats my first question and the second is about foreplay. she likes it rough...hair grabbing, biting on the neck, nibbling on the ears, heavy breathing down the back of her neck, digging my hands into her back and running them from her shoulders down are some of the things she likes. She also seems to enjoy when I pin down her arms above her head and just tease her by kissing every part of her body EXCEPT the sexual parts, (mouth, nipples, etc.) does anyone know any other things that would really turn her on and make it interesting for both of us? I've found out that I really enjoy it too and im just looking for some new things to do. Anyone have anything?


Master Don Juan
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
Louisiana, USA
Sure. I'm in Baton Rouge, too. Can I have her when you're done? :p

On a side note, clear the internet history and cache. No sense in her stumbling across this story...

DJ Supra

Don Juan
Jul 18, 2004
Reaction score
can't find girls in florida? dude ... we have more hot females than any other state :cool: atleast i think so ! congrats on stealing one of ours :mad:
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Originally posted by Recluce
...i actually found a girl that i like for her mind,
Hahahaha, yeah right - you were smitten the first time you saw her without even knowing 'her mind' - you said so yourself!!!

Lust is at work!