Just discovered that I have a 5 year old daughter. wtf!


Don Juan
Jun 22, 2014
Reaction score
I met an older woman at a business conference six years ago. She worked in a different state, and we hung out a few times that week. I talked about wanting to transfer to her state so it's funny we met and hit it off so well. We started a long distance relationship and eventually six months later I found out she was only physically separated from her husband, not even legally. The whole time she led me to believe she was divorced and he was harassing her. I just started putting the pieces together when she'd get nervous about their friends possibly seeing us together so we wouldn't go out much when I flew to see her every weekend, and because she asked me to stay upstairs when her kids made a surprise visit. She said it was to protect me and her kids' feelings. I researched state court records and found no record of a divorce.After I confronted her she broke down and said she lied because she knew I wouldn't wait on her and felt bad for her husband because he was so depressed and crying to get her back and threatening to get full custody of their kids because he knew of another boyfriend she had before me. I tried to go with it a few more weeks but it became too much drama. I found a box full of letters he'd been giving her begging to work things out. I broke the whole thing off and went no contact.

Well I just read the thread Inker started about his wife cheating. I had my friend look up my ex on Facebook, curious to see if their marriage survived. I couldn't determine if they were still together. She used her maiden name. But I looked at her daughter's page and there were pictures of a little girl who looked just like me, I mean very very much like me. I spent an hour researching friends lists for family members and sure enough it is my ex's daughter. Birthday pictures would put her time of conception almost two to three months before we broke up.
I called her and asked if there's anything she wanted to tell me. She said nothing she didn't already try to tell me. Apparently she tired emailing me but I don't know if she's lying because after we broke up I cancelled my internet service so I lost my email account through that provider. I also changed my phone number. I think if she really wanted me to know she would've found a way. I've been texting her today and she's asking me to leave her alone now. She said she tried to hint at being pregnant but I left her out to dry and her husband stepped up and saved her and it's too late because she already has her dad. So I talked to her husband and he said he's 100% sure it's not his because he got a vasectomy years before and hadn't slept with her for a year. This actually matches what she told me back then. I remember she said she made him get a vasectomy because she might want to have kids with someone else one day and planned on leaving him. I'm sure he's been led to believe I knew the whole time they were still married.

This is really disturbing beyond belief. She never hinted about being pregnant. Even if she did what the hell is that? You don't hint about something that serious. You come out and say it. I used a condom most of the time but she also said she was using birth control. I even saw her little plastic planner container with all these little multi colored pills.
I asked how she knows I'm the bio father and she basically yelled at me and said did you not believe me when I said I was faithful to you? Of course I had to say she proved herself a liar and a cheater so how could I not doubt her. She hung up and texted that I can see her if I move there but she already has a legal father and I will have to share time with that arrangement as she sees appropriate.

I guess I really know how to make a woman hate me. Maybe because I call them out on their $hit.

I don't know why I'm posting this here. Maybe to warn other guys just how shady some people can be in relationships.


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
Reaction score
South Dakota
A classmate in Dental School had a fling on break and knocked up a girl, she didn't tell him for 2 or 3 years.... until after he'd graduated. When he ran into her, she told him. BUT she didn't want anything from him.... they did end up married...

Could be worse, a guy had an 18 yr old show up at his door calling him "dad" his wife was not amused {but they hadn't been married when she was conceived } {lucky break there}


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
Reaction score
Dear JC,
This has happened twice in my life,I am sure of neither and nor should you be...You could be in a dangerous situation down the track though...What a chump the poor Husband is!...can't help feeling sorry for him...He may well carry the Can for her...Silly Bvugger!


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
Reaction score
...and the world turns...


Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Northeast Florida, USA
If you really want a relationship with your girl, and I would, let baby mama know now in writing that the terms are not going to be "as she sees appropriate" but as you and her agree to or as the Judge decided. I hope you got it in writing that she kept this from you. That's a crock of $hit.


( . )( . ) said:
These things happen man, there's no point dwelling on it. Just thank the good Lord she hasn't stung you for child support.:cry: If she does then I suggest doing your best "do I know?" confused look, followed by getting the hell out of town road runner style. Meep Meep!
Or you can take responsibility for your actions...I dunno lol :)

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
Reaction score
Cobra Kai dojo
BeDJ said:
Or you can take responsibility for your actions...I dunno lol :)
I'll say. Responsibility falls on two parents. Now if they both had of sat down and decided to have a child then the "man up" card might apply. But I'm guessing I could say the sky is blue and you'd have to disagree eh? My new number one fan ;)


( . )( . ) said:
I'll say. Responsibility falls on two parents. Now if they both had of sat down and decided to have a child then the "man up" card might apply. But I'm guessing I could say the sky is blue and you'd have to disagree eh? My new number one fan ;)
My bad, I simply assumed from your post that you were to get the heck outta dodge. I didn't think you'd have a midnight talk with her at the Waffle House. My apologies.


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
Reaction score
South Dakota
IF she asks for child support, ask for DNA testing.... SHE was cheating on her husband with you.... Why do you think you are so special that she wasn't cheating on you too?


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
The issue I see is *back* child support. Some states allow it, others don't. Find that out asap.

At least you never had to change a diaper :)


Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Northeast Florida, USA
Bible_Belt said:
The issue I see is *back* child support. Some states allow it, others don't. Find that out asap.

At least you never had to change a diaper :)
I am worried about too, OP.

That's why I hope you got the conversation in writing that she knew you were the father with your daughter was born but SHE waited all this time to tell you.

If it was over the phone when she told you that, text or email her and have the conversation again.. Tell her you are just so shocked that you cant believe what you heard and say:

"so let me get this s|-|it straight....

You knew she was mine all this time.. But you waited to tell me..?".

Get the convo in writing. Then you may be able to argue in court "well i would have paid child support out of my monthly budget all this time had SHE choose to tell me about the kid up front but she is the one who chose the delay in time so why should I have to pay for her lack of responsibility for 5 years? Plus she says the kid has another 'father figure' and he has been supporting her, so the child has already been taken care of during that time"

F\_/cking women.. I swear... And we have had other threads about being more positive about them..

How can we be when everyday multiple men post cr@p like this.. WTF...

I want to hear some POSITIVE stories about womem d@mn it..

Who has some???

Not to tell a man about his child for 5 years, this is FVCKING BULLSH|T!!!

Greasy Pig

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
Reaction score
A mate of mine had a ONS turn up on his doorstep last year with a 1yr old kid. The girl looks so much like him it's uncanny, do there's no doubt it's his.
I reckon - and judging by his appraisal of her - the mother was an absolute cvm junkie riding c0cks all over town and didn't know who the father was until the kid was old enough to develop the facial characteristics which pinpointed my mate as the dad.
To his credit, he's trying hard to be a part of his daughter's life but the bytch of a mother is making it insanely difficult and is hitting him up for child support.
It's fvcking bullsht that he had no say in having a kid but the law forces him to pay.
Tread carefully OP.