Just a little observation.

Brando SC

Don Juan
Jul 28, 2006
Reaction score
I've been here for a long time. Since August 2002, although i'm under a new name know. But i sort of left the forum for a while and lost my password. Anyway I came back, and i just don't understand this. It seems like a lot of guys on here are all about getting sex. That's the ultimate goal. While, sure getting sex is nice, but that's not what this is all about. Or at least that's not what it used to be all about. It just sort of irks me a little to read all these guys talking like that's what they're in it for. This is about honestly improving yourself and your game, not about increasing the number of notches in your bedpost. I guess i'm just one of those guys that's looking for something more than sex. Maybe actually meeting girls not to boink them, but to really just meet and learn about different people and maybe if i'm fortunate, fall in love. Because life is about people. The more people you meet and get to know, the more you learn about yourself and grow. Well anyway, that's my little rant. Feel free to comment back.
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Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
The reason is simple: the guys posting on the main forum now should NOT be falling in love.

The guys posting here now are 14-18 years old. It's just an increase in easy internet access from 2002.

These guys should not expend effort finding a woman with a great attitude and shared interests. It's too early for that.

Check out Mature Man forum.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 19, 2005
Reaction score
Troy, MI
I'm in the same boat as you- haven't had a girl for about a year now...pretty much by choice, my standards are fairly substantial. It seems like there are a lot of virgins on this site who are just trying to get laid..not really an end-all-be-all kinda thing, but sex seems to be more of a starting point (which is totally ass-backwards, IMO). These days people just want instant gratification without making any effort. I agree life is about experiences and people but most of the time it's the ones changing their old ways helping the newbs to this site while the Senior DJs no longer post because they get it, said their peace and left the site. Have you noticed the quality of advice is more poorer than before? Newbs attacking OPs is the name of the game nowadays...it's a wonder why all the good posters have left!

Brando SC

Don Juan
Jul 28, 2006
Reaction score
Perhaps you're right. But i don't know... I think i might be a little mature for my age. I'm only 19, but i really like meeting women with good attitudes and shared interests. I don't know, i've always just been into meeting people and getting to know them. Who knows, i just wanted to pose that thought.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 19, 2005
Reaction score
Troy, MI
Have your parents always treated you well? I attribute most of my beliefs to how my parents raised me. There was a chance to lose my virginity when I was 15 but for some reason I decided I didn't want to.

I think it has to do with being brought up properly and being taught values that stay with you for life. Sex is an action that can have significant risk and consequences, therefore it makes sense to want to share it with people you deem wholesome and worthy.

I take pride in the way I was raised and want to do the same for my children some day...I'm 25, btw :)

Brando SC

Don Juan
Jul 28, 2006
Reaction score
sweet man. Yeah, i attribute it a lot to my parents. I think i was raised fairly well, and was taught strong values. It just find it odd that the forum's become like this. I just wish i could post more advice, but i find it hard wading through a lot of the stuff. It's just weird i guess. Oh well. So it happens.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Brando SC said:
It seems like a lot of guys on here are all about getting sex. That's the ultimate goal. While, sure getting sex is nice, but that's not what this is all about.

Don't tell me what my life is all about.

Brando SC

Don Juan
Jul 28, 2006
Reaction score
Well mrRuckus, i'm glad your life is all about sex. I sure hope that helps you lead a very fufilling life.... right.

Distant Light

Master Don Juan
Aug 9, 2005
Reaction score
New York
Yep I only learn this to get enough sex to keep up with my sexual appetite. I love sex and I love playing with girls sexually, its alot of fun for the both of us. Tell me what is a fufilling life?

But anyway who really waste there time learning all of this and not get sex? If you wanted to be social in general you don't need to be C&F and doing takeaways, because you can have a nice and stimulating conversation without it.

What would be the ulitmate goal for the reason your learning seduction? It can be alot of fun hangout and having fun experiences but sex is basically the ulitmate goal. You don't need to learn all this stuff just to be social you can just go out and talk however. Why do you think you never get approach axiety when you are talking to a male, because your not trying to fuvk him. This site to me is based on helpping you get laid or more than you currently getting or even selecting who you want, I don't see this as a place real self improvement site. (Besides your sex life and wateva in Seduction that may be able to relate in another area)

But if self improvement was really what you wanted and not getting girls then you would search "Self Improvement forums"


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zealand
Umm yea but you aint gonna just magically find someone to be with, you aint gonna fall in love with someone "oh so special" just cause you and her have some similar tastes etc.

Life aint about sitting there waiting for things to happen to about going out there and making them happen, so what you meet some chick and she aint your long term relationship type girl, bonk her move on sh!t that aint bad.

Some of your "good nice" guys need a reality check, sex aint bad its good reall good hell screw the talking I communicate more with touching.

And if your looking for a quality lady she aint just gonna hop into your lap and be all yours you gotta work for it man.

You guys sound like you expect everyone to be good decent boys and girls and fall in love and all that crap. God man live a little and let others live.

Brando SC

Don Juan
Jul 28, 2006
Reaction score
I understand that it takes work to get girls. I'm not saying sex is necessarily bad. I just choose not to engage in it until marriage. and sex just isn't my focus. I don't get what you're saying when you say, "you aint gonna fall in love with someone just cause you and her have some simliar tastes" but you think you're gonna fall in love just cause you two get it on? Or perhaps love isn't what you're looking for. A fulfilling life to me is filled with people and relationships, not meaningless sex. But if that's what you're into go for it, but look back when you're like 50 and think hmm my life has been so fulfilling because i had lots of sex. Best of luck to you! This just kinda is a little sad. I remember back in the golden ages of this forum when it wasn't all about sex. A lot of the basics from the DJ bible were posted in my day. BBB, The Matrix, WUDD, Lorenzo, crazykid, and all those other greats. Sure those guys had sex, but they knew what it was about. But times change i suppose. Best of luck to all of you and your sexual endeavors.
Aug 6, 2006
Reaction score
For me, I get 100 times more personal enjoyment and fullfillment if a relationship with a girl is on a deeply spiritual plane, than I do with sex.
If a girl and I have an emotional bond, its like a mansion. However with sex, its like a birdhouse.
Aug 6, 2006
Reaction score
When I talk about an emotional bond, I am also including the mind games. sometimes the only way to learn about a girlfriend or whatever is thru these types of games, she tests you, and you test her, but its all in good fun.
The ideal relationship, for me, is when you're with a girl, and she says what you're thinking in your head, as if she read your mind

Brando SC

Don Juan
Jul 28, 2006
Reaction score
That's what i'm talking about. The emotional connections are what really make life meaningful. Not that you have to have some serious realtionship with every girl you meet. Just casual conversation to me is more meaningful with someone than having sex, at least in casual meetings. Sex is something that i think should be more special, saved for more meaningful relationships. Not necessarily to be shared with every random girl you meet.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Brando SC said:
That's what i'm talking about. The emotional connections are what really make life meaningful. Not that you have to have some serious realtionship with every girl you meet. Just casual conversation to me is more meaningful with someone than having sex, at least in casual meetings. Sex is something that i think should be more special, saved for more meaningful relationships. Not necessarily to be shared with every random girl you meet.
So if casual conversation has more meaning than sex, why should sex be saved for more meaningful relationships, while the more special conversation is regarded as "casual"? You're contradicting yourself.

Be careful with how you assign meaning and value. It could limit your potential for male-female interaction.


Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score
I feel the same, but I'm in a pissy mood...... These guys should go out and fk as many women as they want, so that they will realize that sex aint shyt.

Brando SC

Don Juan
Jul 28, 2006
Reaction score
squirrels said:
So if casual conversation has more meaning than sex, why should sex be saved for more meaningful relationships, while the more special conversation is regarded as "casual"? You're contradicting yourself.

Be careful with how you assign meaning and value. It could limit your potential for male-female interaction.
Maybe I didn't make myself clear enough with that. What i meant is, having sex with any girl i meet isn't going to be as meaningful to me as having a conversation and getting to know them. Sure, if there's something between me and a girl and she proves herself worthy enough, then sex would be a meaningful thing. My whole intent with this post was just to point out that sex isn't all it's cracked up to be, and in time you'll realize this. Untill then, i suppose all you horny guys can just go out and boink all the women you want. Like Self-Master pointed out, eventually you'll realize sex isn't what it's cracked up to be. Then you'll have wished you would have gotten to know more people and had a different focus other than sex. Because life is about getting to know yourself, and one of the best ways to get to know yourself is to interact and get to know other people.

Oh and by the way Method Boy, i did say fall in love. ;)