Journal - Your Game Is Weak


Senior Don Juan
Mar 10, 2011
Reaction score
Right then chaps I've decided that from now on I am to jot down my experiences with women, this journal won't get updated all too frequently, but I feel this will be a good place to get it all down and examine the progress I make.

A little background on myself.

I've just graduated University and am looking for a better paying job than the one I currently have so that I can save and go travelling sometime next year.

21 years old, 5'10 and 145 pounds. I am actively trying to put on weight and have been hitting the gym for most of the year. Unfortunately a broken thumb between Feb-March and a month hiatus after moving home from uni over summer has left me a little inconsistent, still I have seen improvement in muscle strength and size although not in my weight.

Somewhat upsetting is that I have realised that at home I do not have all too many friends, I am part of close knit bunch of around 6-7 however I live far enough away from them that it is difficult to just go out and chill with them regularly. I do have another group of family friends who I can hang out with, but ultimately 2 of them are only now off to uni and the others do have their own social circles. This is in contrast to university where I was pretty popular and had lots of friends from different courses and sports teams.

Now, onto women. Yes I am still a virgin. It is no big deal, I'm comfortable with it, I'm going to loose it soon. What is a big deal is the ease at which I hand this information out, I am constantly telling people I have just met that I have yet to do the tango and this needs to stop.

Although I have yet to loose my V, I maintain that I am not useless with women. I regularly get make-out's with women on nights out, neither am I afraid to talk to and flirt with them. I realised my problem in the past was that I talked too much and didn't flirt, even after being on this site for a number of years. I did the opposite of most guys who come on this website. I read the information and then became even more of a nice guy. Horrible. Basically I started talking more and more, liked the attention I was getting, and forgot to flirt.

Finally I am a massively social person. I love going out and meeting new people and doing fun things. I like to try everything once, more often than not twice, just to make sure if I like it or not.

Anymore questions feel free to ask.

Any and all criticism is appreciated gentlemen. If you feel I'm not pushing myself enough, tell me. If I'm doing something terrible, tell me. I'm not one to cry and ***** about you saying nasty things to me. If it needs to be said, say it.

Here's to what I hope will be a hugely successful journal.

Thanks again chaps.



Senior Don Juan
Mar 10, 2011
Reaction score
Ok so field report number 1.

This incident is what led to the title of my journal, sadly it is not a massive crash and burn story, it was just a regular night out.

It was my friend from Uni's 21st birthday, we'll call him Vince, and some of us uni boys went down to celebrate with him. I drove down as he's only an hour or so away from where I live at home. I've met his family before at our graduation and he has an 18 year old sister. They love me.

Anyway I haven't seen the boys in a month or so and we get straight down to business and have some beers. After a couple hours some of Vince's homeboys come round and our two groups get to know each-other. We play some drinking games and generally have a good time.

About half ten we get a mini van into town (there were 18 of us total, including Vince's sister and 4/5 of her friends). We go straight to the club when we arrive in town and continue getting our drink on. I'll admit I was fairly drunk, but I was still in control and having a great time. We are all dancing together, I'm not really paying attention but I get a vibe that one of the 18 year old's is checking me out. I don't act on it, instead focusing on having a good time with my mates.

Some time goes by and another of my friends Javi decides he wants to go on the pull and asks me to go and chat to some girls with him. He picks a pair of chinese girls and introduces us saying 'Konichiwa' (Japanese for hello.....). It was perhaps the quickest conversation of my life. We laughed it off and went about talking to other people. Nothing really comes about from it so we ead back to dance.

Fast forward to 2am, most of our group have left the club to go to another, so I decide to leave as well. I get outside and can't see anybody that I know. I look left and right but can't see anyone. Then I hear a girl shouting my name from across the road. I have no idea who she is but go over anyway. Turns out she was one of the 18 year old's who were friends with Vince's sister and all of our group were there.

I start talking to her and find out her name is Oli (HB7) and talk about pretty much anything that comes to mind, the only thing I remember for sure is that I had her laughing. After a quick conversation our group starts to move towards the next club. Oli asks if she can hold onto my arm while we walk because of her heels. I joke about her being small and unbalanced at this point and let her hold onto me as we walk. She couldn't have been more than 5'7 and was wearing heels. I found out she was 5'2. For some reason we stop walking, I think some people wandered off to get food, but I can't be sure. Anyway at this point as we have stopped walking I decide to wander around and talk to some other people while Oli sits down with one of her friends. I get talking to one of my boys from uni and he introduces me to this girl he'd been getting on.

Her first words to me are 'Your game is weak'

I laughed.

Then I asked her what she was talking about.

She told me that my game was weak because I hadn't got on Oli after 5 minutes or so of us talking to each-other. I replied that I wasn't trying to get on her (which was the truth) and that I was just talking to her. This girl then tells me to go back over to Oli and get on her/make out with her because she's interested in me. I laugh it off saying I'm sure she is but to be honest I'm not that fussed about a make-out and besides right now I'm talking to you and my uni friend. She tells me again that my game is weak before walking away.

10 minutes pass or so and our mini-van turns up. I end up sitting next to Oli and we chat the whole way back to Vince's house, where she tells me that she is practically sober because she has a hockey game in the morning all the while holding on to my arm and generally giving me positive signals.

In the end I decided not to go for it.

This isn't because I found her unattractive, she was fit. Nor was it because I was too wuss to make a move. I simply didn't want to, I found myself thinking that sure I could get a make-out with this girl, but that's all it would be. I wasn't seeking the validation of saying in the morning 'yea I got a make-out'. Not getting with her but knowing I could felt better than just getting with her because I could. Strange.

We get back to Vince's house and Oli goes straight to bed with all but one of the girls. The one that told me my game was weak hangs around, and she tells me again that my game is weak. In the end I just agreed with her and amplified, pretending to bemoan my dire situation in that I couldn't even get with a girl who was clearly interested in me and then I started asking her for tips on how to improve.

After that chat I crashed on Vince's sofa and went home the next morning after a full English breakfast courtesy of his awesome parents.

That was long, and not alot really happened haha.

Thoughts are welcome chaps.



Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
Gunner26 said:
Now, onto women. Yes I am still a virgin. It is no big deal, I'm comfortable with it, I'm going to loose it soon. What is a big deal is the ease at which I hand this information out, I am constantly telling people I have just met that I have yet to do the tango and this needs to stop.
I read the whole original post and agree with everything. Definitely keep quiet about the V card. It isn't a big deal, and you'll lose it soon no problem. But reputation is important. Let women assume that you've "been around the block."

More importantly, it will help you develop the HABIT of keeping your sex life quiet. The best player I know doesn't say a word about his hookups. Women in his social circle won't hesitate to sleep with him because he's good looking AND very discreet. The only gossip is from women bragging about him, NEVER from anything HE said afterwards. That's the best way.
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Senior Don Juan
Mar 10, 2011
Reaction score
Yea Mike I've realised how much I've been doing it in the past. To be honest it more often than not comes out as a joke. There are a lot of laughs to be had for a 21 year old virgin, but yes I need to cut it out, no matter how funny I and others find it as a topic.



Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
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Gunner26 said:
We get back to Vince's house and Oli goes straight to bed with all but one of the girls. The one that told me my game was weak hangs around, and she tells me again that my game is weak. In the end I just agreed with her and amplified, pretending to bemoan my dire situation in that I couldn't even get with a girl who was clearly interested in me and then I started asking her for tips on how to improve.

I'm actually wondering wether this chick wanted to be laid badly..... what do others think ?


my first impression of you from reading your posts is that your a natural nice guy

I've highlighted that because i feel a few minor weaknesses in your game stem from this trait

you could use to it your advantage (think silent assassin) but for some reason you don't seem to want too

getting chicks dosent seem to be the problem sealing the deal is

i dont understand why you've spent time working this chick "oli" and even gone back to your friends with her and decided not to make any type of move :confused:

you gotta get rid of those V plates bro ASAP


Senior Don Juan
Mar 10, 2011
Reaction score
Bingo-Player said:
I'm actually wondering wether this chick wanted to be laid badly..... what do others think ?


my first impression of you from reading your posts is that your a natural nice guy

I've highlighted that because i feel a few minor weaknesses in your game stem from this trait

you could use to it your advantage (think silent assassin) but for some reason you don't seem to want too

getting chicks dosent seem to be the problem sealing the deal is

i dont understand why you've spent time working this chick "oli" and even gone back to your friends with her and decided not to make any type of move :confused:

you gotta get rid of those V plates bro ASAP

Which girl are you talking about? Oli? Or the one that said I had weak game? If it was the latter than she had been getting with my mate so I wasn't about to jump on his girl. If it was Oli, who knows haha? The vibe I was getting and what I was told indicated she was keen.

Yea a Nice Guy is probably the way to describe me. Back at school when I hit puberty I got really shy around girls and developed alot of traits which have led to my position today. By the time uni came around this had changed and I was once more really open, energetic and such, but had developed the supplicating tendencies to women. I'm a bit of a funny man, and it's an extension of my personality as a nice guy. I like making people laugh. I think that's also why I don't really feel the silent assassin type would suit me, it's not really me.

Agree completely that sealing the deal is my main weakness. I have a few examples of getting close but not being able to seal the deal. I don't get nervous when I'm close though, I just muck up naturally, lack of experience being in those positions I guess.

I think it was an ego thing. Knowing I had her, but not giving her any. Also I was talking to a friend the next day and we agreed that the girls seemed very young( in an innocent/naive kind of way, although they were legit 18) I think in my head I thought that if I made a move she was the type to get all clingy, and as there is every chance I will see her whenever I visit Vince I'd rather not have that.

Loosing the plates is an ongoing mission haha. I shall post in detail once they are dealt with.


Mr Wright

Master Don Juan
Jan 19, 2010
Reaction score
London, UK
Nice to see you've finally got a journal. It'll be interesting to see what you write in here. What are your goals for the next 6 months in terms of women?


Senior Don Juan
Mar 10, 2011
Reaction score
Thanks Wright I've been thinking about it for a while and now seems as good a time as any to start. in terms of women it's pretty simple. Attempt to loose my V, go on a date or two and generally just improve my interactions with women by being a bit more direct.


Mr Wright

Master Don Juan
Jan 19, 2010
Reaction score
London, UK
Well if you're getting plenty of make outs but not getting them into bed the problem obviously lies in the middle. That could be logistics, the way your escalating and framing what happens next.

So the first issue is logistics. Do you actually have somewhere to take these girls. I know I'm back living with my parents and they wouldn't appreciate me dragging girls home at all hours and keeping them up. I'm assuming you're in a similar position. So that leaves hotels, which are expensive. Going back to hers, which is leaves the power with her. Or going public, which is fun but risky. I always say, don't bother getting to a certain point with a girl in a nightclub if you don't have somewhere to take her. Some girls will make it easy for you and tell you they have somewhere to go but others find that too forward. If you have no where to go at that moment, I'd get the number and set up a solid date there and then outside then go and find another girl.

Somewhere between kissing and the next part you're not converting. That implies to me that you're getting attraction but missing that vital piece of the puzzle. The question is how are you trying to get this girl out of the place and back to somewhere where you two can have sex? Or for that matter are you even trying at all?


Senior Don Juan
Mar 10, 2011
Reaction score
I'd say right now that the problem is logistics. I am back living at home with the family plus when I go out with mates I normally have to crash at theirs because it's a bit too far to actually get back to mine. Hotels are just too expensive around here. I've only ever tried going public once and that was on the beach, it didn't work out in the end.

At uni logistics wasn't an issue, it was the other two, I have a feeling that my escalation is pretty poor, I don't normally put a lot of effort into pushing for more. It's stupid but it's the truth. I don't try hard enough. Part of it is definitely to do with fear of getting turned down when trying for more, which is ridiculous because I have never felt bad after getting rejected. I just need to start pushing through that discomfort and getting rejected properly, rather than just letting the moment slip away. I think I'll find more success that way, at the moment it's like I'm just dipping my toes in the water and expecting to swim.

I am trying to get some more numbers, but to be honest it is fairly difficult, I am working 6 days a week at a job which doesn't present a lot of opportunity to meet people, plus my free time is made up of going to the gym and playing football. Although I am seeking another job, hopefully more central in London.

Besides not trying hard enough/pushing for the rejection, I think that even though I am very direct and let the girl know I want them, I don't act on it enough and this is where I am failing. I'm also of the mindset that if something happens, it happens, but I am not actually making things happen if that makes sense.


Mr Wright

Master Don Juan
Jan 19, 2010
Reaction score
London, UK
Gunner26 said:
At uni logistics wasn't an issue, it was the other two, I have a feeling that my escalation is pretty poor, I don't normally put a lot of effort into pushing for more. It's stupid but it's the truth. I don't try hard enough. Part of it is definitely to do with fear of getting turned down when trying for more, which is ridiculous because I have never felt bad after getting rejected. I just need to start pushing through that discomfort and getting rejected properly, rather than just letting the moment slip away. I think I'll find more success that way, at the moment it's like I'm just dipping my toes in the water and expecting to swim.
Well it's good that you know what you need to do. You just have to make sure you actually do it otherwise time will pass you by and you'll look back wondering why you didn't just do it. It's one of those things that you have to go through, there's no skipping stages if you want to get what you want.

Gunner26 said:
Besides not trying hard enough/pushing for the rejection, I think that even though I am very direct and let the girl know I want them, I don't act on it enough and this is where I am failing. I'm also of the mindset that if something happens, it happens, but I am not actually making things happen if that makes sense.

Yeah, a girl's not going to turn up at your front door and fall into your lap. I guess if you want it enough, you'll find the time in whatever way you can. Even if it's just utilising the small amount of free time that you do have.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 10, 2011
Reaction score
Yea I know, I need to put a shift in now and see some results. To be honest I'm feeling a lot more motivated at the moment, I think it might have something to do with the fact that I see alot of my friends coming out of uni and going straight into jobs, or some moving on to do their masters. As I'm saving to go travelling I just don't feel like I'm moving forward, and I'm determined to improve some part of my life while I save money.

That would be the dream wouldn't it haha. A sexy lady at the door. I do want it, I'm heading back down to my uni city next week as it's my birthday and I still have a number of friends at the uni who have told me to come down. My free time will be spent with them and spitting some game at others, especially girls that I was too ***** to hit on while I was actually at university. After I get back I will have to sit down and figure out how to do the same thing at home.



Senior Don Juan
Mar 10, 2011
Reaction score
Ok so I went back to my uni about this time two weeks ago. I have friends still down their who offered to house me plus it was my birthday and freshers fortnight so I thought why not.

I got there on the Wednesday. I went down with Vince, my mate who graduated with me and lives fairly nearby. Had a great evening Wednesday night, saw alot of people that I knew from my three years at Uni and generally just made chit chat with everyone. There was a girl there HB8 that I did want to speak to, I just didn't get round to it, I could see her across the otherside of the bar, but I was just too occupied bumping into people that I knew to get over there and talk to her. It's a lame excuse, but also the truth. In future if I want to go talk to a girl I'm just going to do it.

So Wednesday was a good night for seeing old friends. I had planned for Thursday to be the night I was really going to go for it in regards to women. I've had a lot of success pulling women in the club that we were going to before and it's essentially a massive dance floor, which is where my game is stronger.

But I woke up Thursday morning feeling terrible haha. I never get hangovers, but that morning I did. Absinthe chaps, not a good idea, neither is ouzo if you've ever heard of it. My chest actually felt burnt Thursday morning. So there were 4 of us at this house all feeling terrible. We decided the best way to get through it was to get active so we went to a local diner for a fry up and did some exercise. Feeling much better we played some Fifa (the demo as the full game wasn't out) before getting back on it for Thursday night.

Although I felt much better my body wasn't taking to the alcohol all to well, it took a very long time to even get a slight buzz. It didn't help that we had to queue for the club for an hour because of freshers and the bouncers were confiscating alcohol. Anyway after what felt like an age I was finally in a good place, it was probably about half 12 at this point. I had spoken to a girl I knew who had broken up with her boyfriend over the summer and she had been texting me the whole night wanting to know where I was. Eventually we bumped into each other and the first thing she says to me is 'I'm not going to get with you' whilst running her hands all over my upper body. She was pretty hammered. My mates, her and her friend started dancing together near the back of the club where it was a bit busier. I was getting some good signals and was psyching myself to go in for the move (it was a strange one, I wasn't scared of getting rejected, but I was still nervous of making a move. I think I was simply over-thinking it and what it would MEAN if we got together) when some random guy taps her on the shoulder. Turns out he was a friend of a friend. One second they are talking, then he's lifting her up and they are making out. Probably happened in the space of a song. She banged him later that night. Not sure what to think about it all really, maybe I just misjudged the situation and she really meant when she said she wasn't going to bang me. It has also taught me just to make the move before you loose the chance to, had a made a move a minute earlier it may have ended differently.

The rest of Thursday night passed pretty much without incident, I did make a move on a HB7 that used to be on my course, but was politely turned down and given the cheek. I don't think I did anything wrong per se, I just don't think she was that interested to begin with. Part of me made the move because I had not made a move on the earlier girl.

Thursday ended as a bit of a dud in the end. I had a good time, but not a good night, at least in regards to women.

Friday was the day of my actual birthday. We had planned to go out, but the freshers event cost £20 just to attend, and my other mates couldn't really afford it. Instead we stayed in, got a Chinese and finally played the new FIFA game which my mate had pre-ordered.

Saturday we got back on it. Essentially the only real highlight, besides me having an awesome time was this fresher HB7. I went to toilet and when I came back this girl was standing with my mates, I presumed that she was just a friend of one of them and acted as normal. I told my mates that I needed a drink and this girl offers me hers. I double checked, and triple checked with her that it was ok that I finish it, which she was cool with. At this point I asked her name and how she knew my mates. She said her name was Becca and that she didn't know my friends at all, she had just come over to borrow a lighter. After another 5 minutes in which me and my mates chat to Becca some more my mates tell me I have to go buy her another drink as I finished her's old one. I see what they are trying to do and insist that its only fair I get her a drink.

She agrees and we go towards the bar, on the way there she takes my hand. Another mate and his girlfriend see us walking towards the bar, and they follow behind us. I give my mate the 'leave us alone' stare and he gets the hint and leaves us. But his girlfriend stayed.

Coincidentally her name was also Becca. And the two girls ended up chatting. It sucked, the girlfriend was sinking me quicker than I thought possible. I think she was trying to help and be a wingman but as we know, girls can't wingman all too well. She was telling this girl about the time I tried hitting on a friend of hers and failed, and then was getting started on telling a story about me which while its hilarious, it isn't what you tell a random girl. Fortunatly at this point my mate the boyfriend came back and effectively dragged her away and mouthed an apology at me.

Eventually me and Becca get a drink. I immediately say lets go dance. She says ok, takes my hand again and we go to the dancefloor. After a minute or two of dancing we start making out. Doesn't last long before she pulls away and starts looking around. She whips out her phone and tells me she has to find her new housemates. I told her that her housemates were fine, and probably just somewhere deeper in the club. She insists that she has to find them and I say ok where do you think they are. She says back outside (smokers area). She walks off towards the smokers area without waiting for me/looking back to check if I was coming. Now here's where I'm not entirely sure I made the right decision, but I followed her for a little bit, and she didn't look back at me once, so gut instinct told me I'd blown it and not to bother with following her anymore, so I stopped, went back and found my own friends. Should I have kept going with her?

Anyway later that night Vince, another friend and I got talking to some fresher girls, 2 HB6's and a HB3. I was busting the HB3's balls because she said that she had had a boyfriend when she was 16 that lasted half an hour before he cheated on her. I wasn't trying to get on the HB3, I don't go that low, it was just so easy to rip into her, plus I had the two 6's in stitches laughing. Eventually I think I may have pissed the HB3 off a tad much because she snapped at me saying 'why is a graduate even here you must be desperate to get laid'. I laughed it off and told her I was here to see mates and celebrate my birthday. Not long after that my mates and I said our goodbyes and went back into the club.

Near the end of the night we were leaving to go to another club and Vince spotted these 3 fresher girls again sitting around not really doing anything. We went over and asked if they wanted to come to the next place with us, they said no, that they were too tired. We left them and went on to the next club. Nothing happened there except we nearly got in a fight because one of our mates loves winding people up. There were some pushes and shoves but no actual fists thrown fortunately.

I went back home on Tuesday. Sunday was a pretty chilled day and we went out again Monday night. Nothing really happened girl wise so I won't go into detail.

That took ages to write up haha.

Any insight is appreciated.



Senior Don Juan
Mar 10, 2011
Reaction score
Oh and on another note, I have set up an POF account just to see what it's about and as a way of meeting some people that I normally wouldn't meet. I've had a few bites recently and am in the process of setting up 3/4 dates.

My opening line is real generic. Basically - You look the competitive type, how's about bowling? No barriers allowed

Although I have noticed you do have to message alot of different people to get even a single reply. A woman always has choice haha.



Master Don Juan
Jan 15, 2013
Reaction score
Still a virgin, huh? And you shoudn't even be seen with HB3. What's wrong with you? You are too much of a nice guy really. (You do support Arsenal, lol)

Have you tried changing your approach? Do you believe you can get laid or do you settle to be the clown of the party? Making others laugh is fine and that, but you are perceived as a clown and nothing else. I could also infer that people may see you as a pushover as well. Are you confident in yourself? Do you feel stares dawn upon you when you enter a room?


Senior Don Juan
Mar 10, 2011
Reaction score
Yes I am, I'm hoping the patience pays off soon haha. There is nothing wrong with me. Yes I am probably too much of a nice guy, but saying I shouldn't even been seen with a HB3 is a divkhead thing to say. You've made that presumption on the fact that because she is not as good looking I shouldn't interact with her? That is wrong. Obviously it might not help my game to be seen with the uglies all the time, but in this case there were three girls, two of them HB6's and my friend. Before you say I should aim higher than 6's, I need the practice and to me a 5 is bangable, its the middle of the scale, and in the past I've aimed higher than a 6 and failed. The reason the HB3 got so much attention is because she was making it easy for me to build rapport with the other two by taking the piss out of her.

I haven't really tried to change my approach. I mean it essentially boils down to saying 'hello' anyway. If you mean be more aggressive/aloof/****y that sort of stuff, then yes I have. I do try and adapt depending on the situation and what I feel is the right way of going about things, so far I haven't got that judgement completely nailed.

I do believe that I can get laid, it is not a worry, it just hasn't happened yet. I wouldn't say I settle to be the clown, I like being that guy, but I admit it is starting to wear a little thin, and in regards to the women that I am friends with you are probably right. I am the clown and nothing more, fortunately the girls I am friends with are one's that I am not interested in. There was one a couple years back, but I was too chicken to make a move, and in hindsight I'm glad I didn't.

One thing I can tell you is I am no pushover. I am all for doing favours for people, but they are on my terms ie if I'm already going in that direction I'll pick a friend something up on the way so long as they give me the money in advance. Nobody tells me what to do. Some have tried, but if I don't want to do something, I don't, simple as that. People know my position, once I've made a decision it's done. I am massively confident in myself and my abilities, I know what I can do and I know what I can't. I'd say the only insecurity I have, is not feeling as attractive as I could be, which I am working on improving 100% by hitting the gym and gaining some mass. That is not to say I am upset with how I look, more that I am just not happy enough with where I am at the moment.



Master Don Juan
Jan 15, 2013
Reaction score
Gunner26 said:
Yes I am, I'm hoping the patience pays off soon haha. There is nothing wrong with me. Yes I am probably too much of a nice guy, but saying I shouldn't even been seen with a HB3 is a divkhead thing to say. You've made that presumption on the fact that because she is not as good looking I shouldn't interact with her? That is wrong. Obviously it might not help my game to be seen with the uglies all the time, but in this case there were three girls, two of them HB6's and my friend. Before you say I should aim higher than 6's, I need the practice and to me a 5 is bangable, its the middle of the scale, and in the past I've aimed higher than a 6 and failed. The reason the HB3 got so much attention is because she was making it easy for me to build rapport with the other two by taking the piss out of her.

Sorry, i meant 'what's wrong with you' in reference to hanging out with the HB3.

You need to look the part for what you want to be. If you want to be a CEO for a Fortune 500 company, you can't be seeing partying with bums. A HB3 just screams 'my standards/opinion of myself are very low". You should aim for the girls you like/want, but why have you failed with higher than a 6? You must learn what you did wrong first. After that, you can get back on track and start again. If you don't learn what you did wrong, you'll never get it right. You need to scope out the hottest girl at the event you are in and device a plan to concisely zero in on her. There is no point in wasting time on people who aren't worth it.

I haven't really tried to change my approach. I mean it essentially boils down to saying 'hello' anyway. If you mean be more aggressive/aloof/****y that sort of stuff, then yes I have. I do try and adapt depending on the situation and what I feel is the right way of going about things, so far I haven't got that judgement completely nailed.

Are you a 'hello' person? How would you go on about when you enter a room?

I do believe that I can get laid, it is not a worry, it just hasn't happened yet. I wouldn't say I settle to be the clown, I like being that guy, but I admit it is starting to wear a little thin, and in regards to the women that I am friends with you are probably right. I am the clown and nothing more, fortunately the girls I am friends with are one's that I am not interested in. There was one a couple years back, but I was too chicken to make a move, and in hindsight I'm glad I didn't.

One thing I can tell you is I am no pushover. I am all for doing favours for people, but they are on my terms ie if I'm already going in that direction I'll pick a friend something up on the way so long as they give me the money in advance. Nobody tells me what to do. Some have tried, but if I don't want to do something, I don't, simple as that. People know my position, once I've made a decision it's done. I am massively confident in myself and my abilities, I know what I can do and I know what I can't. I'd say the only insecurity I have, is not feeling as attractive as I could be, which I am working on improving 100% by hitting the gym and gaining some mass. That is not to say I am upset with how I look, more that I am just not happy enough with where I am at the moment.

You do know that others can pick up on you feeling unattractive? It's a scent that you exude, if you really do feel that way. When an individual is in the water struggling to get out and a shark is circling by, the individual may try to stay calm and not think of the fear he feels at the prospect of being killed by a shark. However, the subconscious of the individual is radiating that feeling of fear because he does feel like that. You need to be confident and keep improving yourself. However, you can't demonstrate that you don't feel attractive. People will see you/treat you that way. Even when the lion is injured, he never softens his stance as the most fearsome predator of them all.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
Reaction score
Jesus that took a while to read :whistle:

Sounds like youve had a few heavy nights out there

From my experiences its never a good idea to try to run game when your on a 3 / 4 day bender the energy you need to game and fvck chicks just isn’t available when your hungover and sleep deprived

Anyway Reading through your post and for lack of better words you seem to spend a lot of time dilly dallying and over analysing situations

Chick tells you she aint getting with you tonight and instead of just discarding the s*it test and escalating anyway you seem to retreat into your own mind

The fresher chick wanted you too take her home and bang the living s*it out of her, she was ready
you didn’t need to “go get a drink” and all the other wondering around the club you did its just killing attraction

Chicks want leadership they want charisma they want to be told what to do they want you to say “right this place sucks were going back to yours now” or whatever

You remind me of an old friend of mine who always wanted the best of both worlds

For example he would always love the idea of coming out on the weekend with me to get laid but he would never want the guilt of “using” a woman

This guy gets laid once a year IF HE IS LUCKY

Unfortunately if you want to bang chicks and live a DJ kind of lifestyle then you have to be a **** on at least some levels

youve gotta be that guy that sneaks off from all his mates to get pussvy

You gotta tell chicks absolute BS until you get in theyre pussvy

You got to be that guy who gets the chick to buy HIM drinks all night, fvck her and then never speak to her again

Sometimes You’ve got to UPSET people you cannot keep everyone happy

Sorry if it sounds harsh but right now i think you need to toughen up if you want to lose that V !


Senior Don Juan
Mar 10, 2011
Reaction score
Ronaldo. I understand where you are coming from, and yes I don't want to be associating with the ug's the whole time. I do aim for the girls I like/want, however, sometimes they are friends with the not as pretty ones, and as we all know uglies can get jealous very quickly and proceed to ****block. Best to try and have them on your side.

On learning what I've done wrong, I'm still working on that. I think at the moment it is a mixture of not being bold enough in conjunction with me not really saying the right things/talking too much.

When I enter a room I'm generally all smiles, I say hello to people I know, if they are with people I don't know I introduce myself. I am very observant when I walk into a room and normally inclined to make sure I know everyone there.

It's not that I feel unattractive, I just don't feel as attractive as I could be. I'm confident in how I look now and if what I have now is all I could be, that wouldn't be a problem at all, however, I can and do go to the gym and I can improve my physique so although what I have isn't bad I am not satisfied it.

Bingo Player I can imagine haha, it took me ages to write up. But thanks for reading. No need to apologise, there's no point *****-footing around the issue so as not to hurt my feelings. I understand that maybe a few too many heavy ones would hurt my chances, but I thought I'd give it a go anyway. I agree that dilly dallying and over-analysing are probably problems I need to sort out. I think I still see 'pick-up' for lack of a better term as a game to be won, rather than played and as such I'm always thinking about the best move or course of action to take. Because of that over-analysis it causes me to dilly dally. Thanks for pointing it out.

I know I need to be a bit more of a ****. And I have my own friend who is exactly as you describe, sneaking off to get some, has girls buying him drinks who gets laid regularly. I think I just need to stop thinking about things and just do it.

Thanks again.
