Job frustration/entitlement


Don Juan
Aug 14, 2019
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Hey all

I’ve been having some job frustration the last year and wanted to get some objective feedback from more experienced people.

- age 27
- currently working at a ‘prestigious’ record label in the music industry

The music industry is very difficult to get into and 2 years ago I finally got my shot. Before that, I did my best to get all the broad experience needed to make it happen (booking my own shows, touring with bands, doing sound, production work etc.). This is professionally and also in my free time.

Right now I’m an assistant and I knew when I started the job that I’d be doing a lot of administrative work that’s not very challenging and below my abilities (my previous job had a lot more responsibility). But I took it to break in music.

This is where the frustration comes in - I’m now finally in the industry (and the company) where I want to be but I’m having a hard time accepting that I need to have patience to get a promotion/do more fulfilling work.

I’ve been open about this to my manager lately and I know she can’t do magic and make jobs appear. However they’re slowly training me right now and she told me there’d be an opportunity to (partly) get a new position near the end of 2021.

Tbh I don’t know if I have the patience for this. Partly it’s my ego that doesn’t want to be an assistant anymore but I also feel like I’m wasting time when I could be getting precious experience and be growing somewhere else. This is probably some self entitlement on my part but I feel like I should be in a better position because I’ve been grinding for 7 years. covid also made everything more difficult, there’s even less jobs in the entertainment industry now so I want to be careful.

Right now I’m just trying to look at the experience I have as good baggage and I’m working harder than ever in my free-time. I just feel frustrated that it’s not yet being acknowledged and that it’s not paying off (literally) yet.

btw my endgoal is working for me but I’m not there yet, I need some years and some more experience for that as the market is extremely competitive.

any thoughts on this?
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