Jerk & Nice guy


Senior Don Juan
Feb 12, 2009
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zeland
We all know (anyone who had read the bible) that it's better to be a Jerk, well not to much of a jerk just enough to keep her laughing. In high school its probably more teasing then being a jerk, but anyway is there time to be a nice guy, and I don't mean nice as getting her that bag of lollies she asked for, fairly random, but it happened a few days ago, i brought the bag, ate until there was five left, then showed up and gave her the bag. haha. anyway it's an example. I meant nice as in saying, "oh you can sit here", and then having a ridiculously serious conversations about emotions and how she's feeling. Is there a time for that?? Is it better to be a nice guy, just once??

I'm not going to argue and say the jerk thing isn't the best to do, i'm just going to trust other peoples experience.

I just feel like I'm losing a lot or girls, by teasing and being a jerk a lot, and I'm kind of getting bored using the jerk routine and not getting very far, I guess you could say after awhile they just don't take me serious, and I kind of want to be taken serious occasionally, and would being really nice just once, help people take me serious?? (Thats just another way of asking the question)

Anyway Thanks for Helping before and I hope you help now


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2008
Reaction score
in high school the jerk thing isn't as amplified as it is in adulthood

girls are still inexperienced..that's why pretty much any guy who approaches a lot can get a girl

be nice...the only time you should worry abotu being too nice is if she's constantly asking for you to do something..cause then she reallizes you're her *****...but it should become recognizable when she recognizes


Don Juan
Feb 16, 2009
Reaction score
I think it depends on the type of girl. It's not really based on looks, either. I told this one girl to fvck herself (she was saying her hands were prettier than mine, bs). She was all smiles. She's not necessaryily the prettiest girl in school, but she's always hosting parties in her big house. Probably inflated the self esteem real quick. This other pretty girl got offended when I said her idea for a group project wasn't good (not sh!t test offended, eyes watering and looking down offended). I think the entire jerk thing is for girls that think themselves goddesses, because who would mistreat a goddess but a MAN?