I've learned alot in the past few weeks


Don Juan
Mar 31, 2011
Reaction score
well, i've been chillin with this ho for most of the summer, an we were kind of flirty not much else, then friday i go to chill at my friends house and he all braggin bout how he really close to fvckin her, pissed me off a little bit but i figured, hatin aint gon get me nowhere so ill jus step my game up an hope for the best, so she an her dumbass friends come over we chill for a while then they have to leave, now there are 4 chicks 4 guys, so the friend that was braggin an my homie ive known the longest out of all them, FVCKING LEAVE WITH THEM!!!!! but rite before they were sayin bros before hoes! THE FVCK IS THAT ****!!!! so basically fvck them and fvck those dumb hoes, they had room for us in their car, an they aint even done **** for them! so my conclusions i have taken from this incident are that i aint never bein nice to no female again, seriously, we both only want one thing only difference is theirs is money! fvck u ho, get a fvcking job b!tch, u got one purpose wen u chillin with me so suck my **** get out my face thats jus how im feelin, real talk


Don Juan
Jan 9, 2011
Reaction score
Relax man. There's other fish out their in the sea.

We've all had these type of situations, it stings, but push through it.


Don Juan
Mar 31, 2011
Reaction score
man i have pushed threw it as i said to dumb ho #1 "i'm beyond pissed, i'm done" and there are other fish out in the sea, thats not the point, the point is that i'm the motherfvcking catch, not them they dont run the show i do, have u ever heard how business people say that they "make the money work for them"? well im gonna make the b!tches work for me, its that simple


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
Why are you calling them *****es and ho's, and expecting them to like and respect you?


Don Juan
Mar 31, 2011
Reaction score
like me? respect me? ill pass on that i got enough friends, im jus lookin to skeet in her mouth and send her ass home


Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2006
Reaction score
Berkshire, England
I'm sorry buddy but you sound like one of the Pimp's from South Park. Does everybody you hang out with really talk like that? A girl likes an intelligent man who respects her, and gives her reason to respect him.

What girl would let you "skeet in her mouth" if she doesn't respect you or like you? The only girl I can think of is a prostitue who you're paying. Maybe there's a reason girls only seem to want your money....

As Nino-Tk said your attitude isn't healthy, and I think your situation proved it's not what attracted women.


Don Juan
Mar 31, 2011
Reaction score
the thing is ive been nice, now im fvcking done, and my current situation i'm only in it because hoes seem to love to take ur stuff then not do **** in return, the old me was not goin anywhere, but he dead an gone, i'm done tryin to seem like a want a relationship, done hidin my true motherfvcking feelings, an if a b!tch dont like that i got more important things to do anyway, and also if u guys are all talking about bein "don juans" an yet u reject my approach? oh and i sound like a pimp on south park? guess what, DON JUAN WAS A PIMP!


Senior Don Juan
Dec 30, 2010
Reaction score
Jake_tha_Boss said:
the point is that i'm the motherfvcking catch
What the hell makes you think you're the "motherfvcking catch"? Because I can tell you, I don't see any catch-like qualities in this thread.

You try to use women for sex, so they're trying to use you for money. It's karma at play here.

It's time to step off the pedestal you've given yourself and act like a decent human being.

Obviously, being a "pimp" isn't working for you and your "nice" self (who was probably just a whiny pushover) didn't work. Why not just be a man?

Also, you're in high school. You can't expect an attitude of "use 'em and lose 'em" to work, can you?


Don Juan
Mar 31, 2011
Reaction score
amohield said:
What the hell makes you think you're the "motherfvcking catch"?
read my signature (isnt everyone here goin on about confidence anyway?) also i havent been tryin to use them i was actually lookin for a girlfriend, til this **** happened, now i'm done wit that BS, call me a misogynist if u must, i dont care, and u cant say this hasnt worked for me, it hasnt been tried yet, i've been out of town all weekend so i had time to reflect amd figure **** out, also im not tryin to be a pimp im jus sayin if u think pimps are stupid, but u all are gonna talk don juan this an don juan that know who u are talking about, a pimp
EDIT- oh an during the last skool year i noticed ALOT of dudes wit the 'use em lose em' attitude, so yes i can expect it to work


Senior Don Juan
Jan 3, 2011
Reaction score
This attitude will get you nowhere, trust me... even if you don't you'll see I'm right, we're right after you screw up or after you cool down a bit and get perspective.

It's about giving and sharing. It's always more about it that just getting a benefit.

You will not be loved or appreciated if you don't love or appreciate( go figure...). Don't see it like you> or you >= or you <... just = between you and her( in general).

Yeah... sh*t happens... so what? Why you? Who cares? Why not you?
You know the key to happiness? It goes something like this: Focus on the things that you can change while not attaching too much importance to the things you can't ( hey, everyone, this is gold BTW).

I would say try the above. You can't change what happened.. just your response.

How you feel will pass. Don't just discard this. Give it a tought.

Peace, Pozitron


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
Pozitron said:
Don't see it like you> or you >= or you <... just = between you and her( in general).
Haha, dude, this looks way too confusing.

What he's saying in the quote above is that you should view yourself equal to women, not above them (like you) and definitely not below (putting her on a pedestal).


Senior Don Juan
Jan 3, 2011
Reaction score
yeah.. that's it.. I was lazy :)


Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2006
Reaction score
Berkshire, England
I didn't say anything was hugely wrong with pimps (though I don't entirely agree with the aspect). But I did say you sounded like a "South Park Pimp". That show is renowned for taking the piss out of people. Everything in that show is OTT exaggerated to make it comical.... and yet you sound just like one of them. Not a real pimp. I seriously doubt Don Juan was like those guys.

And as to Don Juan being a pimp, I havn't looked into him enough to know if thats a fact. But it's not what we teach here. As with everybody there are good and bad aspects of them. I'm not saying being a pimp was nessisarily a bad thing, it depends how he went about it. The fact of the matter is he was a social genious. What he did with those skills, was up to him. On this forum we coach people on those skills, not how they should use them. That is ultimately up to you.


Don Juan
Mar 31, 2011
Reaction score
i've cooled a bit but i'm sayin is from what i've seen all women may not be the same but they sure as hell are similiar, and until a female proves their worth sumthing to me, they aint gettin sh!t, to give u all a perspective heres a song that shows exactly how i feel:


Don Juan
Jun 25, 2011
Reaction score
Jake_tha_Boss said:
also i havent been tryin to use them i was actually lookin for a girlfriend, til this **** happened, now i'm done wit that BS, call me a misogynist if u must, i dont care, and u cant say this hasnt worked for me, it hasnt been tried yet...
EDIT- oh an during the last skool year i noticed ALOT of dudes wit the 'use em lose em' attitude, so yes i can expect it to work
Jake, I feel the exact same way as you buddy... Look man, you'r going about this wrong.. "FVCK Bytches" Yess i totally agree. But dont let girls get you so angry, it leads to nowhere & it makes you look like a whiny bytch.

Let me tell you a secret; Smiling and not giving a F*ck will get you very far in life, detatch emotionally from the world (but still do things you belive in) Life is too short to care about a relationship especially when your a teenager.. dont waste the best years of your life on 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 girls. Thats how i am..

if a girl gets me mad i just say "oh well"

if a girl likes me "oh well"

if a girl hates my guts and wants to stab me in the eye with a fork "oh well"

Keep to that attitude and you'll notice that life will be easy(still do things you'r expected to do, like listen to your parents & help old ladys cross the street lol; stuff you believe is right)

Just a week or two ago a girl texted me and said "woow, i cant believe you havnt texted me just becuz i didnt wana come to your house...this is why me and you would never work, im done" I replied 30 minutes later "alright" i did not care & that attitude gets you laid because guess what? she only texted me to get a reaction out of me.. girls wana pull your string and once you show them you dont give a "fvck" about them they'll be on your d*ck...

i f*cked the girl 2 days ago. She fell right asleep, i woke her up and i told her to leave and not to text me anymore. she's been texting me ever since.. ireplied once and said "who is this?"(because i deleted her number after she left) she replied and kept trying to start a conversation but i never replied. "FVCK ALL BYTCHES" i totally agree, but dont let hate run your life. Just dont give a "Fvck"


Don Juan
Mar 31, 2011
Reaction score
fly guy gets wat i was trying to say, when i said it it jus came across as mean because i was pissed at the time, but yea that hate doesnt run my life, my money runs my life and if a b!tch even attempts to get in the way of that she will have a chinese name
EDIT- one more thing


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
I hope you're aware that "Don Juan" is fictional and not really anything to aspire to.

"Don Juan is a rogue and a libertine who takes great pleasure in seducing women (mainly virgins) and enjoys fighting their men. Later, in a graveyard, Don Juan encounters a statue of Don Gonzalo, the dead father of a girl he has seduced, Doña Ana de Ulloa, and impiously invites the father to dine with him; the statue gladly accepts. The father's ghost arrives for dinner at Don Juan's house and in turn invites Don Juan to dine with him in the graveyard. Don Juan accepts and goes to the father's grave, where the statue asks to shake Don Juan's hand. When he extends his arm, the statue grabs hold and drags him away to Hell."

Don Juan means something else at this forum.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 30, 2010
Reaction score
Norway beat me to it. This is the original Don Juan. Don Juan is Spanish slang for womanizer, I believe.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2006
Reaction score
Berkshire, England
NorwegianDJ said:
I hope you're aware that "Don Juan" is fictional and not really anything to aspire to.

"Don Juan is a rogue and a libertine who takes great pleasure in seducing women (mainly virgins) and enjoys fighting their men. Later, in a graveyard, Don Juan encounters a statue of Don Gonzalo, the dead father of a girl he has seduced, Doña Ana de Ulloa, and impiously invites the father to dine with him; the statue gladly accepts. The father's ghost arrives for dinner at Don Juan's house and in turn invites Don Juan to dine with him in the graveyard. Don Juan accepts and goes to the father's grave, where the statue asks to shake Don Juan's hand. When he extends his arm, the statue grabs hold and drags him away to Hell."

Don Juan means something else at this forum.
Well you learn something new every day.

And to Jake, I'm glad you've calmed down and things are looking better.

And thank you Flyguy, for making things clearer and helping both the rest of us and Jake understand the situation better.