It's All in Your Head- 19 vs. 27


Don Juan
Jul 24, 2007
Reaction score
Hello my name is Jimmy, I just want to introduce myself as my 1st post to this intricate and marvelous forum. I actually found this at school doodling on google. I thought I'd make my 1st post interesting, keep things simple, and prove a point to life. The point is that age does not really matter if you game the target correctly. A good friend once told me "Women age, but their minds do not age."The reason I call her the target is because I have been working at this for a couple of months. I am going to tell you guys a story of me at the age of 19 going against a girl that is about 26-28? I don't know her exact age but I will explain this later on in this thread. So I will tell you guys about a "date" that I will use in reference in the future. I do not want to validate myself towards you guys and I am not trying to self-approve myself in anyway. Please critique this if you must, and I will take it into consideration. I just want to take some time as my first post to contribute some of my knowledge from the past that acquired learning, this did not come natural as I was an AFC, but yet I am still learning.

Story Frame
So this all started in December, when I had a few friends that had access to fake I.d.'s. Blacklight, scan, my picture, my own information. These were the cleanest I.D's *knock on wood*. in the city of L.A. I met this girl at a club in West Hollywood at a place named "Tatou." It was one of their grand opening nights. This was a club that use to be called Soho.

At the age of 19, I did not know anything, I still don't know anything as I am learning. I do not want my testosterone to get in the way of any forms of my communication. The night was crazy, a friend of mine would come along as it was just us 2. We would go on the dance floor and just "hit up" random girls that seemed like they wanted to dance. The introduction was simple

1st encounter

I called her the next day (keep in mind this is still in December so everything is still fizzy). Anyways, I found out she was a F.O.B.(fresh off the boat) I took it to my advantage as my english was more fluent than hers. She came off as easy, but this was her game. She gave me a compliance test and asked me when I was going to take her out to dinner. And I quickly responded as an AFC and said "OH, what kind of food do you like?" :nono: She quickly responded japanese food, and quickly as an AFC I asked her if she wanted to eat Japanese food, she agreed and gave me another compliance test, she asked me if I wanted to sleep over her house after the night was done, I again as an AFC quickly said yes. :down: We set a date and I felt extravagant. Keep in mind I did not build any comfort with her what so ever, so soon I realized it was a compliance test to see if I was "cheap, easy, and just like the other guys." I remember she asked me if I was a player on the phone, as an IOI. I remember just acting stupid and I did not know how to handle the question. So the day had came, we were supposed to go eat but the unexpected happened. I did not know what to do, I felt heart broken. She did not answer my phone call for the day we were supposed to eat Japanese food. After that, I had lost all hope and disinterest.

2nd- Inner Thoughts
I had thought about it a couple days later. Why would a girl at the age of 26-28 want to go out with me, a little boy, at the age of 19. Sure, I had my fake I.D. but she did not know that. She thinks I'm 21. That is still 6-8 years apart. I remember asking her what she did as a career and she told me some sort of banking, she also told me that she makes around 10g's a month. I didn't believe it but a close friend of mine found out that she really was lucrative. So what the fcuk, I'm 19, she's 27 making 6 figures when I'm barely working part time and make about 5,000 a year! I figured the odds were against me and unfortunately gave up. How could I DHV? I demonstrated lower value as my age and my career, she knew I was a fulltime student.

2nd month Encounter
The 2nd time I saw her was at the same club, Tatou. It was about a month later after I had met her. I remember hooking up with her that night and making out with her. It was just attraction, It's just an emotion and it is not something that we can control. She kept asking me why I never call her and I don't remember what I told her, but she responded with, "You have too many girls." At any time of our encounters, she asked me if I was a player, but I would just throw it right back at her. I started to get smart with her sh!t tests that were thrown at me and sh!t comments. Few days later, I called her and again she threw the same compliance test to see if I was going to give in. She asked me when I was going to take her to eat Japanese food and I told her, I don't know if I could go, you are a flake and that is unattractive to me." She told me she has a pretty harsh worklife but I understood, but I was still wary that this was some sort of test. Fortunately, I threw it back to her and said, I don't like Japanese food, it makes your breathe stinky, I want to go eat Thai food. I said this to auto-pilot her response for her to say, "Ok fine, take me to go eat Thai food." She agreed and said it. I than laid back and said to myself, "man fcuk this b!tch, she is just going to do the same sh!t again." I told her to text me on the day to let me know if she wasn't busy enough to go eat Thai food with me. The day had came, what do you know, she did not text me. If this girl did not show interest, then it is not worth waiting like a puppy dog for her. I moved on, didn't talk to her for the longest time.

March-July, yes 5 months of fluctuating comfort building!
I always had a thing for this girl, and the attraction seemed pretty strong. I would always be happy every time I saw her at a club and it was the same for her. Whether it was Vanguard, Cabana, Sunset, Tatou we would always hook up and do things together. In June, I finally decided to call her and not be the AFC to try to get something out of her. I told myself this is a game played in comfort and everything revolves around it. She always told me how she did not enjoy her job at work so I told her maybe I would help her out. There was a test she was going to take for her to pass and it would allow her to sell insurance with her loans that she sold. Keep in mind this girl works at Citibank the #1 bank but at this point I had nothing to lose because I kept telling myself I don't need anything from this girl. Throughout the 3 weeks of her intense studying, I would text and call her occasionally. She kept bringing up me taking her out to dinner but I knew it was just another test. So I ignored her and kept telling her that she had to earn it. I told her I would make her a deal, I told her if she passed the test then I would do something special for her and that she had to earn it. She was pretty excited and said, "ok fine but you have to support me, call me, or text me more often." I said maybe and we ended the conversation there.

The day had came, she passed the test and texted me with excitement I felt as if she wanted validation from me. I remained alpha and did not say congratulations or anything an AFC would say. After she text me that she passed, I proceeded to text her back and told her "I should have never gave advice to a girl that's bad." She texts me back and says, "I'm not that bad, take some time to get to know each other." I did not respond but instead I called her later that night. She told me she wanted me to take her to a club as her reward, I agreed and the day had came, I asked her to go to a club with me that night and she had agreed. It was not a good day though, her sister had just graduated from UCSD and they were hanging out with each other. I still asked her to hang out though, as courtesy(keep in mind she earned this) I expected her to say no, but it's always a good thing to invite her even though you know she is going to say no. I asked her if she wanted to come join me and a big group of friends to this club. She agreed and asked me if I was going to pick her up, I did not want to sound AFC so I told her my friend was around her area and that she would be on the way. I did not want to tell her I was going to drive from Cerritos, CA. to Temple City and back to Hollywood.(roughly 70 miles roundtrip) She would think I was desperate or something. An hour before I was to arrive she called me to let me know she would not be able to make it, she had a family dinner to go to, and told me to have fun with my friends. I said, "Alright fine, maybe next time, no promises though ok?"
She laughed and the conversation ended.


Don Juan
Jul 24, 2007
Reaction score
Initiate and call Tuesday, Thursday- comfort builder (to remind her about the date)
The next couple of weeks we would text back and forth. The week had finally came, it was the week of July 23rd. She told me she had the whole week off, and reminded me that she had earned a day to spend with me to have fun. She asked me if I wanted to go to Disneyland, keep in mind I was still wary about her flaking. So I told her, "I don't know if I can spend the whole day with you." she was in awe and did not know why I said this, so she said, "Let's go to the beach then." I told her No I don't want to get sunburnt. So this was the hook, I kept baiting her in. I then changed the subject quickly and told her that the previous beach she went to was ghetto (Huntington Beach). I then told her about Laguna Beach, and how nice it was. She then asked me if I would take her there. 3rd time is a charm, so I said "I suppose, you earned it." I remember she asked to take her on Monday, but I have a life and wanted to change things a bit, I said "No, Sunday or I won't be able to go" She laughed and agreed. I then called her two days later just to confirm and so she wouldn't flake. I learned that if you set up a date, you can't just expect it to happen, you need to build the comfort to lessen the chance of her being a flake. It was Thursday, we talked for a bit, and waited for her to bring up the beach as my own compliance test. She did not bring it up, instead she asked me what I was doing this saturday, the day we were supposed to meet for the beach. I said "Hmm, I don't know I was supposed to take this girl to the newport beach, but I don't know if it's still going to happen." Women like indirect forms of communication and they like to imagine, it is better to demonstrate rather than just saying it straight out. I was busting on her, and she kept laughing. Being uneedy, I clicked off the phone first, I told her I would call her on Saturday to proceed. The day had came, and I again used the form of indirect communication. This was yet good and bad, but it worked. The good part is that it is funny, but the bad part was that since I asked twice it seemed as if I wanted her approval for her to laugh. It is better to just say something once, and never bring it up again unless you can use it against her and bust her balls. I also told her I would only take her to hang out if she followed 3 rules, #1 No hugging, #2 No touching, #3 No alcohol. I did this for 2 reasons, to show that I am uneedy, and the 2nd main thing was to initiate the auto-pilot responses. When you tell a girl not to do something, such as not touch you, they will touch you. If you tell a girl not to kiss you, they will do it, etc. So by setting rules, I showed her that she had to follow a set of rules before I agreed to the meet.

The Date a.k.a "hangout
So the day came, the "hang out" was scheduled at 2ish. The 1st thing is, always say hang out, don't say date. It puts too much pressure on each other and it sounds more fun when you ask them to hang out instead of a date. I called her around 11:30 and she answered. Both she and I knew what was going to happen that day, but I did not mention it. She asked me what I was going to do that day and i responded with, " I don't know I think I was supposed to take someone to the beach, but I don't remember." She laughed and I told her I would come around 2ish; this sets the timeframe and lets her know that she needs to wait for you. Also, she can not complain about you being late. So it works both ways.

I'll tell you guys right now, it was a far drive but it was fun and worth learning. I drove from Bellflower -> Temple City -> Newport Beach -> Temple City -> Bellflower. But I thought I would take advantage of the comfort building. The 1st thing I did when I picked her up was not hug her, instead I stood outside of my car and called her to come out. She did and I did not touch her what so ever for a greet. She used a sort of ****y comedy that made me smile. I asked her to bring some stuff that we can do at the beach. She said "All I'm going to bring is herself that should be enough." I didn't want to seem needy when she was in my car because it took me a while to get this girl out and about. But at the same time I controlled my testosterone that makes one needy. Knowing that your testosterone can be a positive thing towards your game but it can also be negative, and a big negative. Learn to control it. Testosterone is also one thing that causes us to be needy. In the car I talked about my friends, my family, and a little bit of what my goals were in life and what I had going on.

We finally arrive, and I did not refer to mapquest either cause it would of demonstrated lower value. I wanted her to think that I do this on a normal occasion and that I know my way around. So I decided to memorize the directions before hand. We arrive there and we get a little lost, but I didn't mention anything. I parked my car in a residential area and proceeded. We walked around until I could find a spot that was just right so we could hang out and I can build rapport. Always reminding myself that this game is played in comfort. I talk to strangers on the street and they told me about the Ferry that takes you to Balboa Island. We drive onto the ferry and proceed. Anyways, within that time I got lost a lot and we were just sharing with ourselves personal information that was also a comfort builder. We finally get to the island and we walked in the sand to hang out. I don't remember bringing anything but I just remember that I stole a towel from the ground and placed it on the floor for us to have a place to sit. Anyways, I was building the comfort and creating rapport and she mentioned that she doesn't usually tell people this kind of information with people. The key is to ask questions, but don't ask questions that seek validation or anything needy. Talk about what's going on in your life, and everything that revolves in your word.

Pics from Mid-Game.

The whole time she was being needy and it made me realize this girl is kind of nice. Was I starting to get one-itis!? She initiated the hand holding and I would hold back, only a couple times I would reach in. Major IOI's, as I counted the IOI's it made me realize it was going smooth. Learning is the key, don't expect anything or you will be too pressured and that will bring needyness out. The night had gone by, and it was a local Balboa Island bar; and I'll tell you guys people are very nice and have manners in Orange County, everyone will talk to you and help you out. We went to the bar automatically people knew we were not from the O.C. Crazy thing was that this guy went up to me and asked me if I was a movie star and if I was from around there, it really gave me points and demonstrated higher value. The people working there also gave us a couple of drinks on the house which I really thought was nice of them. This was one of the rules she had broken as well, #3 No alcohol! But she said please and at first I acted like I did not want to, just to show her that I do not want her to get drunk.
The bar went smooth, it was different because of the setting and atmosphere. A key is to find out what the girl's lifestyle is and show her something different, she will live in your world and live in your reality and you will show her that you are fun to be with.
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Don Juan
Jul 24, 2007
Reaction score

We were then a little buzzed, which I thought made my game better, but don't use alcohol to loosen you up, because if you do you will act a different way. For me alcohol makes me a calm person and improves my game. But only when I drink a certain amount to get me buzzed. Don't go overboard. The key is not to get drunk because you will need to control your emotions. Both tipsy, she had drank more than me, also remind her that you do not want to get her drunk, so she does not think you are trying to take advantange of her. We then went to my car and we both had a nice buzz. I had some fun with her and told her let's be little kids, so I held her hand and swung it up real high. We finally arrived back to my car, right before hand I told her let's go to my backseat like little kids, she laughed and agreed. At this point I expected major LMR. But she was actually the one that sat on me and started kissing me. Major IOI, so I humped her with my pants on and then she proceeded to pull my staff of wisdom out. I asked her if she wanted to kiss it and she told me that I had to earn it. She then started biting on it and I told her not to because it hurt. So the whole time it went smooth, she then told me she had to pee. I thought it was LMR, but really she had to pee. I drove her to the bathroom and then we went back to the car. This is where I started to get needy. My game was getting ruined because I kept telling her to go to the backseat. Again, my testosterone got in the way of my game because at that point I just wanted to do one thing. She tells me to drive her back to the same spot we were so I proceeded. I had to pay to get out of the parking structure that was about 50 cents. I touched my coinslot and then I took out the change. I guess she saw me, so we went back to the spot and I went to the back and started fingering her. She told me not to because my hands were dirty. So I pulled out my hand sanitizer and put it on pretty quick, pretty AFC of me though. Of course, I fcuked her but the whole time I was telling her to relax and whispering in her ear. I told her she smelled good and took a whiff at her neck, she got crazy and started pushing my back towards her. The funny thing is that pedestrians were still walking by us and I remember my a55 cheeks were beating against my window. I looked back once and this man saw what I was doing and he quickly looked away and acted as if he did not see anything. I started laughing and she put the towel on my back and I asked her what she was doing, she told me she did not want people to see what we were doing. She then acted as if she did not want to do it no more. I was mad so I had to start all over again. I kissed her to build the comfort and attraction, and then kissed her on the side of her neck. She went crazy again and we proceeded to fcuk. We were done, she told me she was not satisfied. So I told her the same thing to bust her balls. She asked me why I was not satisfied and I told her because I was not comfortable. She then asked me what happens if she wants to do this again? I told her just call me and we'll see what happens. Maybe that was an AFC move, but we were pretty comfortable. The sex was not that great but then we cuddled and proceeded to leave right after. I then got the watermelon out of my trunk and we fed each other fruit. I told her she was like the energizer bunny, she keeps going and going and going.... She told me that if she isn't tired, she's crazier and that I could learn from her and that I was still young. This implied a second meet and a sexual relationship.

Pics from Endgame:

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Don Juan
Jul 24, 2007
Reaction score

As a woman ages, their minds will stay the same. It's not about fcuking, it's all about seeing your capabilities and expanding them. I am still learning and will always be learning the interactions that I encounter. One of my strong points of this game was that I was uneedy and did not seek her approval every time we had a conversation. Attraction is not a choice, it is just an emotion that we cannot control. It just happens, the game is played in comfort. There is no such thing as the 7 hour rule. Usually, if you take more time and your game is tight, there will be a lower chance of LMR. Just keep your head up and believe in yourself. Lastly, I hope you guys can incorporate some of my ideas in your game.I hope you enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed writing this. My victory of 19 vs. 27.
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Senior Don Juan
Jul 19, 2007
Reaction score
Way to keep trying with this girl. She's a flake. Ive met alot of girls who act so cool when you see them in person but then you try to invite them out for something they end up selling out. You did a good job here by calling her out for selling out. Personally, I think you should move on and look at other beautiful women. I would meet a really hot girl and bring her with you the same night she's at that club. You wouldn't believe how women change when they see you with other attractive women.


Don Juan
Jul 24, 2007
Reaction score
bachelor said:
Way to keep trying with this girl. She's a flake. Ive met alot of girls who act so cool when you see them in person but then you try to invite them out for something they end up selling out. You did a good job here by calling her out for selling out. Personally, I think you should move on and look at other beautiful women. I would meet a really hot girl and bring her with you the same night she's at that club. You wouldn't believe how women change when they see you with other attractive women.
No, you did not let me finish my story! I will update this later on.