It really is hard to get laid


Master Don Juan
Jan 20, 2005
Reaction score
Even if you have $10,000,000 and look like brad pit, its hard to get laid even by the ugliest women and fattest of them all women.. Its just that hard..

Yes guys..its really really hard getting laid by a non prostitute.. impossible. Just give up


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
Reaction score
Looking at your most recent threads, I can safely assume that you need to get your sh*t together and stop b*tching.

I'm contemplating deleting this thread to avoid creating a negative vibe on this forum, but I'm sure others will have something to say about this.

Your limiting beliefs are NOT SERVING YOU. You have ZERO perspective on what it's actually like to be an attractive guy with money, or game for that matter. You don't know what you don't know, and you're using the lens of your current existence to speculate what it would look like in the "other side".


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
Reaction score
Not really... If you're good looking, its very easy to get laid. Women come right up to you with sexual offers - no hesitation. You don't really have to do anything at all. I find it harder to get relationships with good looking women. Seems all they want is sex.


Don Juan
Jun 4, 2009
Reaction score
Not true. I am considered very good looking by a lot of girls, and I have been getting blown out non stop. Haven't actually gotten laid in like 6 months. Hooked up with a number of girls, but can't seem to get laid. I must be doing something wrong. All im saying is, even if your good looking it can still be real hard


Master Don Juan
Feb 22, 2010
Reaction score
This has a ring of truth to it.


Because 90% of the available good looking girls are getting banged by the top 10% of guys.

A woman would rather share a successful man, than have a loser all to herself.

This means there are only scraps left for all the other loser guys.

Don't get bogged down in the actual %'s, the concept is what is important.

You have two choices:

1) Give up, like you say, and continue your fvcking p!ssing and moaning on here; or

2) MAN THE FVCK UP and keep working to improve yourself, and get into the top 10%.

Up to you.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 2, 2009
Reaction score
,-._|\ ................... ............ / Aus \ ..
Vice said:
I'm contemplating deleting this thread to avoid creating a negative vibe on this forum, but I'm sure others will have something to say about this.
I think you should just sticky this thread and rename it to "Don't wanna get laid? HAVE THIS MINDSET!!!"

Those of you that are complaining are just too outcome dependent, no-one can hit 100% on every single thing they attempt in life. Not Jordan, Tiger Woods, Tom Brady, Lebron, Brad Pitt, no-one. Suck it up and keep working towards your goals, and your day will come. It fu<king baffles me when people give up before they even start.



Senior Don Juan
Jan 2, 2009
Reaction score
,-._|\ ................... ............ / Aus \ ..
And this thread does not coincide with the other thread that you made:

Im out of shape, 5'7 200lbs but
i still get women hitting on me here and there lol... I mean, not super hot ones but.. good enough u know?

is it because they think im an easy lay cuz im a fatty and ?lol

anyone else on the same boat as me?

REVERSE this psychology around.

we see an average girl, and we think she an ez lay so and so..
So which is it?


Don Juan
Jun 4, 2009
Reaction score
I agree that the guy that made this thread is just a whiny puss but I also think there is something to be said for how sometimes its just really hard to get laid. I didn't think this for a while and went out there and kept trying hard but then I got really depressed because I thought, hey if it's not that hard and I can't seem to do it I must just be a loser. I am definitely still trying to improve, but I now have a mindset that if I don't get laid tonight it's no big deal, a lot of guys aren't getting laid tonight. I just have to keep living it up and enjoying myself.


Don Juan
Jan 30, 2007
Reaction score
It is hard to get laid with a decent looking chick. Hard that we consider it a decent achievement when it happens. Not so hard that it's not worth attempting.

In mountain climbing terms getting laid is probably like climbing Mt Fuji. The OP makes it sound like its like climbing K2.


Master Don Juan
Oct 2, 2008
Reaction score
Too many places at once
Vice said:
I'm contemplating deleting this thread to avoid creating a negative vibe on this forum, but I'm sure others will have something to say about this.
Vice that would be good.... there needs to be less people who need to listen, speaking. The kid is depressed and whining and that is an issue with mood control, not dating. This forum should either start pulling the trigger on stupid comments and anti-female posts or institute an exclusive sub-forum. Reasonable people will not stay if it's embarassing to be associated with this site.

+1 for vicious moderation and a kick in ass for anyone else who clutters up the forum with useless garbage


Don Juan
Jan 30, 2007
Reaction score
wait_out said:
Vice that would be good.... there needs to be less people who need to listen, speaking. The kid is depressed and whining and that is an issue with mood control, not dating. This forum should either start pulling the trigger on stupid comments and anti-female posts or institute an exclusive sub-forum. Reasonable people will not stay if it's embarassing to be associated with this site.

+1 for vicious moderation and a kick in ass for anyone else who clutters up the forum with useless garbage
It's a forum. People should be able to express opinions, garbage or not. This is by no means the only negative/depressed post on here.


Master Don Juan
Oct 2, 2008
Reaction score
Too many places at once
Miles28 said:
People should be able to express opinions, garbage or not.
What exactly is the functional result of that? Do you want a class of clueless 18-year olds arguing on equal terms with a prof about their "opinion" of physics?

Furthermore -- isn't the point of this site to succeed in the real world and not drown your sorrows among online strangers? Helping hands are good, same with a kick in the ass, but they need to lead people in the right direction. This kind of a post should not be rewarded with attention IMO


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
Reaction score
Ok, let me reiterate... I've found it easy to get laid IF you don't push for it. If you let the girl bring it up, and then striking when the iron is hot - its very easy. She sets em up, and you knock em down.

Whenever I try pushing the subject, act all touchy feely, and get too close - it doesn't work too well. Just gotta have a little patience and self-control. Just like how we let them do the chasing - it works better for this, as well. When you don't bring it up - they want it more.

What I usually do is begin with a friendly, casual vibe. Then, they start showing interest during the normal conversation. Usually by flirting, touching, etc. We talk for a while and whatever... Then, they start talking about all the sexual things they want to do. Usually at another time, after a few encounters. Then, when we hang out or whatever - they start touching and getting close... And you're in.

All you have to do is show genuine interest, seem like an interesting person, talk for a bit, and they'll show sexual interest in you. That's when the chase begins. You can't just push for sex right away.

A lot of what people consider being friend-zoned actually works very well. I always act like a friend, but not a good one that listens to their problems, etc. Then, they suggest, and I escalate. I never do the flirting or showing interest. They like to chase.

It all comes back to if the girl finds you attractive, though. You can act as friendly as you want, and they'll still want sex.

Edit: What's with the smiley's? I'm not putting them in...


Don Juan
Jan 30, 2007
Reaction score
floydb25 said:
Ok, let me reiterate... I've found it easy to get laid IF you don't push for it. If you let the girl bring it up, and then striking when the iron is hot - its very easy. She sets em up, and you knock em down.

Whenever I try pushing the subject - it doesn't work too well. Just gotta have a little patience and self-control. Just like how we let them do the chasing - it works better for this, as well. When you don't bring it up - they want it more.

What I usually do is begin with a friendly, casual vibe. Then, they start showing interest during the normal conversation. Usually by flirting, touching, etc. We talk for a while and whatever... Then, they start talking about all the sexual things they want to do. Usually at another time, after a few encounters. Then, when we hang out or whatever - they start touching and getting close... And you're in.

A lot of what people consider being friend-zoned actually works very well. I always act like a friend, but not a good one that listens to their problems, etc. Then, they suggest, and I escalate. I never do the flirting or showing interest. They like to chase.

It all comes back to if the girl finds you attractive, though. You can act as friendly as you want, and they'll still want sex.

Hmm interesting. But you're some super good looking guy?


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
Reaction score
I don't like to brag or compete like in the younger days, but yes. I've been called a pretty boy, gorgeous, hot, sexy, very attractive, etc by many women. And even some men.

oxford comma

Don Juan
May 7, 2011
Reaction score
huh? getting laid is so easy bro. ive gotten so good at it that it's become boring. in order to challenge myself i've started banging straight dudes. now THAT is a challenge.


Don Juan
Jan 30, 2007
Reaction score
wait_out said:
What exactly is the functional result of that? Do you want a class of clueless 18-year olds arguing on equal terms with a prof about their "opinion" of physics?

Furthermore -- isn't the point of this site to succeed in the real world and not drown your sorrows among online strangers? Helping hands are good, same with a kick in the ass, but they need to lead people in the right direction. This kind of a post should not be rewarded with attention IMO
Where do you draw the line though? Why not have everything peer reviewed before it's published on here. The quality would be higher of course but then the site would become more of a 'guide' than a forum. I think as long as people aren't deliberately trolling or trying to sell timeshares, etc they should be able to post what they want. Just a view.


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
Reaction score
I like what someone else said about being too outcome dependant. You can't go in with the mindset of getting laid, and making it your goal. Just have fun with NO expectations. You have to not care. If you get rejected - don't care. If you don't get laid - don't care.

People who care too much about the outcome need to ask themselves why. Why is it so important to be liked by everyone? It's not. What are you trying to prove, and to whom? Why do you get depressed over it? If you think about it, its really not that important. Just like with making friends - you don't go out expecting to make friends. It just happens. Stop making dating and getting laid so important - because it isn't. There's really nothing special about it. Don't make it out to be some major feat, and place it on a pedestal. You don't need everyone to like you or find you attractive; their approval doesn't determine your worth. Nor does getting laid or not.

The more you want something, and the more you push for it - the higher chances are that you won't get it. You put too much pressure on yourself, and up disappointed when it doesn't happen - because you have expectations. Then you feel depressed, start whining, blah blah. The girl will also probably sense your desperation, and run away.

I remember one time I went to the club with a friend. Based on what he heard of the place - he EXPECTED to get laid. It was his number goal. I just went out there to dance and have fun. I got a nice hottie, and he got nothing. And boy, was he PISSED. All because he cared and tried and expected too much. I just went there to dance. Didn't care either way, but ended up happy.

This applies to dating in general. Stop pushing so hard, and expecting things to happen. Just chill out, have fun, and they WILL.