It doesn't really matter what you say, it matters how you mean it

Al Moh.

Senior Don Juan
Jan 15, 2008
Reaction score
I just stumbled upon another discussion:

Compliment girls or not?

Let me get this straight: People always like other people who make them feel good about themselves.

Here is another statement: Women are emotional, men are logical.

And a third and final one: If a person of the other gender dominates your own ground, you are likely to fall in love with this person.

This means: A man, who dominates a woman's emotions is perceived as attractive.
A woman who dominates a man's thoughts is perceived as attractive.

Though emotions and thoughts mix in this one, so in the end you are dominating both in a way.

What is this bunch of theory good for?

It solves our question.

Nice Guy: *compliments*
Woman's thoughts: Yeah right you looser, I do know that, a couple of your clones told me this evening already.

Don Juan: *compliments*
Woman's thoughts: Oh thank you :) *Feels good about herself and wants to stay in the DJs presence*

Nice Guy: *negs*
Woman's thoughts: Umpf... He really thinks that? Well, he seems to be boring but at least a desperate guy wouldn't tell me that... *confused*

Don Juan: *negs*
Woman's thoughts: What??? Do I come off like that? But I am not, he has to see that! *Qualifies*

Of course, this is theory again. If this would work on a girl just like that every time, it would be boring. The thrill of the mating game after all is the "fight". How boring would it be to seduce a girl who doesn't put up some resistance and tries to play you. Overcoming that is really the fun, for both of you.

The goal of the conversation is to send here emotions on a rollercoaster. Compliment -> up, neg -> down, funny story -> up, go somewhere else for a while -> down, turn towards her again when she tries to get your attention back -> success for her = up

Negs Hits are easier to pull off because Nice Guys normally don't do that so a girl will be at least confused and probably not outright reject you.

Compliments are more difficult, because most of the guys come of as creepy. They have to come from a place of power and honesty and you'll see how her eyes light up.

Well, I'm done for today^^