It Can Work For You Too!!


Don Juan
May 8, 2004
Reaction score
We see it all the time, dose she like me? should I ask her out, what do I do now, should I kiss her, how do I gain more confidence, how do I carry out a conversation, etc.. rarely we ever see many success stories.. so here is one just to boost your moral and give you some hope.

Last year I was a complete loser, I had no true friends, I was a hermit I never left the house, I sat around a computer screen all day, picking up virtual chicks who are actually relay ugly girls who get attention buy showing other girls pictures. I had no life, all I did was stay home all day, waist some times up to 5 hours watching TV or channel surfing, some times even more hours casually surfing the internet or talking to random strangers who want to, talk with little boys.. , I wasted more time playing video games. At the end of the day I would sit in bed depressed and ask my self what have I done today. Absolutely nothing productive and nothing that will benefit me. Chicks would tease me and make fun of me, my “friends” would say things like you can never get a girlfriend or that’s why your single. Girls put me down and lock me in the friendship zone, they don’t want to hurt my feelings giving me compliments, and saying if it weren’t for a certain situation they would go for me. Then it pissed me off when she ran off with some guy that didn’t give a crap about her.

I was stressed, I had no one to talk to, no friends who cared, I was depressed almost all the time with the short burst of happiness now and then. Hearing and seeing my friends make out secretly bothered me, never envious of my friends (sometimes) but I just felt like a failure, every one has some one even the fat and a few of the skinny nerdy kids. I felt like I was missing out on all the fun, every one had some one and I had no one. I used humor, I tried not to be so serious, however I became goofy and girls didn’t take me seriously, I may have had the confidence to ask out girl but never with a serious face, they always thought I was joking, that didn’t work out. I kept taking reject, after reject. Then I got desperate, which dubbed my failure. Hypocrites, women can be. They claim they want a guy with such warm and caring insides in order not to look like a (tart, slut, wanton etc) but then they just go for some jerk who doesn’t even care about them as a person. I was treated like crap by my female piers, at the end of the day all the sweet compliments and encouragement I received from my female friends didn’t do me any good, in fact it just made me feel more lonely and bitter.

Then I read an article that change my entire life

After I read this article, I felt enlightened, No longer was I thinking like an AFC I was thinking like a man. I wasn’t focusing on picking up girls but focusing on myself, I was focusing improving , improving my body, improving my mind improving myself as a person to the community and as an individual person.
After I was motivated buy all the excellent articles, I began to listen to peoples advice, it took me a while but after I felt I was educated enough I decided to try it out. I was shot down! Then I was shot down again! Then after I though I couldn’t get any lower I was shot down some more! However I came back to the site and read the articles again regained my confidence, then I realized hey it wasn’t so bad, rejection wasn’t so bad, I was better again, I was back again however this time I was stronger, this time I was use to being rejected. So I kept at it. Each time my conversations became better and better, I gained on the sport knowledge and I leaned how to act fast. Made mistakes and I kept on getting rejected. Before long I could have conversations with strangers. I achieved my goal, this was a big goal for me. Now I don’t find it so difficult, I can just observe someone.. And say a one liner like… “long day” and carry out a whole conversation with some one. Getting the number isn’t that important it’s the conversation that counts, that’s what this is all about increasing your abilities to have conversations. If you got that down, numbers are no problems.

If you still have problems talking to women, try volunteering at a nursing home and talking to older women, just image talking to your grand ma, they have plenty to say about there childhood, you learn a lot of interesting tings and it feels good to help some one out.

Then try talking to women your mothers age, try hanging out with your mothers friends, talk to them about there children’s achievements, there job, there hobbies. Just picture talking to your own mother.

If that doesn’t work, try role playing pretend your some one else, some one famous that every one loves some one you and other people admire.. don’t pretend too long, as soon as you get your conversation going drop the image and be yourself..

Think of all the compliments you’ve gotten about your looks and your relationship values. Caring considerate .. All that bull, all your ex girlfriends, all your past rejections, all your female experiences and all the knowledge you’ve gain for me site.. Use that to build your confidence.

Work out give your more energy makes you a lot more confident and makes your feel a lot better about yourself.

Look women arnt that scary, she is not going to beat you up, and her boyfriend is not going to beat you up for a friendly conversation. if you find yourself in that situation just say shes an old friend if she has a heart she'll follow. stop being afraid rejection isnt that pain full... its sort of like going inot a pool, it feels cold but as soon as you get in.. you get use to the cold ..

(hopefully some one will make it the dj bible... ahem.. some one out there hook me up)

Solja J

Senior Don Juan
Jul 8, 2003
Reaction score
its sort of like going inot a pool, it feels cold but as soon as you get in.. you get use to the cold ..
I like your post! I like the use of the similie above!


Don Juan
May 6, 2004
Reaction score
Alexandria, VA
Hey, I like this. Very motivational. I was in a lot of the same spots you were, man, and I know it's rough. Just gotta fight to get out....


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2003
Reaction score
Pook's Be a Man! post changed my life too. It's hard at first, but DJing is one of those things that gets easier the more you do it.

Good luck, and don't quit no matter how hard it gets.