is weed bad?

War Against Betaism

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
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Oh yeah another thing I use weed for is to lower my blood pressure. I have high blood pressure, probably from all the sleepless nights, 3 months straight of Taco Bell every single lunch, and not exercising daily, and used to have really high blood pressure. Now I'm not going to say that weed single handedly brought my blood pressure down as it was more due to me playing basketball every day, eating the right foods and sleeping at proper times, but it also helped me a lot in lowering it.

Anyways if anyone wants to experience what smoking marijuana is like, sleeping gas is the closest legal experience to marijuana there is.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2003
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I smoke weed maybe once a year, if that. I have nothing to defend.

Of those 40,000,000 deaths each year, 20,000,000 have nothing to do with starvation, but are due to the effects of improper diet... such as heart attack/heart disease/obesity/etc. I wasn't trying to point out a correlation to marijuana, I was trying to point out the fact that we have a lot more important things to worry about than weed, such as eating better. But no, uneducated hypocrites are going to tell you that weed is bad for you and makes you stupid, all while they sit on their fat asses and put crap in their body that's probably 10x worse... only it's legal, so that makes them feel better.

No one ever bothers to do any research, or they might realize a lot of the benefits it offers that americans can't take advantage of. Next time you get a root canal and have to spend $150 for a bottle of Percocet, remember that you could get the same thing from a plant in your back yard, only more effective and without the side effects... that is, if it were legal.

Oh, and I was never attacking you or your argument, but now that I'm already talking to you, your argument is complete bull****. If someone is dumb enough to drive while high, that doesn't mean weed is bad for them... it means they're f*cking idiots.

So my point still stands:

0 people have ever died from smoking weed.


Don Juan
Dec 30, 2005
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Darth, that is my GPA in the University of California Irvine...not in Highschool...for your information I was high everyday after highschool even through finals week, all the while still dominating...i smoke almost everyday in college and still dominate...I dont think you understand the point...

To all of you saying it ruins your life, you need to understand that it is how you manage your own time that will affect your life, if you get stoned before a date and then you get to paranoid, then thats your own ****ing fault...if you get stoned and dont study...once again thats your fault, if you dont learn how to manage your time than it doesnt matter if you smoke weed or not your just an idiot and will fail at ****...

You know half the people here dont even have solid game until they drink a little booze which is the real problem...were talking about spitting game here not the affect of substances on our life...alcohol is probably the biggest hinderance on your game to a certain point and is worse for you than weed in the long run, it can be a REAL addiction...


Don Juan
Jul 30, 2008
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San Jose California said:
Yeah but an average stoner (someone who smokes every day) spends $10,000 a year of his parents' money. It's such an extreme detail that non-stoners don't tend to notice, but if you do the math, a guy who buys a 20-sack a day will end up spending 10,000 dollars in a year.
I'm sorry but that's just not true.

War Against Betaism

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
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Hey PumpingIron13, what year are you? I don't go to that school but I'm there almost every other week because most of my friends go that school.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2003
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Do we all live in Orange County? I'm over in Corona Del Mar :p

War Against Betaism

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
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lol I actually live in Torrance which is at least 20 minutes away from Orange without traffic but most of my friends live in Orange county so I kick it there often.

Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
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man i dont even know anymore; all i hear is good things about it now except from my health teacher whos the only person i know who says its bad.
I am a stoner but I have problems with stoners. They routinely only focus on its positive properties, falsely argue that because something doesn't kill them that it therefore is safe, and resort to stupid conspiracy theories. It's as if there's this unwritten rule amongst stoners that "As a stoner, thou shall not disagree with stoners on the subject of being stoned."

Weed is safe except it's bad for your lungs.
Five To One:
Its not worth it. Its a waste of money. Sure I dont turn it down at parties when its offered but dont go out of your way to smoke.
Three good hits of weed is about comparable to getting hammered on alcohol. Think about how much money is spent in a bar to get hammered—maybe $20-$30?—or think about the price of a six pack of beer from a convenient store, or a bottle of French pinot noir wine from a liquor store. I once figured out it can cost about $2.50 per high, all told, which is dramatically less than alcohol.
puts 10x the tar into your lungs than a cigarette
Four times, but stoners smoke far less than one-fourth as often as regular cigarette smokers. The four times amount is also per joint, and so by smoking from a bong or pipe it takes a long time to smoke the equivalent of a joint.
Maybe I've just known too many potheads coming up to me who think that they're brilliant and coming up with all this brilliant philosophy from when they were high with more holes than a piece of swiss cheese.
My ability to assemble cohesive thoughts is hampered by weed, and so I mostly don't try, but a sense of creativity (like listening to music) is much stronger. You feel music as if as though it's part of your soul. Since I'm a DJ -- disk jockey -- my mixes always turn out better when I stoned, when I review my mixes later while sober, since the time warp of weed led to paying a lot more attention to detail and a greater appreciation of music.

Weed diminishes motivation only while stoned, in the same exact regard as being sleepy diminishes motivation, as weed makes you sleepy. Diminution is transient.
San Jose California:
I think if anyone really thought for 2 seconds, they'd realize that NEVER having smoked weed is the best alternative, or max, get really high ONCE in your life.
In terms of your lungs, it's true that never smoking weed is the best alternative, but the same argument can be used for practically anything. It's arguably the best alternative to never drink, never eat desert, never drive, never have sex, never fall in love, but life is not about risk aversion but rather risk management. Also, if someone were to say "If you just have two or three glasses of beer a week, you're set," would you go off on them? Alcohol has its demons but people conventionally don't have a problem with arguing for moderation; people arrested on DUIs aren't advised never to drink again—just be smart about it. I understand where purists are coming from but there is the inherent problem of arguing abstinence in answer to the question of "Okay, but if I do do it, how can I intelligently maximize reward while simultaneously intelligently minimizing risk?" The question becomes harder to favorably answer as one moves up the drug totem pole of risks but suffice to say marijuana is at the bottom of the totem pole, lower than beer.
[Marijuana] screws with your brain in short-term and long-term ways.
Except for effects on the lungs, scientific studies consistently demonstrate all and any cognitive deficiencies are gone within six weeks and studies have failed to establish marijuana has neurotoxicity (in other words, kill brain cells).


Don Juan
May 31, 2007
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It is a waste of money, with the 15 bucks you could buy 30 apple pies from the dollar menu at McDonalds!

Short-term: You feel good

Long-term: Tend to forget things that you would remember if you hadn't smoked.

Save your money! Buy something better!


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
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Deep Dish said:
Except for effects on the lungs, scientific studies consistently demonstrate all and any cognitive deficiencies are gone within six weeks

But according to what you said, even someone who smokes weed once a month is going through life in a constant state of reduced cognition.

My only other point is...why?? It's not good for you no matter how you crack it, on top of that it's illegal, and it wastes your money.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
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Who cares? It's you who has to live your life. Drugs may or may not lead you to a path of wealth or destruction. It's a gamble to begin with but your will of individuality will provide the out come. If you're willing to step up and make that choice then do it. If you think things will work out better by not coming forward then that's fine too. Humanity is not about right and wrong but it's more about who you are and what you can accomplish. That's why there are people who are satisfied and die who are wealthy and satisfied and die who die are poor. Humanity is not as complex as we make it. Only as complex as you see it for yourself.


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
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I agree that money doesn't buy happiness, but....

"Humanity is not about right and wrong"

Yes it is.

War Against Betaism

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
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It's funny how you think that weed is all bad and is absolutely illegal when it can be purchased legally.


Don Juan
Feb 20, 2008
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San Jose California said:
blah blah blah ignorant blah
Yeah, Deep Dish, you IDIOT, you need to become educated, like SanJoseCalifornia -- he's so smart, that he's coming up with his own self-"invented" side effects -- next up, he will be publishing in The Journal of Neuroscience! :crackup:

Listen, I see so much dumb bullshit on this thread that I had to come out of semi-retirement and spread some knowledge.

Let me say that I truly believe that drugs effect different people in different ways, depending on everything from their personality to their current mindset.

I don't necessarily recommend weed for anyone, but I definitely don't think it's some sort of wicked evil plant that irreversibly warps your mind and makes you a mouth-breather like some ignorant small minded people (or people that simply can't handle their drugs) on this forum.

In my experience, weed has opened my eyes and made me think in different ways (non linear) ways, and has also allowed me to see different perspectives that I would normally think, which is a good thing.

In fact, I discovered many of my "DJ" skills and mindsets while high. I don't think smoking alone led me to these revelations, but I think that the bud helped expedite the process.

Which also brings me back to the idea that San Jose California postulates that weed "changes who you are". Isn't "changing who you are" a big reason of why most of you are on this forum? Because you want to be an improved, superior version of yourself that is confident and successful not only with the ladies, but in all aspects of your life? Who says change is bad?

Much like anything in life, the key is moderation. Everything in life that is good and fun is dangerous - women, rich foods, alcohol, sports, sex, and drugs. Deep Dish is right - it's about risk management not risk aversion. Sure, you can go off on one extreme and be a lazy pothead stoner that doesn't do anything, or you can go off the other extreme and be a boring whitebread type that is too scared to dip his toe into the pool.

I say, be responsible, try it, and enjoy your life. It might make you grow as a person.


Don Juan
Feb 20, 2008
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Reply from an unregistered user (not me)

San Jose, seriously? That's what you've come up with? Weed makes you forget who you are? I really doubt you've smoked 50 times if you really believe this. In fact I really doubt you've ever even gotten high. This is so obviously false for anybody whose tried it, and not even the government will lie to you and tell you that... that's how far fetched it is.

Weed does affect short term memory but only while you're high. Man boobs? Who the hell gets manboobs from smoking weed? Lmao that's not even a side effect and not even your health teacher will say that. And look at that quote you said about the cancer preventing sh1t... the quote you used says that it hasn't even been proved that it's because of the marijuana and that it's likely that it's just the lifestyle.

Read what you quote before you use it as an argument. And where's this bull about the lower IQ coming from? None of your sites list that. I challenge you to show this board the legitimate scientific study that says that marijuana lowers IQ. Cmon now. Let's take a look at the National Institute of Drug Abuse page ( and what it says about the bad effects of marijuana. I urge all of you to look at the history of illegalization and find out why it actualy happened keep in mind that this is a BIASED website (they are an institution formed to fight drugs) and that they are desperate to make weed appear harmful. Yet still...

Marijuana smokers show dysregulated growth of epithelial cells in their lung tissue, which could lead to cancer;8 however, a recent case-controlled study found no positive associations between marijuana use and lung, upper respiratory, or upper digestive tract cancers.9 Thus, the link between marijuana smoking and these cancers remains unsubstantiated at this time.
A number of studies have shown an association between chronic marijuana use and increased rates of anxiety, depression, suicidal ideation, and schizophrenia. Some of these studies have shown age at first use to be a factor, where early use is a marker of vulnerability to later problems. However, at this time, it not clear whether marijuana use causes mental problems, exacerbates them, or is used in attempt to self-medicate symptoms already in existence.
If you read through the rest of the article, you'll realize that there aren't any proven harmful effects, outside of some vague surveys that report things like "increased irritability" which any marijuana smoker you ask will be able to easily dismiss.

Seems like some of you have the right idea, but San Jose, seriously, what the hell got into your head? LOL!

I'm not saying you should smoke marijuana and if you don't because you have lots of respect for the law or because you just don't believe in using mind altering substances then I respect that, but if you genuinely believe that it's significantly more physically harmful than half the foods you eat daily and ESPECIALLY more harmful than alcohol which I bet most of you consume, then you need to get more informed rather than just listen to what your mom or teachers tell you. I guarantee that you can find more proven and substantial harmful effects for alcohol, or even from eating a cookie, then you can for weed. Anybody wanna prove me wrong? Also, for anybody who wants to learn more, please check that link that was posted earlier... here it is:


Don Juan
Dec 21, 2008
Reaction score
i'm the guy who responded to san jose through corona... he showed me this thread through AIM.

San Jose California said:
I didn't come up with a side effect, but rather put in a sentence something that everyone feels when they smoke weed. There's nothing smart about it; in fact I think the idea for that sentence might have spurted from somewhere else I can't remember at the moment. Weed makes you forget who you are... weed makes you forget who you are... man I can just keep saying that cuz it's soooo true. IT'S THE #1 SIDE EFFECT OF WEED. (Bigger) Stoners in my dorm that have seen the quote on my door agree, but continue to smoke it as do I.
No they don't, and like I said it's pretty obvious to everyone here whose gotten high that you don't smoke and probably never have. I know this because if you have you would know that this isn't true lol. Everyone who smokes knows that it's just a dumb myth among non smokers that people who are high just completely lose their minds. The reality is that when you're high, you just feel relaxed and uplifted but you don't have any sorts of actual delusions or hallucinations. That's just not an effect of weed. I'm pretty sure that any other smokers on the board will agree with me. That simply has no truth to it at all , I don't know why you're saying it.

Glad you asked because now I can easily demolish you in this debate that you have made immature by arguing and throwing insults. Google "marijuana gland irregularities" and note that at least the first 20 results aren't government websites. Same if you do that with the "memory loss" side effect. Btw, the memory loss actually is the 1-2 days after you smoke, not JUST while you're high. The memory loss is like the memory loss when you're high, just not as extreme or noticeable, which means if you smoke every day... it's always like that. Actually, those 2 side effects are the only 2 major proven side effects from weed I believe, but I like that other one because it's true anyways.
Thanks for the heads up, I just googled marijuana gland irregularities. Nothing came up that even related those words together in any way. Except one site that was a Christian forum called "talk jesus." Good job buddy. And why don't you show us where you read about this memory loss? Who knows, maybe you're right but I doubt it.

Great, so now I have to explain some of the sh!it I quoted because someone's too stupid to understand it? Look, I was pointing out that people who don't take care of their bodies as well, and people with slightly lower IQ, happened to be included in that study (which is a proven study so stfu.
Show us this "proven study." Where is it? I think you made it up.

Oh, and there's no .gov in the URL so you don't have to b!itch about that either), MEANING that marijuana tends to attract more unhealthy and stupid people, which is a fact that goes well with the quote at the bottom of this post. THAT is what I was pointing out with that quote, not that weed MAKES you stupider and more unhealthy, obviously. Thought that was a given but apparently not.
Lol, you've been trying to prove that marijuana is bad, not that it attracts people that are already unhealthy. Maybe it does or maybe it doesn't, but either way it's not the plant's fault that they are unhealthy so it really has nothing to do with the whole argument of whether weed is bad. And since you like google so much why don't you go to google and type in "marijuana IQ" and see what pops up?

My immediate reaction: It's a DRUG you idiot; of COURSE it has downsides. If you have taken the drug yourself and not noticed the downsides then you are just STUPID.
Sigh... another product of our fvcked up health education system in schools... like I said you need to do your own research and stop believing what your mom and teachers told you back in middle school.

Also, to those of you who are saying they don't smoke because they don't want to rely on a plant to bring them happiness - I respect anyone's decision not to try anything and if you don't believe in taking psychoactive drugs then that's cool, but I should just put it out there that weed isn't like coke or heroin (which are more like what you described and just flood your brain with pleasure)... weed has just a mild, relaxing, trippy type of effect that isn't really akin to pleasure but is just more an interesting, mentally stimulating effect so I wouldn't say people who smoke weed are dependent on the plant for their happiness. I smoke regularly but if something happened and I couldn't smoke for a couple weeks I wouldn't function any differently or have withdrawal or anything (weed just isn't that type of drug).


Don Juan
Dec 21, 2008
Reaction score
San Jose California said:
Because I totally mentioned that weed makes you go delusional and hallucinate and you didn't.

Uhm... glad we agree on something I suppose? Completely irrelevant but something!

Because in your mind, "weed makes you forget who you are" is the same as "weed makes you delusional and hallucinate", that's why? This seems to be a similar misreading to "weed changes who you are". How do you do that so much? Go back and re-read my post. 50 times.
Good job singling out one tiny little phrase and trying to pick that apart. Whether or not "forgetting who you are" fits under the category of delusion, which I be most people would believe it does, doesn't matter: point is, it's not a side effect of weed.

Fine, even though you should know this already I'll make it easier for you. Google this: "marijuana "gland irregularities"".
I just did:"gland+irregularities"&btnG=Google+Search&aq=f&oq=

Only 9 matches. None of them connecting the two in any way, or scientific in any way. It's not a real, or even believed, side effect of weed.

The memory loss side effect is in practically any list of side effects for marijuana.
yes, while you're high. there is no evidence whatsoever to suggest that marijuana has any noticeable effects on memory after you're high has worn off.

The other proof is again, 1st hand experience. My roommate has this word, "washed", that he uses for whenever he's in a certain state (not high) where he realizes that he has just been letting life happen, to the point where he can't remember many events that weekend, BECAUSE he got high every day for the past few days. That is combined with the fact that the following several hours after you get high, the memory fvucked upness is still there, just not as intense. I mean get real, it's not like the memory problem goes away INSTANTLY just as you don't turn sober INSTANTLY; side effects still follow after (you can even test positive 3 weeks after you took the stuff). This is like a weed hangover the way I see it. I know exactly what my roommate means so I now used the term "washed" cuz I think it's awesome. "dude I'm so washed". Judging by myself being washed, it's not a seeerious downside. I mean if important stuff happens of course you'll make yourself remember it. I imagine though that a lot of these washed feelings in a row could lead to long term memory shortage and not just short term.
Sounds more like a placebo than anything else to me. If you've heard all your life that weed is bad and after a few heavy days of smoking you forget a few things that you might have forgotten anyway, it's likely that you'd say it's because of the weed. Then again, you might be right. There isn't any data to suggest that the plant causes this though, and it sounds so mild that it seems unlikely. I know people who smoke grams a day and don't have memory problems. I smoke regularly and I don't have any problems learning and remembering or studying.

I don't need to show you as long as you take minimal details that any remotely intelligent person should naturally notice anyway. You ready for this? Okay, so in the article, the first words in the first sentence are "This study", so that's how you know it's a study. Got it? Cool! Then at the bottom of the page it says "Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't" so that means it's not a study by the government! Whoa! I was actually half expecting you to point out that there indeed is a .gov in the URL since I said it wasn't a govt. site, but damn you didn't notice that either.
I asked you to show us the study that said weed is connected to lower IQ. You have as of yet failed to do this. I'm not sure what site you're referring to but if it states that there has been a legitimate study that connects weed to lower IQ then show us and prove me wrong. I'm legitimately curious.

Sorry, what? Who entered in that post, you know, the one with my name on the left side of it? Oh yeah that's right me. And the same person knows what he was doing in his post too! Proving that marijuana has negative effects AND that it attracts unhealthy people, thank you, not just one or the other.
yeah but i'm pretty sure that's not what the OP, or anybody in this thread cares about, and it's definitely not what anybody here is arguing. what he asked is if weed is really bad for you and i'm posting to inform anyone who might read this thread.

Anyways, my purpose here is done. Only reason I'm posting is so people won't believe a lot of the ignorant bull that has been said in this thread, and I've done my job... we'll let the readers decide what to believe from here on out.

Peace fella'z and good luck with the game.
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