Is This Women Trying To Sabotage My Job or Marriage?


Don Juan
Oct 18, 2010
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Minimize communication with her and only share personal information with co workers you can trust. Try not to send it via email because the message can always be forwarded by accident.

Keep to yourself and focus on your job.

I understand gossip goes around in smaller offices, however only you can feed them initial information.

If you stop it should slowly die down.


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
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Dear Buddy,
Just ignore all this she is simply the archetypal bvitch!

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
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The Dirty South
yeahbuddy14 said:
she decided to tell our Boss about an e-mail I sent her asking her if she was coming to my wedding dinner celebration in the weekend, she replied to it and said that she couldn't, but she told our Boss that the e-mail over stepped personal boundaries at work
Why are you doing this? Tell the truth, you were enjoying the attention you were getting from this girl. Admit that, then we can move forward.

Keep your personal stuff personal. Don't get involved with work people in a personal way, unless you really trust them. Even then, I would be aware of what you revealed.

She beat you to the punch with telling the boss stuff, because you shunned her then gave her ammo. All you can do now is act extremely professional. I would not ignore her, because then there would be the sense that something is wrong. Be nice, and only discuss work matters at the office.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
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or do like I normally would do with a sneak ***** like her, try to find any sh!t from her, and don't blackmail her or anything jsut forward it to you boss, people like her is pretty easy since she do mistakes every other time and mostly ask someone else to fix or try to hide it, jsut forward it to your boss and be professional.

girl like taht want to make you suffer for not liking her, its her ego who is hurt, but the thing is she will try and put anyone else together against you, be it her girl friends, or guys who want to bang her.

best way to deal withthis would be show you are too damn happy with your new life that would amke her feel miserable, but since she is trying to get you in a bad spot on your work,and possible you don't have a good relationship with your boss, best is having some dirt of her to use


Don Juan
Oct 21, 2014
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Alvafe said:
or do like I normally would do with a sneak ***** like her, try to find any sh!t from her, and don't blackmail her or anything just forward it to you boss, people like her is pretty easy since she do mistakes every other time and mostly ask someone else to fix or try to hide it, just forward it to your boss and be professional.

girl like that want to make you suffer for not liking her, its her ego who is hurt, but the thing is she will try and put anyone else together against you, be it her girl friends, or guys who want to bang her.

best way to deal with this would be show you are too damn happy with your new life that would make her feel miserable, but since she is trying to get you in a bad spot on your work,and possible you don't have a good relationship with your boss, best is having some dirt of her to use
It's not that I don't like her, I do find her attractive but I can't like her that way as I am married and I actually developed a crush on her but I got over it, it's just that I don't know why she seems so hell-bent on taking me down, a lot of this **** is all in her head.

I haven't purposely made her feel jealous, that is all on her and one of the worst things about her is her inability to communicate like an actual Adult.

My Boss has been really good about things, she doesn't seem annoyed, just telling me things she felt that I needed to know, we have a good working relationship, but after my overseas trip, I will be seriously looking for new work, I need to get away from this toxic b.s.


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
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yeahbuddy14 said:
but we don't actually get on all that well, in fact a great deal of things about her annoy me
yeahbuddy14 said:
she decided to tell our Boss about an e-mail I sent her asking her if she was coming to my wedding dinner celebration in the weekend
One of these things is not like the other...

Even if you invited her out of courtesy, because other people in the office were coming or whatever, you wouldn't send her an email asking her if she was coming. If you truly didn't get on that well and if she truly annoyed you, you wouldn't check in with her at all - you would just hope and pray that she doesn't show up.

EDIT: Just saw this...

yeahbuddy14 said:
It's not that I don't like her, I do find her attractive but I can't like her that way as I am married and I actually developed a crush on her but I got over it
Ah, there it is. Funny how when stories like these are posted on here, it takes a few posts for all the details to trickle out.

I'm willing to bet OP's version of the story is different from homegirl's.


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2014
Reaction score
Jesus what is it with younger people these days? Have you ever seen good advice given that says "by all means, bang that hot broad at work and damn the consequences" ? No.

If you value your job at this company, cease all contact with this person and if you two are ever alone together, immediately leave or make sure to drag someone else in with you as a witness.


Don Juan
Oct 21, 2014
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TheCWord said:
One of these things is not like the other...

Even if you invited her out of courtesy, because other people in the office were coming or whatever, you wouldn't send her an email asking her if she was coming. If you truly didn't get on that well and if she truly annoyed you, you wouldn't check in with her at all - you would just hope and pray that she doesn't show up.

EDIT: Just saw this...

Ah, there it is. Funny how when stories like these are posted on here, it takes a few posts for all the details to trickle out.

I'm willing to bet OP's version of the story is different from homegirl's.
You are welcome to ask me anything TheCWord :yes:

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
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The Dirty South
BetterCallSaul said:
Jesus what is it with younger people these days? Have you ever seen good advice given that says "by all means, bang that hot broad at work and damn the consequences" ? No.
Just going by who he has and hasn't replied to, he's just here to whine and throw out emotional garbage. He still has a huge crush on this beyotch, for sure.

Millenials. :rolleyes:


Don Juan
Oct 21, 2014
Reaction score
speed dawg said:
Just going by who he has and hasn't replied to, he's just here to whine and throw out emotional garbage. He still has a huge crush on this beyotch, for sure.

Millenials. :rolleyes:
Look I replied to you dawg, so what does that mean? LOL
Nah I really don't, I want to keep my job brah and gain some understanding over this bull****, that is whining and emotional garbage???, thanks all the same for your excellent advice :rockon:


Don Juan
Oct 21, 2014
Reaction score
speed dawg said:
Why are you doing this? Tell the truth, you were enjoying the attention you were getting from this girl. Admit that, then we can move forward.

Keep your personal stuff personal. Don't get involved with work people in a personal way, unless you really trust them. Even then, I would be aware of what you revealed.

She beat you to the punch with telling the boss stuff, because you shunned her then gave her ammo. All you can do now is act extremely professional. I would not ignore her, because then there would be the sense that something is wrong. Be nice, and only discuss work matters at the office.
oh pardon me I see that you are salty that I didn't reply to you Broham :yes: ...okay yes GREAT advice here, of course I am flattered, what Man wouldn't be? I wouldn't exactly call it attention though, you are right and I am going to be very selective with who I go to work drinks with from now on, I hear some of the gossip about me and it makes me laugh, because it is all one sided.
How did I shun her exactly?

You say to not ignore her (others say I should) but why would I want anything to do with a girl that has done this? clearly she has an agenda and I don't have any time for her, if she actually had some balls, she would have spoken to me and resolved **** before it escalated into this mess?...yes?

Oh sorry am I whining again? :whistle: :cheer:


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score

Listen, do not ever mix personal life with work life. When you are in the office, you are ALL about work. What you talk about in the office, is ALL about work. When you are hanging out with people from the office outside of work (unless they have became personal friends) it's ALL about work.

Let this be a personal growing lesson to you. There are thousands of women in your area you could have sex with OUTSIDE of work, leave the "hot women" at work alone and ONLY communicate with them about work.

Forget forwarding an email to a higher up, you could get into a sexual harassment case if you keep it up.


Don Juan
Oct 21, 2014
Reaction score
Tenacity said:

Listen, do not ever mix personal life with work life. When you are in the office, you are ALL about work. What you talk about in the office, is ALL about work. When you are hanging out with people from the office outside of work (unless they have became personal friends) it's ALL about work.

Let this be a personal growing lesson to you. There are thousands of women in your area you could have sex with OUTSIDE of work, leave the "hot women" at work alone and ONLY communicate with them about work.

Forget forwarding an email to a higher up, you could get into a sexual harassment case if you keep it up.
Great advice but I'm confused, when did I say I was forwarding an e-mail to a higher up?

Keep what up exactly?

Knowing that she was busy all week and sending a polite e-mail asking if she was joining the rest of us for dinner? Which she replied to?

I'm not sure if you read all of my posts, when have I not left her alone? Read my first post again please.


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
Reaction score
Yeahbuddy, I'll tell you what the rest of us are thinking...

There's this girl at work you have a crush on. You've probably not been subtle about it. She is not interested - maybe not just because you were engaged, but that's certainly a top reason. You probably didn't catch her cues to back off - she likely felt very uncomfortable having a basically married man flirting with her at her place of employment.

You're married now. As per the advice you've already been given, let work only be about work stuff and focus on your wife. This crush you have at work not only made the girl feel uncomfortable, not only jeopardizes your employment, but could also impact your marriage.


Don Juan
Oct 21, 2014
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TheCWord said:
Yeahbuddy, I'll tell you what the rest of us are thinking...

There's this girl at work you have a crush on. You've probably not been subtle about it. She is not interested - maybe not just because you were engaged, but that's certainly a top reason. You probably didn't catch her cues to back off - she likely felt very uncomfortable having a basically married man flirting with her at her place of employment.

You're married now. As per the advice you've already been given, let work only be about work stuff and focus on your wife. This crush you have at work not only made the girl feel uncomfortable, not only jeopardizes your employment, but could also impact your marriage.
Lol okay but nothing I said in the first post about the things she does and her Friend telling me twice that she liked me are relevant right?

Let me make this crystal clear, other coworkers see her looking at ME, other coworkers have seen her flirt with ME and I'm the one with the crush?

Did you miss the parts about the glares and jealous looks, the visible anger and looks my way?

I hardly look at her, hardly say much to her at all, so now do you want to tell me your thoughts again?

Pretty amusing how there are so many different answers here, do some people actually read things?:confused:


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score

Well, to give you the benefit of the doubt, I was going to go back and re-read the initial post but you deleted it? What did you delete the post for?

Regardless, you mentioned in the thread that you had a crush on the woman, you also mentioned in the thread that you informed people you work with that you were getting married. You also mentioned that co-workers were adding to the drama discussing "who is looking at who in a sexual way". Listen, none of these situations have anything to do with the job you are there to perform. If you have personal friends who work with you, well, outside of work you guys could discuss this. At work, focus on doing your job and stop with the drama shyt before you are terminated.

And my point about the sexual harassment thing is very true. You already admitted you had a "crush on her" which is over-stepping boundaries for a professional relationship with your co-workers. That can turn into sexual harassment and you could get sued over the shyt.

Lol okay but nothing I said in the first post about the things she does and her Friend telling me twice that she liked me are relevant right?
No, it's not relevant. All that's relevant is that you are showing up to do your fvcking JOB, bust your at your industry/career craft, and try to secure a Management position or a better paying position in XYZ time period. You aren't there for drama, high school crushes, he said/she said, bullshyt.

Let me make this crystal clear, other coworkers see her looking at ME, other coworkers have seen her flirt with ME and I'm the one with the crush?
Well dude, you said you had a crush on her at one point, here's post #7 in this thread:

It's not that I don't like her, I do find her attractive but I can't like her that way as I am married and I actually developed a crush on her but I got over it.....
Pretty amusing how there are so many different answers here, do some people actually read things?
I think most of the people on this forum are intelligent enough to comprehend what you are typing, the thing is that it doesn't appear as though YOU know what you are typing. One minute you had a crush on her, the next minute you never did. Bottom line, stop goofing around and focus on your work before somebody hits you with a sexual harassment lawsuit dude.