Is this idea a "Hole-in-One"?

The Comeback Kid

Master Don Juan
May 4, 2005
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Before track practice today, my friend, who works at the local golf course gave me a golf ball. My question to him: "Why?"

Apparently, there is a golf-ball making company that is named, well, the same name as the girl I like. Her name was engraved in the ball and the name of the company was typed in the back, so it is legit (at first I thought my friend wrote it in). He gave me the ball and asked me what I thought of it and he asked if I can make anything out of it (regarding the girl) since he knows I "like" her.

Anyway, how can I put this into play when I'm talking to the girl I like? My one idea (although it can use improvement) is to ask her to "mini-golf" and tell her the course is "calling her name"...literally (then I flip her the ball)

Any other suggestions? I just thought of this one off the top of my head, there are probably better ways.

And for those who don't know... I did "ask her out" a couple of weeks ago but she felt unsure about the whole thing. At first, after I "asked her out". we didn't talk as much as before (she wasn't as open), but it is getting better now. I think it was just awkwardness setting in. I don't know if she was ready quite yet (she hated her last bf of two months) and I feel a little bit of wit here (with the golf ball) can nail down the date. She wanted to go in "a big group" because she has two best friends and didn't want to leave one out (the other one has a bf and we were thinking of a "double date with them, but the bf backed out of it). My solution: us two alone or nothing. I don't want her to be clingy towards her friends and this (a single date) could be the perfect fix. A double date can also makes things a lot more complicated IMO.

Mr. Debonaire

Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2004
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in front of my computer

as long as you don't play it out like you had it specially made for her

cause that would be lame :rolleyes:

The Comeback Kid

Master Don Juan
May 4, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Mr. Debonaire

as long as you don't play it out like you had it specially made for her

cause that would be lame :rolleyes:
Yeah, that would be bad.

On the back of the golf ball, it says "(her name) Co so the name of the company is really "her name". I may have to explain why her name is on the ball if she doesn't get it at first though so it doesn't look weird.

The Comeback Kid

Master Don Juan
May 4, 2005
Reaction score
With my chances looking a bit bleaker (remember, I did "ask her out" before), I found the only logical idea of what to do with the golf ball...

1.) Take the ball when my gym class goes to the local golf course
2.) Grab a bucket of golf balls and the driver
3.) Put the ball with her name on it on the tee at the driving range
4.) Watch that ball fly!

No, I am not "giving up" on her. I've talked to her/flirted with her a little, but it doesn't look too good. Today, I passed her twice in the hallway (looked straight ahead the first time as you guys advised me) and the second time, she looked like a "deer caught in headlights" as she knows I caught her eye contact. Both times though, she didn't say hi.

Up until three weeks ago (for the last few months), she said hi to me at every possible moment and we got along real well (but not quite "friends"). Ever since I "asked her out", not much. She has been more "closed" towards me and I don't know what I can really do.

Perhaps I should not worry about it, lay back (not try to force anything) and if it's meant to be, the opportunity will present itself.


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2004
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Possibly some sort of neg hit about her having the same name as a golf ball. Also mention hitting her with a long wood or stiff iron might help, I'm unsure.

Generally though, sentimental things etc are good for LTR but not for getting the girls.


Master Don Juan
May 14, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by The Comeback Kid
Up until three weeks ago (for the last few months), she said hi to me at every possible moment and we got along real well (but not quite "friends"). Ever since I "asked her out", not much. She has been more "closed" towards me and I don't know what I can really do.

The same thing happened during my last escapade. I asked my 'target' out to the fine arts banquet that was last weekend (did this a few weeks ago). We had been really close before hand, hugging and feeling on each other, etc, but once I went for it, she didn't say 'hi' and started actively avoiding me. Long story short, we got in a fight and broke off. She sold her banquet ticket, rofl.

It's like a trend.

The Comeback Kid

Master Don Juan
May 4, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Flabbergasped?

The same thing happened during my last escapade. I asked my 'target' out to the fine arts banquet that was last weekend (did this a few weeks ago). We had been really close before hand, hugging and feeling on each other, etc, but once I went for it, she didn't say 'hi' and started actively avoiding me. Long story short, we got in a fight and broke off. She sold her banquet ticket, rofl.

It's like a trend.

There has to be an answer to this phenomenon that me and Flabbergasped? (bolded above) are facing. Anyone know a good solution or at least how to approch the problem?
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Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2004
Reaction score
National Terror; Is it linked to Osama?

This just in. Breaking news: A deadly biological defection is spreading throughout the states. Doctor (name) coins it "High School sydrome." A phenomenon even Einstein will have trouble resolving.

"It's is sweeping the country like a fire on an arid day in a forest," reports Kyle, a High School Student.

Panic stricken, doctor (Name) exclaims "We have hit a wall." Doctors are running about in a state of trama. Numbers of pre-med students have hit an all time low, since the Great Depression.

Nonetheless, the Sec. of Defense still insists on closing many of our national bases.

What are we to do?

President Bush, declares Red Alert today as he tells the "Amerikan" people to calm down. He recommends "Amerikanz" a biological suit to protect from further "damage."

--This is Kyle reporting for the Don Juan Daily.

The following document is to be taken lightly, as it is a joke.

The Comeback Kid

Master Don Juan
May 4, 2005
Reaction score
Re: National Terror; Is it linked to Osama?

Originally posted by Fitch
This just in. Breaking news: A deadly biological defection is spreading throughout the states. Doctor (name) coins it "High School sydrome." A phenomenon even Einstein will have trouble resolving.

"It's is sweeping the country like a fire on an arid day in a forest," reports Kyle, a High School Student.

Panic stricken, doctor (Name) exclaims "We have hit a wall." Doctors are running about in a state of trama. Numbers of pre-med students have hit an all time low, since the Great Depression.

Nonetheless, the Sec. of Defense still insists on closing many of our national bases.

What are we to do?

President Bush, declares Red Alert today as he tells the "Amerikan" people to calm down. He recommends "Amerikanz" a biological suit to protect from further "damage."

--This is Kyle reporting for the Don Juan Daily.

The following document is to be taken lightly, as it is a joke.
haha, ur a funny guy :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:

Seriously though, there has to be something...right?
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Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2004
Reaction score
There is a bit of truth in my report.

Unless are extremly influencial at school, you can't change much.

Do you have class clowns in your class, and those "perverted kids?"

Can you easily change their behavior? Even though the "class clown" suffers academically, he still persists. If the whole class ignored him, and labeled him as an outcast he would MOST likely stop. But, that does not happen.

This concept applies to girls in high school. It is a part of them, as a teenager. When they go to college they will be ready, and willing.

High School drama burns away into the recycle bin of one's memory for temporarly storage or for removal and actual life takes shape -- beginning with college.

Unless you can disguise yourself as this girl's BEST friend and convience her to have sex with you, it most likely will not happen at this age.

But, if you develop a flawless disguise of a girl P.M. me.



Senior Don Juan
Apr 24, 2005
Reaction score
Here is what you do...

1. Grasp the ball firmly in your dominant hand.

2. Find a large resevoir of water. Preferably a radioactive or heavily polluted pond.

3. Stand on the edge, with your feet approximate 2 feet away from the water, shoulder width apart.

4. Pull arm behind your back.

5. Now, this is very important...
As you bring your hand forward, make sure to loosen the fingers of your hand.

6. If you followed the instructions, the ball should now be in the pond, and the only way to get it back is to risk life and limb.

7. Next, bring your hand close to your face and relax the muscles.

8. Now B*TCH SLAP YOURSELF and never think about it again.

If you feel the urge at any time to jump in the pond, repeat step 8 till face is numb and urge subsides.

BTW, I am dead serious.
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The Comeback Kid

Master Don Juan
May 4, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Jake-inator
Here is what you do...

1. Grasp the ball firmly in your dominant hand.

2. Find a large resevoir of water. Preferably a radioactive or heavily polluted pond.

3. Stand on the edge, with your feet approximate 2 feet away from the water, shoulder width apart.

4. Pull arm behind your back.

5. Now, this is very important...
As you bring your hand forward, make sure to loosen the fingers of your hand.

6. If you followed the instructions, the ball should now be in the pond, and the only way to get it back is to risk life and limb.

7. Next, bring your hand close to your face and relax the muscles.

8. Now B*TCH SLAP YOURSELF and never think about it again.

If you feel the urge at any time to jump in the pond, repeat step 8 till face is numb and urge subsides.

BTW, I am dead serious.
lol - good one. Too bad they're aren't any radioactive resevoirs near me though. :p

I didn't even see the girl today, so nothing came up (I had a meeting at lunch). I'll lay low and see if anything happens when I see her again.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 24, 2005
Reaction score
Forget about the ball thing,
she'll think you're in love with her and get freaked out.

Also, you're becoming obsessive. You can't let go of the ball. I suggest you read up the bible, before you go crazy puppy love over this girl and have your heart broken.
Been there done that, it's not worth it kiddo.


Don Juan
May 17, 2005
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
Please tell me her name isn't Titleist! haha, I crack myself up!

The Comeback Kid

Master Don Juan
May 4, 2005
Reaction score
Don't worry - I was going to say this before the forum went down, but I had a change of heart and I'm not going to do it. I figured it was too complicated and it would be likely that she got the wrong impression.

BTW, I hit the golf ball a good 200 yards with a 3-iron today :D


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2005
Reaction score
Boston, MA
I would have asked your friend for two. Then you could have waited for a really romantic moment where the moon was right, the game was over, and she had that sparkle in her eye....and told her you have a pair of balls with her name on em.

Mr. Debonaire

Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2004
Reaction score
in front of my computer
Originally posted by Qmanchoo
I would have asked your friend for two. Then you could have waited for a really romantic moment where the moon was right, the game was over, and she had that sparkle in her eye....and told her you have a pair of balls with her name on em.