Is there any real DJ here who was once an AFC?


Don Juan
Jan 24, 2007
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I mean, is there anyone around who can claim to have withstood all his fears and insecurities and dug his way forward long enough until no AFC atoms remained in him?
Man this sh!t is difficult. you waste one day, one fvckind day, and you go back one week. you waste one week and you're totally out! Game Over! AFC atoms are like cancer cells. if only one is remaining in you and you ignore it it'll pull you down and eventually turn you into a total AFC again.
Now this forum is flooded with AFC posts. (including my own posts too! lol) But there are a few guys who seem to know what they're doing. I'm asking, is there anyone of you guys who was once really an AFC?

Is it really possible or is it just an interesting idea?


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
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I'm probably not a DJ but I was certainly an AFC and over time I learned about people and specifically about women. The biggest part was unlearning the Hollywood lies, after that and realizing that the biology of survival has more to do with female (and male, but that's a different story) pairing behavior than people like to admit, things went a lot better. The definition of "DJ" seems pretty fluid across various places but for me I'm just happy where I'm at - I can easily talk to women and consistently engage them and gain their interest with minimal time and effort. Dealing with women is in fact no longer even a major concern in my life, it has become a routine thing that I just do, like eating or bathing.

That's a happy place for me.

The core things people (both genders) look for in a sexual partner are almost hard coded although the manifestations those things take on is largely cultural. For instance the Costa guys find a big fat azz and wide hips sexy, whereas in the US we seem to be fascinated with disproportionately huge boobs.


New Member
Jul 5, 2007
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Yes, it is completely possible to eliminate nearly every fiber of AFC from your body - but as you said if you don't maintain it at least once in a while theres a good chance it'll grow back like a cancer.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 6, 2006
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i think in aout a years time i ll be there.. i m fixing issues that effect my confidence w/ a ferocity asap. then i m going to work on my body but i 've gotten some idea what hairstyle ...level of clothes i need...what length of convo i need to close a deal...


Don Juan
Apr 4, 2005
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I think it's possible to overcome the attributes- but like any good lesson, it has to be remembered to truly be learned from.
One of the reasons I like to keep coming back here is the tips and the reminders of how things used to be. Kind of keeps me on my toes and looking out for possible slippage.


Don Juan
Jan 24, 2007
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The most important question in the history of sosuave.

bigjohnson said:
I'm probably not a DJ but I was certainly an AFC and over time I learned about people and specifically about women.
Good for you. But I bet you've never had confidence issues. it was just lack of experience and now you're experienced. But look at people's journals and posts here. some are good from the very start, and others are still struggling with their basic fears and have not moved one fukcing step ahead.
What I'm talking about is being scared to death to approach an HB9. always feeling that you're not good enough for the HB-kind.
Come on, guys! this is probabely the most important question in the history of sosuave. IS IT PRACTICALLY POSSIBLE?? HAS ANYONE EVER BEEN BORN WITH SUCH A GREAT STRENGTH OF WILL?
Please, and we need answers based on real life experience.


Senior Don Juan
May 2, 2007
Reaction score
Keep that post here. In a couple of months from now Ill be able to answer it with a "yes" ;-)


May 11, 2007
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Lyamdb I see that you are trying to improve so I have decided to contribute a little bit to your topic of discussion.

Well you have asked the question, "Is there a person here that used to be an AFC, that's a DJ at the moment?" Well Lyamdb, can I tell you a secret? Sometimes if you want to succeed in a particular area of life, sometimes you have to just let go of most of the things you have been taught to follow, grasp the entire view of the area as a whole through a more COMMON SENSE approach, and thus be able to fully comprehend the mistakes you've been making, and have a solid vision of the required steps needed to go from nothing to success.

Okay, so what do I mean? Well when it comes to dating and romance, you typically have 3 teachers:

1. Family

2. Seduction Gurus and Seduction Websites

3. Experience

Your heart would conclude that your family wouldn't lie to you right? Well if you listen to your family you will find yourself married to a woman that will make your life a living hell and once you get in hell it's hard to get out. They will preach to you, JBY and be more of a nicer person to women. They will preach that women almost can do no wrong, and that being a gentlemen is the best way. I really have no fvcking clue what world these folks live in and what women they are talking about, but I'll let them keep their own fantasies and just conclude that their "advice" is just unacceptable. I hope you do the same.

Well then we have the Seduction Gurus and websites. Here you will be bombarded with all types of theories, tips, methods, and the like from people who are supposedly "seduction experts." They preach about being a particular "person" like a DJ, a Player, a PUA...they preach about how you are currently a AFC and how this person is such a loser and by doing their methods you will be this magical DJ who will have all of the women screaming over him when he enters the room.
Well if you thought your family was cracked, obviously these guys here didn't fall too far from the retarded boat themselves.

First off, there is no DJ, no AFC, no PLAYER, no PUA. These are nothing but mythical and delusional images of other guys that these Seduction Gurus are speaking of.

Second of off, there is no Method, no Theory, and no Tips and Techniques that will get you laid.


May 11, 2007
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The guy that gets laid by what would be considered hot women, and who does so consistently is like a person that consistently succeeds in outside sales.

That outside sales rep brings in the bacon, but his managers and peers really have NO IDEA HOW he does it. They write books on it, they try to duplicate his success, but they have no idea how he brings in the bacon consistently. One thing I can tell you though is that:

1. He does NOT follow the THEORIES and TRAINING that his company has given him on HOW to succeed.

So how does he do it? Well we talk about EXPERIENCE, and it's the third teacher I talked about from above. Experience teaches you a couple things:

1. Your so called, teachers and gurus, and people in positions to KNOW something, most times DON'T KNOW SHYT.

2. YOUR OWN UNIQUE WAY, of doing something is much different than the way you have been taught and told to do something, and YOUR WAY produces much more results.

You begin to develop into your own unique individual success story.

So why am I telling you this? Well, because in order to succeed in dating and romance, you need to just let your experiences, your instincts, and your inner COMMON SENSE lead you, instead of letting what you have been taught LEAD YOU.

See, the way I turn women on is more than likely much different than the way you do it. Me teaching you MY METHOD and telling you to use it and you'll have success, is like 50 Cent telling Nelly how to rap....two different styles, Nelly rapping like 50 Cent = failure.

So no one can TEACH YOU how to get laid. Only your experiences, your instinct, and your own COMMON SENSE CAN.

- Just know, there's a HUGE MARKET out there, and you won't run out of women, but not every woman is attracted to every guy. But there's more than a fvcking enough hot chicks for every dyck.

So in conclusion, re-read this thread, I decided to post this because you seemed like you were trying to improve. I really don't come around here much anymore because this forum has turned into a group of bored people coming together looking to entertain one another with idiotic debates like "Do Looks Matter?"



Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2004
Reaction score
Depending on where you're at and what you've already learned in life, it's definitely a lot of work. Don't discredit the things you've learned or experienced with women before you came to this site because alot of that stuff is very valueable.

It's alot harder when you don't have a clear picture of where you're going, so work on that more than anything.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2005
Reaction score
Both those things are in your mind.

So, yes.