Is the key to getting women simply, to stop trying to get women?


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
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I know the title sounds complicated. But I'm basically, is the key to getting women, to stop trying to get women?

I've noticed that when I'm not focusing on women, they seem to give me more attention then when I'm trying to get them.

For instance, last night I was just at the club, dancing and having fun. Not giving a crap what anybody thinks. And I get this girl coming up to asking me to dance. That never happens to me when I'm actually trying to get women.

So yeah, I think the key to getting women, is to stop trying to get women. Focus on something else, like money, having fun, school and the women will come.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
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I know the title sounds complicated. But I'm basically, is the* key to getting women, to stop trying to get women?

*The key is stop trying to get women like a beta*

Focus on something else, like money, having fun, school and the women will come.


But dont fall into the illusion of "not approaching women" because your "not trying" vs the truth being your scared to do it. Women should simply not be a man's priority...but at the same time, the man must lead.


May 17, 2013
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America is best
TheException said:
I know the title sounds complicated. But I'm basically, is the* key to getting women, to stop trying to get women?

*The key is stop trying to get women like a beta*

Focus on something else, like money, having fun, school and the women will come.


But dont fall into the illusion of "not approaching women" because your "not trying" vs the truth being your scared to do it. Women should simply not be a man's priority...but at the same time, the man must lead.
great post.


Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2012
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they can tell when you are too eager, by focusing on other things you wont come off as needy or desperate


Don Juan
Jun 3, 2013
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Yeah, but you'll still need to 'try' in most cases. I've spent a lot of time not trying and I got what I sought - nothing. Women are, in general, passive and they don't like it when men are too passive. I've been far to guilty of being passive in the past. Seek and you shall find.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 7, 2011
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The key to getting women or anything is to have something they want. Whether be good looks big sword money personality and charisma whatever that might be for you. you need to have something to offer to attract what you want. And guys do this too if girl has nothing to offer then your not going deal ex: not good looking dumb broad etc ect ect. So you need to offer something of value that would attract the opposite sex. Women are not as intuitive as they lead you to believe sometimes you do knock her over club lol.


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
Men value love and women love value.

Work on your looks and your money and your options.

Case closed.


Jun 28, 2013
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Understand the attraction phenomenon, if you try to get them, there is no attraction, if you push a little bit and back off, there is attraction, so alpha is the way. everything alpha does is very subtle and creates a little bit of rapport with much attraction to get


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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ElStud said:
is the key to getting women, to stop trying to get women?
I notice this seems to be the latest fad making the rounds, the latest PUA strategy. To get women, do nothing. It reminds me of a few old sayings I heard when I was growing up. "You'll find someone when you stop looking" and "You're trying too hard". Well, you can definitely try too hard.

Another trend I've noticed is the "looks don't matter" thing has almost completely disappeared, and has been replaced with the idea that looks are practically the most important factor now. The consensus seems to be that the more attractive you are, the better your game will work.

And that's probably the case with this strategy you mention. The guys who have the most success with "not trying" are the guys who are the best looking.


Master Don Juan
Mar 15, 2012
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New York City
zekko said:
I notice this seems to be the latest fad making the rounds, the latest PUA strategy. To get women, do nothing. It reminds me of a few old sayings I heard when I was growing up. "You'll find someone when you stop looking" and "You're trying too hard". Well, you can definitely try too hard.

Another trend I've noticed is the "looks don't matter" thing has almost completely disappeared, and has been replaced with the idea that looks are practically the most important factor now. The consensus seems to be that the more attractive you are, the better your game will work.

And that's probably the case with this strategy you mention. The guys who have the most success with "not trying" are the guys who are the best looking.

I agree. The success level of any method or strategy increases the more better looking you are.


Master Don Juan
Dec 23, 2011
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like2jam said:
Yeah, but you'll still need to 'try' in most cases.
You still have to try, but at the same time you need to give a subtle vibe that you don't care if you get the girl or not. Like it's been said many times before: don't be dependent on the outcome.

Lord Hypnos

Don Juan
Jan 31, 2013
Reaction score
ElStud said:
So yeah, I think the key to getting women, is to stop trying to get women. Focus on something else, like money, having fun, school and the women will come.
I think that's bullsh1t. You can focus all you want on stuff like school, money, etc.. but that doesn't mean you'll know how to handle yourself emotionally with a girl. Sure you might might get lucky here and there, but unless you have solid game, chances are the woman, who has much more relationship experience and more options to choose from, will end up wearing the pants in the relationship. I've seen it happen all the time.

A more accurate statement would be: the key to getting women, is to not really give a SH1T about them; they are expendable after all (abundance mentality)

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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i have this Indian (red dot) woman SEVERELY wanting to fvck me, without. a. doubt. I met her 2 years ago I believe thru work, she works for the federal gov't. Anyway, she's probably in her 40s, dumpy frumpy wide spread t!ts, decent face, but I can Tell she's into tantra, I just Can, I can tell that she is just a horny sex addict...but with classs. Afterall, she's got a good job with good benefits and decent pay. Anyway, I flirt BARELY with her, but I seriously don't seek her attention and try to not let her com'ons affect me when it is obvious that she is Hinting at me. IT has grown...till today, I believe that she is turning stalker. I feel like my oneitis may have felt back in 2005. Afterall, I became her in spirit, I have written about her before, She, an EXTREMELY alluring girl, just consummate attraction in her ways, how she talked like a chirping bird/chickie, and how she danced, how she moved about, just everything with her was an attractant TO ME. Now, I am That attractant to other women, just naturally, because my spirit is derived from her and she changed me back then from the inside out.

Enough of this older Indian woman I ran into at a health-food/farmers market store this past Saturday. She's Always asking me what I am doing for the weekend, and then she asked me what I was doing later on, and she'd mentioned a beer-fest (to come with her) I said I had other plans and I did.

So today, she asks me where I live, I give her a general area, and she says, that she lives just a couple of blocks away. And she questions if it's one of the townhomes nearby, I say no, I have a house, and just trying to get away, you know, I and when I see her later, she is smiling at me EVEN though I am on the other side of the room (leaving) and other people are right in front of her talking with her about work-related, yet she ignores them and they have NO IDEA that she's got heart-eyes for me. Seriously guys, I have to see her again tomorrow and the rest of the week. I don't want to fvck her cause I have way better options, but she seems to need a good fvcking, and I'd fvck her just when on my downtime when I ain't fvckin younger hotties. I'd like to keep her for the winter or something when I'm not really inclined to chase tail and neither are women as DTF.


Don Juan
Jul 1, 2013
Reaction score
Stop whining and just do it sheesh. Make sure you ask her if she has any STDs first tho