Is she signaling for a relationship?


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score
We talked for about 3 weeks or so via text after she messaged me on a dating site. She came to spend the weekend with me from across the country. We not only became intimate, but started holding hands when we went out, she'd grab my arm, we would sit in pajamas watching movies, she'd grab my hand or lay her hand on my leg/rub my leg or back with it. We literally went no where but to get takeout and come back.

-We'd hold each other tight especially as our weekend together was ending, as if we were a couple.

-Last moment we did that, she joked about a move we watched where a woman cheated on her husband on a layover with an ex, but instead saying oh yea, I'm going to see my OTHER boyfriend on the way home during a layover like in the movie, haha, indicating that I'm her boyfriend now, then clarifying she had a direct flight home and wasn't meeting anyone else on the way home. This was the biggest sign to me, as if she was using the scene in the movie to make the "other boyfriend" comment to indirectly tell me she considered me her boyfriend.

-She also showed me she was going to take some random crap from my place saying she was taking it so that I have to come to see her to get it back (just random trinkets).

-By the way this all culminated with her arriving home and calling me to talk and telling me she had a good time and again telling me I should go see her. She also stated she was not going to see anyone else, to which I replied that I wasn't either, which she seemed to like.

I have a high conversion rate, girls I sleep with convert to gf more often than not or try to pursue a relationship, but they are usually much more direct about it. I'm hesitant to bring up exclusivity because in my experience it can scare SOME girls away and muck things that are otherwise going great up if you do it at the wrong time, and that it's better to reciprocate if SHE brings it up. But at the same time I feel like if I'm not reading her signals that she is putting out and acting on them, she might get the wrong idea and think I'm not interested in exclusivity.

And yes I get in can be a warning sign if a girl wants a relationship quickly. I don't get that vibe from her though. She is successful and put together. I have not met a girl like her in a long time. Our first time together we spent the weekend just at home having sex and watching movies. That said I did have one bad experience with a girl I did that with for 3 months. When we broke up she didn't take it well and showed her psycho. But not all girls are going to be like that.

So the questions are:

1) Is she signaling for a relationship?

2) What can I say or do to tie this up without scaring her away if I'm misreading her signals?


Senior Don Juan
Feb 22, 2020
Reaction score
We talked for about 3 weeks or so via text after she messaged me on a dating site. She came to spend the weekend with me from across the country. We not only became intimate, but started holding hands when we went out, she'd grab my arm, we would sit in pajamas watching movies, she'd grab my hand or lay her hand on my leg/rub my leg or back with it. We literally went no where but to get takeout and come back.

-We'd hold each other tight especially as our weekend together was ending, as if we were a couple.

-Last moment we did that, she joked about a move we watched where a woman cheated on her husband on a layover with an ex, but instead saying oh yea, I'm going to see my OTHER boyfriend on the way home during a layover like in the movie, haha, indicating that I'm her boyfriend now, then clarifying she had a direct flight home and wasn't meeting anyone else on the way home. This was the biggest sign to me, as if she was using the scene in the movie to make the "other boyfriend" comment to indirectly tell me she considered me her boyfriend.

-She also showed me she was going to take some random crap from my place saying she was taking it so that I have to come to see her to get it back (just random trinkets).

-By the way this all culminated with her arriving home and calling me to talk and telling me she had a good time and again telling me I should go see her. She also stated she was not going to see anyone else, to which I replied that I wasn't either, which she seemed to like.

I have a high conversion rate, girls I sleep with convert to gf more often than not or try to pursue a relationship, but they are usually much more direct about it. I'm hesitant to bring up exclusivity because in my experience it can scare SOME girls away and muck things that are otherwise going great up if you do it at the wrong time, and that it's better to reciprocate if SHE brings it up. But at the same time I feel like if I'm not reading her signals that she is putting out and acting on them, she might get the wrong idea and think I'm not interested in exclusivity.

And yes I get in can be a warning sign if a girl wants a relationship quickly. I don't get that vibe from her though. She is successful and put together. I have not met a girl like her in a long time. Our first time together we spent the weekend just at home having sex and watching movies. That said I did have one bad experience with a girl I did that with for 3 months. When we broke up she didn't take it well and showed her psycho. But not all girls are going to be like that.

So the questions are:

1) Is she signaling for a relationship?

2) What can I say or do to tie this up without scaring her away if I'm misreading her signals?
Yeah, doesn’t seem like a ons. Women whom are clear with what they want are always gonna want to see some type of progression.

Unclear question, what is it that you want?

The honeymoon period is a beautiful thing, best to savor and extend it as long as possible.


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score
Yeah, doesn’t seem like a ons. Women whom are clear with what they want are always gonna want to see some type of progression.

Unclear question, what is it that you want?

The honeymoon period is a beautiful thing, best to savor and extend it as long as possible.
Funny you mention that, she had asked during conversation about a girl I had been with that had come up in conversation, asking me what happened after I slept with her the first date, was that it, etc. I told her no, she became my gf for nearly 9 years. She felt relieved. I kind of sensed she was fishing to see what would happen if we slept together. And make no mistake, it was hard to get an actual first kiss, we didn't sleep together the first night, but the next morning (she had arrived late in the day anyways). And even getting to sex she didn't give it up RIGHT away. I did a bit of foreplay and told her this wasn't just a ONS for me. Important lesson learned and a pattern I've seen with higher quality women, they are a bit harder to get and changing their mood with a little foreplay and persistence works while trying to be logical and explaining doesn't.

Of course after the first time we slept together it was not an issue after that. That said, Anytime I've had a girl fly or drive to see me, it has resulted in sex, even if not the first few hours or first attempt at a kiss got a cheek etc. But at the same time, I think in their minds they had made the decision that unless something went bad, they would sleep with me. I can't imagine most women flying or driving to see a guy and staying at his place first time meeting and sleeping in his bed without some intent there...

But I digress. I'll post another thread about that because I thought that was an important lesson I learned/pattern I noticed with the hotter/higher quality women. Persistence and foreplay, not logical explanation.

So it sounds like you are saying it does appear she is signaling for a relationship? As far as what I want, yes, I'm interested in one with her as well, I don't want to potentially lose her to someone else, she is hot, considerably younger than me and very financially successful. And oh man, the sex, her body, the way she is in bed. It's just pure bliss. We also have a lot in common and just seem to click.

Now having said that, I want to be mindful of the speed at which we move because it is long distance. I don't want to end up getting super attached or moving TOO fast. We basically "dated" over the phone for a month or so before meeting so it's not like we just met and jumped into bed yesterday and voila, instant relationship. We got to know each other before meeting. The meeting was basically, we like each other, let's progress this physically. That ended up bringing us closer together.

Last but not least, make no mistake, I don't want to throw this away by saying something stupid like "let's slow down". I want a relationship with her. Ultimately why not try it. Worst case scenario we fly back and forth, have great sex and enjoy each others company in general.
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Senior Don Juan
Feb 22, 2020
Reaction score
Funny you mention that, she had asked during conversation about a girl I had been with that had come up in conversation, asking me what happened after I slept with her the first date, was that it, etc. I told her no, she became my gf for nearly 9 years. She felt relieved. I kind of sensed she was fishing to see what would happen if we slept together. And make no mistake, it was hard to get an actual first kiss, we didn't sleep together the first night, but the next morning (she had arrived late in the day anyways). And even getting to sex she didn't give it up RIGHT away. I did a bit of foreplay and told her this wasn't just a ONS for me. Important lesson learned and a pattern I've seen with higher quality women, they are a bit harder to get and changing their mood with a little foreplay and persistence works while trying to be logical and explaining doesn't.

Of course after the first time we slept together it was not an issue after that. That said, Anytime I've had a girl fly or drive to see me, it has resulted in sex, even if not the first few hours or first attempt at a kiss got a cheek etc. But at the same time, I think in their minds they had made the decision that unless something went bad, they would sleep with me. I can't imagine most women flying or driving to see a guy and staying at his place first time meeting and sleeping in his bed without some intent there...

But I digress. I'll post another thread about that because I thought that was an important lesson I learned/pattern I noticed with the hotter/higher quality women. Persistence and foreplay, not logical explanation.

So it sounds like you are saying it does appear she is signaling for a relationship? As far as what I want, yes, I'm interested in one with her as well, I don't want to potentially lose her to someone else, she is hot, considerably younger than me and very financially successful. And oh man, the sex, her body, the way she is in bed. It's just pure bliss. We also have a lot in common and just seem to click.

Now having said that, I want to be mindful of the speed at which we move because it is long distance. I don't want to end up getting super attached or moving TOO fast. We basically "dated" over the phone for a month or so before meeting so it's not like we just met and jumped into bed yesterday and voila, instant relationship. We got to know each other before meeting. The meeting was basically, we like each other, let's progress this physically. That ended up bringing us closer together.

Last but not least, make no mistake, I don't want to throw this away by saying something stupid like "let's slow down". I want a relationship with her. Ultimately why not try it. Worst case scenario we fly back and forth, have great sex and enjoy each others company in general.
I know you know this by how you express yourself and it’s worth mentioning; Relationships are not like clothes that one can try on in a pass/fail fit. They can be that, and can be more. More like constantly tailored and adjusted as one grows from within.

In many ways, having distance works in your favor.

Enjoy and savor this time and make it last and last and ....


Apr 25, 2016
Reaction score
So you just met her face to face and she is doing this?

And you think this is all normal behavior????
We talked for about 3 weeks or so via text after she messaged me on a dating site. She came to spend the weekend with me from across the country.
ndicating that I'm her boyfriend now
She also stated she was not going to see anyone else, to which I replied that I wasn't either, which she seemed to like.
I have not met a girl like her in a long time
You know all about her and just met her? Agreed to exclusiveness?

You mean to tell me you cant find a decent chick in your area?

Dude this is low quality. Sorry. Low quality from both of you.

You have been on here since 2014 and seemed to have learned very little.


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score
I know you know this by how you express yourself and it’s worth mentioning; Relationships are not like clothes that one can try on in a pass/fail fit. They can be that, and can be more. More like constantly tailored and adjusted as one grows from within.

In many ways, having distance works in your favor.

Enjoy and savor this time and make it last and last and ....

I think distance works in my favor as you say in that it makes us appreciate the times we DO see each other that much more. But at the same time I worry about the distance as well. As much as it sucks not being able to sleep in the same bed regularly, I do feel we will appreciate the time we do spend together that much more when we do see each other. So long as it's at least once a month I'm fine with it. We really made our time together last weekend count and it was tough for both of us to part ways. Of course I'm still playing it cool, when she arrived back in her state she called me leaving the airport, we talked for about an hour but I was sure to end the call first and on a high note to leave her wanting more. You could feel her disappointment over the phone when we hung up, but alas that's the way the game has to be played, not be too available. I took her call when she called as I want her to feel comfortable calling me by answering when she does in the beginning. But not bee too available to talk forever.

This isn't your average girl. Besides being extremely attractive physically, she is very successful. She is one of a kind and is attracted to successful guys. We have a ton in common in general and I'd much rather keep seeing her than 3 local girls. And man does she have a banging body. Her hair, her eyes. MMMMM....But I digress. Thanks for your input.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2019
Reaction score
How old are you and the girl?
I'm not trying to be a d1ck here but i wholeheartedly agree with Glassguy. Would an "extremely attractive successful" woman with tons of options be on a dating site, text for 3 weeks and fly across the country to be with you, just because she could sense your special connection?
Let alone push for exclusivity after one meeting?

That's needy and lack of options in my world. And frankly from your side too. You even stated in the other thread that you would consider moving to her city. Do you hear how this sounds?

Dude you've already put her on a pedestal. Noooooot good.

1) Do i want a relationship with her this soon?

2) What can she say or do to tie this up without scaring me away?

*fixed the questions for you


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score
How old are you and the girl?
I'm not trying to be a d1ck here but i wholeheartedly agree with Glassguy. Would an "extremely attractive successful" woman with tons of options be on a dating site, text for 3 weeks and fly across the country to be with you, just because she could sense your special connection?
Let alone push for exclusivity after one meeting?

That's needy and lack of options in my world. And frankly from your side too. You even stated in the other thread that you would consider moving to her city. Do you hear how this sounds?

Dude you've already put her on a pedestal. Noooooot good.

1) Do i want a relationship with her this soon?

2) What can she say or do to tie this up without scaring me away?

*fixed the questions for you

We met on a high net worth dating web site, so yes. This isn't Tinder or POF. Think more broadly. Most of the certified high net worth members there don't date anyone other than high net worth members. So yes. I myself have done that, I've traveled a few times to meet women on there but they were wealthy, I'm talking 6-30 million depending on the girl. WAAY more money than me. And in all cases their profiles even said that they don't talk to non certified members. I don't travel to meet the women on there who are 45 working at Subway living in an apartment with 5 kids from 3 marriages. There are certified and non certified members on there.

Her profile also stated that and that she is attracted to successful guys, as a person that is financially driven, she can't be with someone that is not the same way.

As I noted above, yes I get the relationship thing happening this fast is not necessarily IDEAL, but we are both into each other. The question was, is SHE signaling for a relationship. And it seems the answer is yes based on your post that went a bit off topic.

This girl is very attractive, in her late twenties, I'm late thirties. She can walk into any bar and have any of the guys there for sex in 30 seconds. She didn't travel across the country on a 5 hour flight just to have sex with me. And I have yet to see any red flags to say that she is crazy. Entire weekend spent together and nothing but fun, not a single argument, disagreement or awkward moment. We just meshed.


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score
So you just met her face to face and she is doing this?

And you think this is all normal behavior????

You know all about her and just met her? Agreed to exclusiveness?

You mean to tell me you cant find a decent chick in your area?

Dude this is low quality. Sorry. Low quality from both of you.

You have been on here since 2014 and seemed to have learned very little.

I didn't even know you posted until someone else mentioned you. I clicked to see your post and still the same nonsense as usual, always the same personal attacks to make yourself feel better, lol. I remember when I first started posting on here you made some comment and yet days prior I had posted about a girl I was banging in the bathroom at my work, and since added to that list there.

For one I barely post here, I signed up long ago but don't get on here sometimes for years or months at a time. Yes, so low quality, your thought process. You seem to think Tinder and POF. I met this girl on a high net worth dating web site. I've dated a few on there. They don't happen to be in one area. I've dated 2 in Canada and 2 in the US. I am dating other random girls in the area but they are not as hot as this girl or as put together. Case in point, the girls local here I also met on the site but they are not certified members, just looking for a rich guy to hook. I just use them, not serious about them. I'm on there to meet a higher quality girl. This girl is wealthy, self made at a young age. Thanks anyways, but you really need to expand your thought process beyond low level dating. And in almost every thread I have you don't answer the question posted, just launch personal attacks. THE VAST MAJORITY OF THE TIME actually. Just like that poster I exposed on here who I actually found out had no girl of his own and had posted about being willing to pay to not be alone Friday and Saturday nights.

So yeah, I'll keep dating the hot girl about a decade younger than me who is wealthy and willing to spend 5 hours on a flight to meet me which ended up in sex and talk of a relationship. Yet you didn't even comment on that topic. Just more personal attacks about can't you find a local girl lol. Last year I had 3 gf's at the same time while still dating other women on the side, and I have attractive, wealthy young women flying here to meet and sex me. You're right, I don't know why I waste my time here. Most of you don't have any women and you can always tell who those guys are because like you, they just launch personal attacks out of jealousy. Bye now.
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Senior Don Juan
Feb 22, 2020
Reaction score
I think distance works in my favor as you say in that it makes us appreciate the times we DO see each other that much more. But at the same time I worry about the distance as well. As much as it sucks not being able to sleep in the same bed regularly, I do feel we will appreciate the time we do spend together that much more when we do see each other. So long as it's at least once a month I'm fine with it. We really made our time together last weekend count and it was tough for both of us to part ways. Of course I'm still playing it cool, when she arrived back in her state she called me leaving the airport, we talked for about an hour but I was sure to end the call first and on a high note to leave her wanting more. You could feel her disappointment over the phone when we hung up, but alas that's the way the game has to be played, not be too available. I took her call when she called as I want her to feel comfortable calling me by answering when she does in the beginning. But not bee too available to talk forever.

This isn't your average girl. Besides being extremely attractive physically, she is very successful. She is one of a kind and is attracted to successful guys. We have a ton in common in general and I'd much rather keep seeing her than 3 local girls. And man does she have a banging body. Her hair, her eyes. MMMMM....But I digress. Thanks for your input.
Yeah, that sleeping in the same bed regularly, it’s really a two edged sword. The familiarity slowly transforms the arousal and attraction into comfort and companionship.

It’s feels great initially and that’s the danger of it. As long as one can maintain polarity then it won’t be the peaking of the relationship.

I’ve had a difficult time with it. There’s a point where I just want to share with my partner without keeping secrets. Yet once done, and she figures me out, then the relationship is doomed for then she starts taking me for granted. These are my challenges in keeping LTR’s full of spark and maintaining a sense of mystery.

May you have what you want in this woman, and she with you.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2019
Reaction score
We met on a high net worth dating web site, so yes. This isn't Tinder or POF. Think more broadly. Most of the certified high net worth members there don't date anyone other than high net worth members. So yes. I myself have done that, I've traveled a few times to meet women on there but they were wealthy, I'm talking 6-30 million depending on the girl. WAAY more money than me. And in all cases their profiles even said that they don't talk to non certified members. I don't travel to meet the women on there who are 45 working at Subway living in an apartment with 5 kids from 3 marriages. There are certified and non certified members on there.

Her profile also stated that and that she is attracted to successful guys, as a person that is financially driven, she can't be with someone that is not the same way.

As I noted above, yes I get the relationship thing happening this fast is not necessarily IDEAL, but we are both into each other. The question was, is SHE signaling for a relationship. And it seems the answer is yes based on your post that went a bit off topic.

This girl is very attractive, in her late twenties, I'm late thirties. She can walk into any bar and have any of the guys there for sex in 30 seconds. She didn't travel across the country on a 5 hour flight just to have sex with me. And I have yet to see any red flags to say that she is crazy. Entire weekend spent together and nothing but fun, not a single argument, disagreement or awkward moment. We just meshed.
Okay, she's late twenties and making 6-30 million a year and looks smoking hot.
Highly successful women have a very very small dating market, because of the situation they find themselves in. They can't date down or date a man equal to her due to female hypergamy. This means they can only fall for the cream of the crop in men for something long term (Corporate executives, CEOs). A way to weed out guys is through this certification system on that site.
Not just her, all women are attracted to driven, successful guys. These women just have a higher standard for that success, which means you've to be better than her. Is your perceived value higher than hers? If not, she will never be able to "love" you longer term and it wont work when reality kicks in.

Another thing, this is personal preference but to be THAT successful you've to have alot of masculine traits as a woman. This is not what i would look for in a relationship and also why highly successful women make worse partners than females with their femininity intact, meaning higher expectations, more power struggles, demands and drama all around.

This is just the honeymoon phase, it's supposed to be "perfect" in every way. But as i said before, you barely know each other to be able to see what kind of person she realls is, that's something you see first after a couple of months.

We don't know this woman but you can tell alot from behavior, since female behavior is universal.

I didn't see any personal attacks from Glassguy and i'm fairly certain he has no need to be jealous. Just a very straight up wake up call like we expect from other men, the blunt truth. Maybe you're projecting your own insecurities on him?


Apr 25, 2016
Reaction score
There were no personal attacks in my post. Just brutal honesty.

Let me break it down for you in a way that you dont get so easily offended:

Long distance NEVER works.

A woman acting like this is a red flag.....majorly.

A man acting like this is the most beta thing ever.

OP should do more reading on this site instead of posting. In 6 years here he has broken just about every major beta rule known to man (and betas).

Be real dude. You dont even know this girl and you're all in. That is creepy.

I am not even going to comment anymore on this or your posts because its obvious you have a road block when it comes to learning how to be good with women.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 22, 2020
Reaction score
There were no personal attacks in my post. Just brutal honesty.

Let me break it down for you in a way that you dont get so easily offended:

Long distance NEVER works.

A woman acting like this is a red flag.....majorly.

A man acting like this is the most beta thing ever.

OP should do more reading on this site instead of posting. In 6 years here he has broken just about every major beta rule known to man (and betas).

Be real dude. You dont even know this girl and you're all in. That is creepy.

I am not even going to comment anymore on this or your posts because its obvious you have a road block when it comes to learning how to be good with women.
So you don’t think his point of high net worth individuals screening for other hnw individuals, as well as those who travel frequently has any validity?

The world looks a lot different in first class vs coach.


Apr 25, 2016
Reaction score
So you don’t think his point of high net worth individuals screening for other hnw individuals, as well as those who travel frequently has any validity?

The world looks a lot different in first class vs coach.
Ive sat in first class and coach. Both get you where you want to go.

At the end of the day women are women. Beta actions are still beta actions.

Its time some people wake up from Fairytale land. 6 years around here should be enough for someone to have at least some general idea of what attracts AND keeps a woman.


Apr 25, 2016
Reaction score
I know men who dont have a pot to p!ss in and get just about any girls they want through their solid frame, abundance and actions. They cant run chicks off. The chicks are glued to them.

I also know guys who are very well off, dont have a solid frame, act needy, desperate and clingy and cant keep a chick around at all after they look past his solid financial situation and see his true mentality and beta behaviors.

The Lambo only gets someone an interview. The man's actions are what determines if he gets the job.

If anyone wants to prove me wrong, I will gladly wait.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 22, 2020
Reaction score
I know men who dont have a pot to p!ss in and get just about any girls they want through their solid frame, abundance and actions. They cant run chicks off. The chicks are glued to them.

I also know guys who are very well off, dont have a solid frame, act needy, desperate and clingy and cant keep a chick around at all after they look past his solid financial situation and see his true mentality and beta behaviors.

The Lambo only gets someone an interview. The man's actions are what determines if he gets the job.

If anyone wants to prove me wrong, I will gladly wait.
Sitting in first class is entirely different than being first class.

The nuance would be lost on someone who thinks it’s about ‘getting there’.

This doesn’t invalidate your assertions, just more a reflection of whom those assertions are coming from.


Apr 25, 2016
Reaction score
Sitting in first class is entirely different than being first class.

The nuance would be lost on someone who thinks it’s about ‘getting there’.

This doesn’t invalidate your assertions, just more a reflection of whom those assertions are coming from.
Let me explain something to you about Glassguy.

I am not "rich" but I can fly first class whenever I choose to. I can also fly coach whenever I choose to.

Its MY decision how I spend my money. I dont have to sit in first class to be first class. I just bought at $58k truck cash money.

I didnt have to finance it.

My assertions are based on the following:

1.) I spin 2-3 plates always. Maybe I will end up in a LTR with a plate, maybe not. But it will be MY decision.

2.) My decision making is based on what is best for ME.

3.) My assertions are based upon REALITY from my EXPERIENCE with women and life. I am probably one of the best examples on this forum on a person that got very good with women through trial and error. Knowing what I do now, I could have had more trials and less errors back in the day. I was never bad with women by any means but through making mistakes (even subtle ones) with women, I learned how to clean that shyte up quickly. I have dated hundreds of women. They all have one thing in common- they think like women. Most are attracted to the same characteristics in men.

They are also repelled by the same actions of beta men.

If more people on this board understood these things, they would be much better off with women. I surely reap the benefits of how I act with women.

There are 2 process to become better at something: Understanding what you are changing and why and then putting it into action through action.

Some people on here just dont understand it or refuse to change their behaviors and put the new stuff in action.

In a few weeks or a month we will all be reading OP's follow up thread of how she ghosted him, she is BPD, or some other bullshyte thread.

He has no understanding of how his actions with this woman has already tainted the situation.


Don Juan
Mar 21, 2020
Reaction score
We talked for about 3 weeks or so via text after she messaged me on a dating site. She came to spend the weekend with me from across the country.

-By the way this all culminated with her arriving home and calling me to talk and telling me she had a good time and again telling me I should go see her. She also stated she was not going to see anyone else, to which I replied that I wasn't either, which she seemed to like.
Is it smart to agree to exclusivity this quickly?


Apr 25, 2016
Reaction score
Is it smart to agree to exclusivity this quickly?
Is that a rhetorical question? lol

For a BETA male- yes. Because they have no abundance mindset so they jump on whatever shows them relationship interest because they have no other options.

For someone more alpha, they steer clear of this stuff because it is not normal and they screen women like this out.......or at worst case slow things down to see her bahavior really shine through. But beta males dont think this way. They are trying to lock women down into a relationship asap if that woman seems interested in them. And that behavior is exactly what repels women.

Women are smart. They will set the mouse trap and see how hungry a guy is........and watch him jump on the bait like a hungry hobo. Then they ghost them because anyone that thirsty doesnt have any other low value......and no other options means nobody else wants him either. So they run.

Women arent hard to figure out. Betas just dont know how to stop acting beta and blame the women after they have ran them off.


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score
Yeah, that sleeping in the same bed regularly, it’s really a two edged sword. The familiarity slowly transforms the arousal and attraction into comfort and companionship.

It’s feels great initially and that’s the danger of it. As long as one can maintain polarity then it won’t be the peaking of the relationship.

I’ve had a difficult time with it. There’s a point where I just want to share with my partner without keeping secrets. Yet once done, and she figures me out, then the relationship is doomed for then she starts taking me for granted. These are my challenges in keeping LTR’s full of spark and maintaining a sense of mystery.

May you have what you want in this woman, and she with you.

Thank you. I have the same challenges in LTR's. Balancing challenge with being too aloof. Getting sex is one thing, relationships are my struggle.

Oh, btw, I got curious and went to the site where we met. She took down her profile. Further convincing me we are in a relationship in her mind. So my instinct was right.