Is she just an AW?


Senior Don Juan
Mar 10, 2011
Reaction score
Really i'm just looking to get all of this down so I can put it in perspective for myself, any advice is golden.

This girl has got a boyfriend.

So I met this girl (HB7) around a year ago, got invited to her birthday way back when and met her sister and had a good time. I see and speak to her occasionally until June when uni finishes for summer. I do not have her number over this time and only talk to her in person.

Don't speak once over summer.

Come back from summer and it's my birthday in freshers week. I organise pre-drinks at mine and then to town for celebrations. I invite her along. I made a joke on the event page about not wanting people there if they planned on being sober. This girl texts me on the day saying she's at work and is coming straight out after she finishes about half 10, but she's going to be sober if that's ok. I joke around saying she's letting me down, but I can probably forgive her if she buys me a drink. We meet in town, I get my drink and I have a great birthday.

Between September and December I see her quite a bit, get her number when she ask's my (house) number for pre-drinks one time. Always quite a flirty relationship. Lots of squeezing by both parties and plenty of sexual innuendo in every conversation.

Sometime during this period my wing hits on her. She confides in me about it by saying she would have got with him had she been single, and claims that I am a great wingman for helping him try it on. She tried to get more towards her feeling's but I shut it out completly, instead I focused on my boy getting with her. She admits she is sexually frustrated having not seen her boyfriend in a while and vows to hold out till christmas when she can see him. During this convo she tells me that her sister dig's me even though she has a boyfriend and that she is coming down later in the year, and that I should mark it on my calendar as 'BUY Condoms'

Christmas comes about and she goes to America with the boyfriend and family. No contact over this time.

We get back from christmas and I've seen her a couple times since then. The first time I saw her at a friends one night out the first thing she says to me is 'Look they got bigger' and practically puts her boobs in my face. I laugh it off saying she must have really eaten loads while she was in America whih she laughs at and mildly agrees with. Later on I'm sitting on the sofa and she comes sits next to me, immediatly rubs her hand over my body and leans in saying 'I'm really hot' she rests her head on my chest and we talk for 15/20 minutes all the while keeping it pretty flirty, with plenty of talk about sex. She brings her boobs up again and asks if I like, I say not bad at all, but they're not as big as your sisters, and ask when she's down. We have a little joke about her sister and then I get up to go get one of my drinks from the fridge. All this conversation her head has been on my chest and her hands on my stomach, she was also rubbing her foot up and down the back of my calf while we were talking.

I don't see her awhile and then last night she texts me asking if I'm out. I say yea, where are you meeting me? She gives the location that our friends are going to be at. I tell her to save me a dance and I'll see her later. Eventually meet her in the club, she's dancing with some of our friends so I keep my distance, couple minutes later we're talking/dancing. Again she tells me her boobs grew, so she is wearing her 'boobs dress' and then squeeses them together for me to have a better look. I laugh and tell her I've seen better, she hit's me playfully on the arm and calls me a ****. We dance for a bit and then I go bar and see her frequently throughout the night. Every time we dance together and there's alot of sexual kino from both of us.

Hmmm, looking at that I'm starting to think she might just be a massive AW, as she has a boyfriend. But part of me thinks that if I made a move on this girl she'd bite. My wing seems to think so too and has told me I should really just make a move.

The obstacles are the boyfriend, the flirty behaviour, and the fact that this girl is now quite involved in my main social circle, being friends with many of the other girls I now hang out with.

What's a guy to do?



Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2012
Reaction score
Gunner26 said:
Really i'm just looking to get all of this down so I can put it in perspective for myself, any advice is golden.

This girl has got a boyfriend.

So I met this girl (HB7) around a year ago, got invited to her birthday way back when and met her sister and had a good time. I see and speak to her occasionally until June when uni finishes for summer. I do not have her number over this time and only talk to her in person.

Don't speak once over summer.

Come back from summer and it's my birthday in freshers week. I organise pre-drinks at mine and then to town for celebrations. I invite her along. I made a joke on the event page about not wanting people there if they planned on being sober. This girl texts me on the day saying she's at work and is coming straight out after she finishes about half 10, but she's going to be sober if that's ok. I joke around saying she's letting me down, but I can probably forgive her if she buys me a drink. We meet in town, I get my drink and I have a great birthday.

Between September and December I see her quite a bit, get her number when she ask's my (house) number for pre-drinks one time. Always quite a flirty relationship. Lots of squeezing by both parties and plenty of sexual innuendo in every conversation.

Sometime during this period my wing hits on her. She confides in me about it by saying she would have got with him had she been single, and claims that I am a great wingman for helping him try it on. She tried to get more towards her feeling's but I shut it out completly, instead I focused on my boy getting with her. She admits she is sexually frustrated having not seen her boyfriend in a while and vows to hold out till christmas when she can see him. During this convo she tells me that her sister dig's me even though she has a boyfriend and that she is coming down later in the year, and that I should mark it on my calendar as 'BUY Condoms'

Christmas comes about and she goes to America with the boyfriend and family. No contact over this time.

We get back from christmas and I've seen her a couple times since then. The first time I saw her at a friends one night out the first thing she says to me is 'Look they got bigger' and practically puts her boobs in my face. I laugh it off saying she must have really eaten loads while she was in America whih she laughs at and mildly agrees with. Later on I'm sitting on the sofa and she comes sits next to me, immediatly rubs her hand over my body and leans in saying 'I'm really hot' she rests her head on my chest and we talk for 15/20 minutes all the while keeping it pretty flirty, with plenty of talk about sex. She brings her boobs up again and asks if I like, I say not bad at all, but they're not as big as your sisters, and ask when she's down. We have a little joke about her sister and then I get up to go get one of my drinks from the fridge. All this conversation her head has been on my chest and her hands on my stomach, she was also rubbing her foot up and down the back of my calf while we were talking.

I don't see her awhile and then last night she texts me asking if I'm out. I say yea, where are you meeting me? She gives the location that our friends are going to be at. I tell her to save me a dance and I'll see her later. Eventually meet her in the club, she's dancing with some of our friends so I keep my distance, couple minutes later we're talking/dancing. Again she tells me her boobs grew, so she is wearing her 'boobs dress' and then squeeses them together for me to have a better look. I laugh and tell her I've seen better, she hit's me playfully on the arm and calls me a ****. We dance for a bit and then I go bar and see her frequently throughout the night. Every time we dance together and there's alot of sexual kino from both of us.

Hmmm, looking at that I'm starting to think she might just be a massive AW, as she has a boyfriend. But part of me thinks that if I made a move on this girl she'd bite. My wing seems to think so too and has told me I should really just make a move.

The obstacles are the boyfriend, the flirty behaviour, and the fact that this girl is now quite involved in my main social circle, being friends with many of the other girls I now hang out with.

What's a guy to do?


she was throwing her pssy at you and you didnt take it


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
Honestly the only way to know for sure is to call her bluff.

"Let's go for a walk" or something like that so you can isolate her.

Then you either get some play or call her out on her AWing by telling her she's "all talk and no action."


Senior Don Juan
Mar 10, 2011
Reaction score
Thanks guy's. ForeverAFC part of me really thinks you're right, but there's just something not quite there. It probably doesn't help that I have 0 investment in this girl. I pretty much see her as a friend who I'd get it on with if it came up.

@Mike, thanks for the advice man, I hadn't thought about that, most of the time when we are out with friends, I'm way too focused on having a good time with them then looking to try and isolate any of them.

However I still lack pretty much any experience with women. All the girls I've ever made out with/gone home with have been random's. This girl I actually know, and she is part of my wider social circle. I think I've got it in my head that I don't want to make a move incase it goes tits up and becomes akward for people in the group.

Also just quickly, reckon the boyfriend is an issue? My buddy seems to think not as I don't know the guy.



Senior Don Juan
Oct 19, 2006
Reaction score
Durham Cali
Gunner26 said:
Thanks guy's. ForeverAFC part of me really thinks you're right, but there's just something not quite there. It probably doesn't help that I have 0 investment in this girl. I pretty much see her as a friend who I'd get it on with if it came up.

@Mike, thanks for the advice man, I hadn't thought about that, most of the time when we are out with friends, I'm way too focused on having a good time with them then looking to try and isolate any of them.

However I still lack pretty much any experience with women. All the girls I've ever made out with/gone home with have been random's. This girl I actually know, and she is part of my wider social circle. I think I've got it in my head that I don't want to make a move incase it goes tits up and becomes akward for people in the group.
You are over thinking this. This is the way to your answer next time you two are out:
"Let's go get drinks at my place." Then, escalate and bang her. If she rejects this, then you know. My gut is telling me that she wants it, she is not being an AW. Even if she turns you down, I'm sure she will do it without drama and then you'll know. No risk, great reward. What are you waiting for?


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2013
Reaction score
Brooklyn, NY
Agree with all of the above. Next time you see her ask her to go out with just you. If she mentions the boyfriend, say "I don't care - lets go out".

If she says "no" she's not interested. Ignore / drop her.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 10, 2011
Reaction score
Cheers for all the advice guys, it's helped quite a bit.

@dap - You were right I was overthinking it, I've stepped back from it and had a look from a distance, I was trying way too hard to figure if she was interested to prevent myself getting rejected.

@Uncharted - She wouldn't have to mention her boyfriend if I asked her out as it would be obvious what I was asking, at least at my uni everybody does things as a group, or a couple.

Now the update. I went out the other day and she text me again asking if I was out. We were both in the same club so I told her to come find me. About half hour later the lads I'm with meet up with our friends and her. We dance, some guy thought it'd be funny to throw a drink over us, I told him were to go, but nothing more, he ended up walking away. As he did he spoke to the girl asking why she was dancing with me, telling her she was gorgeous. She then told him were to go :D . Came back and continued dancing with me.

The kicker, she tells me that her boyf nearly broke up with her the other day because he went through her FB and saw messages between me and her, and her and my wing.

I'm not stupid now. She obviously wants it at this point, she is not AW.

The question now is:

1. Do I play it safe and wait to see if she breaks up with the boyf and then make my move

2. Make a move anyways regardless of her situation with the boyf

3. Do nothing and masturbate
