Is my body considered too skinny or kinda fit?


Senior Don Juan
Jan 7, 2005
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i know girls like guys with masssive muscles and pumped, they say they dont but we know its not the case. i just dont want to look like a monkey on steroids, so i would prefer a more toned body.

as you can see by the pic i'm not a slob who stays at home drinking beer and watching porn and masterbating.

so what do you think is wrong? i can get the lateral abs defined but the six pack wont show up, any tips/tricks? for a 38 old guy i've seen worse. i just stopped going two weeks ago because my depression and loneliness came up and i dont feel in the mood.

you guys think i need to bulk up more? am i too skinny?


Don Juan
Jan 17, 2014
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There are skinnier guys with more girls.

Take up a martial arts class until you find one that suits you?

sylvester the cat

Master Don Juan
Sep 30, 2012
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girls love strong minds. the casing that carries that mind is secondary. compare arnie with bruce lee for example.

it takes a strong mind to be an arnie or a bruce lee.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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Not to be rude, but to give you my honest physique opinion....Id call you skinny-fat. Just a regular slim dude without much definition and a little something to grab at. Honestly, I just think you should start lifting hard (push yourself hard bro), and youll tone up and look good. Youre already at a good slimness, you just need to do some re-composition if youre worried about looking more fit. And trust me, it takes A LOT of lifting just to look toned and built...and even more lifting and then drugs on top of that if you expect to look like a bodybuilder. So trust me when I say you shouldnt worry about looking too jacked or like a monkey on roids.

And tbh, if youre 38, youre beating a lot of guys youre age just by not having a gut. Good on you for staying in decent shape as youve gotten older. Id say check out the Hodge Twins on youtube. They are either very late 30s or very early 40s, and are in great shape. Not everything they say should be taken as gospel...but they give decent advice and a heck of a lot of motivation. I wish I could look like them now, and Im still in my 20s. They are funny as hell too.

Lastly, abs are primarily about diet. Its like they say..."abs are made in the kitchen". On top of that I recommend working them a few days a week with weighted exercises. Stomach vacuums are also helpful. Good luck.


Master Don Juan
Feb 18, 2014
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A six pack won't show well until your overall body fat percentage is about 12%, so keep doing the crunches, but get some HIIT cardio sessions in the mix 3-4 times a week and keep your diet as clean as possible. Abs happen in the kitchen as much as the gym.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 7, 2005
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ok i dont see why it's a gay thread. it should be moved to bodybuilder forum, but i couldnt sleep tonight, thinking of some stuff, i was tired and put it in the wrong place. geeez chill the **** out dude.

a guy comes here, feeling like ****, looking for some support, some friendly advice and gets flamed for everything even for a ****ing pic and being called a homo. for me its ok to get opinions because its the way to improve oneself. but that's fine. sorry everyone.

sylvester the cat

Master Don Juan
Sep 30, 2012
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the best damn salesperson i ever met was also the best damn don juan i ever met. he was in his 40s, about 5'5 and had a roly poly body complete with gut.

but the ladies loved him cos he could make them laugh and he charmed the pants off of them and everyone else he came in contact with.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
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New York City
I cant see the pic?


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
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I'd work out a bit more for sure.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 7, 2005
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Jaylan said:
Not to be rude, but to give you my honest physique opinion....Id call you skinny-fat. Just a regular slim dude without much definition and a little something to grab at. Honestly, I just think you should start lifting hard (push yourself hard bro), and youll tone up and look good. Youre already at a good slimness, you just need to do some re-composition if youre worried about looking more fit. And trust me, it takes A LOT of lifting just to look toned and built...and even more lifting and then drugs on top of that if you expect to look like a bodybuilder. So trust me when I say you shouldnt worry about looking too jacked or like a monkey on roids.

And tbh, if youre 38, youre beating a lot of guys youre age just by not having a gut. Good on you for staying in decent shape as youve gotten older. Id say check out the Hodge Twins on youtube. They are either very late 30s or very early 40s, and are in great shape. Not everything they say should be taken as gospel...but they give decent advice and a heck of a lot of motivation. I wish I could look like them now, and Im still in my 20s. They are funny as hell too.

Lastly, abs are primarily about diet. Its like they say..."abs are made in the kitchen". On top of that I recommend working them a few days a week with weighted exercises. Stomach vacuums are also helpful. Good luck.

thanks for the jaylan it was a honest view, hope you were not patronizing me by saying i look good for 38 ahah just kidding. but honestly you guys that metabolism is slower when you are approaching the 40's and there's a tendency to go fat. if i improve more in the gym can i still be fit in when i pass the 40's barrier?. honestly here in portugal most guys in their 40's are slobs.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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ImprovingJuan said:
thanks for the jaylan it was a honest view, hope you were not patronizing me by saying i look good for 38 ahah just kidding. but honestly you guys that metabolism is slower when you are approaching the 40's and there's a tendency to go fat. if i improve more in the gym can i still be fit in when i pass the 40's barrier?. honestly here in portugal most guys in their 40's are slobs.
And this is why lifting is so important. It increases your metabolism and helps you use calories. So if your doing that and some cardio, it wont be too hard to stay away from fatness. That boost in metabolism is very helpful as we all age.

And no I wasnt patronizing you. Youre in better shape than most over 35 people I see. Dude, you know how America is considered a fat country? Well things can get really round here as people approach forty...especially in suburban areas. At least in larger cities, people seem more concerned with staying in healthy and good looking shape.

Anyways, good luck dude.


Master Don Juan
Sep 5, 2013
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The claimed benefits of having an increased metabolism because you lift more and are in better shape are pretty negligible and as you get leaner the hungrier you'll be and you'll need complete control and discipline to not binge when you're hungry while lean/on a cut. OP just needs to eat a balanced diet and lift weights. If he wants to get leaner he should eat at a deficit. If he wants to bulk he needs to eat at a slight surplus and not just do a "dirty bulk" which is AKA eating whatever you see because you're lazy as fuark. The word "toning" annoys me a little because it's usually presented in a bro science context. Lifting won't "tone" you up, eating at a deficit will. Have you ever seen how "tone" Auschwitz survivors are? 'Nuff said. It's easy to get fat because our bodies are still adapted to it, even after all of these years. The tendency of "going fat" is only as good as your self discipline is to keep yourself out of situations where you would consume a caloric surplus.

The hodge twins are a JOKE, do not listen to anyone on Youtube unless it's like canditotraining, omarisuf, or scott herman. elliot hulse is a complete joke also. Just go over to or if you really want to get educated in fitness and human physiology.

If OP hasn't lifted before he can make some good gains while on a cut. Nothing amazing but it should allow him to build enough intensity to help spare muscle mass during a cut.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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^And the guys in the forums would laugh at you and troll you for saying that the metabolism increase from weight lifting is "negligible".

Its one of the perfect things to combat getting fat as we age and our metabolism slows. No reputable source of fitness information calls strength training's increase of our metabolism "negligible".

And lets be real here. The Hodge Twins are far from a joke, and likely in WAY better shape than you are. I recommended them to OP in order to get motivation, and because hes in the same weight group. I even mentioned not to take everything they say as gospel because they do preach some bro science. But tbh, there isnt one fitness person Ive seen whos 100% right on everything they say.

And quit whining about "toning". Its not like anyone told OP to lift 5 lb dumbells like the women do. I told him to lift hard...which will build muscle and give him a more "toned" appearance. When people say "toned" you know exactly what they mean. They want a swimmers some muscle...but be lean and not too big.

Why argue semantics any?


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
if you even go on the forums, you know absolutely nothing about lifting at all. That place is a cesspool for idiots.

and for the record, the hodge twins look like sh1t.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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JohnChops said:
if you even go on the forums, you know absolutely nothing about lifting at all. That place is a cesspool for idiots.

and for the record, the hodge twins look like sh1t.

Considering the number of competing bodybuilders and powerlifters on that forum, Id call your statement HIGHLY ignorant.

And heres a pic of one of the Hodge Twins from 2 years ago. Found the pic in a Tnation forum thread. They look better now, especially when theyve finished a cut. Even in that pic, for a guy to look like that in his late 30s or early 40s...any dude looking like that would get props from me. Heck, they put a whole bunch of dudes in their 20s to shame. If the Hodge twins look like sh!t, I cant imagine what the hell you look like.

Its a goddamn shame we got limpd!ck haters in this thread (like GotED) trying to tear people down when obviously OP just needs a little bit of motivation. Sh!t, the only reason I mentioned the Hodge twins is to motivate OP. They were just regular looking dudes with no strength or definition a few years back. They are in the same age group as the OP, and have made great progress, and theyre entertaining too.

Dudes are here to improve and yall coming in here with unnecessary negativity. Get the fvk over yourselves.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2012
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The Viagra Pill you wish you had...- United Kingdo
Jaylan said:
Its a goddamn shame we got limpd!ck haters in this thread (like GotED) trying to tear people down when obviously OP just needs a little bit of motivation.
For the court record, I did not 'tear people down' - look back at my post, I suggested the OP's thread is more appropriate on some website like body builder's where MEN LIKE TO LOOK AT EACH OTHER NAKED more.

But then you get phaggot white knight DJ here like Jaylan, come running in full armor to protect low-self esteemed men like the OP who want to attention whhore his own body by posting picture and getting feedback TO FEED HIS INSECURITY.

You want to fvcken feed his INSECURITY and HOLD HIS HANDS? More phaggot power to you, Jaylan. While you are at it, why don't you breastfeed him too with your man-tits so he feels better about his body.

But respect other people's post BY NOT GIVING A NEGATIVE FEEDBACK. I was courteous and posted my opinion, you were a narrow minded FVCK who gives negative feedback because you can't handle someone hurting your little man OP here you were counseling and your own pet project.

Take it offline and go park on top of a hill in a car together and talk about how his hodge twins makes him look so sexy to you.

Oh yeah, by the way - I do have limp d!ck, and proud of it; at least I will never post a photo of it on here for you to counsel with your d!ck psychology.

Be well.



Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
^You called his thread gay and then called him an attention wh0re. How is that not negative? That's basically flaming. And now its gay when men want to better their physique and appearance? Get your fvking head out of your ass troll.

And I gave the OP an honest critique of his fitness level and then advice on how to improve. In what world is that white knighting? Grow the fvk up dude. Ten bucks says your some slob in garbage shape, because I never come across dudes acting this idiotic about fitness and who actually take care of their body and appearance.

Heres a pro tip: don't like the topic? Don't fvcking post in the thread then. This forum is about helping men improve, not trying to tear them down. So take your bs elsewhere b!tch ass. You should lift yourself...the testosterone boost should help your limpd!ck mr.ED :up:

PS - Noone should be shamed for wanting to improve health and appearance. Men should be encouraging one another to focus on that as we age. I'll say it again...its never the in-shape people hating on other men and calling them gay for daring to give a sh!t about their look and health.
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Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
Reaction score
No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
Jaylan said:

Considering the number of competing bodybuilders and powerlifters on that forum, Id call your statement HIGHLY ignorant.

And heres a pic of one of the Hodge Twins from 2 years ago. Found the pic in a Tnation forum thread. They look better now, especially when theyve finished a cut. Even in that pic, for a guy to look like that in his late 30s or early 40s...any dude looking like that would get props from me. Heck, they put a whole bunch of dudes in their 20s to shame. If the Hodge twins look like sh!t, I cant imagine what the hell you look like.

Its a goddamn shame we got limpd!ck haters in this thread (like GotED) trying to tear people down when obviously OP just needs a little bit of motivation. Sh!t, the only reason I mentioned the Hodge twins is to motivate OP. They were just regular looking dudes with no strength or definition a few years back. They are in the same age group as the OP, and have made great progress, and theyre entertaining too.

Dudes are here to improve and yall coming in here with unnecessary negativity. Get the fvk over yourselves.

some are, yes, but many are really annoying, uneducated, and say the dumbest crap. Every post Ive read on there has not helped me at all. Hop on Anabolic minds, steroidology, prohormoneforums, and learn something.

and I thought the hodge twins were that icecream fitness guy, or even worse kali muscle... oh gawd