Is it wrong that I sometimes feel like instigating violence, beating up a girl's bf


Senior Don Juan
Apr 22, 2012
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I hate how the game works, hate the rules of the game, SERIOUSLY I WISH I CAN MAKE A GIRL'S BOYFRIEND SQUEAL AS I BREAK HIS ****IN' NECK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and overall, why does violence solve nothing? why do we have laws that ban fighting, violence in society? why can't we human males just be like animals in which we fight other males in order to get the girl? It would be much more simple than just approaching and talking, using social-skills, conversation-skills, "game", etc.

boy that scene in Robocop where Clarence Bod****er and his gang kill Alex Murphy in cold-blood just fills my heart with hatred and rage, and it feels good!:

if life as a whole was one entity, person, i wish i could kill it like that as punishment for making life cruel, ruthless, unfair, judgemental, etc.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 22, 2012
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i hate how they say guys have all the power, more power than girls do in the dating and relationship, sex scene, how does initiating, approaching, pursuing, chasing give one power? obviously the person who does the approaching, pursuing, initiating, asking out does not have the final say, authority, the girl just has to accept or decline


Apr 18, 2011
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Ihateinitiatingalot7 said:
I hate how the game works, hate the rules of the game, SERIOUSLY I WISH I CAN MAKE A GIRL'S BOYFRIEND SQUEAL AS I BREAK HIS ****IN' NECK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and overall, why does violence solve nothing? why do we have laws that ban fighting, violence in society? why can't we human males just be like animals in which we fight other males in order to get the girl? It would be much more simple than just approaching and talking, using social-skills, conversation-skills, "game", etc.

boy that scene in Robocop where Clarence Bod****er and his gang kill Alex Murphy in cold-blood just fills my heart with hatred and rage, and it feels good!:

if life as a whole was one entity, person, i wish i could kill it like that as punishment for making life cruel, ruthless, unfair, judgemental, etc.
I'll fight you if you want,

You have to sign a contract that says we can do it legally,
and that you will not sue me.

We can fight in the octagon, anytime, any place.

Its done.

P.S. I have a purple belt in BJJ.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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I love toast. He brings happiness to my life. Also, a great troll.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 22, 2012
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gspshields2 said:
I'll fight you if you want,

You have to sign a contract that says we can do it legally,
and that you will not sue me.

We can fight in the octagon, anytime, any place.

Its done.

P.S. I have a purple belt in BJJ.
nice, would be a great way to release my sexual frustration and anger, jealousy, envy


Apr 18, 2011
Reaction score
Ihateinitiatingalot7 said:
nice, would be a great way to release my sexual frustration and anger, jealousy, envy

Ok then,

lets make it happen,

we need to hire a referee, to make it all legal,
and rent an octagon for half an hour.

Sign the contract and we are all good to go.

Do you even know what a purple belt in BJJ is?

Why don't you fight with some real fighters for even a minute and you will see how foolish your ideas are.

I don't streetfight because I know how easy it is to beatup some average doutchebag,

try defeating someone with some skills instead of being a numbskull.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 22, 2012
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gspshields2 said:
Ok then,

lets make it happen,

we need to hire a referee, to make it all legal,
and rent an octagon for half an hour.

Sign the contract and we are all good to go.

Do you even know what a purple belt in BJJ is?

Why don't you fight with some real fighters for even a minute and you will see how foolish your ideas are.

I don't streetfight because I know how easy it is to beatup some average doutchebag,

try defeating someone with some skills instead of being a numbskull.
yeah plus i'm not that tall, i'm only like 5'7 or 5'8


Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2012
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If you really hate initiating and need to get rid of some sexual frustration, save up some money and take a vacation to a foreign country. Either go to a foreign country where the women love American men or go to a country where prostitution is legal.

If you actually want to make some progress instead of complaining, then start first by becoming comfortable just being social with people and making conversation. Find some books on conversation skills. Don't think about approaching women. Step 2 is to start looking for the signals that women send out that show whether they're interested or not. You learn to distinguish the "I want you" signals from the "I'm just being friendly" signals.

Then once you can read a woman's "I am interested in you" signals, you can move forward little by little without fearing rejection. You simply observe her responses as you move forward in small steps. If she responds favorably, you continue inching forward. If not, you don't continue moving forward and move on to the next woman. It's a pretty simple way to avoid an outright rejection. It's also a pretty seamless way to move forward.


Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2012
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I forgot to mention, once you can read a woman's signals and behaviors of interest and test her for interest, you can let her pursue you also.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 22, 2012
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Aristippus said:
If you really hate initiating and need to get rid of some sexual frustration, save up some money and take a vacation to a foreign country. Either go to a foreign country where the women love American men or go to a country where prostitution is legal.

If you actually want to make some progress instead of complaining, then start first by becoming comfortable just being social with people and making conversation. Find some books on conversation skills. Don't think about approaching women. Step 2 is to start looking for the signals that women send out that show whether they're interested or not. You learn to distinguish the "I want you" signals from the "I'm just being friendly" signals.

Then once you can read a woman's "I am interested in you" signals, you can move forward little by little without fearing rejection. You simply observe her responses as you move forward in small steps. If she responds favorably, you continue inching forward. If not, you don't continue moving forward and move on to the next woman. It's a pretty simple way to avoid an outright rejection. It's also a pretty seamless way to move forward.
yes to be honest, i would be much less passive, i would not hesitate to approach girls more often if they looked at me or smile at me, gave me the "green light" for approaching, metaphorically speaking, but since i never see or notice women looking at me, i usually have to do cold approaches


Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2012
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In another topic I've responded to there is a lot of information I think will be helpful. Read all of my responses. I outline how to find women who already have high interest by looking for certain signals that women send out. I think it will help. It will be a long read so take your time and read it little by little every day for the next few days. You can either read the original posters comments and my replies, or just read my replies.

Hope this helps:

Infinite Improvement Journal:


Senior Don Juan
Apr 22, 2012
Reaction score
Aristippus said:

In another topic I've responded to there is a lot of information I think will be helpful. Read all of my responses. I outline how to find women who already have high interest by looking for certain signals that women send out. I think it will help. It will be a long read so take your time and read it little by little every day for the next few days. You can either read the original posters comments and my replies, or just read my replies.

Hope this helps:

Infinite Improvement Journal:
it just also pisses me off, seriously, why are a guys balls, testicles a symbol of strength, power, dominance, assertiveness, aggressiveness, etc?


Ihateinitiatingalot7 said:
it just also pisses me off, seriously, why are a guys balls, testicles a symbol of strength, power, dominance, assertiveness, aggressiveness, etc?
Because they are furry and hang down low, low, low!!!!


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
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competition drives us having to do everything when it comes to courtship or whatever the fvck u want to call it.

its simple, if you dont step up some other guy will, girls know that and so they dont need to risk having their egos crushed because they dont have to.

thats pretty much it. so if you want someone to blame, blame other guys.


Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2012
Reaction score
"it just also pisses me off, seriously, why are a guys balls, testicles a symbol of strength, power, dominance, assertiveness, aggressiveness, etc?"

Not all guys that have women have testicles. In fact, most don't. They were in the right place at the right time and the woman found him attractive. Some might approach more women, but that doesn't mean they have any more courage than you. Some of them may have either developed "courage", others aren't as filled with anxiety, all by accidental shaping of their attitude and behavior, when it comes to approaching women. But in many cases after the approach, they are cowards when the women pitch tantrums or act like brats. Also, they may not have courage in other areas of life. I find that a lot of times courage or comfort in one area doesn't mean courage or comfort in another. Courage= facing fear or anxiety. Comfort is not having any fear or anxiety. But these are all CONTEXT RELATED. A firefighter might be petrified of public speaking. A martial artist might not care if he has to take a punch but his stomach is in knots when thinking of approaching women. It's all how you were conditioned, by accident or on purpose, for a particular situation.

p.s. Complaining won't fix it. Read the Infinite Improvement Journal.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 22, 2012
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this is when I just started having enough of life, society, culture, expecting guys, men to be strong, toughen it up all the damn time, assertive, etc., this one ******* said to me on Plentyoffish a few years ago and still haven't forgotten it:

"No bro, it isn't. And i don't want to be a**** but seriously this is like the eleventh thread you've complained in.

F*cking grow a pair. Seriously, man up. You need to have a spine, NO ONE respects a door mat, and you'll NEVER get a relationship without respect. Realize that YOU are in control of your own destiny and women don't OWE you ****, not a relationship, a bj, love, respect, sympathy, NONE of it.

You gotta EARN it. EARN it by realising that you don't NEED to have a chick to validate your existance, realize that people try to help you all the time, but your LAZY ass ALWAYS blames society instead of taking initiative and making yourself more attractive the opposite sex. ADAPT! Don't cry about women not wanting you, find out what they want and use that to make yourself more attractive.

If you dig dogs? Volunteer at a shelter. Line dancing, learn a language, be a tutor for college kids, DAMN ANYTHING. Get involved in life, don't watch it from the back seat, maybe then a woman would want to be your co-pilot.

Oh, and Be a Man.”

If I could kill him without getting arrested, without getting into legal trouble, believe me I would, but i don't want to end up in jail, prison, so unfortuneately i can't do it


Senior Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
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Hawaiian Jungles
lol Ive done it before.

my third girlfriend, we were just joking around and I said something in jest like your face is outdated. it was hot last century, but this century high cheekbones are so out. youre like an obsolete computer.

to my surprise she started crying, as it brought up bad memories about her ex boyfriend who used to say she was useless and worthless and all that stuff to keep her down.

found out where he lived and went over there and beat the **** out of him.
this was probably about 3 years after said incident and he probably forgot all about it.

lesson to you, my brothers, treat your women well. or bipolar mother ****ers like me will catch up with you one day.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
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Hawaiian Jungles
also I sense a lot of anger coming from some of my brothers. meditate, join an mma gym, and go **** some prostitutes. it'll be right out of your system.


Don Juan
May 16, 2007
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I know how you feel OP

I felt like this ages ago
Then i realized... Life is too short to waste on this s h i t
Life is really f u c k e d for a man these days
So i just say " F U C K You!!" to life and do my own thing

Just get on with life and do your thing OP and the vag will be there

Hobbies also help (cars, mma, shooting guns, smoking weed)

B i t c h e s come and go