Is it really that hard?


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2007
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Is pulling women really that hard when you think about it?

In a word.... NO

You will go out, girls will be interested in you, and if you can summon the courage up to talk to an interested girl, and actually act interested in her, you should at least be trying to get a date with that girl, its harder to mess it up!

Texting, Twitter, Facebook, online dating, are all crutches we use to get past the gate of approaching. To put it simply, it decreases your value as opposed to if you met the exact same person on the street. If you are to use anything online, simply it should be meet the person ASAP, put down your addiction to your phone and start LIVING, you can't live life through a screen it is miserable!

The more you do something, the better you get at it! so the more women you talk to... the better you get at it! Before you know it you will be pushing the boundaries of what you say to them, Kinoing them, its a massive fun experiment, and you gotta find your way, not just do something because it says on a forum.

There are no rules, that's the beauty of the game, BE YOURSELF, your genuine self, do what you want, when you want! Open your eyes to the world, There is a whole world out there and it is your oyster.

Society and the media takes us down a path of financial security, not speaking your mind and not taking risk.. Wheres the fun in that, look at most highly successful people, when I was younger if i said i wanted to be the President, i'd be laughed at, there is one person out there right now with the exact same goal, who will one day be President!

Most situations are simple, you can talk anything to death, stop over analyzing and get on with things, 90% of situations at least, aren't a big deal!

The main point of this is.... Get out there, turn your computer off and get living, life is short... Make the most of it!


Senior Don Juan
Apr 22, 2012
Reaction score
playa99 said:
Is pulling women really that hard when you think about it?

In a word.... NO

You will go out, girls will be interested in you, and if you can summon the courage up to talk to an interested girl, and actually act interested in her, you should at least be trying to get a date with that girl, its harder to mess it up!

Texting, Twitter, Facebook, online dating, are all crutches we use to get past the gate of approaching. To put it simply, it decreases your value as opposed to if you met the exact same person on the street. If you are to use anything online, simply it should be meet the person ASAP, put down your addiction to your phone and start LIVING, you can't live life through a screen it is miserable!

The more you do something, the better you get at it! so the more women you talk to... the better you get at it! Before you know it you will be pushing the boundaries of what you say to them, Kinoing them, its a massive fun experiment, and you gotta find your way, not just do something because it says on a forum.

There are no rules, that's the beauty of the game, BE YOURSELF, your genuine self, do what you want, when you want! Open your eyes to the world, There is a whole world out there and it is your oyster.

Society and the media takes us down a path of financial security, not speaking your mind and not taking risk.. Wheres the fun in that, look at most highly successful people, when I was younger if i said i wanted to be the President, i'd be laughed at, there is one person out there right now with the exact same goal, who will one day be President!

Most situations are simple, you can talk anything to death, stop over analyzing and get on with things, 90% of situations at least, aren't a big deal!

The main point of this is.... Get out there, turn your computer off and get living, life is short... Make the most of it!
yeah but almost all people, including guys, lose their virginity in the teenage years, in high school, or just before age 20, they were instinctively, naturally born with the skills, the ability to get a girlfriend, to approach and talk to girls, overall, were born knowing how to pull *****, meanwhile some guys just simply don't know how, it's more of a matter of not knowing how instead of just purely lacking balls


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2007
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I understand where your coming from man, knowledge is a powerful thing. For me the main teacher is getting out there and doing it though!

The guys who seem to know at a young age are the guys who've caught on early!

The main point is.. All the knowledge doesn't mean nothing if your sat behind a computer every night!


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
Ihateinitiatingalot7 said:
yeah but almost all people, including guys, lose their virginity in the teenage years, in high school, or just before age 20, they were instinctively, naturally born with the skills, the ability to get a girlfriend, to approach and talk to girls, overall, were born knowing how to pull *****, meanwhile some guys just simply don't know how, it's more of a matter of not knowing how instead of just purely lacking balls
True. I just have a few things to add.

As a late boomer, I would say it was a combination of not knowing how and not knowing it was POSSIBLE FOR ME.

When you are rejected by females for a long time, it's very hard to believe that you could pull a ONS. If you are struggling to get a kiss, a SNL seems impossible.

But once you cross that first SNL/ONS barrier, then you know you can do it again.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2012
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Los Angeles
I just missed an opportunity to get a number at the flee market, this chick selling chocolates for a dollar for some school project profit said to me while I was passing by ''hey buy some chocolates, then paused and said ''biieee your cute'' and one of her friends that were with her told her ''get a room already'' and everyone just laughed it off.. I was really in a hurry though or I would have stop to chat her up.


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2012
Reaction score
Yes it really is that hard especially when you have (and I'm not making this up) no friends to go out with.

Havign no one to go out with I have no option but to return home every day after work and try to keep myself entertained on my laptop for the rest of the day.


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2007
Reaction score
Umm.. game is far more than "just going out there, talking anything to death and making the most of it"

This is awful advice. At least have a strategy, a plan, something. Not, "the world is your oyster, have at it!" or " "be just be your genuine self."

Eh, I'm gonna throw up now.

Btw, nobody uses Facebook and Twitter for picking up girls.


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2007
Reaction score
Quite a few people attempt to use Facebook/twitter to pick up girls, where I'm from anyway..

I'm not talking about women, I'm talking in general, there's nothing wrong with going out there and giving it a go! That's the main message I'm trying to get across!

Yeah I've been blessed with always having friends who do things so it comes naturally to me to go out and do things!

Even if its a baby step talking to one person, it boosts confidence!

Don't get me wrong, I'm not decrying knowledge at all.. The more you know the better. We're blessed to have SS for advice.

If you aren't being yourself... Your best self, you are lying to yourself, your views and you may change, but you gotta be honest with yourself, why would you wanna attract someone who doesn't like you for you?


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Mike32ct said:
As a late boomer, I would say it was a combination of not knowing how and not knowing it was POSSIBLE FOR ME.
When I was a young guy, I had a LOT of ups and downs with women. High highs and low lows. I could be on top of the world thinking I was the hottest sh!t ever to being down and thinking I was a complete loser that no woman would ever want. Thankfully, I mellowed into a much more even keel as I matured and got older. But I agree with your comment here. When I was down, I didn't even know that it was POSSIBLE that a hot girl would find me attractive, it was like a sea of despair.

But as to the OP's main point, I think what he's saying is that getting women isn't that complicated. It's the most natural thing in the world and is often done by humans just following their instincts. It can be harder or easier for some guys depending on thier circumstance, state of mind, etc. But you don't need to know Mystery's stages of an approach to make it happen.


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2007
Reaction score
@zekko, exactly my point!

My point is try not to overcomplicate... Trust the gut!!

I'm not the best post writer, I just wanna convey that action is better than inaction and it does help! And we should be working towards picking up women being natural!


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2007
Reaction score
The post sounds a bit idealistic, that's the problem.

Life is what you make it though, awareness is so important. I think both knowledge and field practice is the key to women. There is no substitute for experience! From my experience though, if your getting out there doing it, you gain true confidence a lot quicker!

I look at being a DJ as far more than women though! It's a way of being, a lot of posts here help you make sense of the world and give you a great perspective to build from.

Of all the things most people go through in life, approaching a woman is nothing in the big picture.

In isolation though its nerve wracking! Knowing every technique doesn't change that! Experience and being immune to rejection does!


Don Juan
Jul 9, 2006
Reaction score
It sounds idealistic but that's all it is. It IS natural, it IS supposed to be easy. Otherwise you're not doing it right :) Playa99, you get it. Forget the people saying "but this" and "but that" they don't realise that they're shooting themselves in their own foot and that the only thing standing in the way of success is their own pessimistic attitude...


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2007
Reaction score
I get that it is a lot harder for some people.. It's all about perspective and how you see things!

Applying the knowledge on this website is the most important thing, especially if like us, you didnt naturally have a clue what to do. You don't need to know every method inside out... If you know the do's, dont's and have a understanding of seduction... And your out there giving it a go, your gonna struggle to be completely blown out all of the time and improve and grow your confidence!


Don Juan
Jul 9, 2006
Reaction score
Yea of course. And you grow your confidence by getting out there and doing. As long as you can identify areas to focus on, areas to work on, etc, you're well on your way and one of the most important factors in my experience while being on that way is that when you expect good things to happen, and believe that you deserve it, that that's when those things start to happen. I know, kinda new Agey but definitely true in my own experience.

Nothing less seductive than a bitter personality anyway...


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2007
Reaction score
Exactly, nothing will hamper your progress more than doing nothing, i'm not saying be introvert or extrovert, i'm saying find your way in the world.

Every day you come home thinking about what you didn't do as opposed to what you did do, you may as well rip that day off the calendar and move on... Life is short, and its there to be lived!