Is it possible to make a ONS a regular thing?


Don Juan
Sep 4, 2005
Reaction score
Houston, TX
Haven't posted here in forever... years, I think.

This is a post about me banging a girl that I met online and it somehow fizzled into nothing much than a one night stand. I want to keep her around. Is this possible? Can anyone point me in the right direction for how to deal with ONS?

I'm in a pretty serious relationship but a guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do, and I get my fair share of on-the-side action... I'm not above online dating sites, and in fact, it has worked well for me in the past... A couple of weeks ago I corresponded with a HB9 on it. Recently divorced, very limited social life here in Houston, she had been on the site for maybe a day or two before I contacted her.

She was very eager to meet and offered her number pretty quickly, that's why I believe her when she says she'd just been on the site for that amount of time. We exchanged dozens of playful, sexually-charged text messages over a couple of days before agreeing to meet on a SAT night. In the meantime, she had gone on one date with a guy from the site and she saw him again the FRI before we went out. I hinted that I didn't like her seeing others right before our date and she responded with 3 HUMONGOUS text messages about her really wanting to meet me, how she respects me and expects a relationship with me if we hit it off, etc... I ease her fears and tell her to calm down, that we're still on for SAT. We were so good on SAT during the day, that she even asked me to pick her up instead of just meeting at the place.

I played it by the book... funny, negs, kino, time-distortion, push-pull, everything by the book and as always, it worked to perfection. I picked her up at 6:30 PM, we were in her bed before 10PM.

(That night I actually had a second date lined up in case it didn't get that far, needless to say, I blew the other one off and agreed to spend the night at this girl's house.)

Next morning, more sex, had leftover sushi for breakfast and I left because I was supposed to drive to Arkansas for business. 20 minutes into my drive, I was told that the meeting was cancelled. I turned around and called her to tell her the "good" news. She had just gotten out of the shower when I got there, and invited me to take one... just like a married couple would. She gave me a toothbrush, etc...

She had some errands planned for that SUN during the day and I told her her I'd join her. We went shopping, then a late lunch, and then more sex. Then a naked nap and more sex. In that 20 hour span, we had sex 8 times... And I'm only counting the times I actually came. It was closer to 12, I think... And she was pretty into it, I think, since she gave me head a bunch of times and was very submissive (lots of doggy) and never said no to anything.

I left around 5PM that SUN evening from her place and went to watch football. The next day, she started sending the typical text messages regarding how we moved too fast, etc...

We had dinner on WED night and part of my push pull routine was to breach the subject by agreeing with her that we went fast and that I actually wanted to suggest not seeing each other anymore... not even as friends, but that she was such a cool person that I wanted to remain friends. She agreed... she offered to pay, I didn't allow it.

We got to her house, she invited me up and we made out for a while. She didn't hint at her wanting me to stay or do anything else besides just kissing and stuff, but then I told her that it was a mistake to have come upstairs and I started walking out the door. She dramatically followed me and we talked about seeing each other in the future, etc... We made out a little more passionately and this time I started leading her up the stairs to go have sex with her. She said no, and we left it at that...

I left that WED night and on THUR over text messages we made plans to have lunch in my neighborhood on SAT.

Come SAT morning and she texts to cancel.

Typical flake.

I recognize a number of beta mistakes on my part:

*Too much texting
*Spending the night at her place
*Going back to her place when business was cancelled
*Going shopping with her

Anyways... this chick is awesome and I want to keep banging her for a while. Hell, maybe even have a relationship with her.

Is this a possibility or am I done here?



Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
Reaction score
so you meet some chick online, bang her like 50 times and are thinking you want a "relationship" with her??!?!?!

oh boy, i don't even know where to begin.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
To quote Chris Rock

"Hell I can drive a car with my feet. doesn't mean it's a good idea"


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2010
Reaction score
damn that is a helluva weekend to for the books.

I don't think you did much wrong managed to get her within a couple of hours then a s3x should have realized at that point she was not long term material and anything was possible from then on including her flaking.


Don Juan
Sep 4, 2005
Reaction score
Houston, TX
Yup. You guys are right. I've probably been beta-zised from being in a relationship for so long. Still... taking the relationship possibilities out of the equation, I'd love to bang her a few more times.

Is this possible? And by that I mean "easily achievable".


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
Reaction score
Dear Mike,
Danger says it all....My take on you,is that you are a genuine Don Juan,so why can't you see this Bird is poor Relationship material,but will make an excellent Plate?one that may come and go as the Migrating Geese,but very useful...By the way,be ultra careful health wise!


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2005
Reaction score

Good to see you back.

*Too much texting
*Spending the night at her place
*Going back to her place when business was cancelled
*Going shopping with her
Yep, all beta mistakes. To that I would add banging her a dozen times in a 24 hour period. Dont beat yourself up though, it sounds like you had a lot of fun. However, this ship has pretty much sailed. You might be able to get some repeat sex with her but i wouldnt go out on a limb for it. Let her come to you, but dont expect it because she probably wont. She sounds desperate to begin with if she is going to bang a guy she literally just met online. Not insulting you at all, but I've been there and the outcomes are poor. I know the Rollo Brigade will chime in saying it's genuine desire that made her fvck you the first night, etc etc...but in MY opinion this woman is poor relationship material, you're high on the excitement of fresh as$, and I dont think chasing after more at this point is really a great use of your time since you started off on an AFC note.

Which begs the question: Why aren't you just single?


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2010
Reaction score
mikeraw said:
taking the relationship possibilities out of the equation, I'd love to bang her a few more times.
Is this possible? And by that I mean "easily achievable".
If you two had some really hot passionate action going that many times, then there is a good possibility she will get back to you.
(maybe your d1ck was bigger/thicker than whomever she's doing at this moment)

But you have to not contact her at all in any way...and definitely don't be so quick to return messages.

If you don't hear from her in 4 weeks, she probably won't.

Either least you gota good month worth of fvucken out of her in two days.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Colossus said:

Good to see you back.

Yep, all beta mistakes. To that I would add banging her a dozen times in a 24 hour period. Dont beat yourself up though, it sounds like you had a lot of fun. However, this ship has pretty much sailed. You might be able to get some repeat sex with her but i wouldnt go out on a limb for it. Let her come to you, but dont expect it because she probably wont. She sounds desperate to begin with if she is going to bang a guy she literally just met online. Not insulting you at all, but I've been there and every time I slammed a girl in that short of a time period there was either alcohol involved or they turned out to be super clingy. I know the Rollo Brigade will chime in saying it's genuine desire that made her fvck you the first night, etc etc...but in MY opinion this woman is poor relationship material, you're high on the excitement of fresh as$, and I dont think chasing after more at this point is really a great use of your time since you started off on an AFC note.

Which begs the question: Why aren't you just single?
this is kinda along my lines of thinking a well about the ONS thing. I've personally just always been against it, even for jst sport ****ing.. i mean.. I know the old addage about how guys will **** a fish but I mean.. I 'm not just going to stick my **** in ANYTHING.

And if a woman ****s you within 2-4 hours of meeting you, what in the hell makes you think you are that special lol? you were just the dude that was there that was the most attractive . if it wasn't you it would have been someone else. which begs the question, just how many strains of ebola does the woman have if she's that much of a *****?

I can know a woman is into me without ****ing on the first date. A kiss is a must. if you don't lik me enough to kiss me then i'm out. But Even when a woman gives me the air port landing singals, i might pet or even take it a little further, but i'm not going to **** on the first night i meet them. and if they flake that's a pretty low quality woman to not be able to play a tad bit of cat and mouse

One of the funny, well not funny but ironic analogies n "the game" is how guys will tell you that you need to establish relationships on your terms, and move at your own pace, but when it comes to first date, they act like it's black friday and there are only 10 coochies in stock or something.

There is a line between building the sexual tension, and just being cold.


Don Juan
Sep 4, 2005
Reaction score
Houston, TX
Nice to see replies from some of the big guns around here that I remember. Thanks for the advice, guys!

I stopped visiting the forum because I thought I had "outgrown" it, but as I'm browsing through the threads, I see a lot of good advice that has made me realize that:

A. You never really stop learning game

B. Anyone can revert back to a beta given enough complacency

And to answer Colossus, I'm not single because I'm in a very good relationship and who doesn't succumb to temptation every once in a while?