Is it possible to create attraction if she's not physically into you?


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2006
Reaction score
New York City
The great thing about confidence is that it is a personality trait AND a physical trait.

An ugly confident man still f_cks like a confident man, still talks like a confident man, is still successful like a confident man, and still makes a woman feel powerless like a confident man.

The Sperminator

Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2007
Reaction score
Of course it can happen. It happens all the damn time especially with woman. With men not as much but I know some girls that I wasn't attracted to at first and then became extremely attracted to bc of their personality. It's called the halo effect. A person becomes more attracted to you physically bc of your personality traits. If it wasn't true then you wouldn't see ugly dudes with hot girls and don't give that bull**** that it's bc they have money. I've known a lot of unattractive guys with hot girls who didn't have ****. You make attraction with your personality. Hell I'll admit I'm not the best looking guy but I've been able to pull in some pretty good looking girls.

drift king

Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2006
Reaction score
to be honest things were not going well but when i dropped her off back at hers and she kissed me on the cheek to say goodbye i could have either a)pressed for going inside to see her new place (i reckon she would have let me come up to see it) or b)what i did - which was ask for an early birthday kiss - cheeky on my behalf and also she didn't see the funny side and gave me a straight 'No'

anyway surprise surprise when i tried to arrange a meet up today with her she didn't respond.

i'm wondering if i had not done that last bit about the birthday kiss i would have had another shot at trying to get her to look past the looks aspect?

even though the night did not go as i planned and didn't seem have any attraction to my personality at all.

i almost feel as if like after some talking on facebook and then when u meet for the first time you should be able to get the girl regardless.. but is that like the holy grail and testament to how good your game is that you can get the HB even though she was not physically attracted to you when you met?

that seems far harder to do than if she was physically attracted to you from the start.

i almost feel as if I should have been able to get her no matter what and my game is just weak, that's why i couldn't?

or is it just accepting that sometimes nothing u can say or do will make an ounce of difference.

i feel like because she wasn't physically attracted to me i should have changed my tactics and not gone for a kiss close so early and waited to another meeting to see if i could do anything different a 2nd meeting to make up for the 1st. (even though technically i may have been friend zoned)

Mike Hunt

Feb 1, 2016
Reaction score
Are you sure you just don't have low self esteem and you're making all this up in your head? Do you have misleading pictures on your profile that make you look better than you do in real life?
Low self-esteem? I am a paraplegic. I have not made love to my wife in about 15 years. She has needs and thank god she says that she will stay with her appliances and me. We Used to have a kick ass sex life. She would do anything for me and I would do anything for her. We have been married for 33 years. I am depressed, Very much, about this.

Is anybody else in this type of situation?


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
USA, Louisiana
Don't confuse attraction with interest.

What is attractive changes from one woman to the next, you MUST pass the physical attraction test to have a shot, what 'passes' depends on the woman. If her standards are high, and you are average looking, then you are an ice cube in hell. For most women you have to small good, be pleasant looking, with decent clothes.

Now if you have male model good looks, she will IMMEDIATELY have high attraction for you... if you open your mouth and prove you are an idiot with no other social redeeming traits, her attraction will drop, if she learns he has no goals and is broke, with no chance at financial success.... he's finished.

Attraction for a woman is based on three things, Looks, Money, and Social Status (AKA LMS), She will expect a certain level for each characteristic. If she has her own money, then she probably doesn't care how much you have, but you better be able to deliver Social status and Looks.

How you appear physically will say a lot about you. If you are handsome, have a nice suit, and drive up in a BMW, how that appears is that you have acceptable levels of LMS. After she talks to you and she learns that is your only good suit, and your BMW is a rental, and you blew your weekly pay check on that rental, her attraction will drop.

Once she confirms you have LMS at sufficient levels for her, then male strength characteristics can raise her interest level, or lower it, if you are weak.

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Villa Regis
My question is, if the chick isn't physically attracted to you, is it still possible to make significant gains?
Why would you want to? This is a scarcity mindset like a muthaf*cka.

i think i look like my photos
Post some pictures of yourself.

I felt under immense pressure,

how do you create attraction within the first few minutes of seeing this stranger if you've already lost her at the start cos she's not physically attracted to you??
You don't. You mess with chicks that are attracted to you. You also have to realize that the game is linear. You build rapport, comfort, trust, then attraction.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2016
Reaction score
I believe you can make a woman interested in you beyond just your looks. Women love money, power, confidence, ect. as much as looks. What is concerning is the "I feel under immense pressure"... If you feel under pressure you are going to show it, be it in body language, words, or other ways. Women will see that behavior and it will turn them off from you. Relax a bit, there are billions of women on this world so do not fret too much when one is not into you.


Master Don Juan
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
London, UK
why would you want to? Why waste your time OP focussing on low IL women.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2014
Reaction score
From the Heart and Soul, of a Woman
***Many of you are responding to an OP from 2008***

It was bumped by an apparent troll, who already had another post deleted yesterday.

Low self-esteem? I am a paraplegic. I have not made love to my wife in about 15 years. She has needs and thank god she says that she will stay with her appliances and me. We Used to have a kick ass sex life. She would do anything for me and I would do anything for her. We have been married for 33 years. I am depressed, Very much, about this.

Is anybody else in this type of situation?


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
USA, Louisiana
I believe you can make a woman interested in you beyond just your looks.
Yes you can, but the topic is ATTRACTION, not interest. This is one of the problems I have with Dr. Love... he does not differentiate between the two. He will say that she has to have at least 50% interest in you for you to have a chance.

This is an oversimplification. She has to be minimally attracted to you (which is the same at 50% interest), and physical attraction is the most important since it is the first thing she can objectively evaluate. But her attraction is also based on your resources and social status.... but this is not something she can determine off the bat.

You have to meet her minimum acceptable level of physical attractiveness or you will NEVER have a chance to rasie her interest level.