Is it ok for me to cry now? ... but im a man


Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2004
Reaction score
Down South. Between the Y junction.
Talked to X blah blah....She was a loads of help on female thought and rejection.
Which proved useless in the end like most of us DJs already know..

You thought you had it all figured out, and yet you fell on your face...

You are losing her, and that is because she doesn't want you anymore, she wants some other guy and not seeing you is so she doesn't have to feel guilt... Thats her choice and you should respect that... why put her thru any more pain??... so you can get a chance to bring her back... you'll look like the grovelling beggar... not very valued in the eyes of a girl

Did your X tell you anything useful?? Women are fcuking useless in giving advice unless they are tuned to the ways of the DJ..

So just get use to the fact that you are not good enough for "her"...

This also proves my point that even a good women will leave a guy that is down on his luck...


Don Juan
Feb 1, 2006
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first and

Now that thats said and done let me offer you this bit of advice. Do not be what you are not, and do not go outta your way to make others happy cause in the end you'll end up sad. You gave this girl more respect than she deserved. You downgraded your own manhood and you continue to (you'll never be serious again..etc) for a girl that not only doesn't appear to like you...she doesn't even respect you. FVCK HER (sorry for the sensor bypass but he needs to hear it) she's not worth your valuable time. What more honestly could you have done, the truth of the matter is this; she left you because YOU failed. Don't blame her for running over you if you lie in the middle of the road. Theres a reason that this site and others like it exists, its so you can learn the necessary tools that it takes to keep a woman interested and keep a relationship sucessful (and to bang a bunch of chicks) but when it comes down to it...I'm sure a bunch of DJ's here can agree that you not only violated every rule...but you failed every one of her 'tests' with amazing luster.

You're not losing this one bro, you LOST this one. Just as a prediction though, she'll get all the partying out of her system and then she'll call you outta the blue months from now and you'll try to get her back....please don't do that.

Move on and find someone better...someone whom will stick with you through everything, someone who is past this 'party' phase, someone mature. Enough wallowing in the self pity, Take a couple months (liberal)to get yourself together...and clear your mind of this girl, then get out their and find you one better. Don't let them qualify you...qualify them. Read through this site, do some research...don't just learn it...USE IT. And when you apply what you've learned you'll be ten times happier. I hope everything works out for you, and that later down the road you can come back to this post, read it, and just laugh out loud.

If I came off somewhat harsh its meant that way, but its in no way disrespectful...

I have 2 tattoo's one on the heel of my foot that says "Pressure," it comes from a saying "never under pressure, I keep the pressure under me"
The other is on my shoulder...its says "chance favors a prepared mind"
I live by it..I die by it....GOOD LUCK BRO


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
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Somewherez in USofA
She be looking for that new MR. Right in the wrong place tho - the party zone. I do believe her friends have a profound influence on her - "you're young and there are all these hot guys, why would you want to tie yourself down now!!"

She may have done (sounds like) the dirty deed once with another guy and feels guilty and doesn't want to hurt his feelings. Also, it sounds like she has met someone else.


New Member
Jun 21, 2006
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Weak_Game said:

Sigh... i did the DJ thing to get this one and in keeping up as the DJ ive lost her as well. So last night i scowered the earth for advice. I talked to all my friends (who were very supportive) i have never had oneits like this. Its beyond that.

I talked to the last X girlfriend before this one. She was helpful.

Then my X of 3 years ago. Who i had similar problems with gave me insight. I Ended up talking to her on the phone long distance for 2 hours. Pretty much the question was "How would i have gotten you back, what could i have done at the time 3 years ago to win you over. Then apply this to my current girlfriend." She was a loads of help on female thought and rejection.

So today i called up my X left a msg saying "This is you know who, and we need to do you know what. I know you have the night off before you make any plans get ahold of me because i want to sit down and talk and return ****".

I went got a dozen roses (only because i missed her birhtday and feel bad). Prob gonna get flamed for that. Oh well. Then i bought a fake one and slipped it in the dozen with a card. That said "I will love you until these flowers expire" Hence one of the roses was fake and it would never die. I never told her i loved her, its never too late. Its what she wanted to hear for too long.

I got all dressed, showered looked good as hell. She was online and i msged her to get clothes on. I wanted to meet her at this awsome park, with flowers in full bloom. Definatly an ideal location to walk and talk. Our relationship is workable she dosent think so.

She didnt return my call or my im. So i said **** it and went to her house... by the time i got there, she was gone. Dammit. So i called her up, got ahold of her. Wanted to meet up, she announced "She can't she just cant'." I wanna know what shes afraid of. I ditched the park idea and just said "Just meet me 5mins anywhere im in the area i have your $400 digi cam and clothes". She told me she dosent care, to keep the items and she will mail me my stuff.... WHAT IN THE HELL!! Before she wanted her stuff now she dosent. Everyday that goes by it just escalates. Its getting worse and this is NOTHING. She says it wont change anything. But she hasn't seen my face since this happend. She hasnt seen me officially for a lil over a week. It would change everything.

Seeing me, giving me a hug. Just my presence alone would bring her back. She knows this. This is why she refuses to see me. She said she has things to do today alot of things. But its freaking 8pm wtf nothings open. So i went to a buddies house for an hour then went back to her house... She still wasnt home, and she turned her phone off. UGggggg!!!

She is staying with her parents right now because shes moving to a new apt July. I was going to talk to her parents and leave the flowers with them. But im afraid they might toss them to avoid any further pain i could cause there daughter. This is beyond nuts. Im so tired i want closure. At this point i dont even care if i get back together with her. I just wanna talk say my peace and walk away. Thats it. Then she can do whatever she pleases work things out or become a raging ho she wants to be.

So another day goes by. She has tomorrow off. Im going to show up at her door tomorrow if i have to, give the dam flowers to her let her see me, and hopefully exchange some words and get my crap. Shes leaving behind a $400 cam, wtf. She told me no one has ever talked to her that way and she cant do it. Her friends have so poisioned her mind. Shes prob out with them now.

Im losing this one. After this i never wana get serious with another girl. I just dont have the drive anymore im going to become so selfish and bitter.

Damn it!! It looks like me circa 1998. :eek:

Dude.... dont. Like they have said before, you are so screwed. You will do well to heed my advice and disappear from her life... there are so many more women out there!!


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
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1. Dissapearing works. Personal experience here. I've acted nonchalant and cut communication with two exes in my life. They both tried to insinuate themselves back into a relationship. Took a long time though. Like, at least 3 months.

2. Nothing else will work.
I never told her i loved her, its never too late. Its what she wanted to hear for too long.
It is too late. It really won't work. I have tried it myself, buddy.

Sure, you may have treated her quite coldly, but it took her TWO YEARS to dump you for it! If you had expressed your love and bought roses early on, would she have been around two years? Doubt it.

3. When I get depressed over a breakup, I add up the amount of money I spent on her over the relationship. If it was less than paying for a prostitute the whole time, I came out ahead. Heck, this girl even left you a $400 camera! I know it's cold, but calculating like that works for me!

4. There's nothing unusual about a man crying, if he does it in private.

I've been there before. It all seems so sudden, but she's been hiding her interest level drop. To you, it's Day 1, she's asking you out, Day 2, she's a little testy, Day 3, "hmm-that's-wierd-her-phone-is-off". And guess what, it's already over! I feel ya, bud.


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2006
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I feel a little better. Not much but a little. It really isnt that bad. The problem i mean. This is our WORST problem since the relationship... thats it.. She is fed up with waiting around for me. Im always keeping her waiting. Im late to everything thats just my nature. I noticed it was a problem after the fact. Ive made ammends to fix that for myself and not for her. I dont like to wait why should i make others?

She was a good girl. I thought... i got her after the party stage. Shes 24 and shes smart, shes not super HB100000. I dont care. But enough to keep me happy and the sex is beyond fine. It just escalated to the point of no return. She thinks because i got into my past about my mother that im going to be abusive because my mother was abusive. So not the case. Now her friends have twisted her thoughts over the course of the week while she parties and drinks.

I know shes getting trashed there poisioning her mind and pushing guys into her field of view to remove me from her thoughts. Its working. Last week it wasnt bad but every day that goes by it gets worse. And no ones doing anything. I know she misses me, i know she cares. Shes just been influcened. I fcuked up as well. But i belive the relationship is salvagable. No one cheated... i didnt, i could have i didnt. I belive she didnt up till when she stopped talking to me.

She said she didnt take anyone home but was open about flirting with other guys at the bar. (lame)..

I know i could ignore her and in 3 months, she will come back. But the door will be closed. Once i do disapear then im gone. Ive done it before. Hell when i called up the x of 3 years ago long distance, she was very happy to talk to me, in fact she wanted to come down and visit me. No thanks. But i did thank her for talking to me about this, she was really supportive.

So anyways my X finally responded to me online. 1am, ... yea... "errands". She said she couldnt do it anymore, she cant be with me im controlling ive caged her etc, she misses me but she cant. She wanted nothing to do with me at that point.

Then i told her, about how i wanted to see her today She said she was busy, and its better we don't. Then i said **** this **** the rules. I told her, i wanted to see her face, i wanted to take her to the park today. It was beautiful out. Its been rainy for weeks. I wanted to give her a small gift for her birthday its not much but i feel bad i missed it. (flowers $23 i spend more on alcohol when i go out). Then.. she said "you wanna take me to the park now? why didnt you ask me instead of just say your coming over and show up at my house?".

I asked her to be an adult, be civil. At this point i dont care if we date, i just wanna say my peace. Its not a big city and we will bump into each other if were out. Bars whatever. Be an adult i have so much to say but i only need 5mins if i cant say everything. She could see me at the bar, be with her friends laugh in my face after i tell her what i need to say. Why be in denial i want to express my feelings. After that i could give a shi-t. Thats one thing i never did in the relationship i always kept her guessing all the time. She said i never showed emotion i was a brick wall. I really want closure.

I told her if im annoying with phone calls, ims whatever. Give me my 5mins lemme give you your ****ing flowers. Take your cam i dont want it. And i ll disapear and she can suck whatever **** she wants.

Not really like that but similar.

She aggreed. We were going to meet up tonight, but not at my house (bad energy, watching her walk out the door would kill me) and she didnt wanna do it at hers. So i suggested the park but its late shes tired im exhausted. She aggreed. Tomorrow sometime in the afternoon, ( hope its nice) she will walk in the park with me, let me say what i need.

Its what i wanted, wish me luck. That alone makes me feel a little better.

p.s its 2:27 am and im so tired im not even gonna revise this whatever


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
Somewherez in USofA
Get a grip man!

I feel a little better. Not much but a little. It really isnt that bad. The problem i mean. This is our WORST problem since the relationship... thats it.. She is fed up with waiting around for me. Im always keeping her waiting.

You're blaming yourself?? *shakes head*'re in denial. That abusive mother excuse is BS ..saying you'll abuse her. It's an EXCUSE to cut it off.

I asked her to be an adult, be civil. At this point i dont care if we date, i just wanna say my peace.

Bull shyte care or you wouldn't be waking up with cold sweats. You want her bad as bad can get.

Shes just been influcened. I fcuked up as well. But i belive the relationship is salvagable. No one cheated... i didnt, i could have i didnt. I belive she didnt up till when she stopped talking to me.

By that statement you're saying you feel she cheated after she quit talking to you and yet you still want this girl. It's natural to cling and even FORGIVE her for that BS. Unacceptable. She's a cheater.

This is TEXTBOOK breaking it off by trying to remove the guilt from herself. She'll give you your time in the park but expect to hear things like this:

"I just don't think it will work anymore, i mean i do love you but think it's best if we just separate for awhile"


"I want to take some time and sort things out. You can still call me if you like and we'll talk and be friends, and who knows, maybe someday we'll get back together"

IN THE MEANTIME ..she continues to PARTY.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
Dissapearing does work

Yes, my experience agrees with that TampaxGstX guy above.

She'll give you your time in the park but expect to hear things like this:

"I just don't think it will work anymore, i mean i do love you but think it's best if we just separate for awhile"


"I want to take some time and sort things out. You can still call me if you like and we'll talk and be friends, and who knows, maybe someday we'll get back together"

"Things are just so crazy in my life right now. A lot of things are going on. I'm just so messed up, you shouldn't be around me."

IN THE MEANTIME ..she continues to PARTY.

I'm telling you ONE HOUR AGO, my ex came to my house to get some stuff of hers. I hadn't made contact with her, and I was quite cheerful about the fact that we aren't together anymore. She gives me some small gifts to 'reassure me that she doesn't hate me' and stands inches away from me, subtly beggin for a hug. This is after a nasty breakup like yours (see "final exams" in the mature forum.)
As God is my witness, the best way to go is to stop caring if you get her back, totally embrace the fact that it's over . . . and she just might come back then.
Good Luck,


Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2004
Reaction score
Down South. Between the Y junction.
You might wanna say your piece, get the load off and put the guilt back on her side, but what if she doesn't want it that way??

Dude, that's weak...

If she is smart, which you say she is, then she'd be better off not seeing this last supper BS from you... Its a power play now and you just wanna have the last word. Closure so to speak, but there can only be one winner... My guess its her!!!

The only thing you can do is just forget it all... and don't bother her... leave her be...

Had you done that from the start and been understanding, she would have did the party thing and realized what she missed, and may have came back to you, without all this guilt BS that you have built up...


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
"A man never got a woman back by begging on his knees." Leonard Cohen

You are suffering from depression. Deal with your abandonment issues and find a woman who is sympathetic to your history rather than seeing it as evidence that you will become an abuser. Though it's likely this was an excuse and the real reason her interest dropped was because she saw through your DJ mask after the control issues surfaced (for the record I would always let any gf of mine go to a bar where 'intoxicated men' might be, because I would have established trust and believe people will eventually resent any freedoms curtailed.)

I doubt you are going to heed any of the advice in this thread and your stalkeriness will grow until you permanently eradicate her good memories of you. I bet that right now you are so hooked on her withdrawn supply that you'd rationalize and forgive/not really forgive her if you found out she'd been traveling back in time to encourage your mother to beat you, right?

Mourn the end of your relationship, dry your eyes, and find a better woman.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
Reaction score
Hate to say this, but shes seeing someone else. 90% chance of that imo.

I know you want to say and do all these nice things for her, but trust me and take this from someone who has DONE THE EXACT SAME THING in the EXACT SAME SITUATION! It will never work.

Forget the roses, forget the nice talk, forget it all.

Simply send her an email saying this.....

I'm truly sorry things didnt work out between us. Through it all, as much as I was afraid to admit it to you and to myself, I do love you. I am sorry it came so late to realize this, but such is life.

Take care and best of luck in no matter what you do.


That is really your only hope. From then on, dont even think about her.

One thing you have to understand though, if you really did love her, you probably would have said it when you were together, and you would have treated her better. I don't blame her at all for breaking up with you based on how you described you treated her. Learn from this and treat your next gf like you think now you should have treated this one.

Good luck.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
Somewherez in USofA
Give us an update when you feel up to it.

I will tell you tho's so amazing the effect of ignoring women. It's like built into their genetic makeup that "if attractive said guy ignores me but first showed interest, then get his attention back at all costs".

Women can't stand to be ignored! Why do you think women do it to other women ..they already know it.


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2006
Reaction score
I will give an update tomorrow. I went out with a good group of friends. Who are thicker then blood. I had a good time. Got really drunk and have some interesting new insight. Would type it all out now but most of it would be skwewed by alcohol.... night guys. And thanks.


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2006
Reaction score
You gave her flowers AFTER she left you? :flowers: WHAT?! You're encouraging that behavior?


May 21, 2006
Reaction score
Only boys are afraid to cry.


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2006
Reaction score

I did everything the bible would tell me not to do. "There is no spoon". To an extent it worked. I got the closure i was seeking and at the time. I felt great. The oneitis started to fade after i got everything off my chest. This is life, not everything that has been field tested 1000 times is going to work 1000 times. Sometimes you have to think outside the box. Call me AFC but being a dj is about being yourself. Anyways.

She aggreed the previous night to meet up with me. Anywhere of my choice.
When i woke up in the morning the day of meeting her. It was horrible outside. Rain, kind of cold. It just had bad karma written all over it. But i didn't care. I had to do this today, i had to do this now. The more i wait the more it was going to hurt.

I got in contact with her. We got ready and i told her i had to make a stop before meeting her at the park. Had her leave a little after me so i wasn't late like always. I put the flowers in the car and a little stuffed puppy. Figure its something because i missed her birthday, not much but enough to not be a complete jerk. I would agree that you shouldn't reward a girls negative behavior but in the end this worked out to my benefit.

I ran around and by the time i got close to the park something happend. The rain stopped, the clouds parted (i shi_t you not) and the sun came out. It went from the worst weather to insanely nice out. Even better then the previous day wich she blew me off.

I pull up and see her we get out and she was very distant. Too distant. I gave her the gifts and she smiled. Good sign. Again it wasnt much. I stopped at the grocery store to buy 2 loafs of bread (cheap) so we could feed the ducks. We started to walk. It was kind of awkward i havent seen this girl for a week nor have we talked much other then online. We walked around the park for a good 20 mins before we finally talked.

When we finally talked. I re frained from using "I want, i need, i feel". Did something different. I put myself in her shoes. From her position. Talked from her point of view. I let her talk without controlling the pace of the conversation. We both opened up and the fog of "bull_****" a girl would normally give me was gone. We both teared up a few times. It was hard to use any form of kino due to watching her body language. But when she was crying and didnt have her arms crossed i didnt hesitate to move over and hold her. We talked for 2 hours if not more about us the relationship, where its going and where it could go.

I told her i loved her. I told her i wasnt afraid to express my feelings. I didnt care if she sees me around town with her new friends, a new guy. They could all chuckle it up if they pleased. But if the world ended that day, i wouldnt regret a thing. I wouldnt let her respond to my "i love you". I cut her off and said i dont want a responce. I just wanted to say it and it felt good.

I expressed how i didnt have her come to the park with me today to get her back. I wasnt going to ask her back as my girlfriend. That when she is ready if she feels she wants to be my girl and be with me she would let me know. But the longer she waits the smaller that window of opportunity closes. I wasn't going to wait forever.

Her concerns were that shes afraid i will "punish" her again. Going out wasnt a big deal. We talked if she goes out then hell i go out. No big deal. I didnt even wanna get into the nitty gritty of the smaller problems due to her not being my girlfriend. Our meeting was mainly closure for the both of us. She wanted to remain "friends" but we both laughed and shes a smart girl. We know it wouldnt work if i saw her with another guy or vice versa. We both need time away from each other.

Near the end of our conversation. It began to get late. We spent half the day sitting in the park. Enjoying each other. She wanted to see me again. She was going away for half the week in vermont with a girlfriend and some other people. A trip i was suppose to attend. (whatever). But i didnt wanna sit at home and let oneits eat away at me. So i managed to make alternative plans as well. I was going to the beach for the weekend.

As we walked to the car we hugged and i gave her a kiss on each cheek. Then she burried her face into my chest and cried. She wants to see me again when she gets back. She wants to talk. Not about closure but about us. I dont have much more to say to her so we ll see where it goes.

We parted ways and i had plans to go out that night. Later after going out with the boys. I ran into NUMERIOUS guys that all had the same story. All of us recently have been dumped by girls for the same reasons. It was a good night out with just the guys. And i made alot of new friends.

I get home and she im's me. She was crying half the day and she misses me. She has to see me again when she gets back from her trip. We ll see. When i hugged her at the car. I let out one long breath.... it was all my fears all my oneits and i just breathed it into her.

I no longer have oneits.

She does.

(( side note i have 2 other updates to give, im back from the beach and she got ahold of me last night while shes on her trip, interesting follow up))