Intergrity issues vs LJBF


Senior Don Juan
Apr 29, 2004
Reaction score
I had been talking to this woman for about 3 months. We started talking online when she was dating my old roommate. I would mostly calm her ass down and put in a good word for him. Anyway after I broke up with my gf she and I began talking more. She lives 3 hours away so there was never any dates. She would IM mostly, some texts. There was a possibility of her moving back to the city I am in or I could move there.

Obviously the subject of her ex and my friend me up, he was pissed. She swore they didnt talk anymore. I was like ok, I wasnt about to step into a situation where they still having smoldering feelings.

Well she talks to me the other day and says that he is mad. She told him that we are just friends. We never got physical but she would text **** about making out, being bed with me, and tryin to make me jealous. I normally do that with my friends. Oh wait, no I dont, I talk about sports lifting and drinking.

Last night she imed me and she was bored and letting me here about her day and ****. I didnt really care and gave her no answer of substance. i sexualize our conversations when we do talk and dont give her any emotional substance.

It comes up she is talking to the guy she swore she wasnt. Tries to justify it. I told her she has integrity issues and good bye. Then tells me I am nuts and justifes it somemore. I told her that she chose to lie and good bye. She says what do you care we are just friends. I said I have enough friends. bye.

I am not heartbroken over this. I just thought it was funny when I called her out on her deal breaking red flag that she tried to tell me I am just a friend. Maybe I was and in her mind she flirted with me just enough to string me along trying to mold me into another one of her emotional tampons. Maybe she was interested. Either way I dont care.

Stay clear of women with integrity issues. Get out early on that issues, at first site of a liar. Also a reminder that some women will flirt with you just enough that it APPEARS that you are more than just friends but they are USING you for a power trip or so they can keep you in line so they can vent to you because they guy they are ****ing doest care.


May 10, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Ontario
Good move. I really like the way you called her out on her behavour then didn't back down. She was totally trying to suck you back in by saying that you were just friends.

You played it perfectly. I bet she'll come crawling back to you. Make sure you continue to stand your ground. Also if she wants back in your life, make sure its completely on your terms now, no more of this playing phone sex / building up the hype. From here on out, it has to be all physical. Either she puts up or shuts up. Make her come see you or don't talk to her. Its that simple.

You can totally own this chick if you want to. If not, no big deal, you've down everything right and can hang your head high.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 29, 2004
Reaction score
yeah i am done. i dont want anything to do with girls with integrity issues. unless they want to ****. then they can **** and leave. no talking= no lying.