Interesting link about physical attraction


Senior Don Juan
Oct 9, 2007
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Orange County
2 points:
1. I'm not conceding anything. If you put a Hyundai and a BMW against each other and say, pick which one you want, 100% of the people will pick a BMW. So I'll put it like this: women (even men) will prefer the looks of a more attractive person than an average person. Why wouldn't you want a more visually pleasing version. However, that's only the looks. But seduction is a different story.

2. You're assuming that the good looking guy is the complete package e.g. confidence, charisma, style, social skills, etc. These are things that the DJ focus on. If you put an average guy with 10+ in each of these characteristics against a 10 in looks, but only average in characteristics, you tell me who's going to get more play.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 9, 2007
Reaction score
Orange County
I don't know how else to explain it to you. I've seen ugly dudes pull chicks like crazy and I've seen good looking guys who end up losers. End of story.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
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Beyond your peripheral vision
SickAgain is the right one in this thread. Listen to him or stew in your own AFC mud puddles.

I'll say more when I have time... it is Friday, and I must go where the fun is at...

It is Friday, right? Just woke up a little while ago, still a little drunk from last night... :)


Senior Don Juan
Jul 26, 2007
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There are alot of things women look for. Good looking people know they are good looking usually and will naturally be more confident because of that and women love confidence. Looks are a factor for women but there are other factors. When I was younger I was told I was good looking but had zero confidence which was/is a major turn off and so I had zero relationships.

It also about what makes them feel good. Some women value looks more than others and there is competition between females. These women who base looks as everything are superficial and from my experiance usually unhappy deep down.

If you had a HB8 with the perfect personality or a HB10 who had a horrible personality which would you perfer? I'd choose the HB8 easily. As well as that, looks matter less to women than men..


Senior Don Juan
Oct 15, 2007
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SickAgain said:
I don't know how else to explain it to you. I've seen ugly dudes pull chicks like crazy and I've seen good looking guys who end up losers. End of story.
iqqi said:
SickAgain is the right one in this thread. Listen to him or stew in your own AFC mud puddles.
I think that you guys have bought too much into the hype and have not been paying enough attention to reality.

I’ve spent my whole life with the idea that women are most attracted to men with the best genetic makeup. Indications of this better genetic makeup are an agreeable face, an athletic body, and a sound and active mind. Thus, to find the best man all a woman needs to do is find all the good looking athletic men, engage them in conversation and if they talk as well as they look, voila, they’ve found the man of their dreams. It is a point of view that has never failed me.

I’ve always gotten women with my looks. It’s not like they say, “well you’re good looking and swept me off my feet and all, but I was really hoping for a guy that would play some game on me and manipulate me into wanting to have sex with him.”

Doesn’t anyone else see the obvious flaw in the idea that a guy, any guy, can just learn a set of instructions and then apply them and get the hottest girl? I mean really? Some ugly guy who couldn’t get a girl to talk to him. Suddenly he discovers the secret to getting women, puts in a little effort and next thing you know, the hot babes are just dripping off of him. Move over good looks, game just came to town.

I think that until you can “game” a group of women into mobbing you; get random women to approach you; get random women to develop long lasting crushes; your game still has a long way to go to do better than really good looks.


Sep 26, 2007
Reaction score
wutang stop repeating the same sh!t in every thread. seriously dude your story is old. cry somewhere else


Don Juan
May 15, 2006
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South Africa
While I subscribe to many ideas on this site, and have found much valuable information, I must say in real-life terms I agree with Wutang / potato / etc.

Its a matter of ecnomics as someone mentioned once. Why should a HB go for an unattractive guy when there are plenty of full-package attractive guys out there? Same reason if you had a choice of a HB5 or an HB8 you'd give the 8 a change first? Unless they have no other choice theres no reason why a HB should not go for the best looking guy she can. Everyone always seems to revert to the assumtion that the good-looking guy lacks other qualities, I dont find this true IRL, most good-looking guys I know are also fun, interesting, successful, etc. I know they have no problem with choice for women to date at any rate! :)

Interesting that sites with a large female population present a very different view, about 5000 looks threads on this site, but here is one where women are very explicit that they do not like unattractive guys hitting on them! Whats interesting is the fact that even though the guys are confident/etc this has no impact what so ever ....

And I know you guys don't like this site, but you can't ignore it!!
Also interesting is the threads [I dont have a link now] on same site where the women are crying about always being alone and never able to find a soulmate cos none of the guys they date are good-looking enough for them!!! Boo-hoo!!


Senior Don Juan
Oct 9, 2007
Reaction score
Orange County
AFC go back to school and learn to read. If you read the article you posted the lady says that she wasn't attracted to their personalities either. They were talking about bland personalities. Do you guys get it now or what? This reinforces what I said and thanks for unknowingly doing research to help my viewpoint.

And to Wutang, if you don't want to understand my theories, you have one choice left then: accept the fact that you're not a good looking person based on your failures with women and nothing you do or say will ever change that, you're going to have to end up settling for less with girl you really don't like but you're scared of being alone and outcasted from society for not having a significant other. If this is what you believe get the hell off the board and do something better with your time.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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I'm 6'2", hot as fvck, and ALL the women agree.

Mr. Unique

Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2005
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wutangfinancial said:
u wanna know why every once in a while you see a really hot but trashy girl with an ugly dude?
Cocaine addiction. That's it.

I know your type, you want to put people down, you want to destroy the hope of ugly men, you're not doing it to prove a point. Wutang jeez you are pathetic as ****.


Master Don Juan
Mar 4, 2007
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wutangfinancial said:
you have to have looks to do that, though...Something physical and carnal...a goofy lookin dude, or a guy who is short and "cute," will have a lot of difficult igniting that sexuality. I know exactly what you mean. I have friends that can turn on a real sexual voice, their body language is open, but they look good's almost like your looks get ingrained in your actions...
It's the way you think. Remember that women react to the way a man carries himself. I know I'm attractive, I know it for myself. Getting smiles and brush ups, etc. from women just reinforces it for me. What I posted above about examples of a sexual threat comes from personal experience. But if you don't believe that you can excite women then you won't.


Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
this is what i know about looks. There are 2 types i notice. theres 'handsome' and then theres 'dominant'. if you get a dominant handsome man, look out!! he will get anyone he wants. sometimes tho you'll get an ugly guy but he will have a dominant look. he will also do very well and that explains why. the more dominant the look the better; the more handsome the look the better. and i agree; looks are very important. we like girls with looks why would it be any different for them?

however in saying that you certainly dont give up, thats called being a fukking puss; you just got 2 do the best you can with what you've got.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 26, 2007
Reaction score
wutangfinancial said:
My favorite female quote from th link:

Me too. I'm married to a guy I'm not attracted to any more too! It give me a complex because I know I'm not ugly, but ugly guys feel so confident approaching me. Do take comfort in this. I have a good friend who is a runway model....she is absolutely stunning...tall, gorgeous, long blonde hair. I told her about ugly guys hitting on me and she said they hit on her too...she says it isn't about the girl...all guys think that if they say the right thing they might have a chance with ANY girl. I was with her once when an ugly guy hit on was pathetic. He was a good 6 inches shorter than her, extra padding in the waist...and acne. He acted so confident, but ANYBODY could see he had no chance with her...anybody but him, that is.
The facts Wutang are that ugly guys can and do get beautiful women. They are usually very confident and make the women feel various emotions for them.

You want to believe all women only likes good looking men which is a pity for you because the more you believe it the less chance you have of getting good looking women.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
Answers said:
The facts Wutang are that ugly guys can and do get beautiful women. They are usually very confident and make the women feel various emotions for them.

You want to believe all women only likes good looking men which is a pity for you because the more you believe it the less chance you have of getting good looking women.
Yeah, but once the fine gal on the ugly guy's arm sees me out in public or on the job, I guarantee, the ugly guy will get a heightened scrutiny on appearances from then on, and this slew of coming b1tch tests will give the ugly guy fits, because a woman sees some guy she's Not with and starts thinkin, "Why can't the one I'm with, be more like that guy?" This question goes on constantly in a woman's mind, ESpecially when married, Jones etc.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 9, 2007
Reaction score
Orange County
Okay to put this to rest, last night I was at a company party. My co-worker is easily an HB8+ depending on tastes. Her boyfriend was ugly, short, skinny, and a pansy of every sense of the word. Granted he makes good money but she makes a decent living too, but somehow he clicks with her and she digs him and wouldn't mind marrying him. So you never know guys, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Heart Break Kid

Master Don Juan
Mar 17, 2006
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In hell. I'm Satan's lover.
Anyone else notice grandma mentioned he's "kind, considerate, treats me like a princess." Does anyone who actually sarges believe looks is 100% of the reason here? Plus it's not very hard to be an 8...


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
women want a man that is attractive. Looks are only ONE part of being attractive.


Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
ChrizZ said:
women want a man that is attractive. Looks are only ONE part of being attractive

many other ways to build attraction; dominance; humour; personality; sex appeal. looks are just immediate. they hook without you doing anything. its like starting a video game and already having 10 kills to your score whereas some other guy has to start at 0. but that doesn't mean the other guy is outta the game. no. he could catch up and even win.


Jun 16, 2000
Reaction score
Toms River,NJ United States
wutangfinancial said:
^this should explain, by all the posts on both forums, when girls can be honest, looks are everything. They only mentioned looks in their criteria. They rate guys just like we rate girls. Every body self optimizes. Solution? We, the lone guys in our 20's that don't get IOI's, should lower our standards...and even then, I've found, ugly girls get offended when ugly guys hit on them, cuz they think your implying their ugly....
Wutang, stop making excuses. You already said you are average height and "not bad looking" so what is the problem?

I am sure I am older than you and have more input into this. I am VERY OBSERVANT when I look at couples and this is MY FINAL THEORY:

If a man is atleast: NOT Terribly SHORT (nothing under 5'5")
has atleast an AVERAGE looking FACE

................and has some game, HE CAN get girls in the 7-8 range. An average looking man who is 5'8" PROBABLY CAN'T get a 9 or 10, but 7's and 8's he can.

WHY? Because I HAVE SEEN this plenty of times.

THE ONLY WAY a man WILL HAVE A HARD TIME getting an attractive woman is if he is terribly short (5'4" and under) has an ugly face or is FAT.

TO ALL UGLY MEN: Quit feeling sorry for yourself and go get plastic surgery. UGLINESS is fixable these days (has been for the past 30 years) so quit *****ing!!