Inner Game and Other Questions


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2007
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By now, I've been around long enough to believe that inner game is probably the one most important thing to be strong at in terms of success in life and women. I've read enough of the PUA material to probably give the right answer 95% of the time to any situation that rises up. Once you get the general theme of whats taught, it isn't too hard. The thing I sometimes struggle with is inner game though which coincidentally I think is the hardest.

Do you guys have any tips on how to identify what you are personifying or how to improve on this aspect in your life?

I am an analytical person by nature, which comes off to other people as quiet. I have tons of confidence and am well respected by other men/women as well. A lot of the PUA stuff focuses on putting yourself out there and being the center of social attention. This is great and it's obvious that it works, but unfortunately that is just not me. I like listening and thinking more then speaking. I am still funny, witty, and a good conversationalist when I do talk. However, like I said its not the funnest thing in the world for me. For example, I fly every week for work and almost never talk to the person sitting next to me. It's not because I am scared or nervous, its because I enjoy the alone time more. I figure that once I say something to that person or bring up a conversation, 95% of the time that person will want to talk the whole flight. I'd rather be reading my book or do some introspection on my goals and life.

So with this type of personality in mind, is there a better way to be acting around girls when I go out on the wknds?


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2007
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I also wonder if people like me just use this as a crutch saying being extroverted just 'isn't me'. I still remember a quote from a partner at my work during our training (who i assume is a reformed introvert) that 'life is much better being an extrovert'.

Nexus Polaris

Senior Don Juan
Feb 10, 2007
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You nailed it with your second post. It always "isn't you" in the beginning. Your first post sounded like something I would have said a few years ago.

You also sound like you need to get better at asserting yourself. You can chat with somebody sitting next to you on a plane for 5 minutes without being obligated to talk to them for the whole flight.

"Inner game" is really almost the total package. Without it, you really have nothing. Tips, tricks, and techniques are no more than 10% of it at the very most. I highly recommend Tyler Durden's Real Social Dynamics programs. They helped me more than anything else in this entire community (except for maybe the DJ Bible). They go into elaborate detail about how to permanently change your mental perceptions of things and ultimately become an attractive person rather than just trying to mimic attractive behavior patterns.

There's a free 2 hour audio download on there that's well worth the time.

There are also some clips and snippets floating around on Youtube to give you a better idea of what the programs are like:

How Not to Give a Damn:

Myths About Looks:

Being the Selector: