im havin trouble here please help


Don Juan
Dec 4, 2005
Reaction score
well i was doing good up until now. Now that im staying in Florida for 2 weeks, ive been going out to south beach clubbing to ( mint,rockbar,skybar, and prvay.) and im in a slump i guess the past 3 months I had 2 girlfriends, and I still have a **** buddy/GF in LA right now. But in florida im completely unsuccesful.

I have a friend who I go out with he is not the "best" wingman there is but hes someone to go out with, and he also has connections wich gets me into the clubs atleast. Anyway 5 months ago when I was in florida, and I went out twice, I was succesful BOTH nights.

So far I went out 4 nights no eye contact at all, and i approached several groups of women with my friend and we get rejected. Also we went to a dance club and I was dancing with a few ladies but couldnt get them to come back to my tabel...

one night this girl came up to me and said your cute, while i was walking out so i talked to her said I was just on my way out, and I got her number, and the next night I called her to meet me and my friends at MINT but she never called me back. Another time a group of 7 girls; I asked one for a cigarette and one said where are you from etc, anyway they gave me their number, actually even offered it, and I called them, and they did not even call me back.

Now i was thinking my friend is not the greatest wingman it maybe holding me back, but what else can be possibly be holding me back, 5 months ago when I was more shy, I was succesful and now that im really confident its not working out..

Also I went to a house party and the girls paid ME no MIND at all even with my smooth talk, cept for this one girl who I talked to who had a COMPLETE diagnostic analyzing personality, i.e she tried to analyze every single word I said.

My friend told me they were like that because they were just waiting till they all were gonna go to the club.

Anyway any tips advice or some pointers greatly appreciated I got 1 and 1/2 weeks of pure going out, and I want to get LAIDDDD thx
Dec 9, 2005
Reaction score
New York
Perhaps this is the problem: "and I want to get LAIDDDD thx" Its all I could tell from your post. Maybe add some more details to your experiences would help to figure out anything else.



Don Juan
Dec 4, 2005
Reaction score
k i know it sounds sleezy but i just want some one nights stands or quik relationships while im here anyway

my basic approach with my friend is just normal, hi whats your name,

or get ec first then, hi how are you, and from the first 3 lines already they either reject or accept us.

And i admit we are not as ambitious as we should be, because we dont go up to all the girls we could infact we go up to about 2-3 grous of girls per night when their are hundreds of ppl. The fact is my friend is really unsmooth, and im much smoother, but it really deos help to have him when we approach a group of girls.

anyway so far ive been gettin the boot, and the two times i went completely by my self, ( I wandered off in the crowd ) I was succesful and got two numbers, but still they did not call back.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
Numbers gotten while at clubs are the least reliable, as you are discovering. You might try going beyond just clubs and using your days to sarge along south beach. Also try hotel lobbies and bars to meet other people who are only in town for a short time.