If you judge women on their actions and not words, then how would you interpret this?


Don Juan
Oct 9, 2013
Reaction score
So there's a cute girl that I met in class a week ago. She was the one who came and initiated contact with me by telling me her friend was interested in me. Her friend is okay, but the cute girl is much more attractive. Anyway, there's this other dude in my class that is attracted to the cute girl so I thought I'd hook them up. I got her Instagram details for him and passed them on. He contacted her via Instagram and gave her his number. His conversation was boring so she stopped replying to him after around 5 or so messages and didn't bother calling/texting him.

So I saw this girl in class the other day and asked her how it was going with that dude. She said, "he looks like a f*ck boy that doesn't know how to talk to girls, his conversations are boring, he's a pu*sy, he basically ignores me around college. I'm not interested." So I asked her if she was interested again and she didn't answer and just smiled/giggled, so I thought alright she is interested. To add to that, her friend had previously told this dude that she was interested.

So I took her over to him after class as like an attempt to get them to speak and he acted like an absolute p*ssy. He had no game, she didn't speak and he didn't speak and it was just super awkward all around. When they did speak it was about me and how "awkward" I made things lol. She was acting super shy (as some girls do when talking to a guy they like for the first time), which was weird because she is super outgoing and touchy with me. He admitted he was interested in her to her face, but when she was asked she didn't give an answer. She spent the whole time clinging onto my arm and looking at me or her phone. She even gripped my hand and told me, "not to leave her alone with them", when this other girl came along to talk to him.

Whenever I see this girl around college now, she always comes over to me and strikes up a conversation. She is really smiley and giggly around me, asks me my plans for the weekend and always touches me multiple times (linking arms etc). If she ever sees me skipping class, she always joins me without me asking. These are things I would normally take as IOI's.

I'm new to PUA and I'm not going to front like I'm a pro with the women yet, because I would be lying. Normally I would take this as disinterest, but with y'all saying "Judge by a women's actions and not their words", her actions have got me confused. I am the only guy I've seen her act like this with. I'm not exactly friends with the dude, so I wouldn't have a problem approaching the girl even though he's interested, I just don't want to approach and lose the chance with her friend because I took the wrong signals. Do you think this may have something to do with her being interested, but not going for it because her friend is interested? Or do you think I'm just reading too deep into things.
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Senior Don Juan
Oct 27, 2013
Reaction score
If you really want her, why don't you just ask her to go out with you and watch her reactions?

If you know how to read micro expressions, you'll know her true intentions while she's answering.

If you misjudged her real intentions, consider it as just another experience. Your time is so precious. Take risks and deal with whatever the outcomes.

Speculator E

Master Don Juan
May 6, 2007
Reaction score
I'm not sure. It sounds like you're her friend and not a love interest. Usually girls are a little afraid of guys they like. At the very least I would expect an interested girl to ask how things are going on between you and the other girl.


Don Juan
Oct 9, 2013
Reaction score
Speculator E said:
I'm not sure. It sounds like you're her friend and not a love interest. Usually girls are a little afraid of guys they like. At the very least I would expect an interested girl to ask how things are going on between you and the other girl.
She does ask me about the other girl, I just left that out because I was trying to shorten the post. She's asked me a few times what I think of the other girl etc, I ask her why and she says, "It doesn't matter, just answer the question", so I just change the subject.


Don Juan
Oct 9, 2013
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thelonewolflegend said:
Can you explain micro expressions?
Micro expressions are expressions that show on somebody's face for a fraction of a second when they are trying to unconsciously or deliberately conceal an emotion. From those expressions you can tell what emotions they are feeling at that point of time, (fear, disgust, anger, happiness etc). It helps with your game because you can tell when you may have made a comment that angered the woman, so you know to back off slightly or she's happy that you touched her, so you know that you can escalate your kino etc.

There's some really good material about it on the internet and it is useful to learn. I'm not too good at it because I'm not really that observant during conversation to catch onto brief expressions. I'm working on that though.

Speculator E

Master Don Juan
May 6, 2007
Reaction score
I think you're a little too afraid or worry about how much she likes you. Just ask her out. There is always a risk like everything else in life. I think you are afraid of rejection. Man up and make a move.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2015
Reaction score
Forget actions. Women always contradict themselves. Listen very carefully to what she says, then sometime later when she tries to claim the opposite you can nail her (in every sense). They love this. They do it on pourpose to see if you pay attention and to check your intellect and memory. Listen and talk back, observe, share your observations show her you can read her like a book no matter how much game she has.

And the most important thing is what her friends think about you - if her friends say youre cute - its a done deal.

In your case you basically friendzoned her and tried to hook her up with a bud (if I understand correctly), I think youre somekinda evil genius who hides his lust for her beneath "Ill hook you up with this guy", this is pure genius, hats off, I would never think of smth like that and it comes natural to you.
Apr 23, 2015
Reaction score
BrainDamage92 said:
Forget actions. Women always contradict themselves. Listen very carefully to what she says, then sometime later when she tries to claim the opposite you can nail her (in every sense). They love this. They do it on pourpose to see if you pay attention and to check your intellect and memory. Listen and talk back, observe, share your observations show her you can read her like a book no matter how much game she has.
Kinda true and not true. You do gotta watch their actions because it won't match up with their words. But like you say, they can be fickle even when they want to do something. Be mindful of your frame and what you want to do.

BrainDamage92 said:
And the most important thing is what her friends think about you - if her friends say youre cute - its a done deal.

In your case you basically friendzoned her and tried to hook her up with a bud (if I understand correctly), I think youre somekinda evil genius who hides his lust for her beneath "Ill hook you up with this guy", this is pure genius, hats off, I would never think of smth like that and it comes natural to you.
Buy in by friends is huge.


Jan 8, 2015
Reaction score
What you need to do is see if her actions go with her words. If they don't then you will know something is off. A very good indicator to know. Never be afraid to get the women you want or worry about someone else. If they are interested they will be down.


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
Reaction score
So basically a girl you like you tried to hook up with another guy. Am I only one here who thinks you are just gay as **** and a big time douche?

I've had little sneaky **** blockers like you pull thus stunt on me a lot here in Asia because Asian males are masters at passive aggressive tactics like this. I would straight punch you in the face if you tried thus stunt on me and yes....you are making things awkward as hell behaving this way and the girl sounds like a little **** as well.

If u want to bang just act like man for crying out loud and ask her out.

Jesus what are u Mr matchmaker or something? Your behavior is that of a woman's.... Even if you succeed in banging her, you will still always be a little beta ***** behaving this way.