If you had but 1 goal, 1 ideal that you stand by under all circumstances, it's this


Don Juan
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada

If you did only kept one thing in you mind, if it was the starting point that everything you are will stem from, that thing should be the goal of self improvement. Self improvement is a goal that can be sought after by anyone, at any time, and under any circumstance.

What I mean is that at all times you should be working on improving yourself, making sure that you're becoming a better person every day.

Most of you are probably putting a lot of focus on women and dating, STOP IT! Why? With the knowledge you gained from this site, you should be able to figure it out easily. What do women want? Do they want some player to smooth talk her into liking them? or perhaps they want some pick-up artist to pick her up with some seduction technique?? NO, they want a GREAT GUY. Not an average guy, not a nice guy, not a smooth guy, they want a great guy.

When you stop focusing on how to win her over and improve yourself, you become a great guy, and are no limits on how great you become. When you improve yourself, you see improvement in other parts of your life as well, women are only one of the side effects of a great life.

So what do I mean when I say "Improve yourself"?

It means make youself a better person, and do it all the time. Improve physically by working out or playing a sport, improve you mind by learning a new skill or refining one you already have. There's always room for improvement, and it's always time to improve, so keep this phrase in mind so you never forget:

Self improvement is a goal that is truly worth striving for, you can only surpass it if you become perfect, and you can only fall short of it if you give up



Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
"Ambition" is a word I hear a lot from women, especially as they get older, when they describe their ideal man. Ambition is what I see women attracted to. Ambition is simply choosing to be successful at something over choosing to fail at it.

You want the essence of the alpha-male, the one who adapts and survives, the one who conquers and dominates, the one who gets to mate...the alpha-male is the male who decides to be leader of the pack, one way or another. He decides that he will be the strongest, even if that means failing to take the place of the current alpha several times. Each time he fails, he learns something new, becomes stronger, tougher, more skillful, until finally he succeeds. He's the one who decides to survive, no matter what nature throws at him. He adapts to hardship and learns to meet adversity head-on, learning and changing to thrive in it instead of failing like the less flexible, less ambitious members of the group.

We're entering a time where ambitious, adaptible men are at a premium. Most are raised with a sense of entitlement and a chip on their shoulder, as if the "system" should take care of them and owes them something. Everyone realizes eventually that "the system" cannot meet their ambitions and does one of two things. He either suppresses his ambition to be "satisfied" with what life IS offering, or his ambition drives him to do for himself and to become that which he seeks to become.

That's what it means to have a passion...to decide that you're GOING to get something and refuse to stop until you get it. This is why incredible women will stay with a loser who keeps learning and trying over a winner who no longer wishes to risk playing...the desire to become more than you are.

This is the toughest thing for any "Don Juan" to learn...that there is no "beating the game". Even with women, many people think things like:

"Once I get the date, I can relax."
"Once I bang her, I can relax."

Then they reach the next point, expect to be able to rest on their laurels, become stagnant, and get their girl stolen by someone else. The "struggle" never ends, so you have to learn to love it. If you choose to have women in your life, you have to be willing to KEEP improving, KEEP striving, KEEP playing the game all the way through marriage, kids, and old age.

Never ask yourself, "What do I do now?" This question implies that you feel like you've "completed" a life task. Instead, ask yourself, "What is the next challenge for me?" You're playing a video game that just keeps expanding in front of you. Each level you conquer opens up 2 or 3 more ahead of you...you're NEVER done until you turn the power off. (die)

Learn to make "challenge" your NATURAL state. Learn to thrive on struggle. Learn to learn from every success and every failure and every effort in between. Acquiring wealth, success, happiness, and even love is a CONSTANT challenge and a CONSTANT growing process. You can't do it if you're standing still. There is NO WAY to find and keep a good woman if you're standing still in life.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 9, 2004
Reaction score
So true.

If there is one thing in life which can guarentee will have positive effects it's improving yourself.

If you can consistently do that and focus your energy on that then everything else will hopefully naturally slot into place without too much effort.

As apose to focussing your efforts on picking up women, you should focus your energy on becoming a better person. If you can do that successfully then why wouldn't women be attracted to you?


Don Juan
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
Exp, I see where you're coming from, you've improved many things already, and you think you can't improve much more at this point. The key is to think outside the box because there are always things to improve if you can find them. Learn a new skill that could prove useful in life: can you play guitar? can you draw? can you build things? can you cook? If you answered no to any of those questions, then you've found something you could improve on.

Keep in mind: If you still can't think of anything to improve, then you should improve your ability to find them.
