If You Don't Attract Beautiful Woman Something Is Very Very Wrong


Senior Don Juan
Jun 5, 2006
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If you are a Male you should have the power to attract multitudes of gorgeous young ladies, if you don't something is very very wrong with the way of which you think about yourself.

There are so many tips concerning verbal communication on this website, however it is within the non verbal where the ability to attract the hottest babes really lies.

Have you ever seen the power eminate from an elite athlete, famous actor, wealthy businessman, in fact any AlphaMale, regardless of their status, if so you will understand this.

Take a look at a photograph of any Male, upload one of a successful dude, be it, Andre Agassi, Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan, Ronaldo, or David Beckham, what you'll see in these photos is an extremely powerful non verbal persona.

Then look into the faces of the dudes who are the losers nerds wusses and AFC's who you know, compare these to the above mentioned dudes, you will immediately see the difference, they don't have to say a word, everyone knows an AFC and in fact an AlphaMale just by looking at them in a photo, it cannot be hidden, even in a still picture, take a photo of yourself, look at it very closely, study it, what do you see.

If you only change in one area of your AFC ways, let it be in the power of which you portray in your non verbal state.

It is natural for a guy who is seen by the masses as being a success to install this powerful persona.

Just take a look at a photograph of a young Mahummad Ali and a young Elvis Presley, they reveal very little power at all, both men were shy with weak personalities, then look at the photos of them after they had become famous, the difference is incredible, what you will see is confidence power and self beleif in their later photos.

When a beautiful woman looks accross the room and sees this power eminating from a guy, she is immediately drawn to him like a magnet.

No number of right words will ever equal the power of the presence vibe energy and confidence within the man.

The reality is that you don't have to be a success, or be a cool dude, or be a superhunk, to have this power.

All you need is to make yourself beleive within your own mind that you are powerful, that hot babes adore you and that you in fact are the desired object of most woman's desires.

You need to install self beleif and confidence within, walk upright, look people in the eye, move about like you are a Lion or a Tiger or any powerful type of creature.

If you have this quality you can do as you please, you can compliment an attractive woman, you can even buy one a drink if you wish, it isn't these actions that make a man seem weak to a woman, it is the powerlessness of the guys inner being that turns her away.

Make yourself look like a Tiger amidst the pack of sheep and the hot babes will desire you, look like a timid little mouse among a pack of big hungry cats and you are not going to get anywhere.

If you really want to fvck the hottest babes you must rise above the pack, in fact you must be the leader of the pack.

Females are much worse off than Males, they need to have the physical appeal to win over the Males, all the Males need is a powerful persona, you don't need good looks or money or fame or status to attract the ladies, all you need is to develop a powerful personality, become the leader, the prize, your own minds are powerful enough to install this, enough said.

The Inside Man

Master Don Juan
Sep 27, 2007
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No it just means that you aren't a leader or alpha male. Some guys no matter what will not be dating a hb9 or attracting them. That doesn;t mean theres anything wrong with them. I'm all for improving yourself and attracting the hottest ones you can though.

I do like the importance of BL stressed in your post though. Self confidence is also very powerful, and builds on itself too.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
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I was waiting for this part
KoalaKing said:
All you need is to make yourself beleive within your own mind that you are powerful, that hot babes adore you and that you in fact are the desired object of most woman's desires.

You need to install self beleif and confidence within, walk upright, look people in the eye, move about like you are a Lion or a Tiger or any powerful type of creature.
Any tips on how to make yourself believe? I know that this is the most important thing that I am lacking with women. Once I get my head to accept that I'm a stud, everything else will fall into place.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
Some guys no matter what will not be dating a hb9 or attracting them.

Looks are great and all. But it's hard to get everything I want from a 9. "Attract" is not enough. I want a girl to basically be my complete and total wh0re. If she ever says no...ever...then I am out of there. This means I tend to be happiest with 7s and 8s who know they are lucky to have me. It's hard to tolerate the bs I get from most HB9+ girls. That does not mean bs-free hb9s don't exist, but they are hard to find. Congrats if you have a few, good for you.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 15, 2007
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KoalaKing said:
When a beautiful woman looks across the room and sees this power emanating from a guy, she is immediately drawn to him like a magnet.

No number of right words will ever equal the power of the presence vibe energy and confidence within the man.
This is how I met my current favorite girlfriend. I was at a large, very crowded social gathering and across the room I spotted this woman who seemed to me to be the hottest woman in the room. There was just something about her that caught my attention and I kept glancing over at her. Shortly I noticed that she was looking back at me even though she was obviously involved in a lively discussion with a group of people. When I started to move towards her, she left her group, and came straight towards me and we met somewhere in the middle. We hugged before we spoke.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
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Beyond your peripheral vision
I don't think you need to delude yourself into thinking anything. True confidence comes from knowing one's self, and loving one's self. Not decieving one's self. Illusions of grandeur are the easiest way to insecurity.

Mad Manic

Aug 11, 2007
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Leeds, UK
Agreed, such philosophical BS which people do not need. He also seemed to look at actors etc. and said they exude alphaness; correct, but he didn't look at the order of events.

Was it success ---> alphaness ----> women OR
success ---> women ----> alphaness.

IMO it's the latter, hence they're very confident as they have women resulting from success. If they had success but no women I don't think alphaness would exist. So I don't believe one exudes alpha traits unless they have women. Unless they are masters of dillusion.

Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Dec 17, 2006
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In the club/bars
iqqi said:
I don't think you need to delude yourself into thinking anything. True confidence comes from knowing one's self, and loving one's self. Not decieving one's self. Illusions of grandeur are the easiest way to insecurity.
werd, well spoken


Senior Don Juan
Dec 12, 2007
Reaction score
Have more money than those around you. To guys selling DJ material this is reason to get banned. However, I am not a snake oil salesman. If you find a group where you are Mr. BigBucks you will have confidence and you will become attractive.

Nexus Polaris

Senior Don Juan
Feb 10, 2007
Reaction score
remotecontrol said:
You know the old one about public speaking-imagine the whole room naked-this eases your fears....

Its the same-imagine everyone is weak and you are strong

Imagine your at home when infact your out in a crowd

Imagine the hot woman your approaching is just someone you already know

Its all self hypnosis

Condition your mind to accept that the social interactions are not big stuff-because the reality is they are not big stuff...you just make it all big.

Another well known expression-"dont sweat the small stuff"-somebody then asks "whats about the big stuff" and the awnser is "there is no big stuff, its all small stuff"

when you condition your mind to this...like every morning....you then give off a vibe of being a powerful person...

Thats all
Very true. I started giving everyone I saw a faux identity to trick my brain into thinking I already knew them. I'd walk through a department store and think, "Oh, there's Mrs. Jones. How are the kids?" Sounds stupid, but I did that with every person I saw, and I immediately felt more comfortable with everybody. I felt like I already knew them all. And their reactions to me even non-verbally were like night and day.

As for picturing the entire audience naked, though, that never worked for me. I suddenly had to contend with speaking in front of people with a boner. It was easier to just picture the whole audience as being ugly. I suddenly didn't care what they thought because I wouldn't fück any of them anyway.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
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iqqi said:
I don't think you need to delude yourself into thinking anything. True confidence comes from knowing one's self, and loving one's self. Not decieving one's self. Illusions of grandeur are the easiest way to insecurity.
And if you don't love yourself then what? That is why some people have to deceive themselves.

The brain has been programed a certain way. And the only way to correct it is to reprogram. I need to change my whole way of thinking and the energy I give off. There is nothing else I can fix about myself that would make a difference. I know it doesn't matter what clothes I wear, how much money I have, whether I was thin or not, it's all in the confidence. I 100% believe that if I was butt ugly, fat and broke, but had strong confidence and charisma I would be getting a lot more women than I'm getting now. Which for the record is none.

Once school is over I need to stop and completely analyze myself and find out how to improve. I do not want to end 2008 the way I'm ending 2007, sad and alone.


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2007
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Maxtro said:
And if you don't love yourself then what? That is why some people have to deceive themselves.
Thats the million dollar question which no one here has answered (well, at least in all the threads that I've seen.) Most threads tell the "what" and "why" but not the "how," which is equally or even more important. Should the "how" be figured out by yourself? Possibly.

The problem that I have is that I'm caught in a vicious low-confidence circle (which I listed in my previous thread, and some of you may identify with is this). My confidence is low because I haven't had any success with women. I haven't had any success with women because my confidence is low. Is there an escape to this circle of doom?

Probably not. I've actually daydreamed of living to an old age as an AFC who will stay unconfident forever...its a frighteningly possible outcome. I think I look good, but I'm missing that inner confidence that Koalaking mentioned.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 15, 2007
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meitenesrigas said:
Have more money than those around you. To guys selling DJ material this is reason to get banned. However, I am not a snake oil salesman. If you find a group where you are Mr. BigBucks you will have confidence and you will become attractive.
This is not at all true. Within my social circle is a guy who claims to worth $50 million. Most women don’t find him attractive at all, even knowing his net worth.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 26, 2007
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LostAndConfused said:
Thats the million dollar question which no one here has answered (well, at least in all the threads that I've seen.) Most threads tell the "what" and "why" but not the "how," which is equally or even more important. Should the "how" be figured out by yourself? Possibly.

The problem that I have is that I'm caught in a vicious low-confidence circle (which I listed in my previous thread, and some of you may identify with is this). My confidence is low because I haven't had any success with women. I haven't had any success with women because my confidence is low. Is there an escape to this circle of doom?

Probably not. I've actually daydreamed of living to an old age as an AFC who will stay unconfident forever...its a frighteningly possible outcome. I think I look good, but I'm missing that inner confidence that Koalaking mentioned.
Stop day dreaming of being an old age AFC and start dreaming of the things you want. If you keep thinking about what you are not getting you're life will stay the same.

Its not easy changing thoughts but its worth it!


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
His post was OK.
But no real details on just how to achieve these things.
Very superficial actually.
But a good intent just thesame.

Experience gives you confidence.

Experience creates First Hand Belief.

A strong Belief System in YOURSELF, creates confidence,and proper observation of yourself, creates SELF ESTEEM.

Observing yourself go past your limitations gives you confidence.

Engaging in activities outside of PU , can give you confidence.

Having confidence in activities, by having actually OBSERVED yourself engaging in these activities and if at all possible, surpassing your expectations and performance gives you SELF ESTEEM.




And then it snowballs from there.

Eventually, continued positive reinforcement gives you healthy SElf Esteem,and a healthy perspective, in that you no longer try to inflate and appease your EGO.

You eventually just give yourself healthy Self Validation.

You let go and reject all NEEDINESS.

And the cycle repeats and you are free to grow.............


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
Reaction score
Interceptor said:
Eventually, continued positive reinforcement gives you healthy SElf Esteem,and a healthy perspective, in that you no longer try to inflate and appease your EGO.
So work on all the other crap you've put off by being distracted by women.


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
Women should be welcomed in men's lives.
It is natural.
It can be a positive thing to have women in one's life.

But what they bring to you must be something that adds to your life.
Now, the truth is that many males will have to go through the experiences of negative expereinces with women.

They have to go through this to eventually recognize and identify what is Positive and Additive , adn actually enhances their Life.

Truth also is that most males actually focus on getting with females, and forget about their own development and their own needs.

They become stunted, and stay immature.

Meaning, by not reflecting on themselves outside of pursuit of women, they actually receive very little benefit and do not actually improve with women as much as they can if they did things outside of the puruit of women.

Many males, not having an identity, and not having spent time realizing it and recognizing themelves, often seek to identify themselves with women.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
Reaction score
Interceptor said:
Now, the truth is that many males will have to go through the experiences of negative expereinces with women.

They have to go through this to eventually recognize and identify what is Positive and Additive , adn actually enhances their Life.

Truth also is that most males actually focus on getting with females, and forget about their own development and their own needs.

They become stunted, and stay immature.

Meaning, by not reflecting on themselves outside of pursuit of women, they actually receive very little benefit and do not actually improve with women as much as they can if they did things outside of the puruit of women.

Many males, not having an identity, and not having spent time realizing it and recognizing themelves, often seek to identify themselves with women.
Check, check, etc. Right now is the first time in over a year where I wasn't chasing a chick or having one chasing me. I really started getting into self improvement after my run-in with the BPD girl ended about a year ago, but never had the chance to just step back and do this stuff WITHOUT a woman being in the picture. Now that there are no girls involved right now, I feel like I can start creating my life without constantly reacting to a woman.

All the stuff I wanted to work on, passions, goals, self-development... it was hard to do because I was learning to define myself but at the same time seeking validation (identifying) through women. Wasn't strong enough with my foundation.

Women are a great addition to life, but right now I just have to create a great life that a woman can be an addition to. Now there are no girls around I think I can learn to think straight.

One thing I've learned from you guys here, is that there is just no way you're going to have a great life or have great women in your life if you don't have a strong sense of self, and can truly be happy in your own company. I had to have a few situations blow up before I just accepted this fact. There is no way around it.

That's my mission now.