If you ask them if they're "clean" do they tell the truth?


Senior Don Juan
Feb 4, 2005
Reaction score
This has been something that has really been on my mind lately. I've had a couple chances at having sex, but the thought of catching something has me worried. I feel that I can't even trust a girl to tell the truth about it if I ask her because if she's this willing to f_ck me, then how hard is it for other guys to f_ck her?? lol

If she has something, is she really going to say "ohh I have genital warts, but I hope that doesn't change anything."

How do you get around that? Does "getting lucky" mean being lucky if you walk away clean?


New Member
Oct 21, 2005
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The thought of catching something has you worried? Dude, you should only worry if the thing you're catching is an exploding baseball or something. If you wear a latex condom and use water-based lube (oil-based weakens the latex) you'll be fine. That's how you 'get around it'.
I had a scare a couple of months ago, a real freakout on my part. I slept with this Indian girl who I'm now 90% sure brought HIV over from her country, but I used a condom and am still negative...what's more, the docs told me the chance of catching it even UNPROTECTED is like real low and with a condom is almost zilch. No HIV cases have ever been confirmed from oral sex. So use a latex and you'll be fine, but I do know personally how scary those thoughts can be.

As for the other STDs that are easier to catch like genital warts, you gotta either accept the small risk or not. Play as safe as you can and you will "get lucky". Would she tell you? Of course not, hell, she probably doesn't even know she's got something. Anyway, being the receptive partner she is at more risk of catching something than you!

Don't let fear of disease ruin your ambitions or It'll turn you into a loonie. You're question is basically "I'm scared of having a high-speed car crash, so what do I do - not drive at all or not break the speed limit?" Life would suck if you didn't drive at all.


Don Juan
Aug 2, 2004
Reaction score
how true, thanks mate :) Next time i'll throw caution to the wind ;)


Senior Don Juan
Dec 25, 2001
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California, USA
There are some pretty dirty girls out there. I had a pretty bad scare before. If someone hints that some **** is wrong... then yeah, back the **** away. But just wear a condom.

Other than all of these std's... my homie's girl got him... she's having twin :X


Senior Don Juan
Oct 12, 2005
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Chicagoland area
I'm kind of glad someone brought something like this up. To the thread-starter, trust no one, incidentally. Use a rubber always, unless you're with the woman you love and want to procreate. The reason I'm glad they brought this up, is , what about this scenario: I'm sure this has happened to some of you before. It just happened to me yesterday actually and I'm a little upset about it. Yesterday I was real upset. I was having sex w/this girl I don't really know very well ( we just met a couple wks prior, talked on the phone a few times, and finally hung out yesterday until the F-close) , and the damn rubber broke ! Total mood-kill incidentally. I'm seriously a little worried here. I mean I noticed it, I think fairly quickly, and we put another on right away of course, but what do you think?? Anybody ever have that happen?? Should I go this week (like I was starting to think I should) to my regular doctor for like a blood test & have them check for anything STD-related?? How bad/risky is this do you think??



Master Don Juan
Oct 2, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by DinoCassanova
Should I go this week (like I was starting to think I should) to my regular doctor for like a blood test & have them check for anything STD-related?? How bad/risky is this do you think??

I dont think the risk is that high at all, its a very low risk man BUT you should go to the doctor now just in case: better safe than sorry


Senior Don Juan
Oct 12, 2005
Reaction score
Chicagoland area
BUT you should go to the doctor now just in case

>> Yeah I think I still will go and get a blood test. This way too if I find out I'm HIV + or something I can start doing all the things I've always wanted to do and quit putting them off. :eek: j/k.....hopefully.......


Senior Don Juan
Jul 25, 2003
Reaction score
Muskogee, OK
Keep in mind that HIV infection doesn't show up right away...

The ELISA and Western Blot test look for HIV antibodies, not the virus itself. When people are infected, there's a latent period of weeks to months in which the virus attempts to take hold, and the body fights it off by generating the antibodies. The process is called seroconversion.

Actual tests for the virus itself are called viral load tests. I believe that people in the porn industry pay for them out of pocket - I don't think health plans cover that test, unless you've contracted it and are being monitored.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
The city that sleeps. Sometimes.
the only thing i really worry about it genital herpes.. You can catch it with a condom on, and it can't be cured.. Not to mention the fact that what, one in 5 or one in 6 people have it?

Otherwise im not that worried.. Most other STDs are either easily treatable with antibiotics (chlamydia, syphilis, etc) or really really hard to get with a condom (AIDS and so on)

seriously though, they make you think like you should be afraid of AIDS, but as a straight guy, your chances are VERY VERY VERY low even without a condom..


Don Juan
Oct 19, 2005
Reaction score
London, UK
Originally posted by Egoist
seriously though, they make you think like you should be afraid of AIDS, but as a straight guy, your chances are VERY VERY VERY low even without a condom..
Are you stupid or something? What do you choose: 0.1% risk or 2% risk, or even 0.1% vs. 0.15%. It's your, and maybe others, life at stake.

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles
First of all, HPV, the virus that causes genital warts is one of the easiest to catch, much easier than the Herpes Virus, and they are can both be trasmitted while using a condom.

A good 90-100% of people who are sexually active, and have had more than 2-3 partners alread are carrieres of HPV, wich will not cause warts on most. It is believed by some of the experts on the subject that it clears your system and it becomes undetectable. So worrying about catching it will only bring you uneeded stress. As long as she doesn't have active warts, I wouldn't worry too much about it. There's a very good chance that you have already been exposed to it and will not be affected.

Do make sure to always use protection, though. As most people who have these viruses don't even know they have them. Even if you are in a commited relationship, you or your partner might be a carrier, yet do not show symptoms. You won't know exactly where you got it from. It might be from years before from a previous relationship, etc.

About 90 % of you who might say, I don't have HPV, might have had it and it cleared, are not aware of having it, or have it and won't even know since there is no testing for men. Either way, it is not a major concern since it will not lead to warts or anything serious in most.

Here's a link to Dr. HHH's STD Forum and site, for any of you who might be concerned about HIV and other STD's. Reading it will give you some peace of mind, sure has helped me relax and not worry too much while still being cautious.

The STD Forum


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
The city that sleeps. Sometimes.
Originally posted by Dysfunctional
Are you stupid or something? What do you choose: 0.1% risk or 2% risk, or even 0.1% vs. 0.15%. It's your, and maybe others, life at stake.

i always use a condom, dude.

I am just stating a fact that getting AIDS is much harder for a straight guy during normal sorts of intercourse than previously thought..

That said, you gotta use protection.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 8, 2005
Reaction score
Austin, Texas
Simple : wear protection w/o question ... its always at your own risk ....

This brings back to mind a time I was with the ex ...

I nailed her dry w/o protection and she told me 3 days later that she had chlymedia ... (she was on birth control) ...

I dont think I've ever been that eager to hit up the nearest med clinic and see the doc ...

Dont bang em dry also just because if you get em preggo , your screwed !!!

Found I didnt have that std , but it made me realize , it aint worth it to get a disease and mess your whole life up over ...


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
The city that sleeps. Sometimes.
Originally posted by TxCowboy
Simple : wear protection w/o question ... its always at your own risk ....

This brings back to mind a time I was with the ex ...

I nailed her dry w/o protection and she told me 3 days later that she had chlymedia ... (she was on birth control) ...

I dont think I've ever been that eager to hit up the nearest med clinic and see the doc ...

Dont bang em dry also just because if you get em preggo , your screwed !!!

Found I didnt have that std , but it made me realize , it aint worth it to get a disease and mess your whole life up over ...
yeah, preggo scares the **** out of me too!

one night, and you're stuck paying child support for 18 years! :down:


Senior Don Juan
Oct 12, 2005
Reaction score
Chicagoland area
Found I didnt have that std , but it made me realize , it aint worth it to get a disease and mess your whole life up over ...

>>> Yeah you got that right....... none of the STD's, combined with the risk of accidentally knocking some chick up (who you really aren't going to want to have anything to do with, let's face it) are worth the few pleasurable moments. I'm probably going to make a doctors' appt and just get a blood test run and see what happens. I'll ask them to check it for everything they can check it for. Good to get a "baseline" once in a while. And yes I am aware of the fact that, as another poster mentioned, you have to have another HIV test like 6 months after to make sure you haven't "seroconverted" within that time period. HIV really is not my primary concern in this given case, to be honest, more like the other "lesser" STD's. But, all things considered, I did alot of thinking about it this weekend after that condom breakage thing, and , one way or the other, I HAVE been "around the block" a little . In fact most of my 20's I spent as virtually a full-fledged "male who-er" , whenever I had the chance. :eek: But I was always , well almost always, very careful about safety and have not had any noticeable troubles as of yet, so I've kind of gone on the premise that I don't really want to know, as long as I'm not having any troubles, etc etc. But that's an unfair and irresponsible attitude to have in general. So, now that I'm 30, I"m going to start fresh and get a baseline blood test done, get checked out for everything, and take it from there. My 30's are going to be all about safety, safety, safety, when it comes to sex. And now I've got to go; I'm off to the local adult bookstore for a bare-backed bj through a glory-hole, and probably some other action as well. :eek: :crackup: ~D


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
The city that sleeps. Sometimes.
Originally posted by DinoCassanova
Found I didnt have that std , but it made me realize , it aint worth it to get a disease and mess your whole life up over ...

>>> Yeah you got that right....... none of the STD's, combined with the risk of accidentally knocking some chick up (who you really aren't going to want to have anything to do with, let's face it) are worth the few pleasurable moments. I'm probably going to make a doctors' appt and just get a blood test run and see what happens. I'll ask them to check it for everything they can check it for. Good to get a "baseline" once in a while. And yes I am aware of the fact that, as another poster mentioned, you have to have another HIV test like 6 months after to make sure you haven't "seroconverted" within that time period. HIV really is not my primary concern in this given case, to be honest, more like the other "lesser" STD's. But, all things considered, I did alot of thinking about it this weekend after that condom breakage thing, and , one way or the other, I HAVE been "around the block" a little . In fact most of my 20's I spent as virtually a full-fledged "male who-er" , whenever I had the chance. :eek: But I was always , well almost always, very careful about safety and have not had any noticeable troubles as of yet, so I've kind of gone on the premise that I don't really want to know, as long as I'm not having any troubles, etc etc. But that's an unfair and irresponsible attitude to have in general. So, now that I'm 30, I"m going to start fresh and get a baseline blood test done, get checked out for everything, and take it from there. My 30's are going to be all about safety, safety, safety, when it comes to sex. And now I've got to go; I'm off to the local adult bookstore for a bare-backed bj through a glory-hole, and probably some other action as well. :eek: :crackup: ~D
she didnt get preggo?


Senior Don Juan
Oct 12, 2005
Reaction score
Chicagoland area
Egoist ~ no . There's no way she could have gotten pregnant. The condom broke while I was inside her, but well before I had gotten there. So no way. I was just scared that I might have picked up something , even something "minor" , during that brief little time when I was accidentally up in her bareback. So that's what's led me to want to get the blood test(s) done. Plus, overall, as I explained in my post, I should probably get that considering all that I've been through sexually over the last decade or so and never been tested for anything STD-related once. It's almost irresponsible to go around having sex w/out ever getting tested. ~Dino


Senior Don Juan
Dec 25, 2001
Reaction score
California, USA
just something to throw out... I was parting with a some girl, faded as ****, and she managed to pull the condom off when i wasn't paying attention. Luckily she didn't have ****. But... I don't trust them.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
The city that sleeps. Sometimes.
Originally posted by chancer
just something to throw out... I was parting with a some girl, faded as ****, and she managed to pull the condom off when i wasn't paying attention. Luckily she didn't have ****. But... I don't trust them.
i hope you slapped the ho!