If OnlyThings Were Different.

Jay Jay

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2006
Reaction score

I can't take credit for this. I believe I read this concept in a Mens Health magazine by a woman explaining the essance of male charm.

But I have taken it further than the original writer suspected possible...

This **** isn't a seduction technique, rather it is how to realte to other women in your life.

Its awesome.

This is where we guys can turn around all the bull**** excuses girls use (not to get naked) against them. Really, the fair sex has backed themselves into a corner... literally anything can be an excuse not to have sex.

Now WE know this is bull****. But girls make up so many excuses that they actually internalise this ****... so if you say, "we can't have sex because my goldfish will develop atheletes foot" they will buy it!

The excuse doesn't matter coz another annoying female quality (expecting a guy to take all responsibilty for sexual acts) stops them from forcing the issue. As long as THEY have a decent reason to tell OTHER GIRLS why you two are not doing it they are satisfied.

It is crucial in any relationship with a woman to NEVER allow them to believe THEY can have you when they want, but you can't have them (unless they climb down off that pedastal). Women have a deep abiding contempt for men they know want to bone them, know they can't and still hang around.

Basically if a girl thinks you are one of these guys you are her *****.

Thus you need to IOTWD her.

With female friends who you don't want to bone... have any of you guys noticed how this type usually fall for you? Well if you wanna keep em as friends (because you genuinely have a mental connection with them) you need to have some reason why you are not boning her.

Thus you need to IOTWD her.

So once you have IOTWDed you have moved things into a sphere most guys have no idea even exists.

(If you have not read the Book of Pook and are interested in this go read it now... its in the Bible. Go!

Welcome back... How cool was that? Can we continue? Lets).

IOTWD destroys the movement towards androgany Pook rails so passionately against. Usually freindships between men and women deny sexuality... IOTWD celebrates it without pressure or expectation.

In this situation you have free rein to be as sexual and as male as you want. And it allows a woman to feel like a sexual being in your presence. When she is with you she feels like a woman.

You may think that having sexuality blatantly open in friendships will undermine it. No, that's not the case. It actually allows the friendship to be far more balanced, honest and fun. You are both sexual beings after all. Friends accept each others natures.

Women love to have their feminity validated and with IOTWD you are validating her. But you are not doing it from a position of weakness like a guy who is in LJBF land.

The reason why women keep LJBFed dudes about is because they love the validation. Make no mistake, even tho you have been LJBFed the girl doesn't really want you to just think of her as a freind. They want you to desire them. That's why when you begin to escape LJBF territory the girl will give you some false hope to suck you back in. That's why they do all those little things that confuse you to make you think there may be something more... In this situation you are just her ego's crutch.

However if you have IOTWDed her you give that validation from a position of power; "yes I am aware that you are hot but that has no power over me!"
This validation without expectation of reward is far more powerul than the submissive arse kissing of the LJBFed man.

And the woman will respond accordingly.

She will act towards you with the upmost respect. She will have your back and protect you from evil women. She will never say a bad word about you to other women.

She will celebrate your sexuality, revel in the fact that she is mates with such a sexy men.

She will be your pivot. And she will act as sexy as she can around you (For example last night a friend, after showing off her cleavage for a good half an hour decided she should put on a bra- infront of me- and jumped around topless in front of me for a while... nice!). She will boast about you to other girls.

The social proof you get from girls you have IOTWDed is so much more powerful than what you get from a female friend where you are both denying your sexuality. (Another example from last night; when we walked into the bar, the waitress I have been eyeing for a while, gave me me some nice IOI. When my friend saw this she started kinoing me big time). She will flirt with you, particulary when there are girls you are checking out around, sit on your lap at parties, ask to spoon with you if she needs a bed.

With a girl you have IOTWDed the social proof isn't just a guy who hangs out with chicks, its a guy who has chicks hanging off him.

Yes, the girls might develop feelings but becasue you are validating her it won't get out of control and becasue you have given a good reason you are not together ego and honour are satisfied.

Instead you have given a woman free rein to be as sexual and honest as she likes without fear of become entangled in something that could get messy. She knows you owe it to the goldfish.

Once you have established this framework of interaction (admitted attraction yet an understanding that nothing is ever going to happen) then it is easy to move into F/B zone (not recommended if you want to keep your friend, things tend to get outa control coz there is two much intimacy between you two) or LTR (takes longer and is tricky... )

...or (and this is how I like to play it) occasional "it just happened." Once you break your self imposed rule you must immediately say "oh ****, my goldfish! They were okay this time and despite how amazing that was I don't think we should do it again."


If she does whole heartedly agree immediately.

Or you can just pretend it never happened... That works just as good.

"Oh thats fantastic, Jay Jay, you long winded bastard." I hear you all say. "But how do we IOTWD girls?"

Okay let me tell you.

Firstly make sure you've read Pook (I hadn't actually read his stuff when I learned this but after reading his stuff I understood why it worked).

Cool, now make sure when you are around female friends you don't oppress your sexuality. In fact the way you act to is almost how you would when gaming a girl except;

(hold on... I should clarify. You should act like "I" would when gaming a girl; with the honesty, integrity and respect as accorded to a real friend).

You do not escalate beyond a certain point except for those occasions you wish to cash that "Today I Feel Things Are a Bit Different" cheque.

So you have strong eye contact, kino, banter all that kinda stuff. Wrestle and tickle her. When she is looking hot tell her. Personally I am obsessed with breasts. All my female friends know this. And most of wear low cut tops whenever they are around me. I let em know how much I appreciate it (DONT BE SLEAZY!... there is a fine line...).

So when do you deliver the IOTWD card?

I find the best time to play that card is when someone asks if you are an item. If the two of you are hanging out a bit it will be brought up by someone who meets you.

"Are you two lovers?"

"Oh no! You know what happens to my goldfishes feet when I sleep with blondes!? Oh well some things just are not meant to be."

If you don't think you'll get that opportunity then bring it up in a round about way. "Damn you are looking smoking hot girl! If only my goldfish didn't get tinea every time I shag a blonde."

Do not LJBF her! Be more subtle with it. LJBFing is a statement of rejection of anothers desires for you. IOTWD is a prioritisation in you own life, its not about her, it about you!

Alright... the goldfish thing is really a bad example.

Some real IOTWD

I'm not ready for a relationship right now.
I'm going traveling, moving to another state etc etc.
You went out with my friend/ You are friends with my ex.
We are workmates/classmates.
I want to focus on my career/ self improvement at this point in my life not women.
I don't want to ruin the friendship.

Notice they are all female LJBF statements. Thats what makes em so powerful. Girls believe this **** really does matter! But you have to deliver them without a rejection of her feminity.

Finally, with all this kind of thing it becomes most powerful when you internalise this stuff. Eventually you should be able to just look at a girl and she is aware of both your sexuality and your intention not to unleash it upon her. Your look says IOTWD. Work on it. You will get there.


EDIT 1: Didn't like a few sentences.
EDIT 2: This **** isn't a seduction technique, rather it is how to realte to other women in your life.
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Don Juan
Dec 5, 2005
Reaction score
Nice!! its kinda hard to understand but that might be because my ears are fukking ringing from the music earlier =[ . This sounds good. To me it sounds like it would make her like you more...Is that what youre going for when you IOTWD her?


Don Juan
Dec 17, 2006
Reaction score
Jay Jay said:
She will act towards you with the upmost respect. She will have your back and protect you from evil women. She will never say a bad word about you to other women.

She will celebrate your sexuality, revel in the fact that she is mates with such a sexy men.
I'm discovering this with a female friend/co-worker who I will never have sex with, but I am open with my sexuality around her. Hell, I can even be sleazy if I want to. But she has my back. She says nice things about me to other chicks and "protects" me from the "sunshine girl" I recently asked out (who I believe was thinking that she could use me to boost her ego).

This entire post makes a lot of sense!