If chicks riding the c@ck carosel is "real"..

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Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
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zekko said:
somewhere along the line, this place has turned away from actually interacting with and enjoying women to being butthurt and demonizing them. And the latter attitude is NOT going to get you laid.
The truth^

Its currently a negative feedback loop.

Guy cant laid----> Sosuave posters with green bars tell them women are bad and selfish and wh0res so it must be true-----> Guy gets even more upset with women-----> Guy still cant get laid-----> Buys into even more terrible advice given here.

See? Its a never ending cycle that ends up with extreme butthurt and minimal sex, if any. Members need to recognize this and BREAK the cycle. View women from a biological standpoint and without contempt. They ARE WHAT THEY ARE....zero animosity. Now not every guy will understand this....we must only "save those that wished to be saved". Im not in the business or arguing against someone who just rambles on and is not open to reason.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
zekko said:
Backbreaker has a point.
Danger is saying that it takes time to injest this stuff and to gain calibration through practice out in the field.
But still, if the information here is so valuable, why doesn't it give the new guys here an advantage over the average guys who don't read forums but are still out banging the sluts?

First off, there is no magic bullet.

Secondly, somewhere along the line, this place has turned away from actually interacting with and enjoying women to being butthurt and demonizing them. And the latter attitude is NOT going to get you laid. Even though all this "red pill" bitterness is being sold right along with all the other stuff that is supposed to make you attractive to women. When I got on this forum I was told that women were attracted to DJs. But what DJs are now are guys who have realized the "bitter truth".

I'm not saying there aren't genuine reasons to be upset with women, Lord knows there are. But wallowing in all that isn't going to make you successful with women. There's a thin line - when I came here I was told women want men who call them out on their bullsh!t, who will lead, and take command. There's a thin line between that and the bitterness, and I think too often lately that line has been crossed.
This. This. This. This. 10000x This.

The thing is, once you swallow the pills and understand truths or what not, you still have to figure out a way to get laid lol. None of that will get you laid. It might keep you from getting in a ****ty marriage. It might keep you rom taking care of another man's child. It might keep you from making a bad decision

but it's not going to proactivily get you alid

Basically, this is what i'm trying to say

there are 2 types of advice this forum gives and i think that this is the disconnect

A. Proactive Dating Advice

D. Defensive Protecting Advice

Red Pill is 90% Defensive protecting advice. It's some valuable ****. NO one is suggesting it isn't. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't.

But this is what I'm trying to say. There is nothing ATTRACTIVE about a man who is 90% red pill. That **** has to be balanced out with some practive dating advice.

It's only when you find that balance, or something resembling it, that you're going to have real success with women and be able to protect yourself

when I met my wife, I screened the living **** out of her lol (Red pill) but when we were together I kept it really fun with play dates and going to the beach and bowling and the zoo and stuff like that (proactive). I spun plates (Red Pill), But I made sure I spent time with her often enough and when I spent time with her, she had 100% of my attention, and I didn't pit other women against her, I told her that I like her and if she likes me she needs give me a reason to settle down (proactive). I understood she rejected me when I first asked her out becuase I was short lol, black lol and not her stereotypical dream man most likely (red pill) but I had enough confidence in myself to rebuttal her and make light conversation with her and 5-10 mins later I got the number and a date (proactive)

The problem is that too many guys swallow the red pill and don't wash it down with some proactive. Who the **** wants to be around a guy who is bitter and hurt and no fun? **** I don't want to be around that guy lol. You're toxic.

I'm not anti red pill. I'm anti red pill without something to balance it out. I'm Anti Negativity.

The power of a positive mind is vastly underrated. That's probably my wife's biggest rub off on me. she's the most positive person I've ever met and that's what really attracted me to her, she's hardly ever in a bad mood. she's always humming and bopping around and in a great mood. I watched my mom dress her down when she first met her in front of my entire family for basically just being white lol, and to this day she has never said one negative word about my mom and she has every right to do so. She told me something one day that really hit home with me when I was in a ****ty mood. she said negative thoughts are like weeds in your brain you got to pick them out before they corrupt the mind. I Just, refuse to think negatively. I listen to music that makes me happy, I do things that make me happy and I think about things that make me happy and don't think about things that don't make me happy or make me unhappy and I'm generally happy and it rubs off on my attitude / persona.


Oct 20, 2013
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Danger said:
Let's condense your statements down to the basic argument you are making.

Zekko is smart enough to realize that star count next to a name is not an absolute indicator of PUA ability. You, in an effort to build an argument against the effectiveness of game, equate star count to PUA ability.

This is why you weren't not able to incorporate game successfully Ninja. Because you are not able to read and digest information with the proper context. This is why you make such awful assumptions such as star count = PUA ability.

Here's the difference. I don't need to "study" and go over and over and over the same old crap and look at every little detail like a lunatic. Never needed to know about sht that comes normal to meeting chicks, getting numbers etc and having three looong LTR's.

Please dude. Most on here no matter how much "claim to game" they have are still whining.."informing"...each other on the same crap.

Incorporate "game" successfully. LMAO. Dude some of you are legends in your own mind. Carry on.


Oct 20, 2013
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backbreaker said:
This. This. This. This. 10000x This.

The thing is, once you swallow the pills and understand truths or what not, you still have to figure out a way to get laid lol. None of that will get you laid. It might keep you from getting in a ****ty marriage. It might keep you rom taking care of another man's child. It might keep you from making a bad decision

but it's not going to proactivily get you alid

Basically, this is what i'm trying to say

there are 2 types of advice this forum gives and i think that this is the disconnect

A. Proactive Dating Advice

D. Defensive Protecting Advice

Red Pill is 90% Defensive protecting advice. It's some valuable ****. NO one is suggesting it isn't. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't.

But this is what I'm trying to say. There is nothing ATTRACTIVE about a man who is 90% red pill. That **** has to be balanced out with some practive dating advice.

It's only when you find that balance, or something resembling it, that you're going to have real success with women and be able to protect yourself

when I met my wife, I screened the living **** out of her lol (Red pill) but when we were together I kept it really fun with play dates and going to the beach and bowling and the zoo and stuff like that (proactive). I spun plates (Red Pill), But I made sure I spent time with her often enough and when I spent time with her, she had 100% of my attention, and I didn't pit other women against her, I told her that I like her and if she likes me she needs give me a reason to settle down (proactive). I understood she rejected me when I first asked her out becuase I was short lol, black lol and not her stereotypical dream man most likely (red pill) but I had enough confidence in myself to rebuttal her and make light conversation with her and 5-10 mins later I got the number and a date (proactive)

The problem is that too many guys swallow the red pill and don't wash it down with some proactive. Who the **** wants to be around a guy who is bitter and hurt and no fun? **** I don't want to be around that guy lol. You're toxic.

I'm not anti red pill. I'm anti red pill without something to balance it out. I'm Anti Negativity.

The power of a positive mind is vastly underrated. That's probably my wife's biggest rub off on me. she's the most positive person I've ever met and that's what really attracted me to her, she's hardly ever in a bad mood. she's always humming and bopping around and in a great mood. I watched my mom dress her down when she first met her in front of my entire family for basically just being white lol, and to this day she has never said one negative word about my mom and she has every right to do so. She told me something one day that really hit home with me when I was in a ****ty mood. she said negative thoughts are like weeds in your brain you got to pick them out before they corrupt the mind. I Just, refuse to think negatively. I listen to music that makes me happy, I do things that make me happy and I think about things that make me happy and don't think about things that don't make me happy or make me unhappy and I'm generally happy and it rubs off on my attitude / persona.

^^^And THIS.^^^

BB and Zekko pretty much summed up my thoughs. Though I could care less to go into as much detail as they did. It makes no sense to go around and around with dudes stuck in their thinking..EXCELLENT POSTS ZEKKO AND BB.


Senior Don Juan
May 9, 2013
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i am really glad more and more people realize that hate and bitterness is not sexy :)
yes, women are like they are, it's not like we men are better. it's how the game works. there are some conventional labels like alpha/red pill/etc, but that is all they are. it really is about one thing: open your eyes, see the ugly stuff, accept it, and get in the game. the red pill isn't supposed to make anyone hate women, it's supposed to make people see the reality better, give an adge against the bluepill guys aka white knights(slaves for women), good guys(decieved manipulators who think acting all girly and sensitive will get the poon), and even the wannabe "alphas", etc

putting yourself above any woman and getting them down from the pedestal does not mean one should act all high and mighty, or even worse, force-act like it. it means to see that women are the same like us, with the same kind of fears, the same stupid hobbies, the same morons we are, maybe worse. this is not a reason to hate them, i really love girls as persons. they can be manipulative evil cvnts, but so can we. also it is supposed to free us from the fear of women, aka the fear of losing their respect/validation etc. this is why so many husbands are literally afraid of their wives. not because they are strong muscular women, but because the husbands are terrorized by the idea that the wife will not validate them as men, or they falsely fear of losing them. women see this, and use this to their advantage. can you blame them?

i really do feel the forum lost the cool, laid-back atmosphere it had in the early 2000's. but it can be brought back, it just needs some weeding out: the obvious trolls, fanatic bluepills fighting the war for the holy delusion of the st. Woman, the covert misandric women and by giving actual useful advice to those who ask. i am by no means a veteran ladies' man, there is much to evolve and learn, that is why i am here, and to drop something useful from my experience with the chicks, to those who need it and can use it.

on topic: the problem with this supposed cok carousel controversy is that we tend to forget, that most of those guys who are the "beneficiaries":
1. they are the same guys (not 90% of men, but way less), who either look very handsome, have crazy game, or they simply have no standards (thus the false illusion of below average hen, goose and whales of them looking good and "deserving the best"). i mean just take a look at the tools drooling under a facebook pic posted by some cross-eyed weirdo looking girl, donating the "likes", adoring her with copy paste compliments, and lately with lame memes, all just about ready to be the white knight for those second rate females.
2. don't frequent this forum (or very few do)

another point is that the whining threads are made by those who are not included into this supposed carousel, but they are not the majority of men.

most men are mildly included, and they don't even know it, they think the girl loves them/wants LTR etc. and when they find out that they were suckered, they come here and start a thread about how to get back the girl. of course he gets to be told that helloo, girls like to "just screw around" too, and they are labeled bytches. instead, they should just next the girl, and go forward for some more success. but the majority just gets bitter, loses trust in EVERY woman, and turns to trolling or trashing on the forum.

getting burnt by women, or burn them occasionally, it's normal. sometimes you game, sometimes you ARE the game. learn from it, and move on. it is the way to wisdom. crawling into a corner in a defensive position is not. it's the way to loser's hell.


Oct 20, 2013
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PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
The gang's all here, the contrarian strawmen pseudo-trolls Zekko, BB, and NN. Sorry but your act is getting old. It shouldn't be so easy to shred your strawmen guys, step your game up.

Right bro. Right.

So tell us what mind blowing "game" we don't already know.

Chicks lie just like dudes do.

Disney movies aren't real.

Some chicks are slvts.

Some chicks are BPD or have issues. Just like some dudes do.

Some chicks will try to use dudes for money.

If you break up with a chick and she finds someone else she's "branch swining".

If a chick has had other LTR's and slept with those dudes she's "riding the c@ck carosel" and she MUST be with other dudes we just "know" it.

What else?


Oct 20, 2013
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PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
What's your point exactly toolbox? Did you even consider that you aren't making any point whatsoever in that post?

^^^Sez the toolshed^^What mind awakening "game" is anyone talking about on here that shouldn't already be common sense unless there isn't a specific negative hurt feelings agenda attached to it?

If you want to promote this "c@ck carosel" theory then you'd have to admit if you believe it's true of all if not most chicks "riding the c@ck carosel" and seeing as there's supposedly master DJs who should be able to get any woman they want...then why aren't all these women riding on the more experienced gamers "c@ck carousel" than every other dude out there who's never bothered with "game"?

Are there slvts out there? yes.

Do chicks get into LTR's and sleep with other dudes. yes.

But the way this "c@ck carousel stuff gets thrown out there on here it's used to plant a seed in new dudes mind that "EVERY" chick is doing it. And that reeks of an agenda from other dudes who've been hurt or cheated on before and need to "get back" at some chick or chicks period because HE himself has unresolved personal issues.

Get to know many people in a social circle. Chicks TALK. They'll talk sht about their friends etc. and dudes talk too. If they hear or know a chick is a slvt it gets out there. You'll hear it from enough people and by talking to a chick that she IS quality same as you'll hear about the chicks who are trash.

Yet we're supposed to take it as gospel all or most chicks are riding the c@ck carousel which let's the person getting the info who's obviously been through some cht's mind fly that the same chick is fvcking everyone in her path. But "DJs and PUAs" etc. who are supposed to be the masters of game aren't getting them all (which would mean they're losing or not getting them in the first place to dudes who aren't knowledgeable about "game") then dudes involved in game use the CC excuse to put a band aid on their sore azzes.


Oct 20, 2013
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PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
How many strawmen do you want to make today? I ASSUREDLY do believe that guys that know game get laid more from slvts(if that is the goal) than guys with no game, all things being equal. Don't you know that all things being equal these women ARE riding the experienced gamers c0cks? Game is not limited to this website, there are plenty of naturals that learn it intuitively. Leave the house once in a while. I swear you are the bitter guy on disability that sits at home trolling POF but too scared to actually date one of those skanks.

Too scared? LMAO. Dude I got a 24yo chasing me right now.

Don't need POF chicks. I'll leave them to the "playaz". I don't care to get involved with trash. If other dudes feel like banging them out. Good. If I helped some dudes get replies and bang them etc. Good. As for me? Not interested in chicks I know are nutballs.

Funny thing is a a dude with no "game" I ran circles around that site AND I've done it from other users accounts too! lol.

Don't confuse a dude who goes for quality good looking chicks as "not having success" to dudes who trip over themselves with "game" for some drunk club sloot or online trash. (If dudes can't "succeed" with those types. lol)

I meet chicks IRL. Part time is great! Approach? Try approaching several chicks every time you work of all ages and looks.

Try having a huge social circle of dudes who've been everywhere and never bothered with "game or PUA crap". NYC, Vegas, Montreal, Miami, Cali, A.C , overseas and so on..And not even on some "pua" pick routine nonsense.

Think of a group of dudes all like the types of GoodLookingLoser and Scotty.
Those are the types I've grown up with my whole life in one of the biggest cities in the world.

Are there alot of club slvts and online sluts? Hell yes. But to throw out that "ALL" chicks are doing that is batsht insane and based on dudes who simply chase and deal with trash to get laid. Period.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
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If the Earth is round, why does it look flat to me?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 11, 2012
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here and there
PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
How many strawmen do you want to make today? I ASSUREDLY do believe that guys that know game get laid more from slvts(if that is the goal) than guys with no game, all things being equal. Don't you know that all things being equal these women ARE riding the experienced gamers c0cks? Game is not limited to this website, there are plenty of naturals that learn it intuitively. Leave the house once in a while. I swear you are the bitter guy on disability that sits at home trolling POF but too scared to actually date one of those skanks.

I've read some of his POF threads. He is contradicting everything he is saying about chicks. I don't know what his deal is. If he's actually 44, then he must be lying about his age to contact chicks who are 24. The youngest he can spam would be 30. His threads are all useless. You cant gain any experience with women just by thinking up lame openers to send. You have to go out and actually meet women to develop game. Doesn't take too long to develop game once you get some experience. That's what you should do.


Oct 20, 2013
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rascal99v said:

I've read some of his POF threads. He is contradicting everything he is saying about chicks. I don't know what his deal is. If he's actually 44, then he must be lying about his age to contact chicks who are 24. The youngest he can spam would be 30. His threads are all useless. You cant gain any experience with women just by thinking up lame openers to send. You have to go out and actually meet women to develop game. Doesn't take too long to develop game once you get some experience. That's what you should do.

LOL! Lame to you but I'm not spamming dudes. You take POF chicks as the end all be all? LMFAO! Keep hatin' son! You'd cry your KJ azz off if you were ever in my part time let alone out and do nada. Keep being a clown shoe! Hahahaha

Danger said:

Humble, if you think those "non club girls" are not giving out easy to the higher value men, then you are not a higher value man.

Good girls are just bad girls who never got caught.


Uh ok. Cool story bro. Keep that "high value" frame. LMFAO.

Try to actually meet chicks. Save the armchair PUA nonsense for the rest of the disease minded.


Oct 20, 2013
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Danger said:
I already demolished your OP by pointing out your false premises here.....

Premise D: Chicks are preferring betas]

I mean if you need to learn and use game to try and get a chick to sleep with you in the first place aren't you losing to dudes without game who these chicks are riding the c@ck carosel with already? Hmmm….

Premise E: Men without game are getting laid like gangbusters]

So, now your response is to resort to ad-hominem attacks. The first person in an argument to do such is the one who has nothing left to counter with. Especially given that I have a girlfriend and also have a lot of girls continuing to throw themselves at me. This is only armchair PUA to you because you failed in applying it.

But, let's follow this line of thought a bit more. Tell us Ninja, since your game is so good, why have you chosen to be a 44 year old virgin?
Why? I state that for the same reason dudes are legends in their own minds and because I find the delusions hilarious!
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