I went to a rave and what i did to make it amazing. MUST READ GOOD INFO IN HERE!


Don Juan
Dec 23, 2007
Reaction score
So anyways im sure most of you have all seen Master of the universe's post about like doing a certain challenge to skyrocket your self in one day, well anyways i only read the first one he posted where he kind of gave the basics about like being rejected 10 times in one day from random people.

So anyways I was standing at this rave with my friends around me and I was having a great time just standing there fist pumping lol, and i noticed this HB8 and i wanted to dance with her but i was nervous about it, so i thought and thought but not for that long lol and i remembered the "being rejected thing" so I went up to her, tapped her shoulder, and whispered in her ear "hi i'm trying to be rejected 10 times tonight...so i was wondering if you wanted to dance?"

Now she was way surprised that i would ask tell her that im assuming after seeing her face and she said no so i just told her no and i went on my way not feeling lame or down or anything about rejected even though i said that that was my intentions to be rejected.

So after that I went around to pretty much every girl i saw and said the same exact thing evertime except for sometimes saying "being rejected a lot" instead of 10 times.

Anyways i danced with a lotta girls that night!! So you can say i'm stupid for saying " i'm trying to be rejected tonight" but to me it was a game for me to have fun and talk to girls and have no worries.

I think some of you guys should try it if maybe you too scared or have any other problems about going up to girls because it made it WAY fun for me and helped me get rid of all of my approach anxiety.

Also its a nice little thing because what's the thing that girls hear the most at dances or anything? its some guy going up and just saying "hey do you wanna dance?" so its something different and throws them off track, and i'm sure makes you seem different which makes you stand out.

So try it if you wanna try becuase i'm for sure gonna keep doing it. And also I know i'm not the most experienced dj here obviously, so if your gonna be stupid and give me sh-it about it just don't be a dou-che because i know there's always room for improvement


Don Juan
Dec 23, 2007
Reaction score
sorry for any typos in here, i would have fixed them but it's kinda hard with how the threads are done.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2010
Reaction score
real2 said:
When I was 19 I was humping chicks in bathrooms, and boning chicks on my living room couch. Finger-banging chicks in lecture-halls (when the campus was empty-of course), and getting raped :rockon: by a hot drunk girl (loved it :) when invited to her place)

Theory of Relativity :)
Nice imagination. At least I hope it is an imagination. Having seen the fat chubs on American college campuses and knowing the high STD rates that go along with their dirty flip-flops and fat thighs I would not be bragging.


Don Juan
Dec 23, 2007
Reaction score
Amazing-you're right i do have that mentality to me and its retarded

kingsam-yes there was a lotta drugged up people there, it was still pretty cool though


Senior Don Juan
Dec 23, 2009
Reaction score
BigJimbo said:
Nice imagination. At least I hope it is an imagination. Having seen the fat chubs on American college campuses and knowing the high STD rates that go along with their dirty flip-flops and fat thighs I would not be bragging.
BigJimbo obviously you have never been to many American high schools and especially large colleges. theres a whole world you have no idea about.