I think my problem has always been...

Kupid Diggs

Don Juan
May 5, 2008
Reaction score
You sound like you smoke too much weed...

What are you doing with your life? You in school? Got a job? Do you still live with your parents?

Your scared man plain and simple.Your insecure about something too.

What's holding you back from smashing girls now? You just scared of being rejected?


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2007
Reaction score
a house
Well, kind of all you described right there. Cept for the weed part, haven't smoked weed in close to 2 years. I have a job, but haven't been saving money, had it for 3 years, that's irresponsibility on my part, I know. School has been a fccked up situation for me, another thing I am upset about.

Yeah, I think I am insecure about my own inexperience. Perhaps I care too much about what people think, which is actually the opposite of how I usually am.

Plus, it's this feeling of being a bit behind. And what's killing me, is the feeling of time gone bye.

Kupid Diggs

Don Juan
May 5, 2008
Reaction score
Well all I can say to you ItsOnNow is this...

You have to value yourself as a man. A lot of dudes on this site put way too much power in the woman's hands. These dudes go to sleep with puss on their minds and wake up with puss on their minds. I know its hard for you being a 22 year old, and you feel you have nothing to show for it. Thats why you need to "get your mind right". This means you get your finances in order, try to learn different things that interest you, get in shape, ect. Step your game up so you become the type of man that women will want to be with. Once you have your life together it'll be way easier to pick up women. Don't get me wrong though, you can still pick up women now. And your should be trying to.

The only way your going to get better with women is to TRY. All you gotta do is smile and say "hi". If they smile back and say something back your in. Just keep talking to them and close the deal. Your not even that old really. 22 is not old(Have you seen some of the dudes on this site who are 40 year old virgins??? Now thats a reason to be worried) . The whole thing you bring up about being inexperienced as a reason for not trying is just stupid thinking though. How do you think dudes get experience with girls? By going out there and trying. This is a process dude... Your not gonna become flawless with women over-night. Apply the things you learn here, take what works for you and use it. You can't be thinking about what the next dude is doing either. Thats throwing salt in your game.

You gotta expect failure in the beginning. The great Michael Jordon got cut from his team his freshman year of high school and look where he ended up.

I hope I got through to you ItsOnNow. You need to do like your name says and get it on now. Just go out there and holla at these girls. And if they say no, fine move on.


Don Juan
Jan 10, 2007
Reaction score
ItsOnNow said:
I'm a pvssy with no balls/confidence that's lazy and doesn't go for what he wants. Instead of going trying to meet chicks/get laid, I am at home lamenting myself. It is hard to read about 16/17 year olds with more pull/experience or with a gf, and I don't.
Bruv, it takes balls to admit you have insecurites...i know it makes u feel lyk sh!t, i have had my ups and downs too. But this is the advice i can give you for now. You cant get the women if you havnt sorted yourself out first.

Start with these 3 basic things:

  • Your Body: Get in shape...Start to lift weights & do some cardio ... there are alot of people here who can help you out with this if you dont know where to start.
  • Your Mind: Read up on inner game ... change your mindset to being positive...
  • Your Money: Stop blowing it and start to save it

Remember your health comes first :up:

PM me if u want me to send you some ebooks, theyre great help.
Best of luck mate


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2007
Reaction score
a house
You're both right. This has clouded my thoughts for some time, some of the sheet I used to think when I was 16,17,yeah. I haven't even really gone out,tried, and failed, then succeeded. That bothers me too.