I think its working but need some guidance


Don Juan
Jul 18, 2003
Reaction score
This isn't some sob story about an AFC beggin for help, but someone who is applying the techniques. But I need some help.
Story: Knew this girl through a group of friends. Me being the funny man in the group made everyone laugh. Blah blah, fast foward. We start talking alittle more at school and online (I know, but everyone at my school talks online, and talking on the phone really isn't the way to go). So we kinda got closer (I was pretty much not attracted to her by using the DJ techniques). I asked her out to do something after school one day, but frankly I forgot about it, and so did she (she had a legit excuse-I didn't). So we joked about that. We talk about sex alot and stuff like that. I guess its flirting?

So we kept talking on aim and school. One day she asks me for a ride home. Normal AFC would say sure. I didn't. Joked around with her, and bein an ******* made her beg and told her no anyways. She needed a ride another few days, and I still said no. She always IM's me first when Im on. I am trying to cut back alot on aim.

My birthday rolls around and its been maybe a month since we actually got to know each other's last names. She ends up getting me some kickass stuff along with another girl. I thought that was cool because she is normally someone who doesn't do that sort of thing. I endded up getting them both something small for Xmas. She then asked me to go out with her and some friends when exams were over... Not a big deal, but still nice of her to do that. Then theres this party. We were going to sleep over/get wasted and stuff like that. :rolleyes: She says that she wont go unless I go, and shes going to hang out with me the entire night, and if she gets drunk she will let me take advantage of her. I pretty much didn't feel like staying that night because nothing was going down (party wasn't what was expected) so I left.

So to sum it up:
Im funny to girl
girl talks about sex and flirts
To her I am sarcastic/funny/ass/nice guy, but she never knows when Im serious or not
When I dropped off her gift (which kind of poked fun at her complimented with a hanukkah card) She brought me up to her room. I intentionally did not use any kino. I was more or less trying to lead her on, but was looking at her pictures (she was showing) and complimenting the hell out of them. I guess this kind of worked, because it was teasing her. I then asked her to make out with me, but of course I said it with this huge grin on my face, and wasn't serious, and she just laughed.

So... With this long and rambling post... Should I go after her? I think I am doing the right things here. BTW, she textmessaged me wishin me a merry christmas, but I didnt respond to it... Also havent been on aim in a 2 days, and havent called. Good move on me? Green light, or yellow guys. I don't want to end up in the same friend zone bull**** again. Thanks.


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2003
Reaction score
Taking advantae of her while shes drunk is a ***** test, so don't do that. Green light on not responding to her message (I made that mistake with an 8.5, many a time).

I'd say go for it!

average joe2003

Don Juan
Dec 16, 2003
Reaction score
it might be good and it might not be good for you in a way. This is how i see it.
the good: you try to avoid her so she might be thinking about you alot.(what am I doing wrong, why is he ignoring me? etc etc)
the bad: It might give her the idea of you not liking her and eventually she'll loose interest.

if you think shes gf material then just ask her out. Definetly ask her out randomly while having conversation where she doesn't expect you to ask her out.

good luck


Don Juan
Jul 18, 2003
Reaction score
Thanks for the fast replies and advice. Yea she always quotes what I say and puts it on her profile. But who doesnt? And... I remembered that I asked her to do something today, but forgot, and I got on my secret sn (damn Im sneaky :rolleyes: ) and her away message was something like today was a total waste, but I don't know if it is directed towards me or not... Also, she isn't exactly someone who isn't shy around guys. Not that many guys are into her at my school, but other older guys are. Go figure. So with that said, any more advice?

average joe2003

Don Juan
Dec 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by crimsonclockwork
Not that many guys are into her at my school, but other older guys are.
what exactly do the older guys do to her? do they flirt?

average joe2003

Don Juan
Dec 16, 2003
Reaction score
well i can predict that since they're older and the girl is younger, they want nothing but piece of her fine a s s. since shes outgoing, she might have given them thoughts(if shes outgoing, then she will put it out). ive ran out of ideas. sorry, not much help from me.

good luck


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2002
Reaction score
You're doing really good so far. You are receiving success because the more she's interested the more she'll come after you and you are leaning back giving her that message that she's someone who you would like to know but not sure if she's the one to date yet. Oh and about not using kino in the bedroom.. that can be actually a plus because it shows her that you are confident and you don't need to be touching her to get yourself approval. Nice job:D

Now, here is what you do. You gather up more information about giving great dates and you take her out on one. Make it short/sweet and always end it at a good note. As for the X-mas thing text her a little later and make up an excuse.

BTW, some of the things she's asking for you can give. That isn't being an AFC such as the ride... you can resist the first few times but after that tease her and give her a ride, its a great way to start a convo and start kino.


Don Juan
Jul 18, 2003
Reaction score
Thanks for the advice Peace. So text message her later on? Alright, will do. Any more hints or advice?


Don Juan
Jul 18, 2003
Reaction score
I don't want to make it seem like Im caring too much about it. Im not really caring about this one girl, but more like how to act with other girls. I text messaged her and wrote this:
merry ****in 2 days after xmas baby... sorry i was ****in some chick on xmas and was so tired after... gimme a jingle if u wanna hook up later
... she text'd me back sayin yo baby
keep not talkin to her till tommorow or something? Im going to a party so that wont be too hard to do... What do you guys make of this?