I screwed up bigtime!!!!!!!!


Don Juan
Jan 17, 2002
Reaction score
los angeles
Alright so last night i went out with a hb girl that i use to work with about a year ago. Two weeks ago she had a party at her house and invited me. I end up going with a couple of buddies. have a good time. Next day after the party i email her tell her that we need to hang out and to expect a call from me in the coming week. Fastforward to last nite i called set the get together up, i tell her to meet up at a certain time. we get there walk in. WE wait for 45 minutes till we get the table. At this time the convo is going really good, im trying to catch up since we didn't talk alot at her party.Im using a lot of c &f, getting a good response from her. Even though she is hot, she is kind of shy and quiet. I could tell she was a little nervous, but overall things are going good. anyways this is were i made the the first mistake. i walk of to the bathroom and when i come back the lady brings the bill, and she is already has her credit card pulled out. Now i know its okay to have the girl pay for you, but she only ordered one thing inthe menu, i ordered most of it and she was going to pay for it all. I told her to pay half. she was cool. but i get the impression that maybe she felt like i didn't want to pay for any of it. The biggest mistake i made was that i didn't kino her at all. except when we hugged. Now towards the end of the date she dropps me off at my car. we hug and i go for the k close. she kind leans back looking confused. basically i did nothing to physically escalate and when i went for the kiss it surprised her, caught her off guard. she said "what" and i said "nevermind" then i tell her lets do it again she says yeah. and i get out of her car and into mine. but the whole moment was so ****in awkward. i am really upset because i know i didn't do anything to lead up to the kiss and i still went for it. Rookie mistake. Now my question is this. Imho i think i did alot of things well. I kept her hooked in the convo, i demonstated value in being funny and witty., i even busted her balls, i took charge of the whole situation. She was receptive to my gaming her. She defintely enjoyed my company. One mistake i did make was that i kind of dragged the date out too long. she was getting cold and i could see this made her more uncomfortable. But the smart guy move i made was the worse, i think besides her not being ready and being caught off guard, it made her uncomfortable. NOW I don't know what to do. should i act like it never happened? is there anything that i can do damage control wise, or should i just move on. Damn this is sooo upsetting because i know better. The thing is lately ive been hangin out with women that were so into me that i could grab their ass or do something crazy and they would let me get away with it. with this chick we were still in the feeling out process, and she also a lil more conservative than the other ones. i went out with Alright guys fire away@!!!!!! thanks in advance

Alright guys fire away!!!!!

P.S. I did text her today to tell her that i enjoyed hangout with her. I told her to bring a blanket next time tying to make it c&f.


Don Juan
Mar 18, 2005
Reaction score
sorry to tell you this but you dont sound as good as you think, you may be doing more things wrong then what you actually did. C&F should be used in the right moments if not its only akward.

Distant Light

Master Don Juan
Aug 9, 2005
Reaction score
New York
Ya you should have been kinoing from the start. Kinoing makes it so much easier to escalate things. That is why without kino your making your chances real slim to kiss her. When you don't kino and then try to kiss at the end it makes it sucha big deal. It made it weird and awkward.Its done with both of yall. Try and see if u can get another date with her an update us.