I need these questions answered


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
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1. Why do women go out of their way to complain about their most recent ex to you, on their profile, anything to get the message out, and then turn around and get back with him after a few weeks, months? I don't remember ever dating a girl for a long period of time that had issues and then turning around and going back out with her @$$. Once I figured out she was lazy, deadbeat, too crazy for me, whatever the case may be I got rid of her and that was that.

2. Why do 90% of the time a girl will get pregnant and the guy will stick around until the kid is born and then something happens and he hauls @$$ or the girl splits with the guy, but 6 months later they are back together again playing family like nothing ever happened. They'll never officially "date" again but they'll live together or they won't, but both of them throw a b!tch fit when the other starts dating someone else even though they don't want to date each other. She will also tell you what scum of the earth the guy is, how he kicked grandma and stole a kids loli-pop but yet he's such a wonderful dad according to her.lol

3. Why can't girls come up with a better excuse of telling a guy they aren't interested other then "we don't have anything in common"? It's always the girls that you have the most in common with that say this too.lol

4. Why do I have to work SO much harder to date a girl now that I'm in my 30's but yet back between the ages of 15-25 you basically could just walkup to any girl and be like "you're my girlfriend" and she'd be like "ok". Now you have to go on 17 dates and MAYBE she will be your girlfriend after you've gone through more tests then you'd have to be subjected to, to become and FBI agent. Why are women more picky as they get older and have less options but when they're young and in their prime they aren't as demanding and picky and make you jump through all sorts of bs hoops to date them?


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
1. She enjoys complaining about the guy, but she can't dump him because the sex is good. She enjoys gossip and is ruled by her vag.

2. Neither of them is ready for a kid. The stress of being new parents makes their already rocky relationship worse. They fight and break up. Then they feel guilty about it because a kid is involved. So they get back together "sort of" but not completely.

3. She doesn't want to flat out say, "You aren't attractive enough to me to make my vag tingle." That would be "shallow." So she uses the "no stuff in common" excuse as a smokescreen.

4. When she's young and the guy is young, all he needs is decent looks. When she's older, she wants looks, money, and the top 20 "must haves" she read in Cosmo.

Plus the young girl just wants fun/company/good feelings/sex. She might not over think it like an older lady.

Dating is much more fun in your 20s. In the 30s and up, she will grill you with questions like you are applying for the CIA director position. In your 20s, if you're attractive, it's little to no questions asked lol.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
I'm just going to speak to number 4.

Yes I wasn't a DJ when I was in my teens...but man meeting girls was a lot easier. Cause of school. You wouldn't have to "prove" your identity to her because you guys went to the same school. You don't have to show her than you're making 10 million a year because she doesn't expect you to since you're a kid. I met so many girls through random student clubs, sports, etc it was just crazy. Nowdays the only time you can meet women is on Saturday night at 11 pm, if you're wasted.

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
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East Coast USA
Robert28 said:
1. Why do women go out of their way to complain about their most recent ex to you, on their profile, anything to get the message out, and then turn around and get back with him after a few weeks, months? I don't remember ever dating a girl for a long period of time that had issues and then turning around and going back out with her @$$. Once I figured out she was lazy, deadbeat, too crazy for me, whatever the case may be I got rid of her and that was that.
B!tches like to run their mouths. They talk just to talk and vent. They are rarely looking for solutions.

Why do you lower yourself by taking dumb b!tches seriously?

2. Why do 90% of the time a girl will get pregnant and the guy will stick around until the kid is born and then something happens and he hauls @$$ or the girl splits with the guy, but 6 months later they are back together again playing family like nothing ever happened. They'll never officially "date" again but they'll live together or they won't, but both of them throw a b!tch fit when the other starts dating someone else even though they don't want to date each other. She will also tell you what scum of the earth the guy is, how he kicked grandma and stole a kids loli-pop but yet he's such a wonderful dad according to her.lol
Who gives a sh!t. Worry about the women you're f*cking. Who cares what others are doing.

3. Why can't girls come up with a better excuse of telling a guy they aren't interested other then "we don't have anything in common"? It's always the girls that you have the most in common with that say this too.lol
No one needs an "excuse" to reject you. If you don't make her vag tingle its usually game over unless you're up to your eyeballs in cash.
Spin plates and don't waste energy on women you are not f*cking.

4. Why do I have to work SO much harder to date a girl now that I'm in my 30's but yet back between the ages of 15-25 you basically could just walkup to any girl and be like "you're my girlfriend" and she'd be like "ok". Now you have to go on 17 dates and MAYBE she will be your girlfriend after you've gone through more tests then you'd have to be subjected to, to become and FBI agent. Why are women more picky as they get older and have less options but when they're young and in their prime they aren't as demanding and picky and make you jump through all sorts of bs hoops to date them?
When they're younger they have lots of time and just want to have fun. When they get older they're looking for a pandering beta fag with resources and good genes who they can control and have kids with... and marry.

They want security.. but they'll still f*ck a DJ.

Your problem stems from being a beta with no resources. You need to be sexy to get sex and you need to "have your sh!t together" to get the commitment of entitled, aging c*nts.

At age 29.. I haven't found dating to be any harder than in my teens or early 20's. Maybe you are too desperate.

Here is the text conversation that led up to the last girl I f*cked. She was b!tchy on the first date so I only paid for myself and didn't contact her again:

HER: "Hey! Hope everything is ok! Haven't heard from you since our date."

ME: "Didn't think we clicked. Thought you felt the same."

HER: "That's why you didn't pay?"

ME: "So whats up?"

HER: "Well.. you at least owe me an apology or explanation".

ME: "Lol.. I owe you sh!t"

HER: "Jerk! I cancelled plans with my girlfriends to see you."

ME: "Lol.. f*ck them too"

HER: "Was I really that bad on our date? I'm sorry.. I was having a tough week. Its not how I am"

ME: "I'll be getting drinks with my friends at ******** in 3 hours. Feel free to stop by and say hi if you're in the neighborhood."

HER: Ok.. maybe I will :)

So she actually shows up at the bar. Ended up taking her home. She wanted to get pounded badly. I can tell she was used to betas.

You don't have to jump through hoops. Women place those hoops in front of you to test you and see if you're desperate enough to jump OR if you actually have self-respect :up:


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2013
Reaction score
The Moon
OMG this SKINNY guy is making me so hard. :crackup: What a comedy show!!!! A guy giving out entertainment!

Here are the answers:

1. You shouldn't let her. Plain and simple. Always keep the conversation towards YOU and HER, not her and her ex.

2. Maybe they matured lol

3. They don't want to outright reject the guy because that will most likely send them running away forever. So they keep the lines open somehow, sprinkle a bit of sugar on their response and voila, they get to at least have some attention, because think about it ? The guy will most likely keep in contact if she sweetens up her response. Lol I've seen it happen all the time.

4. Too young to commit, time to be a h03. Honestly, it should be the other way around. It's usually harder for old ugly girls to get married at that age, not for the guy. The guys usually have it easier. Weird.

@P-Man Lolllll I laughed. Idk why you would even think of paying anyways. Duh.


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
Judge nismo's insight.

Robert28 said:
1. Why do women go out of their way to complain about their most recent ex to you, on their profile, anything to get the message out, and then turn around and get back with him after a few weeks, months? I don't remember ever dating a girl for a long period of time that had issues and then turning around and going back out with her @$$. Once I figured out she was lazy, deadbeat, too crazy for me, whatever the case may be I got rid of her and that was that.

She friendzoned you anyway. But to answer, she wants to see if you're a beta friend or someone who'll give her attention/ be her emotional tampon. It's all beta stuff she's trying to find out.

2. Why do 90% of the time a girl will get pregnant and the guy will stick around until the kid is born and then something happens and he hauls @$$ or the girl splits with the guy, but 6 months later they are back together again playing family like nothing ever happened. They'll never officially "date" again but they'll live together or they won't, but both of them throw a b!tch fit when the other starts dating someone else even though they don't want to date each other. She will also tell you what scum of the earth the guy is, how he kicked grandma and stole a kids loli-pop but yet he's such a wonderful dad according to her.lol

Alpha fux, beta bux. Hypergamy plus Briffault's Law.

3. Why can't girls come up with a better excuse of telling a guy they aren't interested other then "we don't have anything in common"? It's always the girls that you have the most in common with that say this too.lol

So that the guys they reject will still give them attention! If they outright say no, they won't get any attention. Guys, a girl is either designated as a yes or a no. A maybe or might be, AFAIC, is a no.

4. Why do I have to work SO much harder to date a girl now that I'm in my 30's but yet back between the ages of 15-25 you basically could just walkup to any girl and be like "you're my girlfriend" and she'd be like "ok". Now you have to go on 17 dates and MAYBE she will be your girlfriend after you've gone through more tests then you'd have to be subjected to, to become and FBI agent. Why are women more picky as they get older and have less options but when they're young and in their prime they aren't as demanding and picky and make you jump through all sorts of bs hoops to date them?

Young women want looks. Old women want looks, money, and so much more from the magazines.
Read between the lines, that's what women make us men do!


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
Reaction score
I can't believe what some really hot women will settle for just because the guy has money.

This past weekend I was this party and one of the hotter girls was there was with this frumpy dude. The guy sat on the couch the whole time and refused to associate with the rest of us, while his girl hopped around and talked to everyone. While we were outside, I talked her a little bit and I found out he made really good money - working in medical sales or something like that.

If what it takes is a good income, a lousy personality, and a poor physique, maybe I'll pull some HB8's in the next couple of months? Jesus Christ.
Apr 12, 2012
Reaction score
instantnoodles said:
OMG this SKINNY guy is making me so hard. :crackup: What a comedy show!!!! A guy giving out entertainment!

I like to think for skinnyguy's sake that he's just trolling. If not, then he's got to be the whiniest, most hopeless beta ever to grace these boards.

Oh and I'll answer #1.....the girl is using you for emotional support. Friendzone City. She doesn't like you anymore than she likes her brother and nothing will change that. Quit being some whiny b1tches shoulder to cry on. You are playing the role of gossip girlfriend.