I need some guidance from real DJ's


Don Juan
May 18, 2008
Reaction score
I have got myself into a bit of a situation.

I'm 23, 6'8" lanky guy...not bad looking at all.

I got involved with a single mom, let things get out of hand. She isolated me from my friends, started fights with my former **** buddies. Shes a great girl but damn she is getting very possessive and pushing the marriage issue to the core. I was with her at first because the sex was so great...I know thats not the nicest thing to say lol, but seriously the girl and me worked together in sack like a damn movie.

Anyway, fast forward to last week...its been a year and I haven't been 100% faithful honestly. I go to college about an hour away and have 2 fbs there that fell in my lap, nothing special but I started feeling guilty after last night...

Last night she had this horrible break down, started crying over spilling ranch dressing at her job...it sounded so stupid I started laughing thinking she was being dramatic. She walked out crying and called me later that night.

i had a friend come down that I don't see much anymore, my old wingman. He had a couple of girls set up that would **** and I was game, but my girlfriend knew how I was before and threw a big fit about how she reminded her of her abusive ex that is in the pen blah blah blah.

Anyway, fast forward...I figure I should get a piece if I am turning one down so I go to her house and crawl in bed. She told me she would **** earlier so I was all game to get it on...she said "No I'm tired' ...I drove back to my house with horrible blue balls and mad...got a call at 2:40 am asking if I was coming back over. I said no...then this morning my wingman that was staying a friends house was asking me why my girlfriend was getting in a car at 3am. I didn't have an answer so i went up to her work to investigate...she was very warm until I said something and she blew up and I left telling her to go **** herself.

Now I don't know what I want. I really love this girl but I don't know what to do. I am set up to inherit about 9million when my grandparents pass away as well as a business I work at right now...she knows this as well as other women that have tried to tie me down in the past. She is 21, has 2 kids...a medical disability that is probably going to have her bed ridden by the time she is 35. She is pushing to get married freakin hard and I don't know what to do or how exactly I got in this situation. :cry:


Senior Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
Reaction score
Lincoln said:
I have got myself into a bit of a situation.

I'm 23, 6'8" lanky guy...not bad looking at all.

I got involved with a single mom, let things get out of hand. She isolated me from my friends, started fights with my former **** buddies. Shes a great girl but damn she is getting very possessive and pushing the marriage issue to the core. I was with her at first because the sex was so great...I know thats not the nicest thing to say lol, but seriously the girl and me worked together in sack like a damn movie.

Anyway, fast forward to last week...its been a year and I haven't been 100% faithful honestly. I go to college about an hour away and have 2 fbs there that fell in my lap, nothing special but I started feeling guilty after last night...

Last night she had this horrible break down, started crying over spilling ranch dressing at her job...it sounded so stupid I started laughing thinking she was being dramatic. She walked out crying and called me later that night.

i had a friend come down that I don't see much anymore, my old wingman. He had a couple of girls set up that would **** and I was game, but my girlfriend knew how I was before and threw a big fit about how she reminded her of her abusive ex that is in the pen blah blah blah.

Anyway, fast forward...I figure I should get a piece if I am turning one down so I go to her house and crawl in bed. She told me she would **** earlier so I was all game to get it on...she said "No I'm tired' ...I drove back to my house with horrible blue balls and mad...got a call at 2:40 am asking if I was coming back over. I said no...then this morning my wingman that was staying a friends house was asking me why my girlfriend was getting in a car at 3am. I didn't have an answer so i went up to her work to investigate...she was very warm until I said something and she blew up and I left telling her to go **** herself.

Now I don't know what I want. I really love this girl but I don't know what to do. I am set up to inherit about 9million when my grandparents pass away as well as a business I work at right now...she knows this as well as other women that have tried to tie me down in the past. She is 21, has 2 kids...a medical disability that is probably going to have her bed ridden by the time she is 35. She is pushing to get married freakin hard and I don't know what to do or how exactly I got in this situation. :cry:
shes got you all twisted around her finger. From your post, sounds like shes got her in your hold. Best answer, get out of their. Shes got heavy problems, heavy baggages and shes no good for you, and you guys wont have a future together, plus shes sounds like a player. Listen to me buddy-eject eject. Get out of there, fast.


New Member
Oct 13, 2008
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Currently residing in Oregon
Yeah bro for real get out of there! She treats you the way she treats you because of her past experiences and thats always bad to start with. In any situation with woman you want to establish domaince very early or else the will feel like that can f wit your mind all the time. I have experience with single moms and 9 times out of 10 they have the same description of problems that you just spoke about. If you stay in it, it will only get worse believe me! And another thing, stop telling woman about your inheritance for your own safety bro! Any chick that knows that can potential turn your situation into a fatal attraction if they stick around long enough, and you dont want dat you feel me!


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
Reaction score
South Dakota
Get out now!!! You are a meal ticket for her 2 kids. Do you WANT a bedridden wife? I mean, if it happens, you deal with it, but a woman with 2 kids, treats you like ****, and gonna be a cripple? You want to stay? IF you are going to be stupid, at least get a pre-nuptual in place so she can't get half of the cash.