I Need Help At Work


Don Juan
May 26, 2013
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I know there are a lot of people on here with good jobs, and in high positions, but i'm not one of those people. I work at a restaurant, with almost all female co-workers, and female managers. I've only had the job for three weeks, and still have another month before my "probation period" is over. I really need help because I'm afraid I might lose this job over some girl problems...

The TL;DR is: how to deal with women with too much authority, too much girl drama, and severely unprofessional women managers? I understand workplace politics, and I understand social dynamics, and female rationale, but how the fvck do I make this situation work? All I see is the absurd situations, and catch-22s. I don't cause problems, and I don't complain and therefore I am the reason for the girl's problems and source of their complaints... I know women are fueled by drama, but how can I adapt into that environment? Even though the job is easy, and I am good at it, the drama they are causing already has me on thin ice.

I got written up for something a girl coworker who doesn't like me told the manager I did. The problem is that she said something so distorted and untrue, and also so minor, and it lead to me being written up.
I told my manager what actually happened, in one ear out the other, "just sign the paper and clock out."
It seriously blows my ****ing mind that is how females do business. A girl gets offended, storms to the manager, and I get written up. "If you have a problem with another employee, just let me know and I'll talk to them" Obviously when i tell you (which i won't, because i can handle my own problems), then you go tell the girl "someone" said something about her, it only makes the hatred she feels towards me stronger.
Plus I was under the impression that the simple act of complaining over trivial **** is frowned upon, due to the fact that we are adults....

Everyone is on my back, telling me things I already know, and am already confident in doing - it's an easy fvcking job. Anytime there is anything slightly wrong, anywhere, I have to hear about it, and then I have to get told why it's wrong, and blah blah blah. I want to scream out "YOU THINK I DON'T KNOW THAT?!" but all I can do is just listen, over and over, and over again. "Just so you know, you need to wash your hands after touching money. When the health inspector comes it's very important because cross contamination blah blah blah. You're gonna want to use soap, and scrub with hot water."
Did you not see me just wash my hands? Have I not been washing my hands 1000 times a day since I was a child?

Then there is the one girl coworker, maybe you know someone like her, who despite my best efforts to be friendly, remains constantly pissed off at ME, who is the source of all her entire lives problems. She'll get offended from something I must have done from all the way across the room, and she'll do her estrogen fueled power walk to the managers office to complain about it.

My manager (28 year old woman) can't speak to me in a normal tone. She can't be friendly, she can't be a human being. She can't not trip over her power. She watches me like a cat watching a laser pen, and looks for opportunities to call me out. Yes, I'm new, yes, i'm still learning, but she's just so insulting and over the top in her reactions. It's vibes of a drill sergeant, mixed with female entitlement. She'll call me over to talk, when it's really busy, so I'm keeping an eye on what needs to be done while she's ranting, and when she gets done talking I go take care of it - except wait "WHERE ARE YOU GOING!" I was going to take care of some orders "I WASN'T DONE TALKING YET!" ok, I'll walk back over and stop working, even though you clearly were done talking "Don't walk away when I'm talking to you" Ok, understood. Then she gives me that look where her eyes pop out and, blown away by my sheer stupidity she says "WHY ARE YOU STILL JUST STANDING HERE WITH ALL THAT WORK THAT NEEDS TO BE DONE!"

No matter what I do, no matter what I try, I can not get these girls to chill out to me. I wouldn't give a **** except that they are in a position of power when it comes to my employment. Some of the girls are cool and we get along great. They don't complain about me, or anyone, and guess who they don't get along with? That same manager and girl from above.
I have two other managers. One of them is a guy and he's chill. He tells me what to do, and I do it and it's all good. The other girl manager is chill too, especially because she talks to me like a human. All of it goes to hell when the 28 year old power princess walks in.

I'm really worried and stressed because the "probation period" means they can fire me for any reason, without warning. After the probation period I should have more security because it's a union position. Obviously I don't want to work here my whole life, but due to the location (casino) it has a lot of opportunities to transfer into other fields I'm interested in after six months. It's a great place to work, outside of this stupid girl drama, which makes it even worse because I'm more than qualified and VALUE the job.
Too bad that doesn't mean anything.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2007
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Holy sh1t man, get out of there! You said you're seeing some career opportunities with this job, they better come fast so you can move departments! If you stay in that situation for too long, it's going to destroy you. Seriously.

If you want to keep fighting, get some people on your side. See if you can hang out with the guy manager (or the other one who is cool), maybe at some afterwork function or whatever. Make some friends if you can. So after couple of beers just mention you've been wrongly discredited etc. Chances are, if she is really that b!tchy, they won't like her either.

Is the "power princess" really everyone's boss? If not, you can start rising through the ranks if the other guys support you.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
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dmvdav said:
The TL;DR is: how to deal with women with too much authority, too much girl drama, and severely unprofessional women managers? I understand workplace politics, and I understand social dynamics, and female rationale, but how the fvck do I make this situation work? All I see is the absurd situations, and catch-22s. I don't cause problems, and I don't complain and therefore I am the reason for the girl's problems and source of their complaints... I know women are fueled by drama, but how can I adapt into that environment? Even though the job is easy, and I am good at it, the drama they are causing already has me on thin ice. .
you've answered your own question there without even realising it

start causing some problems , stir some sh*t maybe bang one or 2 of them

enforce your male dominance

you should be running the place by the end of the year


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2007
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Agree, but still if you have zero support from anyone then stirring sh!t up might easily get you fired. It might be super manly, but if he can't risk it then he has to be careful.

So get some support, a little foothold, then man up big time!


Don Juan
May 26, 2013
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Huffman said:
f you stay in that situation for too long, it's going to destroy you. Seriously.

Is the "power princess" really everyone's boss? If not, you can start rising through the ranks if the other guys support you.
I feel like it is destroying me too. It turns simple tasks into such complicated problems due to the emotional drama, but I think that's just how it is in the food and beverage workplace. I have a very hard time controlling my anger when this woman speaks to me the way she does, and I don't know how to control it. Usually I don't have problems with getting angry, but this is a situation that just makes no sense to me. Nobody talks to me like that, ever, and if they did I would laugh at them. I've tried that. I've tried talking to her in polite, respectful, tone, being completely agreeable too and nothing changes. I can see it in her eyes, she gets pleasure in it.
The idea she has so much power over my life is so ridiculous and brining me a lot of stress, because I need this job.

And she says "It doesn't seem like you want to work here"
Are you serious? It doesn't seem like YOU want me working here.
"You aren't very good at handling criticism"
I can't handle criticism? All I do is handle criticism. You don't know how to criticize.

She isn't the main manager, but the main manager is inaccessible to me. Whenever the main manager is in close proximity to her, this girl speaks to me like a professional. Her eyes are ready to explode from the anger she's barely able to suppress. If I knew that her complaints didn't really matter, it would be much easier to deal, but I'm worried that they do.

Girls always have sides. I could stir up ****, and get everyone to admit how brutal this woman is, but when it comes for them to speak up they won't say anything. That's how girls are. They'll overlook so much to keep the female politics in their favor.
I am planning on working over two girls, but trying to see if I can use that to get a foothold, like someone said. One of the cute girls is into me, and once she started flirting with me and I gave her a bit more attention it made the other cute girl interested as well (how predictable). I'm at least going to pursue a friendship with them and try to figure out how the power structure breaks down.

The male manager has no power. He's a guy, not a whiny little cry baby, and it's clear when I work with him that he just wants the job done. But he's a pushover towards the girls (obviously).

3agle 3yes

Master Don Juan
Aug 22, 2012
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OP you remind me of my older brother.

The first thing I want to tell you is NEVER compromise your integrity.

That is the REAL source of your problem NOT this woman.
dmvdav said:
...I'm afraid I might lose this job over some girl problems...
dmvdav said:
I'm really worried and stressed because the "probation period" means they can fire me for any reason, without warning...
dmvdav said:
I have a very hard time controlling my anger when this woman speaks to me the way she does, and I don't know how to control it. Usually I don't have problems with getting angry, but this is a situation that just makes no sense to me.
She may be "the manager" but she is not your boss. The worst she could do is fire you...and even then she would have to give a good reason.

Forget stirring drama or taking sides, that's for lesser people.

Your letting your emotions get in the way, and because of that you mind is fuzzy.

Arrange a meeting with her and tell her what your problem is.

Do NOT be emotional regardless of how she reacts, just be calm.

But make sure you tell her that she is making it hard for you to do your job properly and that she needs to speak/treat you differently.

At the end of the day, the whole point of the business is to earn profits and that can't happen if there is tension amongst the two of you (or everyone else).

If she can't understand this, then resign...and find another way to get to where you want to be.


May 17, 2013
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America is best
I've had mostly bad experiences with female coworkers and managers. The only good experiances were because they thought I was attractive. It makes your life easier when your female co-workers think your hot, you can basically do what ever you want.

My dad once had a female boss, once. He complained about how she is incompetent, and he had to constantly fix her mistakes. He found another job real fast.

You have two options, start applying to new jobs.

In the meantime go jason bourne style on there asses, start sabotaging everything so it at least fvcks up your department and makes your current manager look bad. Just don't get caught. Not sure what you do, but you could start mixing up papers, or grabbing important ones and throwing them out. Get your revenge.

I mean what else are you going to do? Try and have a rational conversation about this, and expect a logical and fair outcome? no buddy.

Every female boss I've had are just ****ty. They are not good at handling the stress of responsibility so they are b!tches.

I say you find a new job, but try to throw a wrench in the gears. Then you can laugh as you walk out, while they clean up the mess. It'll make you feel better.

Or try to turn them against each other, that would be entertaining. If you think carefully, and remove your emotions, you can leave it in a state of chaos.

But if your going to stay, don't do anything for revenge. Focus on damage control.