I need a life (career? money? etc)


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
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Teflon_Mcgee said:
I disagree. The question of Kiyosaki being a fraud or not (I think he is) is irrelevant. Rich Dad Poor Dad is a good book to begin the journey out of the matrix.

It's the mindset that's important and Kiyosaky does an excellent job in setting the foundation for that mindset.
"the truth will set you free neo"

Yes, we love out matrix references so I figured I would get another one out there. Kiyosaki belittles facets of very rich and successful people. He is targeting undereducated and under achieving people claiming that they can be rich. You want to get out of the matrix? The key is to learn how society works. Learn how power works, learn how making money works.

this is a great site regarding Kiyosaki's crap



Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
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synergy1 said:
"the truth will set you free neo"

Yes, we love out matrix references so I figured I would get another one out there. Kiyosaki belittles facets of very rich and successful people. He is targeting undereducated and under achieving people claiming that they can be rich. You want to get out of the matrix? The key is to learn how society works. Learn how power works, learn how making money works.

this is a great site regarding Kiyosaki's crap

I guess we'll have to disagree.

If I didn't read that book as a teenager, I never would have began to think the way I think. I never would have met the millionaires (who were huge Kiyosaki fans) that inspired me even more. I never would have been on the path to my own emipre.

You're not wrong in what you say other than the fact that you fail to realize the value of the message behind the book. You dismissed it, I got inspired by it.

This book will always be on my recommendation list no matter how big of a fraud Kiyosaski is (and I believe he is to a degree.)


Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
Reaction score
I agree with Teflon here. I remember not thinking the writing style was anything great, and thinking a lot in the book was silly. And I don't feel any strong trust towards Kiyosaki in terms of factual information. Also, I started reading some of his other books but decided he pretty much regurgitates the same material over and over. Nevertheless, for me, at the point I was at in my life when I read it (Rich Dad, Poor Dad), there occurred an epiphany.

It's a difficult thing to develop a successful mindset and view towards money (I'm still cultivating mine... and have a ways to go), especially considering the way most of us are raised. I think this book is good for beginners (people who think like 90% of suckers do about money). I think it's especially useful for people going to school without any definite aim or purpose.... simply going to school and thinking this (expensive) act alone will lead to success. Hmm.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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synergy1 said:
"the truth will set you free neo"

Yes, we love out matrix references so I figured I would get another one out there. Kiyosaki belittles facets of very rich and successful people. He is targeting undereducated and under achieving people claiming that they can be rich. You want to get out of the matrix? The key is to learn how society works. Learn how power works, learn how making money works.

this is a great site regarding Kiyosaki's crap

That's like Coke giving a negative review of Pepsi.

If you can't recognize the obvious conflict of interest in this "review" you're blind.

I just love it when guys with little to no experience with money try to discredit anyone who capitalizes on valuable information.

Wake up dude.


Don Juan
Dec 19, 2006
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Well, it's been 5 months since i posted this, so i figured i'd give an update:

- I'm in community college for Business - General.
- I still am working at the same place i was before. I got a small raise and now make $12/hr. Which is still not great.
- I started a "bootstrap" ebay business which brings in about $40 a week. I started out just selling stuff i didn't need, and then used my paypal money to buy and sell some items.
- I read many of the books and sites suggested shortly after posting here. They did alter my perspective on a lot of things financially and career wise. I'm just not sure entreupaneurship is for me right now. Yes, im doing "ok" with my ebay business, but i just see that as side money. If i can end up with 100-200k in my bank from a nice career - i have some awesome ideas for businesses.


After reading this thread over again - i noticed a few people saying "sales" was the way to go.... I for whatever reason didn't ask for people to go into that further... so...

Anyone care to explain exactly what they mean by sales? Like cars? Or those knife sets that my friends have sold in the past (which i thought were scams)?

How do you go about getting a sales job? Where do you find them? I just looked on careerbuilder in my area and the only sales job i could see was one selling insurance and they (just like 90% of the decent paying jobs) wanted 6 years of proven insurance sales experience!!!!!


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
entreupaneurship is not for everyone. takes alot of willpower and moreso that that, alot of sacrificing and it a very humbling experience.

alot if not all your relationships iwll be put to strain and most will fail. my parents and I dont' talk to this day becuase of **** they both did and said when I was starting my first business. true colors come out.

sales as in sales. if you can sale you can sale anything. doesn't matter what you sale, you put a sales man in a position to sell something and he will make a good living.

go to a car lot, perrably a mazda/kia car lot as they hire alot of new sales people.. you aren't getting a fresh sales job at a honda/nissan/toyota dealership.. they cherrypick sales people from other lots. they will hire you. the turnover rate at a car lot is 75% per year. throw it to the wall and see if it sticks is how car lots work.