I 'm using a cane - Interesting observation about women


Master Don Juan
Mar 17, 2006
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Sun Tzu said:
My solution: No more average women. There are some classy ones out there, and I will hold out for them.
That's the spirit man. You don't settle for anything but the best!!! We have standards and they must be honored!

I'm Asian and often I get people thinking I'm younger than I actually am, but turns out it can work out in my benefit in the future. :D:rockon:

Sun Tzu

Don Juan
Aug 19, 2006
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AETude said:
its great work you have not only have this perception but you are testing it, keep it up mayb try a few more experiments similar, or even psychological experiments on girls you are dating. bravo...

i've had bad bad experiences myself, yes i think at times i spoil them too much, but its time to use the cane for what its designed for. smack them! lol
Believe me, the thought of a good punitive "caning" has crossed my mind more than once.

I wonder if any of the women who are here will weigh in. I have no idea why they're here in a men's forum in the first place, and I certainly doubt that their opinions are truly representative of the female population at-large, but I'd like to hear what their spin is. Either we'll learn something interesting or we'll have a good laugh.

In the meantime, I will keep my experiments going.

Woohoo...almost time for some more Percocet. Actually, Gout pain is notorious for not responding well to Percocet. It really only gives you 1/2 hour to 45 minutes of relief. Then it's another 3 hours of pain till the next dosage. Guys, this Gout is some serious sh!t. You can't even let a single bed sheet rest against it without excruciating pain.

I realize I'm rambling a little too much tonight... I'll try to be a little more concise.

Sun Tzu

Sun Tzu

Don Juan
Aug 19, 2006
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Potbelly said:
That's the spirit man. You don't settle for anything but the best!!! We have standards and they must be honored!

I'm Asian and often I get people thinking I'm younger than I actually am, but turns out it can work out in my benefit in the future. :D:rockon:
Trust me, you will be very glad down the road. I used to hate the fact that I had a "baby face" in high school. Now, it's paying off big-time.

Thanks for the encouragement, brother.


Feb 10, 2005
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Sun Tzu said:
This experience has been a real eye-opener. I would have guessed just the opposite - that women would be the ones who would show empathy and act with some kind of caring. I have been out several times now to different stores and you can actually see how men will instinctively accommodate you, while the women are overwhelmingly just the opposite.

I must respectfully disagree with your reasoning as to why men show respect. I think it's more that men tend to strive to live by principal, whereas women have almost no concept of living by principal. That, plus they live with a sense of entitlement. I still do believe that there is a small minority (perhaps 3%) who are principled people and these are the ones who I want to be involved with.
Right, we're always told and lead to believe women are caring and considerate, but it's just words and basically untruths. The truth is just the oposite. I've never seen any evidence that women were more caring, nurturing or principled. Women seem to only be driven by their opportunistic and exploitative emotions and instincts. Whether this is because that's their nature, how they are socialized (entitled) by society or both (I think it's both but with a heavy emphasist on conditiong), virtually all women are like this.

The only time a woman can act feminine properly is to her offspring and her man that she's devoted to. This is just her responding to her instincts and emotions basically. But my point is I think it's sort of pointless to look for the 3%, or whatever percentage, of women that are principled because women are only "principled" to a man their devoted to and their offspring.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
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Here is my thread about my experiments with 'pavement chicken.' I did not set out to prove any point about men vs women, but quickly discovered the same results others report. Women, even little fat ones, will not deviate from their straight line, the spoilt little madams.


Canadian Catnip

Senior Don Juan
Jun 3, 2007
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Nighthawk said:
Here is my thread about my experiments with 'pavement chicken.' I did not set out to prove any point about men vs women, but quickly discovered the same results others report. Women, even little fat ones, will not deviate from their straight line, the split little madams.

Thanks Nighthawk, good thread. I liked the part where you said
Also, check out any chick-flick or romantic novel. Mostly the woman will initially find the man rude, or they will literally bump into each other. Later she will discover there was a good reason for his apparent rudeness and sleep with him. But never will they begin with the woman being impressed with him opening the door for her. Don't blame me for what women find sexy.
I have had this happen too, and at the time never understood why. Sometimes I do things like this just as experiments to see what the women will do so I can figure them out.

I can remember on several occasions when I have met women and been short with them from the get go or have completely ignored them and it has made them go crazy for my attention.

Just act confident, and be completely disinterested in anything she does, especially if she comes over to you and gives you the opportunity to talk to her.

There is a reason why this works.

Don Juanabbe

Master Don Juan
Jan 28, 2004
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Women now act like this more than ever because there is an abundance of AFC losers ready to kiss their ass every single day, and I put the blame mostly on them. It's not until we rid society of tragic AFCness that this shyt will go away.

When you have fat ugly broads acting like this, you know it's reached critical mass, and there are fat ugly broads out there who do act like this because of AFCness in most guys these days.


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
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Sun Tzu, I read your reply.
Good to see you are not meeting the negative criteria I threw out there.
Props to you for being disciplined and awakened physically, mentally, and spiritually.

My post was just an impression based on what you wrote. I did not want to believe it, and you proved to me that those beliefs were false.
This is great.

Here's what I would like you to think about, and also, especially the younger men on this forum..

What you are seeing are FEMALES. FEMALES in ACTION.

Not "women".

And most certainly NOT "Ladies".

Ladies are nurturing, accomodating, and compassionate, and defer when proper.

Females are just human female species.

Do not judge females by their outside appearance and EXPECT them to act like LADIES.

If you know they're not ladies, then do not be surprised. Do not condemn them, and be judgemental of all females.

Try to not get too carried away in giving away your peace of mind and happiness to people who don't act the way you feel they should anymore. This is hard. But it leads to lasting happiness, and peace of mind.
You have your expectations, and they have theirs.

A woman who genuinely acts Ladylike is a treasure!

If you have met a genuine Lady, then be thankful and appreciative.

Think about this the next time one of you wants to get into a relationship with a female and expect her to act like a Lady.

females who feel repressed and oppressed will not defer to a Man. They see it as a sign of weakness, and improper behavior. Even if you are ill.
They feel that the world owes them, and they are entitled to what they feel they have been denied. Thus, in order to live the mental schema of being denied and "finally getting what I am owed", a female like those you have opbserved will not defer anything to a man, she actually has the belief that she is disrespecting herself if she does. "You're a Man! You can take care of yourself! What am I doing helping you..a Man??!"

Think about that long and hard.
And choose wisely who you decide to let into your life.

Sun Tzu

Don Juan
Aug 19, 2006
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Interceptor said:
Sun Tzu, I read your reply.
Good to see you are not meeting the negative criteria I threw out there.
Props to you for being disciplined and awakened physically, mentally, and spiritually.

My post was just an impression based on what you wrote. I did not want to believe it, and you proved to me that those beliefs were false.
This is great.

Here's what I would like you to think about, and also, especially the younger men on this forum..

What you are seeing are FEMALES. FEMALES in ACTION.

Not "women".

And most certainly NOT "Ladies".

Ladies are nurturing, accomodating, and compassionate, and defer when proper.

Females are just human female species.

Do not judge females by their outside appearance and EXPECT them to act like LADIES.

If you know they're not ladies, then do not be surprised. Do not condemn them, and be judgemental of all females.

Try to not get too carried away in giving away your peace of mind and happiness to people who don't act the way you feel they should anymore. This is hard. But it leads to lasting happiness, and peace of mind.
You have your expectations, and they have theirs.

A woman who genuinely acts Ladylike is a treasure!

If you have met a genuine Lady, then be thankful and appreciative.

Think about this the next time one of you wants to get into a relationship with a female and expect her to act like a Lady.

females who feel repressed and oppressed will not defer to a Man. They see it as a sign of weakness, and improper behavior. Even if you are ill.
They feel that the world owes them, and they are entitled to what they feel they have been denied. Thus, in order to live the mental schema of being denied and "finally getting what I am owed", a female like those you have opbserved will not defer anything to a man, she actually has the belief that she is disrespecting herself if she does. "You're a Man! You can take care of yourself! What am I doing helping you..a Man??!"

Think about that long and hard.
And choose wisely who you decide to let into your life.

Thanks for the props. I was only able to start to become a man at age 49, and it has been the hardest struggle of my life, but vastly rewarding. Even if I died tomorrow I would know that I am a success, because I committed myself in earnest to the path (the process) of achieving authentic manhood.

There is much wisdom in your post. I'm going to reflect on it long & hard. I hope you guys see underneath the surface of what he's saying. There's an immense amount of depth here.

This whole experience has been a real eye-opener for me. Anytime in life that we are disillusioned, it is a good thing, for only by shattering those fairy tales we hold in our minds can we be free.

There will always be that 3% of the female population who are "ladies", who have class, and from now on I'm going to pursue them exclusively. The rest I will choose not to let bother me.

I have been very disturbed by my findings with the cane, I must admit. But ultimately, this is an experience that is truly going to set me free ( I will see to it that it does).

I've been expecting women to be like me (and like many of you reading this)... virtuous, polite, concerned about my fellow man, empathetic with people who are injured, and pursuing a life defined by integrity. I always thought that these were female characteristics (how brainwashed can one man be? Sun Tzu smacks head).

I think that this used to be the case, but TV, magazines, movies, all forms of popular media seem to have eroded these virtues out of most women. Whatever the reason, it is what it is, and I'm going to leverage it to my advantage.

Thanks, Interceptor, for helping me to gain perspective on this. From now on I will be pursuing treasure, not trash.

Sun Tzu

Sun Tzu

Don Juan
Aug 19, 2006
Reaction score
Don Juanabbe said:
Women now act like this more than ever because there is an abundance of AFC losers ready to kiss their ass every single day, and I put the blame mostly on them. It's not until we rid society of tragic AFCness that this shyt will go away.

When you have fat ugly broads acting like this, you know it's reached critical mass, and there are fat ugly broads out there who do act like this because of AFCness in most guys these days.
Well said, Don Juanabbe. I think it's a combination of AFCness and the media. People will swallow hook, line & sinker anything that makes them feel more powerful; more significant. Enter womens' magazines, TV, etc.

Couple that with the weakness and fear of men, and we see the phenomena we are now experiencing. I'm done letting it get me down, though. Let's fight the good fight and show them that we demand a high level of class & integrity.

Sun Tzu

Sun Tzu

Don Juan
Aug 19, 2006
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ketostix said:
Right, we're always told and lead to believe women are caring and considerate, but it's just words and basically untruths. The truth is just the oposite. I've never seen any evidence that women were more caring, nurturing or principled. Women seem to only be driven by their opportunistic and exploitative emotions and instincts. Whether this is because that's their nature, how they are socialized (entitled) by society or both (I think it's both but with a heavy emphasist on conditiong), virtually all women are like this.

The only time a woman can act feminine properly is to her offspring and her man that she's devoted to. This is just her responding to her instincts and emotions basically. But my point is I think it's sort of pointless to look for the 3%, or whatever percentage, of women that are principled because women are only "principled" to a man their devoted to and their offspring.
All excellent points, ketostix, but I'm certain that it's possible to see at least the seeds of principle in a woman. Really, all my serious girlfriends have shown those qualities, which is what triggered the initial attraction. These relationships didn't work out for various reasons, but at least there was a baseline upon which to build a relationship.

How do you resolve this problem yourself? I mean if you feel that women are this way, how are you able to respect them in any way? For myself, I must have respect for them before I can even think about pursuing them. Out of curiosity, are you looking for a LTR or are you just out there having fun? Thanks for the insightful reply.

Sun Tzu

Sun Tzu

Don Juan
Aug 19, 2006
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BacardiGuy said:
I broke my ankle last year and was in a cast and on crutches for a few weeks. Both men and women were more considerate in my experience.

Maybe they just don't relate the cane to serious impairment?
Might be different for a kid. No offense, but you were 17 or 18 at that time and the "motherly instinct" may well have been a part of it.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
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Beyond your peripheral vision
Sun Tzu said:
I wonder if any of the women who are here will weigh in. I have no idea why they're here in a men's forum in the first place, and I certainly doubt that their opinions are truly representative of the female population at-large, but I'd like to hear what their spin is. Either we'll learn something interesting or we'll have a good laugh.
Well... I am always down to provide a good laugh... :rolleyes:

I am actually surprised at your "findings". I can't speak for the female population on this situation. I know that I was raised with a high sense of respect, I would hold a door open for you!

I hold doors open for anyone who needs it, and say thank you whenever someone holds a door open for me.

But I did try to imagine your situation, and why women weren't so helpful. One thing that I thought was possible... maybe they don't want to offend you. You hear alot about how people with disabilities don't want any special treatment, which can make for an uncomfortable situation.

I always play it by ear when in the presense of someone disabled in any way. I try to help out subtly and respectfully, but I am always wondering if I am going to get the famous "I don't need your help or sympathy" tirade we've all seen on hallmark movie of the weeks.

With you being a man, some women might think you'd be even more insulted to recieve help from a woman. And maybe that is why they pretty much ignore you on the street. They don't want it to seem like they are noticing your disability, or that its anything that would stand out to them.

That could be it maybe.

But some of them are probaly just b!tches.

Sun Tzu

Don Juan
Aug 19, 2006
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That might be true for a tiny percentage, but I would think that I would notice their considering this as the interaction occurs. But what I'm seeing is no hesitation whatsoever...just a wholesale, almost instinctive indifference.


Master Don Juan
Jan 8, 2006
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Randallpink83 said:
yeah I can clearly remember several times where a girl thought I would move out of her way, or a group of girls... all of them have been mistaken. I plow right the fvck through. I think its hilarious
So do I. Keep plowing through m8 :D


Senior Don Juan
Apr 11, 2007
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Tell you the truth...

Women are abused FAR MORE than men are.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 11, 2007
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Women are abused for what they are, men are abused for what they can do. I'll make that general statement.

Do you still disagree?


Don Juan
Oct 31, 2007
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I've noticed this same attitude with women as well.

Pay attention in heavy traffic situations. In my personal experience, I have noticed that if someone is coming out of a store and traffic is backed up and you let them in, a man and a woman typically (not ALWAYS, of course) act completely different.

I have noticed that men will throw their hand up in appreciation, in general. On the other hand, I have noticed that women generally do not acknowledge your act of kindness AT ALL. No smile, no hand wave, NOTHING. And if we reverse the scenario, if it is ME who wants to get into traffic, I have noticed that, as a rule, I have to wait for a man to come along before I can even think about "cutting in." It seems that women just either are not paying attention or they just don't care, or don't want to let a "man" in.

And, to be clear, it was my ex-WIFE who pointed this out to me!


Senior Don Juan
Apr 11, 2007
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I've noticed that, but I never cared. Probably the same as the girls that we're talking about.

To me, my guess would be that the girls "get it" all the time. If they responded to every act of kindness as though it were genuine stranger to stranger kindness then they would fall into a manipulators trap. So many times they've been abused for thinking somebody was nice or cool and have been burned for it.

Nexus Polaris

Senior Don Juan
Feb 10, 2007
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Interceptor said:
Sun Tzu, IMO they are reacting to a lower health/vitality impression of you.

they are not responding to you as a human, as in judging your character.
They are responding to their perception of a man who is lower status.

Ailing health/advanced age=perception of lower status male
That was my first thought also.

Sun Tzu - This is my take on it. I came to this conclusion a few weeks ago, and it's pretty much stuck. I haven't seen anything since that's changed my mind.

"I understand now why you're supposed to treat women like children. Because they behave like children. They're essentially adult children. That's why they're to be protected but not ever to be allowed power over you."