I kind of don't know where to turn. (long)


Senior Don Juan
Apr 11, 2002
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*this is going to be a long post, cliff notes are at the end for the lazy*

About 2 years ago I started dating someone. At the time I didn’t think much of it, she was nice and down to earth, cute and seemingly not any kind of head-case. Maybe a month or 2 passes and after getting to know her more, I don’t think she’s the right person for me at the time. I had just moved into town ~6-7 months previously and I was thinking I needed to date around more.

I ended it of course, and she takes it badly, but after all the tears we stay friendly and actually become pretty good friends. Not too long afterwards, she tells me that our breakup kind of opened her eyes and made her realize that she needed to give her life some major CPR – she told me that she really admired me for going for and doing what I wanted (career, lifestyle and such) and how much in control of my life I was, compared to all her ‘friends’, which she described to me as some pretty god-awful people. She took some sort of inspiration from that and turned the breakup into a positive force, thinking that why should she look solely to another person for happiness, feeling bad about herself when it ended, when the force for positive change should come from within her, etc. So she moved into a cheaper place to save some money and enrolled herself back into college and kept working part time as well.

When she told me this, I’ll admit I was relieved that she wasn’t holding a grudge and was happily surprised that she took a not-so-great situation and turned it around for herself. We stayed good friends and communicated a lot over emails, and hung out every now and then for dinner or a movie, etc. For maybe 6-9(?) months we continued our friendship, I see some other women, but none of them develop into anything serious. I don’t relate any of this to this girl I dated before, because I don’t think she would necessarily want to hear it (jealousy?) or it might have some negative impact on our friendship which I wanted to keep going – so I omit any of the sordid details outright. What did it honestly have to do with me and hers friendship anyway?

After those 6-9 months, I see a definite change in this girl. She is different from when I first met/dated her. She’s not at the same dead-end job, is saving $$$ on rent, and is back in school pursuing a degree in something she feels passionate about. She’s working out, losing weight and looking good! She’s turned her life around while mine is sort of stagnating. I’ve been let go from work and having terrible luck finding a new job. She is really supportive to me during this time, as I was supportive for her when she transitioned into the new person she became.

Xmas 2006 rolls around, and I head out of town to visit family. During the holidays I find myself thinking of her and her transformation and begin to miss her, and feel myself being attracted to her more than before. We end up spending New Years Eve together, and a little tipsy, get back together that night. She is not resistant to this, because she’s still had strong feelings for me all along.

So we’re back together and things seem really great between us. A few months pass and I’ve finally found and accepted a job that I’ll have to relocate for about 500 miles away. I ask her off-hand if she’ll move with me…this might have been a major F-up because I kind of blurted it out. I just did not feel like ending things all over again because things between us were much better than before and really working out great...I wanted her to be a part of my life. Long-term girlfriend material here.

Long story short, she decides that yes, she does not want to be apart from me either and thus begins the hellish process of moving/shacking up. I made obligations to start working soon, so I move into our new place a month or so before her, because she has to finish up her semester, quit work, pack, etc. back home. For the month plus we’re apart, we talk on the phone a LOT. She tells me she has major cold feet about uprooting herself because to her it seems that I don’t really care if she’s with me or not…and we start arguing over the phone quite a bit. I reassure her that that is not the case, blah blah calm down - and phone conversations can’t do face-to-face communication any justice and once she’s here she’ll see that everything will be ok. After a month and a half of these pain in the arse phone calls, she finally moves in. She’s excited to start a new chapter of her life and happy to be with me.

We’ve been living together for a month now. I have never, EVER lived with a girlfriend before, let alone lived with a roommate for a good 10 years. It’s been an adjustment to say the least. She’s an awesome roommate, clean, she can cook, really really thoughtful about almost everything. I am sweet and thoughtful right back at her. So far she’s had a couple of job interviews, but nothing solid, and not having an income and basically nothing much to do most of the day is making her really stressed. We’ve had a couple of fights about communication, expectations and such – typical relationship things – but we’ve managed to work them out most of the time.

Last night I get an earful about how she wants to be more sexual with me/intimate with me, how she comes on to me and flirts with me….and that apparently I am not noticing it or I am shutting her down because “I obviously don’t feel that way about her, but you feel that way about everyone else you’ve been with.” I love this girl and to tell you the truth, have been perfectly content without the sex…I know my sex drive isn’t what it used to be, but WTF. I work really hard and am F-ing tired sometimes. Another issue at hand is that she is taking medication along with birth control pills that is making her bleed a bit more that normal, and that is making her uncomfortable when we are intimate, so I kind of feel like I need to hold back so that she doesn’t feel worried about staining the sheets, or me being turned off (I assure her that it is perfectly ok) – I just want her to feel happy.

We’re still fighting about this. I am being pretty quiet and letting her do all the talking, I have no idea what to say…and feel I cannot form the words to explain myself and she’s taking that as an affirmation that I don’t desire her. Fecking hell.


So have I totally f’d up this woman’s life because I’m a selfish mo-fo and should I just kill my AFC self?

1) dated girl
2) i ended it
3) we stayed good friends
4) she took the end of the relationship as a sign she needed to get her life straight and in order, then proceeds to go back to school + working part time - she succeeds, is a new person i find attractive again
5) we get back together
6) 3 months later i have to relocate 500 miles away for work, and ask her to move with me and live with me
7) she moves in - will find work here and transfer to a new school come fall
8) there is not enough sex/intimacy and she is EXTREMELY mad/pissed because she does not feel sexually desired, otherwise, the relationship has been positive


Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
Reaction score
Sounds like a decent woman, and like all women, highly emotional and seeks drama just for drama's sake. Can't tell if she's going to get worse or not, tough call.

I think if you didn't get re-located, you would not have moved in with her. You came to a point in your relationship where it was stay together or break-up forever. I'm not a big advocate of moving in (not for moral reasons, for other reasons).

But now that you are moved in, that's water under the bridge. I'd opt for joint counseling -- I know that's dismissed often on this board, but it can help.

Key issues: intimacy, sex drive, connecting with each other. Need to spend more time together, see if you don't have to work as much.

If she continues to be a drama queen, I'd move on, but it sounds fixable.

Sadly, if you're in the U.S., if you next her, you'll just be going from one drama queen to the next drama queen. This sounds fixable, but I'd definitely get some counseling ... you also need some guy friends and outside hobbies, from what it sounds like. Maybe you do have those.

Good luck. The relationship has potential. After a year you should be engaged or dump her. Women can change after you're with them for a long time, that you can't predict. But after a year, you usually know what you're getting. Living with someone three years won't predict her changing down the road.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
I just moved in with a GF myself, so my troubles are very parallel and fresh to relate.

MY GF trips about silly little stuff ALL THE TIME. I say "trips", I really mean, starts to gripe and gets all negative. And when I say "trips" I mean, "used to trip".

First and foremost, I must tell you, shut that sh!t down as quick as you can. My home is, and will remain, a safe little haven of positive vibage. I don't need to go home to a hellstorm, so I don't. And, since I have a woman in MY home, she MUST conform to the standard.

I'm very "space oriented". I don't talk about problems in the bedroom, and I don't talk about sh!t that is negative/doesn't even need to be discussed AT ALL in my home.

Shut it down, and on the quick-fast. When she starts winding up with some conjurred or imagined "make believe" negativity, back her off, shut her up, change the subject, and confront her about getting riled about bogus crap just for the sake of hearing herself complain - because it affects you.

It sounds to me like she's struggling, so she's living in a mess of negativity, dwelling on negativity, negative, negative, imagining more negative...

So be positive, and MAKE her be as well.

I know it sounds a bit fruity, but seriously, a big DJ thing is having the chick associate you with bad times or bad things, so you MUST move her away from that. If you don't, pretty soon you, your life, and all you do will be considered negative to her.

The thing is, my chick digs me, does stuff, rah-rah-rah, just like your chick does. She's eager to please, and doesn't want to offend, just as your chick is, so it makes straightening her out/training her all the more easy.

When you put your foot down, put it down and don't bend or yield. She needs the strength from you: she's a woman. She needs you to lead her: she's a woman. So don't be afraid to get her off whatever trip she happens to be getting on at any moment.

Sooner than later, sit her down somewhere neutral (like the dining room) and have a very frank, very one-sided, conversation where you explain it to her.

!!IMPORTANT!!! First and foremost, tell her you appreciate her and she's a fine roommate! Compliment her on things she does right before you deliver the criticisms, it will start off the interaction as positive, and explain that you are helping her through a hard time. Then, move right into...

a. Your house.
b. Stop with the negativity - it affects you, you don't want her to be a big pain in your azz
c. What you say goes. When you say, knock it off, she knocks it off, no discussion, because you said "knock it off" for a reason - and for reasons she'll OBVIOUSLY not understand. She has to trust that what you say goes. She got her sh!t together BECAUSE OF YOU, and her sh!t will stay together BECAUSE OF YOU. Remind her of it, it will help her justify WHY she should trust what you say.
d. You appreciate her self-consciousness about sex, but she needn't get hysterical about it. You are intimate, right? If it was a huge deal, you wouldn't be with her, would you? She needs some reassurance to understand that.
e. Check the BS at the door. Make her know that YOUR house is a safe, cozy nest; a port in the storm; a refuge; a place to rejuvinate and prepare to face the next day's BS. Don't bring home garbage, leave it outside or it will stink up the place. Neither of you need to use the other as a whipping post.

Summarize the whole interaction positively, remind her not to freak out because things are, and will be, fine. Then, go do some routine chore and give her a while to internalize and digest what you just told her.

If she trips out while you are having the discussion, shut it down. "No, stop, listen: THIS IS HOW IT IS, THIS IS HOW IT WILL BE." "NO! KNOCK IT OFF! PAY ATTENTION!" Of course, she'll likely cry, get her off that trip as well: "This is nothing to cry about, I'm helping you, this is actually POSITIVE, so KNOCK IT OFF!"

Be a hardass about it, because like I said, she needs your strength. Her tripping out about stuff demonstrates that she's looking to you for the strength, so use that spine in your back and be the pillar of the household.

My chick LOVES the fact that I won't tollerate ANY crap. She foams on and on about how wonderful everything is, IN SPITE of the sh!tstorm outside. And, I know when I get home, and (if) she trips out, I can tell her to knock it off, and she'll comply. Training, my man, training.

I seriously fuxed a previous situation up before by not shutting that chick down. We relocated, she struggled, she stressed, she freaked out, she left. She got home, realized she was an idiot, wanted back, too late. She was awesome, too, and I regret my mistakes. My mistake was that I didn't put a muzzle on her and click a leash to a choke chain so as to give it a good yank when she was "naughty". I just let her go freaking out, making up more crap, freaking out about that, having her imagination get the best of her emotions, and she bounced.

There is no problem, that I can see, beside the fact that you let her imagine there are boogey men in the closet and monsters under the bed. Shut that triffling sh!t down and lead her to sunny days. You two are offically a "team" and you are the "team captain".


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
WestCoaster said:
But now that you are moved in, that's water under the bridge. I'd opt for joint counseling -- I know that's dismissed often on this board, but it can help.
This is pretty much bullsh!t. Counselling? To do what? Turn 86 into a Dr. Phil prodigy? You know that's what would happen, right?

No. Dude was a man, which got the girl, which got the girl to follow/move in. He needs to remain a man, nothing more. Just because he shares a dwelling does not mean he should feminize himself to accomodate.

Counselling? :rolleyes: I can hear it now... "you have to be sensitive to her feelings, you should try to understand her, you should be a douchebag pushover and realize she's always right, blah blah blah, maybe put some sea shell shaped soaps in the bathroom that you can never use..."

Fux counselling. They'll just blame him for everything that's "wrong".
Last edited:


Senior Don Juan
Apr 11, 2002
Reaction score
thanks Vulpine for putting things in perspective. much respect.


Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
Reaction score
Vulpine said:
This is pretty much bullsh!t. Counselling? To do what? Turn 86 into a Dr. Phil prodigy? You know that's what would happen, right?

No. Dude was a man, which got the girl, which got the girl to follow/move in. He needs to remain a man, nothing more. Just because he shares a dwelling does not mean he should feminize himself to accomodate.

Counselling? :rolleyes: I can hear it now... "you have to be sensitive to her feelings, you should try to understand her, you should be a douchebag pushover and realize she's always right, blah blah blah..."

Fux counselling. They'll just blame him for everything that's "wrong".

Just a suggestion, might work, might not ... and yeah, it could backfire, definitely if he got a woman counselor.

Man, Vulpine, you have some serious anger issues, that's for sure.

Also, once you have a girl move in without being married, you just surrendered a lot of your manhood, sorry. You're too chickensh-t to get married, not man enough to make it on your own. Sorry, he's already feminized himself by asking her to move in. A-F-C.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
WestCoaster said:
Man, Vulpine, you have some serious anger issues, that's for sure.

No anger, just not puzzy-footing around in a forum filled with men.

"not man enough to marry"?

Where's your head at these days, WC?


Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
Reaction score
My head is fine. Your opinion isn't the only one out there. Because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean they're wrong and you're right. I won't slap a silly emoticon on here or write some undecipherable B.S., or call everything the "matrix" to make a point. I like some of your posts, I don't like some others, just like you don't like my posts. So be it.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
Hey 86 - you did not reveal your age (?) but I gather that you are 20 something and so is your 'house guest'..

Here is the deal about 'whining' from women - it is attention seeking.
Here is the deal about them picking fights - it is attention seeking.
Here is the deal about her being jealous of your past G/fs - it is attention seeking.
Here is the deal about drama queen tactics - more attention seeking.

WEstern women are drama queens, and attention addicts . They are addicted to being the center of the world and they believe that it is your job to pander to their every emotional whim. LIfe, to them, should be like one long date ..And, if you don't act as if you are continuously 'dating' them, then they whine, toss bad shyte, get huffy, accuse you of being cold -blah blah.
Welcome to the world of "daddy's little princess ."
They truly belive that bad stuff SHOULD never happen to them (because they are women ) and that they are ENTITLED to a life of excitement, romance and self indulgent luxury ALL provided by you. If they do not get their NEEDS (whims) met then logically it is your fault. Get it !
Do NOT play into this crap by trying to understand her. That gives all this drama more oxygen.

Men need these things from a woman 'partner' - loyalty, trust, commitment,
respect and a vigorous sexual involvement.
HOw much are YOU getting ?.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
Hey 86 - you did not reveal your age (?) but I gather that you are 20 something and so is your 'house guest'..

Here is the deal about 'whining' from women - it is attention seeking.
Here is the deal about them picking fights - it is attention seeking.
Here is the deal about her being jealous of your past G/fs - it is attention seeking.
Here is the deal about drama queen tactics - more attention seeking.

WEstern women are drama queens, and attention addicts . They are addicted to being the center of the world and they believe that it is your job to pander to their every emotional whim. LIfe, to them, should be like one long date ..And, if you don't act as if you are continuously 'dating' them, then they whine, toss bad shyte, get huffy, accuse you of being cold -blah blah.
Welcome to the world of "daddy's little princess ."
They truly belive that bad stuff SHOULD never happen to them (because they are women ) and that they are ENTITLED to a life of excitement, romance and self indulgent luxury ALL provided by you. If they do not get their NEEDS (whims) met then logically it is your fault. Get it !
Do NOT play into this crap by trying to understand her. That gives all this drama more oxygen.

Men need these things from a woman 'partner' - loyalty, trust, commitment,
respect and a vigorous sexual involvement.
HOw much are YOU getting ?.


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2006
Reaction score
Why can't you have the sex with her other than that excuse about being tried!! How old are is my next question and is there more going on than what you are telling? Before you had her move in with you, how much sex was you giving her? Man... If you don't start giving her some, she will be looking elsewhere. I am telling you that right now. Is she not doing it for you, what??? I read cliff notes, sorry I am lazy


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
I recommend you read what Vulpine has said over and over until it sticks and implement his suggestions in your relationship. You need to take charge, be a man and not let her bring her negative state into your life constantly. Instead, you create the frame and state of positivity and help her experience that. Plus you might want to try being active and doing some activities together such as working out at the gym and roller blading/biking/hiking.


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
sf ca
why aren't you having more sex with her? most guys would love to be in your situation with a woman that wants more sex than you do. why? are you attracted? How old are you? I don't give this relationship much of a chance. It probably was a mistake to not make a clean exit after the first breakup. I don't see why you had to move in together. It sounds like its all a bit dysfunctional and it sounds like you are a bit codependent. You wonder a lot about how she feels and did you ruin HER life and you made this joke about suicide. Its sounds like you have personal issues that you need to straighten out by yourself. You sound needy and dependent on her.